HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 01-52 07/16/2001 . . . RESOLUTION NO 01-52 A RESOLUTION INITIATING ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD AND REQUESTING THAT THE LANE COUNTY. LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COMMISSION APPROVE THE ANNEXATION REQUEST BY EXPEDITED PROCESS. I WHEREAS, the City Council is authorized by ORS 199.490(2)(a)(B) to initiate :annexation upon receiving consent in writing from a majority of the electors registered in the territory proposed to be annexed and written consent from owners of more than half the lanbl in the territory proposed to be annexed (Exhibit A), and I I WHEREAS, the property owner of the territory proposed to be annexed signe~ the request to annex (Exhibit B) and a majority of the electors registered in the territory also signed, and I I WHEREAS, the territory to be annexed is within the Eugene-Springfield Urban Growth Boundary, and can be provided with a full range of key urban services i~cluding sanitary sewer, water, storm drainage, police and fire protection, electrical service, land use controls, street lights and paved streets, recreational facilities and library. i I NOW THEREFORE THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DOES RESOLVE AS FOLUOWS: I I Section 1: The Common Council of the City of Springfield does hereby recomrrend approval of the annexation of the subject territory to the City by the Lane County Lqcal Government Boundary Commission, Lane County, Oregon, said territory being described as follows: I i Township 17 South, Range 3 West, Section 22, Tax Lots 300 and 70q; as more particularly described in Exhibit C of this Resolution. i Section 2: The Council further requests that the Lane County Local Goveinment Boundary Commission approve the annexation using an expedited process. I I Section 3: This Resolution is further supported by the agreement between the applicant and the City that a primary use of the annexed property will be for the extehsion of Pioneer Parkway to connect with Beltline Road. I ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this 16th day of II July, vote of ::,6 for and ~against. I APPROVED by the Mayor of the City of Springfield this 16th day of July, 2001. ~ --- I I I I i I ! 2001, by a Mayor ATTE R S'if-eVIJ\!.O ""\t-l~ ~\.,\t~~~i!:O ~,s. ~ ,.::: ~,'" ~'" i ., I ~ I -:2. 00 \ I oJ 0 ')~ \"~ ) \.. c. ~ \~....: I O\~~c:.a. O~ C1:'T'( '\\\O\'to.).( City Recorder ATTACHMENT B-1 FORM #1 ~ :.'./ jf-;.! ':.::. >;'\. TO: LANE COUNTY LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COMMISSION , i I We, the undersigned, constitute the owners of at least one-haJf of the land area of thy property described in the attachment marked "Exhibit A" AND i I i We desire to be annexed to the City of Springfield. A map is attached marked "Exh~bit B," sho~ing the affected territory and its relationship to the prese.nt city limit boundaries. . ,. , The annexati const tes a minor boundary change under the Boundary Commission Act and should therefore by th Bo ndary Commission , study, a Final Order should be lentered by the Boundary ! : , PreSident Sycan B. Corporation Mf7JI 26,2!>>! I . By Date By Date MAP# 17-03-22 LOT# 300 & 700 MAP# LOT# . I I i I i i I With the above signature, I am verifying that I have the authority to consent . I to the annexation on my own behalf or on behalf of my frrm, agency or trust. I , I I ~" . B-2 .. . .. '. PETITION SIGNATURE SHEET Owners I Electors (Note: This petition may be signed by qualified persons, eV~n though they do not know their tax lot numbers.) I NAME ADDRESS TAX LOT NUMBERS , , Twp R ISec IA 1/16 Lot # I (Example) John Doe 135 6th A venue East, Eugene I ....--..... I .--.. I ~ \u.tPx"~ 1~Cf1 ~rft,.O ' I , J 3cfg3 G~ ". \k1, \1 0> 'i"l.. ~oo Kti-sfiYl ~A 11m' - ~.rk; A(l_II. S,t=uI. I I 34-~3 G I\'Vtt e ~ ftII. li. 03 "2J.1- 300 , , I I I , , I i I , I i I I I : : , , I I I I I I i , , I i I , I I I - I , I I I I I I I I , I I i I I I I , I , I I , . I , .h the above signature, I am verifying that I have the authority to consent to the a~exation on my own alf or on behalf of my firm agency or trust. I I ' I B-3 PETITION SIGNATURE SHEET OWners I Electors (Note: This petition may be signed by qualified persons, eW;n though they do not know their tdx lot numbers.) NAME ADDRESS TAX LOT NUMBERS I Twp R ! See IA 1116 Loti I (Exam~Ie) John Doe 135 6th A venue East, Eugene , , I , ~Q~,l~~ S P~'4 : 3 3 ~'1 ~~t.~\A.~ JCl:O 11 03 Q.2.. 70u I ~ ~f'~ \, (i~ '2,.'l.. 700 ~3g1 c;.~c:- f;q.~~ oU. I ! I I ! , I I I , i I I I j I ! I I I I I ! I I I ! I . I 1 I 1 ! ! I I I I I I , , , , , : I I , I : I , . I With the above signature, I am verifying that I bave the authority to coosent tu the anilexatiou ou my own .If or on behalf of my firm agency or trust. ' " . ,- i~k~ 8-4 . . . Lane E'X~-C County I:\CDCC\ELEC\L TR\CERTIF OF REG VOTERS for annex.doc FORM #2A 1 I Exhibit C-3 I Certification of Registered Voters (Form # 2A) i CERTIFICATION OF REGISTERED VOTERS I hereby certify that Lane County Elections has certified 2 valid signatures of registered I voters at the following addresses and corresponding map & tax lots as provi4ed by the petitioner pertaining to the total annexation area for the petition: i I , Street Address 3483 Game Farm Rd, Springfield 3387 Garm Farm Rd, Springfield Map & Tax Lot 1703220000300 1703220000700 Reg Voters 2 o V1aIid Sigs 2: 01 I hereby certify that there are 2 valid signatures out of the 2 registered vot~rs at the address/map & tax lots provided above, representing 100% of all registered toters for the map & tax lots indicated above. : Dated this 28th day of June, 2001 ~~ Roxann Marshall Elections Supervisor DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES CHIEF DEPUTY COUNTY CLERK I ELECTIONS B - 5 135 EAST 6TH AVENUE / EUGENE, OR 97401-2926 / (541) 682-4234 / FAX (541) 68f-2303 I I I Beginning at a point on the Easterly margin of County Road No.3, (Game Farm Road~ (30.00 feet from, when measured at right angles to, the centerline of Game Farm Road); said point bears South 89056'00" West, 1921.49 feet from a point on the East line ofthe William M. St~vens I Donation Land Claim No. 46, in Township 17 South, Range 3 West, Willamette Mericiian, which is South 26029'56" East, 981.30 feet from the Northeast corner of said William M. Ste~ens Donation Land Claim No. 46; thence along said Easterly margin of Game Farm Road, : North 4011'56" West, 244.31 feet; thence North 85048'04" East, 5.00 feet; thence NOI1h 4011'56" West 122.68 feet; thence leaving said Easterly margin of Game Farm Road North 890~6'00" East, parallel with the north line of the aforesaid William M. Stevens Donation Land Claim No. 46, 351.12 feet; thence North 0003'00" East, 65.00 feet; thence NORTH, 156.20 feet; thence North 89056'00" East, parallel with the north line of the aforesaid William M. Stevens Donation Land Claim No. 46, 308.00 feet; thence South 26047'00" East, 657.70 feet to a point on the!North line of that tract conveyed to Edsel Wayne Chase and wife by deed recorded October 18, ~956, Reception No. 97215, Lane County Oregon Deed Records; thence South 89056'00" West along said north line, 933.67 feet to the point of beginning, all in Lane County, Oregon. Co~taining 9.02 Acres, more or less. Description for Annexation to' the City of Springfield ..;; II ~ f~ I :~ ~: ~~ ~: I II ~: g~ ~~ ~:' ~~ I I RIVER BEND PARK - PHASE II ~i :=: I g ::: ::; ~~ ::: ::: ~~ .;. '.' r,: ~~ 11 ~: I I:: i1 .:. i:: III i:: t: ~: ~: ~~ ~~ !~~ r: .............~...."'......................................................'.'.............................................................................................................................................'.................-.........;....................................................................................................~......................................................................~~................................................................................................................................:: 8-6 --.. -"-.~-. // N'.:a/ , -.~ /~// // .'--'--~,- . II..... '- .. ~l ~r .."r.,~ I I . ~ T~~ I l:::R, 1- Xx " ,. gJt~ uJj "illilllJ ~ ~,~ 0 B8 ~"JLrM ~I~.T~ ~ .~, ",x:~ j~ w-~~~ "" T _ _ I~ 0><<' · r -=' ~ ,_ ., _,_" y, x .- II , " - . dFE - ..-1. 3ft~EB ~ ^ ~ ~ c__ >3~ ".. .f"' I ,..' T n~~ I J-L _,I.... l r ..,,?f )( v ~ ,; . ~u _ l' 1/ V (X)' ~ _A r"-. \ ~. ') ''XSSl' PDl2J'~ _~:r=Pa <:.-- ~ m - ~ ,:. JJ 1rMhIrltrY~)C/~ .... _! _ ~:/ 0< ~t=:; r~~TI:I]{~ ' I ~ _II . ,.' ~ ~I ". .. . -~. 0<, ~~'~lli~~ TL8ri'l It;Ir ~ K-/ I 131.. ,)1i" .' ,=HOII l-='J1T ~ ' .t ~~ ,lOV 'I~' -R> l::j-'.rrTT.... ' U ~ ~ 'v '>' IVIv')< X V _ -"1"'11" 16{' . , (\j(~ 'J, . I~ ~ VK P 'H" .. J;9 ,~,*y , \ ) I X-- V .:!>.L '- , -;~' , ~-~:;;; /~I // N _'. .,(;:~;',; . . . City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Phone: (541) 726-3759 Fax: (541) 726-3689 SPRINGFIELD Annexation A~lication TRANS#:Ol-0006029 DATE:JUN 29 2001. AMT RECD:2 $ 915.00 CHANGE: CABHIEF;:020 , 33 B 7 Ei tl.r)t.L Rlr.t.<<. ~ Location of the Property is in Northwest Springfield at end of Eeltline Highway ?,4- t;, :, .... lot. \, , I ".', , to the NOrtheast of South G:3iJe Fann Road and Eeltlinei Highway. I , I . Assessor's Map(s) and Tax Lot(s) of the property in the request, (please indicate i;f only a portion of a lot is included in the request and attach any additional map and lot numbers on a sepatate sheet of paper.) I 1 Map # 17-03--22 Lot # 700 Map # Lot # Map # 17--D3--22 Lot # 300, Map # Square Feet or 8.58 Lot # Area of Request Acres I i i i I . I I Proposed Use(s) of the Property Right of way for Pioneer Parkv.ey Extension and iconnection of , I I Eeltline Highway :i.ncluding area for stonn water and possible public open spaqe. i I I I I I Phone:541~344-5SOO I I i I i Existing Use(s) of the Property A ~e family rental houses Cd) Applicant Name Arlie & Canpany - Owner and Applicant Address 722 COtmtry Club Rd. . Eugene, OR 97401 Owner Name(s) Sycan B. Corporation Address 840 Beltline Rd. Ste. 202 The undersigned a I For Office Use Only: Journal No. ~CO I - Ofo-D 13> S Received By Map No. \1-03-22"00 Tax Lot "3001100 Date Accepted as Complete ' Revised 12128/00 ATTACHMENT 0-1 . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ANNEXATION APPLICATION NARRATIVE ., Prepared by Arlie & Company 722 Country Club Rd. Eugene, OR 97401 June 26, 2001 REQUEST: Arlie & Company and Sycan B Corp., property owhers, requests annexation of lots 300 and 700 of Tax Map # 17-03-22 ihto the city of Springfield. ! , I I I I I . 0-2 . III. IV. . . TABLE OF CONTENTS I. SITE INFO RMA TI 0 N ...............................................................1........3 I I I BACK G ROUND ..... .... ...... ......... ............ ................ ............ .... ..... ~..... ...4 I I I ANNEXA TI 0 N CRITERIA ......................................................1........5 II. I I A. City of Springfield Code Section 6.010 General........~........L......5 1 B. City of Springfield Code Section 6.030 Standards .............l........5 1 i SUMMARy................................................................................. ~........ 9 I EXHIBITS A. Legal Description of Proposed Annexed Area. B. Maps of Proposed Annexed Area. 1. Vicinity Map 2. County Tax Lot Maps C. Copy of City of Springfield's Annexation Application 1. Boundary Commission - Owner's Annexation (Form #1) 1 2. Certification of Property Owners (Form #lA) i 3. Certification of Registered Voters (Form #2A) I including petition signature sheet-electors. i 4. Boundary Commission - Information Sheet I I I D. Arlie & Company's Corporate Authorization/Company President. I 1 I I 6/26/2001 Page 2 of2 Annexation Application to The City ofSpimgfield 0-3 . I. SITE INFORMATION A. Site Location: I 1 1 , The site is located in northwest Springfield along the east side df Game Farm Road South at end of Beltline Highway. Previous annexation order 1181 (S SP 01~17) for the land to the south forms the southern bound~ry of the subject site. This site is contiguous to the previously annexed p;roperty. To the north of the subject site are eight small residential parcels containing seven dwelling units. I I I 1 I B. Tax Lots: 300 and 700 of Tax Map # 17-03-22 c. Size of Site: 8.58-acres D. Land Use Designation: E. I 1 The site is located within Urban Growth Boundary as depicted: on the Metro Area General Plan Map. The area is also located within the Springfield Gateway Refinement Plan area. This site's projected land use designation is Medium Density Residential. : I 1 i There are two single-family houses on Tax Lots 300 and 700 a!t the end of Beltline Highway. In addition, there are several agricultural ~pe out- building remaining on the subject site. i Existing Uses: . F. Site Conditions: I The topography ofthe subject site consists of a gently rolling ~urface with a meandering swale. This swale runs along the south edge of subject site then 1 turns north. Prior to development in the area this swale flowed north undisturbed, eventually to Maple Island Slough, part of the MdKenzie River. There appears to be a small wetland area associated with this swaIe. ! I I . 6/26/2001 Annexation Application to The City of Spimgfield Page 3 of3 0-4 . I I II. BACKGROUND/REASON FOR ANNEXATION: This site is critical to the construction of Pioneer Parkway and develbpment of the 94 acres to the south. This site will be part of a development that is ~lose in to the Urban Built environment yet has very few development constraints. i This site is above the 100-year flood plain. Arlie & Company wants to ensure tpe site is properly planned to take the best advantage of this site. I Arlie & Company purchased Tax Lot 300 and is final stages of purchasing Tax Lot 700 from Sycan B Corp. Arlie & Company, as the single proper+ty owner/developer of this site and the larger development to south sitel will have much greater design flexibility in creating a Master Plan Communit1-. ! I The Metro Area General Land Use Diagram designation indicates th;e areas to be developed as Medium Density Residential. This means the site can be developed over 15 to 20 years with 1,800 dwelling units and having an estimat~d population of over 5,000 people. However, this area may not be limited to just Medium Density Residential development. The city's McKenzie-Gateway C6nceptual Development Plan indicates the sites (including the surrounding are~) could accommodate up to 15 to 20 acres of Commercial development as p~rt of a Master Planned Nodal Mixed Use project. To understand this need for additional commercial as set forth by the city by The McKenzie-Gateway Condeptual Development Plan requires an examination of the existing uses orlatk of goods and services in the Gateway area. A grocery store, drug store, and fl:orist are examples of just some of the uses the Gateway area lacks. In additiqn, a Neighborhood Commercial area would provide the missing day-to-d1ay goods and services to the existing residents and the Campus Light Industrial and Corporate uses located to the north. In addition, the draft Transportation Plan ihdicates this site may be suitable for Nodal Mixed-Use development, a developm~nt pattern that promotes less traffic through a mix of residential types and denshies and supporting goods and services. According to the city's transportatio~ planners, such a development provides the opportunity to lessen peak traffic trips in the area. There is also the possibility of developing elderly care retirem~nt facility/community on the subject site. ! , Arlie & Company is seeking annexation of this site for purpose of inborporating into the development site to the south. This site is critical to the con~truction of Pioneer Parkway. Arlie & Company has an Annexation Agreement that establishes how the required infrastructure will be put in place prior to development including the understanding that the developer includiJg all future owners cannot proceed with any development of the site until the city has an approved and there is a recorded Master Plan as provided for in Arti6le 37 of the Springfield Development Code. I . . 6/26/2001 Annexation Application to The City ofSpirngfield D-5 Page 4 of 4 . III. ANNEXATION CRITERA: SPRINGFIELD CODE SECTION 6.010-GENERAL I , , I "Any territory proposed to be annexed shall be within the Springfield's urban growth boundary. " i , I Analysis: The Eugene/Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan diagram (land use map) indicates that the subject site is located within the urban growth boundary. The city of Springfield (city limits) is located to t~e north containing such uses as Sony Disc Manufacturing Operation land the Symantec Office Building, which is currently under construc'tion. The east edge ofthe Gateway area some 1,200 feet to the west is ~ithin the Springfield city limits. To the south side is the 94-acres of hind annexed to Springfield on June 13,2001. The immediately surrounding area to the I west and to the south ofthe 94-acres even though developed :to an urban density is outside the city of Springfield. Based upon the loc~ation of the site a finding can be made that the subject site is within the Urban Growth I Boundary therefore, eligible for annexation to the city of Springfield. \ I B. SPRINGFIELD CODE SECTION 6.030-STANDlJ:\RDS I i "(2) Annexations processed directly with the City shall comply with Subsections (a) or (b) below:" The important word here is "or" therefore only (2)(a) needs be addressed. I I i H(a) Territory in the annexation proposal can be providedl the minimum level of key urban facilities and services, as defined in Metro; Plan Policy 7.a., page I-B-4......" This metro plan policy states "(a) A minimum level of key urban facilities and services can be provided to the ar~a in an orderly and efficient manner. They consist of sanitary sewer; solid waste management, water service, fire and emergency medical se~ices, police protection, parks and recreation programs, electric service, lane use controls, communication facilities, and public schools on a district-wide basis (in other words, not necessarily within walking distanck of all students served). Paved street with adequate provision for storm water I run off and pedestrian travel, meeting applicable local policies, are I important, particularly in new developments and along existing streets heavily used by pedestrians. " . A. Analysis: The area is already served by a number of urban services. In addition, because of the urban development that has previously occurred to the west and south, the surrounding area including the subject site can be easily served by all the key urban services in an orderly and efficient manner. The site as part of the McKenzie Gateway Conceptual Devel9pment Plan I . 6/26/2001 i Page 5 of5 Annexation Application to The City ofSpirngfield 0-6 . . . I I I I the city has determined how the subject site will be provided with key urban services. The land owner/developer has previously w6rked out an annexation agreement with the city staff to ensure the orderly and timely development of the area including construction of Pioneer Parkway. The following examines the key urban facilities: i . Vehicular Access/Paved Street: Game Farm Road South currently serves the subject site along its western edge. Game Farm Road South has a rural cr~ss-section, asphalt mat without curb and gutters. ! In addition, the planned extension of Pioneer Parkwa~, a limited access Arterial Street will cross the subject site to the: Beltline Highway. This major transportation corridor willha~e a significant impact on the development of the site, and effectively I divides the site into two separate areas. The residents west of the subject site wants to keep the rural road appearance or Game Farm Road South by redirecting the areas through traffic and vehicles from any future development onto Pioneer Parkway. iThe city's conceptual development plans indicated development of site should not have any direct access to Game Farm Road South. Based on all of the above facts a finding can be made: that vehicle access/streets will be built to urban standards and prohded prior to the development of site. ! I o Pedestrian Travel:. The subject site upon arhlexation as I part of the development of the site is subject to compliance to all the city of Springfield's adopted development standards. These standards include regulations pertaining to public sidewalks along streets, pedestrian a~d bicycle pathways, etc. Based upon the forgoing analY,sis a finding can be made that pedestrian access facilities will be provided as part of the future development of the site. I Storm water run-off: There is no constructed storm drainage system serving the subject site. Upo* annexation of the subject site as part of the construction of Pioneer Parkway and the development of the site the s~orm water run-off will be managed in conformance to both federal and city storm management regulations. The subj~ct site is critical to the management of the area's storm Iwater. Based upon the forgoing analysis a finding caq be made that storm water run-off facilities will be provided as part of the future development of the site. ; I , , , I o 6/26/2001 Page 6 of6 Annexation Application to The City of Spirngfield 0-7 . . I I I . I Samtary Sewer: I I Currently, the subject site is not directly served by ahy sanitary sewer system. A 15 and an 18-inch gravity line along Game Farm Road was proposed for the area. The current plan is for the city to install an 18-inch gravity line as part of the construction of Pioneer Parkway through the western portion of the subject site. Based upon the foregoing analysis a finding can be made th~t sanitary sewer system will be provided to the subject site priot to the future I development of the area. ! . Solid Waste Management: I I I Several garbage haulers (solid waste haulers) current~y service the area. A finding can be made that the subject site is c1;lrrently provided with solid waste management services. I Water Service: . I I I The Springfield Utility Board (SUB) operates the water system within the Springfield city limits. The Rainbow Wat6r District I provides water service to existing developments outs~de the city limits, in the vicinity ofthe subject site. A major por1ion of the site is outside any existing water service district. Accord~ng to Metro Plan Policy, SUB is the designated water provider fOf urban development. Therefore, water system improvement~ are required to be constructed to SUB's Standards. The McKenzie-Gateway Conceptual Development Plan indicates the subject site will be served by a 24-inch water line along Beltline Road tol Game Farm Road South. In addition, a 16-inch or larger water main will be installed as part of the construction of Pioneer Parkw~y. Therefore, based upon the above analysis a finding dn be' made that potable water will be provided to the subject site prior to the development of the subject site. I . . Fire and Emergency Services: . The McKenzie-Gateway Conceptual Development Pl~n identifies that the city of Springfield owned parcel on Game Fa~ Road South just south of the subject site as a potential site for a fire station. The city has chosen to construct a fire station! further south along the west side of Game Farm Road South. Resp6nse time to the subject site will be below the city's response standard, because this station is not manned. The land owner/developer:understands that until this new fire station is staffed any new development on I I 6/26/2001 Annexation Application to The City of Spimgfield Page 7 of7 D-8 . . . the subject site may be required to provide fire spri~ler systems in each building. Based upon the above analysis a finding can be made that fire and life safety and fire emergency sen(ices can be provided to the subject site as part of development o~the site. . Police Protection: I The Springfield Police presently uses Game Fann Ro;ad South when it's traveling between the Campus Light Industrial Area I (Sony plant to the north) and the areas of the city aloIj1g Harlow Road and to the west of Game Fann Road South. Up:on annexation the area will be provided police protectioq. by the Springfield Police Department, therefore a finding can be made . I that Police protection will be provided upon annexatipn. I · Parks and Recreational Programs: . The McKenzie-Gateway Conceptual Development Phm scenario's includes several small park sites. As part of Master ~lanning of the larger development an integrated park and pedestiian path system will be created. A finding can be made that Parks and Recreational Programs will be available to the future residents of the subject site upon annexation. i I I I Electrical Service: I i The McKenzie-Gateway Conceptual Development Plan identifies a city owned parcel on Game Fann Road South also ~s a potential site SUB electrical substation. This substation has bebn built on I this referenced site and is surround on three sides by the subject site. SUB's capital facility plans calls for a backbone I feeder line along the planned Pioneer Parkway Extension connecting to the substation. Therefore, a finding can be made that ele~trical service is presently available to the subject site. : . i Communication Facilities: I I I Communication facilities presently serve the surrounding area of I the subject site. In addition, telephone and cable tele"jision lines generally follow the routing of electrical service lines las the area is developed. The site currently has U.S. Postal Service.! A finding can be made that communication services and facilities will be provided to the subject site as the site is developed. ' 6/26/2001 Page 8 of8 Annexation Application to The City of Spirngfield 0-9 , , . . . IV. . Public Schools: . i The subject while located within the Springfield fearl of influence I of the Metro Urban Growth Boundary is part of the Eugene School District 4-1. Nevertheless, a finding can be made that public school service is available to the subject site and will! not change after annexation of the site. : i I , Land Use Controls: : I i Upon annexation the subject site will be under the jurisdiction of I the city of Springfield. The city of Springfield has adopted the full . I range of development and zonmg standards that controls how development occurs including technical construction;standards. All future development must comply with the city of;Springfield development standards. Therefore, a finding can be made that land use controls will be in place to guide development after annexation of the subject site. SUMMARY: I The subject site located within the urban boundary may be converted from urbanizable lands designation to urban land use designation as long ~s the subject site can be provided with the minimal levels of key urban facilities and services. The above narrative and previously agreed upon Annexation Agreement verifies that the subject site has or will have all the urban facilities at the timb of development. Therefore, the subject site should be annexed as recorhmended by city staff. We pray that the proposed annexation application be recobunended for approval to the Lane County Boundary Commission. 6/26/2001 Page 9 of9 Annexation Application to The City of Spimgfield 0-10