HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 01-45 06/18/2001 . . . Resolution No. 01-45 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE FISCAL YEAR 2001/02 SPRINGFIELD ICITY BUDGET, MAKING APPROPRIATIONS, LEVYING A PROPERTY TAX, AND APPROVING THE CITY OF I SPRINGFIELD'S PARTICIPATION IN THE STATE REVENUE SHARING PROGRAM. i , I WHEREAS, starting on April 24, 2001, and ending on May 15,2001, the Budget Co~ttee met and reviewed the proposed 2001/02 city budget; and I I WHEREAS, on Apri124, 2001, the Budget Committee held a public hearing on the proposed uses of State Revenue Sharing funds and on June 18,2001, the Common Council held public hearings!on the uses of these funds; and i WHEREAS, the City of Springfield provides six out of seven municipal services enumer~ted in O.R. S. 221.760; and WHEREAS, on May 15,2001, the Budget Committee recommended approval of the 2001/02 city budget for Council adoption; and i WHEREAS, on June 18,2001, the Common Council held a public hearing on the approved budget. I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Common Council of the City of Springfield as follows: I Section 1. Approval is given for the City of Springfield to participate in the State Revenue Sharing program for the 2001/02 fiscal year, beginning July 1,2001, and ending June 30, 2002. I Section 2. The City Manager is directed to file a certified copy of this resolution with the State of Oregon, Executive Department, prior to July 31, 2001. I I Section 3. The city budget for the City of Springfield for the fiscal year beginning J';lly 1,2001, and ending June 30, 2002, as approved by the City of Springfield Budget Committee in the total amount of $126,376,946 is adopted. I i Section 4. The adopted appropriations, for the fiscal year beginning July 1,2001, and ending June 30, 2002, are for the following purposes and amounts shown: ! I.......... '.............,....'./.... . .'_ ...... ---...;;'<;"i,'; ,}y-...... .. . . ...... .. . . .. . . ..;.,,""'; .r;:;:,,,, .'c'. .;>;L'GENE~U'FUNj).;dC';.;\.':d> GENERAL GOVERNMENT Personal Services Materials and Services Capital Outlay Interfund Transfers Contingencies Special Payments TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT :',>-,:\~::::::::('c'" ': <-'. . "1 ~.-:: -;', ,-.;':. ,::;':'::';:. :-:::;.:.:f':':,::~:;','-~,:: :;':::;~:.>;: '-:"-:--'-.--'-'>'-:~:,:;:'i'.:'~/'::. $ 2,533,512 1,700,357 100,508 8,250 900,000 2,045,670 7,288,297 $ Resolution No. 01-45 Page 2 . General Fund - Continued PUBLIC SAFETY Personal Services $ 12,437,782 Materials and Services 1,886,829 Capital Outlay 78,039 Debt Service 3,576 Special Payments 151,201 TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY $ 14,557,427 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Personal Services $ 2,213,961 Materials and Services 501,876 Capital Outlay 11,468 TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT $ 2,727,305 LmRARY Personal Services $ 862,994 Materials and Services 199,225 .. Capital Outlay 125,662 Special Payments 5,442 TOTAL LIBRARY $ 1,193,323 . TOTAL GENERAL FUND $ 25,766,352 1<' . 8TREETFUND :1 I GENERAL GOVERNMENT Materials and Services $ 48,650 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT $ 48,650 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Personal Services $ 2,242,263 Materials and Services 1,437,637 Capital Outlay 21,550 Capital Projects 785,044 Debt Service 11,632 Special Payments 805,088 TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT $ 5,303,214 TOTAL STREET FUND $ 5,351,864 I.' MUSEUM FUND . . : L. .. I .. . " t. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Personal Services $ 4,784 Materials and Services 94,226 Capital Outlay 7,200 . Special Payments 62,020 TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT $ 168,230 TOTAL MUSEUM FUND $ 168,230 . . . Resolution No. 01-45 Page 3 FC};;;. .:..,";,;':';:.;)':.;,.. ;';:);.:";~ )ii>;,gp)TICIALf{Ev$N',l[Ej?UN'b . ",: GENERAL GOVERNMENT Materials and Services Special Payments TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT PUBLIC SAFETY Materials and Services TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Personal Services Materials and Services Capital Projects TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT LIBRARY Materials and Services TOTAL LIBRARY TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE FUND I. ...... ';".:.\'S:,;,;;rMNSl.ENT,RQ01\1:.l'i\XFuND:, GENERAL GOVERNMENT Interfund Transfers Special Payments TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Personal Services Materials and Services Capital Projects TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT LIBRARY Personal Services Material and Services TOTAL LIBRARY TOTAL TRANSIENT ROOM TAX FUND $ $ $ ,. $ $ $ .'.:,'.';;-', $ $ I '.\;'.'.':;'::::j::i:i:...;:.'<"'" I I I 1 I I ! .'.'..'....:......'..1 -.i--',' '_. $ 39,000 15,000 54,000 $ $ 244,453 244,453 $ 40,740 213,146 391,060 644,946 $ $ I I I I i I 1 I "i.:',,;l~)\:<"..:''.." I I I I I 1 I i I I I 1 i ! I I 1 4,013 4,013 947,412 377,000 29,148 406,148 236,402 116,029 1,700 354,131 $ 30,540 8,590 39,130 $ 799,409 . . . Resolution No. 01-45 Page 4 1\,....<>> >:;c,;'::",<, ...iC(lMMitNIrYI):E:VELQPJ\ilENT':FUNl).i. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Personal Services $ Materials and Services Capital Projects TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT $ TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FUND I.>...................... ..............;.....)/....ilANCROFTREDElVIPTl.ONFUN1):.: GENERAL GOVERNMENT Personal Services Materials and Services TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Personal Services Materials and Services TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEBT SERVICE Debt Service Interfund Transfers Special Payments Unappropriated Fund Balance TOTAL DEBT SERVICE $ I .' . '1'" '-'." ....-., ' ."' .;;;':,",:'.-.:/"::~>::~;1;::';';:;_:, I ,,-""-''''.,,',\, " " \.'.'-:':':~,.., ; "-,"-- :---~-:: .-: :', ............ .. .......:. 265,768 209,680 478,388 953,836 $ i ! I ...::.J.......... I I I I I : I I I , I I I I 3,924 50 3,974 953,836 ....... '1 ' .-' . "."<.' . .: :;.':., -"-:'...-)', $ 13,092 23,454 36,546 $ $ $ 98,548 599,618 3,197,293 155,000 4,050,459 $ TOTAL BANCROFT REDEMPTION FUND 4,090,979 $ Ir){:;',.;.<:..:J.i': j!{::"'." ;-';"c':~"'" DEBT SERVICE Debt Service Unappropriated Fund Balance TOTAL DEBT SERVICE '.:BOl~J)S~O:F].iN:D. .. '. :<:! ," .;:-;.:'::.}:";": ,:.' - -1' /,-,,:"'.<,-'.:'. -, !. "il ........,. ""/..' :", I ,<" ~>",;1:\:'!:.... ',' , I i I I I ,,;>.1 $ 1,175,819 274,568 1,450,387 $ TOTAL BOND SINKING FUND 1,450,387 $ "';;',4:.., ({'.. Y::';:.':..i7: io:;.yl;':YSEWER;CAPITAE'PROJECTS':FU.NI1: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Capital Projects Special Payments TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT I ..... :'!.>{';f;r';';):.'<r.'; .<, .... ., I I I I I I $ $ 2,458,422 3,704,662 6,163,084 TOTAL SEWER CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 6,163,084 $ Resolution No. 01-45 Page 5 . .<,'~. . , ~,-:.;.. ~~,!):,'<!, ,."'~ >:::,,--,,:,'-";" I.': . .'.' ,,;:,;' '.. ',. ..' ., .. ....~. ... . .,[S])(J'PRP.JEC'(S.;FUND . . '. GENERAL GOVERNMENT Personal Services Materials and Services TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT , .';. '- -. ,'t. ~'-,,,' . . -, -,' , $ $ COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Personal Services Material and Services Capital Outlay Capital Projects Interfund Transfers Special Payments TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT $ $ TOTAL SDC PROJECTS FUND $ . 1>13'>."> '. .....,.............. ./<'DEVELOl'cMENTA:SStSMENj;:;(J,Mh'rAi:';FUND.'..> GENERAL GOVERNMENT Personal Services $ Materials and Services TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT $ COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Capital Projects Special Payments TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT $ $ DEBT SERVICE Interfund Transfers Special Payments TOTAL DEBT SERVICE $ $ 2,464,267 TOTAL DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENTS CAPITAL FUND $ I"';'>'~}:'\':.;i ,,' OJ . ".DEYEL(jPMEN.'f'PR,ijJEct$i.l~T(JNif GENERAL GOVERNMENT Materials & Services Capital Projects Special Payments TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT I I ..;,.,...;..l,.'....;.:..:.,. <'" :- /"'!. ~^~'> I I I I I I 1 $ $ . PUBLIC SAFETY Materials & Services TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY $ $ iIZ": I I I I I '.. ";':1 15,528 285 15,813 170,692 29,815 3,000 3,592,760 81,684 3,240,834 7,118,785 I I 7,134,598 ! I ..,'..... '~"'. . >1 :' '.'~ '-, -'.';; , 51,164 33,609 84,773 1,025,000 308,833 1,333,833 56,270 989,391 1,045,661 .........'.".............1 ";"" --':, ~ ,,', .~:,,,' :,:' -,." 50,000 332,253 36,462 418,715 9,613 9,613 . . . Resolution No. 01-45 Page 6 Development Projects Fund - Continued COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Material and Services Capital Projects Special Payments TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT $ $ 92,170 1,868,290 956,708 2,917,168 TOTAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS FUND 3,345,496 I','~:,',,"',:' ",;.;;,7;:,'V.'G;()~<.PONl).eA'rl'tAt..p,:ROJl:(jTSFUNP,::'~'<:3'. GENERAL GOVERNMENT Capital Projects $ Special Payments TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT $ PUBLIC SAFETY Capital Outlay Capital Projects TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY $ COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Capital Projects Interfund Transfers TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT $ $ TOTAL G.O. BOND CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND $ 1:;S'i;>ID ',.........~,.'.,.;:,j}.........". ;fi.;'\~i;".~;t'i'i.SEW:ERO];lERAttQNS'.FrltNij;;'i.2i;'i,;';,:,;;.,;.[.;;"r;i: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Personal Services $ Materials and Services Capital Outlay Debt Service Interfund Transfers Special Payments TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT $ DEBT SERVICE Debt Service Special Payments TOTAL DEBT SERVICE $ $ 7,417,322 TOTAL SEWER OPERATIONS FUND $ $ $ I ,,; ',... . "':; I I I I I I I I I I :.i,..... ....1 -> :.", 886,825 753,565 1,640,390 119,377 60,737 180,114 635,303 7,000 642,303 I I 2,462,807 I I "J I ;":";;yt;;\"...'il 2,428,455 1,699,371 92,815 4,224 1,238,585 532,361 5,995,811 659,614 761,897 1,421,511 Resolution No. 01-45 Page 7 . I)'::,::':: S'(~!'i;::k{ :';'!(.'(h"'r,S;'\;'i.R.EGIQNAU'.WXS$EwAtltR..F;UND") "0':'.'.' ,:: GENERAL GOVERNMENT Personal Services $ Materials and Services TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT $ COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Personal Services Materials and Services Capital Outlay Interfund Transfers Special Payments TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT :)y~.,:.,/>. ;:;':"';';1 30,156 16,998 47,154 $ 442,676 9,177,912 3,784 2,647,500 2,361,390 14,633,262 $ TOTAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER FUND 14,680,416 $ . 1/,,\.\L.:.":,.....;...i,i.:..'....EMERG-ENCyMEDICAL,.SEli\rlC:ES.EVNI> '.,.; PUBLIC SAFETY Personal Services $ Materials and Services Capital Outlay Contingencies Special Payments TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY $ TOTAL EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES FUND $ 1;:'\ .... '.. ... <:";;B" '0' ....0.... TH...iKET.L...y.....F. .U.......N.. "D"".,':" ..,..'. ,...'. ,~->.,~. .-',,~-",- -'", -,- ., ~- .' ',"'. :: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Personal Services $ Materials and Services Capital Projects Interfund Transfers Special Payments TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT $ TOTAL BOOTH-KELLY FUND $ . ,.....,..:...,:,.. ,......;...,.';)... ;:.:.Cj.,.>REG10NAI:;'(fIBEReONSQR!rUJ'l\1-FUNb; COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Materials and Services $ Capital Outlay Special Payments TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT $ ,.,..j :.,:: . I . "'"",: I I I I I I I I I I i 5,573,718 2,571,407 1,626,889 358,585 458,000 558,837 5,573,718 I ;':J I I I ! I I I .... ....... .... .....,1 40,872 230,536 295,000 214,736 716,621 1,497,765 -:,-':-'.,; ~-;.-' >J :'; I I I I I I 1,497,765 I ',k I I I I I <:,':' -,:,> ,. '.;.q 105,200 10,000 19,203 134,403 TOTAL REGIONAL FIBER CONSORTIUM FUND $ 134,403 . . . Resolution No. 01-45 Page 8 I)/';.~,': "",j,;',,;";;;" "REGIONAL""ASTEW:A.JERC:A.PITA-L'.FlfNI).' ':' COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Capital Outlay $ Capital Projects Special Payments TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT $ TOTAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER CAPITAL FUND $ "'1",.;";.,..'./"'.,."...,....... I '; -'f,'_ -,' ,',.,,'. ", -'.>"" ".J :. ,..,'," i"'~:'::,:. :;:.:-,::, ,.,j ~~~;;;:.;;:;:':;~~ ~,:-:< /~';'.:-:~:. <.:~';:_>; .' , , I I i I 23,079,111 1,466,072 6,053,732 15,559,307 23,079,111 1~;F;;g%J:6o~,;:,::.;:;/:; . " .....;, ./;::..2:J,T'INSltJlA~CE..FI!NI)'.,;))e! GENERAL GOVERNMENT Personal Services Materials and Services Capital 'Outlay Special Payments TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT I I ," .. :);,:~;\,,::ts,:,' ...... .. .1 I I i I I I I I I I I $ $ 236,216 289,906 4,500 6,940,307 7,470,929 7,470,929 TOTAL INSURANCE FUND $ "/:::'(>';,' ,..........,:\<,\<:;'?YEmCLE"ANDEQtFtPMENT,:FUN)));;S:.: ;:. GENERAL GOVERNMENT Capital Outlay $ Special Payments TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT $ PUBLIC SAFETY Capital Outlay Special Payments TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY $ $ COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Capital Outlay Special Payments TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT $ $ LIBRARY Capital Outlay Special Payments TOTAL LIBRARY $ $ 5,424,561 TOTAL VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT FUND $ TOTAL BUDGET $ I I :""";" . ":'-, ::.,>:,:".,"" I I I I " 'I ,("':'.,-'-'\:";- {:.-"",' . ....,'..",'....'^' "-" "'- ,.\ 78,883 698,029 776,912 250,320 2,317,904 2,568,224 394,157 1,626,877 2,021,034 10,800 47,591 58,391 i 1126,376,946 I I I I Section 5. BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Springfield hereoy imposes the taxes provided for in the adopted budget at the rate of $4.7403 per thousand of asse~sed value for . I . operations and in the amount of$I,072,914. for bonds; and that these taxes are hereby imposed and categorized for tax year 2001/02 upon the assessed value of all taxable property witlun the district. I ~':~~t~~t~~~!i~;~i~..;r""?/ii ,~~~~I~~~~:~r~~i~~~';~l~i~atiOh';' $ 4.7403/$1,000 I $ 1,072,914. I Section 6. The City Manager of the City of Springfield is authorized and directed to: certify the levy, as authorized by law, with Lane County, Oregon Assessor and the Lane County, Oregon Clerk, and he will file a copy of the adopted budget with the Department of Revenue, State of Oregon. I Adopted by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this 18th day of June, 12001, by a vote of 5 for and 0 against. ! " I , . Resolution No. 01-45 Page 9 General Fund Bond Sinking Fund ATTEST: . Chy~-~ . REVIEWED" APPROVED A~~ DATE: l..1,..>t r 24 OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY