HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correction Notice 2003-11-4 City of Springfield I Development aces B'uilding Safety 225 Fifth Street . '- Job Numbf'- Job Address,4'l f{3 Da'p /J-tj-iJ3 LJ Tl' I~-I A~~ / ervvL'~~/ t~~ r1'~. ,() J,vv)~ ~~ ('~1. t1;J!;-,<~ ~vr0 <r II ~L 0/ J . t-- II/JII v ii1-Ji~- I'<V~ . iHl. t:' Jt-'i//~L&A_..vvl j/~A. or t .- L"'-L 'Lt?J.';7 Corrections and reinspection request shall be made within./ calendar days. Call for reinspection Inspector - ./ j 171,"'""- *********************** Call for inspection 726-3769 **-;** b'ii'estions 726-3759 *********************** , McKenziefTaylor 5729 Main Sl. PMB 242 Springfield, OR 97478 (541) 747-5413 CCB# 109867 II 1\ ,\ IT S-t. Downstairs "2'2" l-r'lo-. lr4'-=' M_Bed !:! Liv fo .... ~ ~ __no ill ~'~rzij;ij , I~ -8'2'ili ""= = U ~T1~Ih~) '~.... ~ . j ,!~'h (3 N1 : f--8'8"-- b rn Din I', Kit ~ ;,; fo ~ "1'6" ~L '!==~;;;~~'~!: . fib) --- ---' .. ~:.~ ~ irUtil 2( Bth-t _I F ,5' 1""", F-= -'7_1['" f : NEW EN6INEERE9 "TRUSSES) 2'0.(. 'W! Yz" CPX I- :- ::11 ~ RooF SltEATH1.Nl; -R-3~ ftmc. INSU.LATloN - T'(p. ~ . iW_Be(il' C::~ _Bort : 1 ~2 u_ J f- ' if" 4 l.f EXISTING 2><4 -:)T1Aj) wAll5 lb RfMAIN wi NEtP , _ -8 5"~ ~3' >bwnstairs R-IS- BAlT D'lSl.(.l'4T~o"r 2003-11-04-1613 'I I / SO\LE: 3132 ~ JACj( DRE55E.~ IOB3 N. "A" St. SPfUN(1FIfLD, OR.. ; . .. ". \ I ~ 11108/2003 Page: 2 .: IJOb ITruU 1472 A' KelCO 11.001 & 1-1001, Inc., HernSOutg, Ur. 1l"1\J" TVPB HOWE ::I/44b, lHAVlti Jt::LUtN l"" 11 o,lUUSJul ~y . M"~.".Y'OI08 ?/ ~-;;,t CrJ/"tfa;"9a] JobRlf.rlr.cltJotICnan . j ek Industnes,1n'O. Mon NOV 11 U!:1:lU:;J!J ,w3 t'&ge) r tl '.OO~ Mi :,.a-q 1-0..0 ....7 ....7 ,,'" 5-!o1~ 's....l "..., ~~7 SoS-,! ScalcQ 1:58.7 4)(4= . '.03[12 l, "5~ 3 ~ 5 'j" /'~/',,~ '1 ~ = 22PD-O 3Xf = 3)(4 II 511.8:::; 3)(4 II ~~, 15.8-7 11.0.' ~J-13 1&-4.1 '2-O.S '.3-13 ~~7 --~---- DEFL '0 [locI t/defl Ud PLATES GRIP VertlL.Lt -0.03 7-B >999 240 MII20 185/148 Vert{TL.} -0.07 7,8 >999 ,ao Hart(TLl 0.02 a 01. n/. Weight: 1041b =t'~~te UlISlItS IX.TJ: tl:S:U+4-u"U'~'UI LOADING lp1!lfl TeLL 25.0 TCDl 7.0 BelL 0.0 BCDl 10.0 LUMBER TOP CHORD BOT CHORD WEBS SPACING 2-0.0 Platellllncr-clllse 1.16 Lumber InCrOftS8 1.15 Rap Str8as Inel YES Code UBC97/ANSl96 CS! TC 0.37 Be 0.28 we 0.39 ISlmplilied) 2 X4 OF No.l&BtrC 2 X4 DFNo.1&.BtrG 2 X 4 HF Stud/Std BRACING TOP CHORD BOT CHORD Shellthed or 6.0-0 oc purllns. Rigid coning directly applied or 10-M DC breclng. REACTIONS IIb/Glnl 2.. 985/0.6-8. a.. 90S/0-S-B Max Horz 2 - 276{1oed cale 6) Mill< UpIJ1t2--21411oad case 71. 6...161(108d oBseS) Mllx Grav 2 --1014(loed C!\Stl 21, 6= S05(1oad eMit 11 FORCES [Ib). First Load Cue Only TOP CHORD ~ -2 = 20, 2~3 =- 1086, 3-4 --732, 4-5 so- 731, 5-6--1086 BOT CHORD 2-9= 850, 8.9=850, 7.S_S50, 6.7_860 WEBS 3-9-107.4-9-639,5-7-108. 3-e.-342. 5.8-.343 NOTES 1) Wind: ASCE 7.98; 9Omph; h=25ft; TCOL....;4,2psfi eCDL""6.0pst; ClItegory IIi Exp C; enclOllediMWFRS gebleend 2one:lumber DOL"" 1.33 plate grip DOL _, .33. 2) Design load is besed on 25,0 psI lipaclfled roo' snow load. 3) Unbalanced snow loadll have bllen considered lor this dltslgn. 4) Overhltn'il hes bltltn daslgn for 2.00 times Iivs loed + delld loed. S) This tNU hu bMn designed tor 1I 10.0 psi bottom chord live load nonconcurrent wIth any other live loads per Table No. 1S.B , use'S7. e) A plate rating reducotion 01 20% nlls b8en epplled for the green lumbar members. 1) Provide mechanicel ct:lnnectlon lbv others) of truss to betlring plate capable of withnandlng 214 Ib uplift at iolnt 2 and l!i 1 Ib uplift at joint 6. LOAD CASEISl Slllndllrd " :,. ;~~ ~- f:,~.~~t~~':. November 17,2003 .... .......1... - V.rffy .....n p....~ .lI'd DAD NOTIfI ON THI.I ANa INCLUDI!D IWITII1'C RmflRiNCI .....OE .1~7"73 nFORl: U.. Dnlgn ~11kI1brulJe onf)lwlth LrrIT.~ conll&ckn. T,h1,llNlgnl,II".dontyupon ~'...metllr'"hown..ndl'fcr"n lndi~dUlI DU',,";Gomoonlnll,,". In"fled and l"lud IIIIrtlealli', AppbbPRy of d..t;n pal1lll'llM~ '~d pmI*' Incll~I"'n of compolllJnlla IUpclnlibl1ity or bl.llldlng o.llll'ntr. /1QIWI' 0..,,-. Bnlc::Ing ot>-.llforlalll..I",p>'CH1oflndli'lllll.l81well mernblrl 0Il1r. A:idllkmlllllRlpO..rytll1ltil\ll' :o,naurt 'tlOllilVdw"'ll =n.lrucllon Illhl rl!lpO~!ltJllIty off1II"~. Ar3lttIllIlll perrlllllollllttnclnlloltN _raIl~... ill till rwlPOll.;t!ilityof1M bUldinlldlI"'...,lr.Forgln_.-.l ;.Ildlll'lee l'ell'lllInll f,*,~IllIOf1, qulityo;cmlrd, 1WfI1JII, dehvery, erll'don .,0 brdl,,- ....,...~l QST.M tlltllll>' 5':i1ndlrd. OSa.ag Brae.,; Splcft::dcn. Ind HIB--91 H.,lIl1l1ln.tlninll nd B'1tirIV Rlccmmendlflon _hbll from Tl\ln Platt lnatllult, &83 D'Onofrio Dllve, Ma,ilor'l, WI S371V I'd IllS S66 II>S I .~~I'~OOl~ , ~OO~ O~l3~ W~SO:B E002 61 ^O~