HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1984-10-23 .. RESI~HIAL" APPLICATIONIPERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 Job Location' d 0 ~ 7 ~ _ ';:) / ABCeBCO"" Map n \iD33\...cf\-2 Subdivision: T= Lot nL:>i2::LXJ / !A.me" Ln1 (j A ~ ~.P'~) Addres", ~ (J ::J. 0:, & .1 Y)! City' \~ M /J(}/J, o)1!2 -/ ~ . Receipt" h ~ 7_<:;'~ . N /c!;;).3 )~~ tD/ 797 - / 33:2 -~ (!J;L[/J~1I ~ Phone: 7~7- /~-?, </ ~ Zip' 9'7 <(/7 7 nn N~" 4 A I' ' /J ~ ~e";'be r"o"k, Addition -U/ o-f!'-(i" ~ n RemodeZ ~~ (b;/ ~ n .'lob".Z. Rom. ,/ ! Date of AppZicaticn--1..Q.,Lf; ~ / Jrtj Contractors ~J General PZwnbing Electrical l1echar.ic.::.l COl'tIJtl"Uction Lender vazu/1 050. ()rJ Address Signed: Date: ~/ . /cVa ~f Lisc.# Expil'es Plwne is readtW':e I . I It; is the roesponDibitity of ths permit holder to see that aU inDpections are made at the p:t'oper tim~~ that ecch ~e88 f1."OlT1 t1w street, and that the pcrrm:t card is "Located at the fpOnt of the property. .BuiZding Di.vi=ion approt.'ed pLan shell remain on thE Building sits at aU times. PROCSDUP.E FOn INSPECTION RE:QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City design.ated job nw::ber~ job a.dC:t>ess~ type of in:;pec-;icn requestad a~d when you will be ready for inspection~ Contractors or OWners ~e and phone number. Requests received before 7:00 ac. :..'i'Ll be made the same dc.y~ requests made after 7:00 am LJill be made the next :.x;rking day. l?p.gl11:rpn T1'lR,;?Pr!{:1:f':l'JR O SITE INSPECTION: To be made after excavation, but prior to set up of forms. O UNDERS~AB PLUI-IBING, E~ECTRICAL & MECHANICAL: To be made before any work is covered. o FOOTING & FOUNDATION, To be made after trenches are excavated and forms are erected~ but prior to pouring concret~. o WlD'ERGFfOUND PLUMBING.. SEWER. W.1TEl1 pRAINAGE: To be made prior to fil- .lir.g trenches. o UIIDERFWOR PW/.IBING & MECHAIIICA~' To be made prior to installation of 11001' insulation or decking. POST AND BEAU: To be T1'.adc prior to installation of [Zoor insu.lation or decking . ROUGH PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & MECH- ANICAL: No work is to be cOl..'ered .until thase inspections have beer. made and approve":. FIREPLACE: Prior to pZaair.g facing materials and before framing inspec- tion. O FRAMING: Must be requested after approval of rough pllDi.bing~ electr>i- .cal & mechanical. All roofing bracing & chinmcys~ eta. nr~st be :'completcd. No work is to be con- . .. .>.,ceGled until this inspection has ~ be~n made and approved. o o D Your City Deaigr.ated Job Nwnber Ia: O INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made after all. insul:::tum ar.d . . . rcquil'ed vapor ba::rriers are in place . . but before any lath~ gypsum board or LXIU covering is appl.ied~ and before any inaulation is concealed. D DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made after all. d.:ryr.xI.U is in place~ but pl'iol' to any taping. 0, ~SONRY: Steel location~ bond beam:; ~ grou ting or vertica ls in accordance with U.B.C. Section . 2415, ~ODSTOVE: After installation is 9 ccmpleted. o o CTlRR I: APP1?OACH AP.WN: Afte:t' forms are erected but prior to pouring concrete. SIDEWALl< & DRIt'EWAY: For all con- crete paving within street l'ight- .of-wc.y~ to be made after all exca- vating complete & foPom wol'k & sub- base rooterial in place. 'Jf</o 7702. DEUOLITIOH 08. .~:OVED BUILDIilGS ~ Sani tary Se'.J81' :;:ccpped t::.t p~op&rt:i lir.e ~ Septia tank p-..c:-:ped a:1d fi l. 'La-d tn th gra~e i. r Final - r{hen ab...--ve ite."':1s are co.'rrpleted ---1 and when demolition is complete or stru~- ture moved and premises cleaned up. I Mobile Hemes =:J Blocking and Set-up =:J Plumbing connections -- s~er and water ---, Electrical Connection - Blocking~ set-up ~ and plumbing connections nr~st he approved . befol'c reque8t~ng electrical inspec-;io~ ~ Acces:;ory Building ~ FinaL - Aft&r porches, skirting~ decks~ ---1 etc. are camplet&d. o All project conditions~ Guch as the installation of street trees~ c~"':lpZetion of the requir>ed landsccping~ etc. ~ must be satisfied before the BUIWING fINAL can 'be requested. i 0 FIlIAL PLUMBIlIG r !D FIliAL NE~HANICA~ I iD FINAL ELECTRICAL I ;!~ o FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be requested cfter the PinaZ Plwnbing Electrical~ and Mechar.ical Inspectiona have been made and approvad. o PENCE: When complete -- Provide. gates or movable sections through P.U.E, !tALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS nUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTUEtlT TO BE /.fA.DE AT NO C'JST TO CITY 'page 1 of 2 o IJOB I Zona: No,X,-/(J77d..,SOLAR .ESS Occupanc~ Grou~: ~c.ga <:; R EQ.- - L'-COG"l> T;'pe/Cor.st: Bedroor.:s: Lot Sq. Ftg. WT TYPE I Lot Faces - , . Ene'I'au SO"dl'CeS Ti.roe ~ af lot Caverag~ Intericr I Setbacks Heat I P.L. I House Carage I Access. Water Yp.atp.l' # of Stories Cor>ner INorth: Range Total Height Panhandle lEast I Fireo lace Topography CuZ-de-sac South I WoodGtove IWent 1,1 lITEM ISQ.FTG X I Main I Garace I I Carvort I I ACCeS801'U I I TOTAL VALUE Is,D,c. {vct..UC} 1.5 x Value Building Permit State Surcharge Total Charoges lITEM I Fixtu:r>es IResidentiaZ (1 bath) I Sanital"'1l Sewer . NO. FEE CHARGE Water Plumbing Perrr:i t State SUl'cr.arge Total Charaes lITEM I Res. Sa. fta. I NetJ/Extend Cil'c:ui ts Temporary Service 1110'1 I I I FEE CHARGE Electrical Permit State Surcha:rqe Total Cha:raes IITSM I Furnace PTU' S t Exhaust Hood I Vent Fan I Woodsto;;e I I NO,' I PEE CHARCE I I I I I, t"' o-v I I I I I 0J I )5'". (0/)1. I 1/ I I I Permit Issuance Mechanical Permit State Surcharoe T"tal CharOP-lJ -- ENCROACHMENT -- I Sec-dri tll DZpOsi t I Storage I Maintenan:::e I Permit i Totat Chal"cas I Curb",,; Sidewalk Fen:::e lElectrical Label I Mobile Home I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: 4 I I /~-.b(jl. Fees Building Value & Permit This permit ia granted on the express condition that the sdid const1"Uction shatl~ in aZl respccts3 conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of SpT'ingfield3 incZuding the Zoning c:rdinance3 regulating the ccnstructicn and UGe of building8~ and may be sucpended 01' revoked at any time upon vic- lation of any provisions of said Ordinances. I, I I I I. I ptan Check Pee: loate Paid: I Reodpt #: I Signed: Plumbing Permit No person shalt. constr>uct3 in8taU~ alter 01' change any neU) Cl' e:::isting plumbing 01' drainage system in ~hole 01' in part3 ur.tess such person is the legal possessor of a valid plwnber's license3 except tr.at a pe:-son may do plumbing work to property which is owned3 leased 01' operated by the appli- cant, I I I. I I I Electrical Permit Where State Laz.J requires ty..at the electrical work be done by an Electrical Contractor3 the electrical portion of this permit shall r~t be valid until the label has been signed by the Electrical Contractor. . Mechanical Permit Plan Examl,nel' Lfaz;e I l . I I I I HAVE CAREFULLY EXANINED the completed application for permit3 and do hereby certify that all i~formation he1"eon is true and corrcct3 and I r~rther certify that any arA all work perfo~ed shall be done in accor- dance lJith the Ordinances of the City of Springficld3 and th~ Ia...:s of the State of 01"eg,:m pS1"taining to the work described he1"ein~ and that NO OCCU- PANCY lJiZl be TTrlde of any structUX'2 without parmissio'!'l. of the Building Di- vision. I further certify that o~ly contra~toP8 ar~ e~lDyees who are in c~pliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project ~v0 () ;/~~ ( 6 - 2.3.fj 1 Date signsd