HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 01 Discover Downtown Springfield (DDS) Program Update AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 9/22/2014 Meeting Type: Work Session Staff Contact/Dept.: Courtney Griesel/CMO Staff Phone No: 541-736-7132 Estimated Time: 20 Minutes S P R I N G F I E L D C I T Y C O U N C I L Council Goals: Encourage Economic Development and Revitalization through Community Partnerships ITEM TITLE: DISCOVER DOWNTOWN SPRINGFIELD (DDS) PROGRAM UPDATE ACTION REQUESTED: None. This information is provided as an update. ISSUE STATEMENT: Staff from the Discover Downtown Springfield (DDS) Program will present an update to Council capturing the progress of the first FY15 quarter (July-September). ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1 – Discover Downtown Quarter 1 Report DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: Provided here are brief highlights of several key accomplishments this past quarter as well as a brief discussion of upcoming opportunities. Jim McHugh, Discover Downtown Springfield (DDS) Manager, will present the quarterly summary and highlights to Council during this work session. Quarter 1 Discover Downtown Highlights – The program continues to host Business-2-Business Monthly Roundtables, producing new programs and activities like co-advertising partnerships. On August 23rd, as a result of Roundtable discussions, the Discover Downtown Springfield Super Saturday Summer Sidewalk Sale was held. This event included participation of 16 businesses and a co-op radio package with Eugene Area Radio Stations. In the first quarter several businesses made significant investments including the opening of the Underground Growler, a new service in Downtown adding three new jobs. Mezza Luna Pizzeria is anticipated to open by the end of the month and Castle of Games has expanded their existing storefront to include a neighboring space. Upcoming Opportunities and Things to Watch – Businesses will continue to work together on advertising and events with the goals of launching a TV co-op ad campaign on Fox, participating in the City of Springfield’s Trick or Treat event and hosting a Hotel “Fam Tour.” Downtown is also looking forward to the future addition of several new businesses including an art gallery and studio space, a retail and fabric store to compliment the existing fabric and sewing cluster, and the addition of a possible cross-fit facility. Food Carts in Downtown – While not currently managed under the DDS Program, the NEDCO managed Downtown Food Cart Program could have a direct, positive, impact to the Downtown. In July of this year with the partnership of the City, NEDCO officially launched the Downtown Food Cart Program, offering a license to merchants allowing them to operate in the downtown. As an incentive to business owners to participate in the NEDCO operated program, the City has determined their participation also gains the business a city-wide transient merchant license. At this time, NEDCO has not issued any Downtown Food Cart licenses. Initial concerns were raised to City staff that the inability for trucks to use their generators was causing a significant barrier to entry. After review of this preference, staff informed NEDCO that they could allow for generator use, acknowledging any issues raised regarding specific noise or environmental pollution would need to be addressed on a case-by-case basis. With the removal of this restriction, NEDCO is now remarketing the program. Quarterly Report for Contract #1232 Discover Downtown Springfield – Main Street Page | 1 Period covered in this report: 1st Quarter: July 1 – September 30, 2014 Progress Report Narrative: Discover Downtown Springfield (DDS) primary activities this quarter included the formalizing of the primary committees and reconnecting with key volunteers. Highlights included the efforts of the Business-2-Business Monthly Roundtables which are producing new programs and activities. The purpose of the Roundtables is to unite business owners to meet and discuss projects they would like to undertake collectively like co-op advertising, special events and promotions as well as improve communication. The Design Committee has been engaged in the preliminary Downtown Design Guidelines being proposed to council later this fall as well as doing more public outreach on the Façade Improvement Program. DDS has received one application this quarter that was deemed more suitable as a weatherization and maintenance project versus Façade Improvement. Continue to work with the applicant and have provided information on Energy Resource Tax Credit program through the State of Oregon. The majority of the Design Committee members serve on the Downtown Citizens Advisory Council and will continue to participate in the Main Street Corridor Vision Plan. The Organization Committee has adopted its mission and vision statements with the focus of developing into a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization. It has begun to draft its by-laws and articles of incorporation. The next key steps are to actively recruit and develop a board of directors, develop a formal operating budget for the organization and to become a designated Performing Main Street Program by July 1, 2015. Mission Statement: “Discover Downtown Springfield (DDS) is a non-profit organization with a mission to promote the cultural, economic stability and enhance our downtown’s unique history.” Vision Statement: “Discover Downtown Springfield strives to be the creative force behind a viable and revitalized downtown.” The Economic Restructuring Committee continually strives to be a viable business resource to address business retention, expansion and recruitment. The ERC committee is researching and visiting the concept of creating an inter-modal campus at the Springfield Transit Station. This would include expanding Greyhound services to Springfield in collaboration with LTD as a possibility. Service Provision: Monthly Art Walk The Art Walks have been well attended with increased participation. The August Art Walk experienced the greatest attendance largely due to the cross marketing with the Chalk Fest. The goal is to increase 20+ venues per month in conjunction with the Duck Downtown promotions and to make the event into more of a celebration with additional activities and adding the food-cart vending opportunities. DDS has actively targeted the Gateway Hotels and the Travel Lane Visitor Center by providing promotional materials on upcoming events and attractions. ATT 1 - PAGE 1 OF 9 Quarterly Report for Contract #1232 Discover Downtown Springfield – Main Street Page | 2 In September, in partnership with the Springfield Chamber of Commerce DDS will co-host a “Fam Tour” for hotel staff to showcase Downtown Springfield businesses and attractions. The purpose of the Fam Tour is raise awareness and to inform hotel staff what Downtown Springfield has to offer for visitors. The Fam Tours will be organized two to three times a year due hotel staff turnover and new additions to the downtown. Art Walk Summary July August September Venues Total venues 16 17 18 With artist reception 9 8 10 With live music 3 4 4 Weather Scattered Showers Beautiful Special Feature/event Show Us Your Bloomers Car Show at the Museum In collaboration with the Chalk Fest Duck Downtown Night Specialty workshops, technical assistance, and trainings for Downtown business owners In June, DDS launched the Business-2-Business Roundtable to discuss key topics raised by the downtown businesses in the areas of advertising, promotions, events and training. In conjunction with staff from Hatch it was decided to host monthly meetings. The Roundtable businesses are working to develop a map and directory, research co-op TV advertising and upcoming downtown events. In August, the group organized the Discover Downtown Springfield Super Saturday Summer Sidewalk Sale on August 23rd. Sixteen businesses participated and ten businesses contributed to a $500 co-op radio package with Eugene Area Radio Stations (EARS) broadcasted on nineteen stations. The group wanted to take advantage of the antique vendor sales and the activity surrounding the painting of the Simpson Mural. Future projects are a TV co-op ad campaign on Fox station, the printing of the map and directory, participation in the City of Springfield’s Trick or Treat event, the on-going Duck Downtown cross promotion and hosting the Hotel “Fam Tour.” Other possibilities are to host Flu Shot Clinic in partnership with Walgreens and the Mural Tour in association with the Lane Arts Council. More planning will focus on NEDCO’s 35th Anniversary Celebration, the Street Light dedication to be scheduled later this fall and the holiday promotions and decorations. Class Date Attendees Main Street Attendees Class Topic Roundtable 7/2/14 12 12 Promotions/Advertising Roundtable 8/6/14 4 4 Retail Event Roundtable 9/10/14 TBA TBA Events ATT 1 - PAGE 2 OF 9 Quarterly Report for Contract #1232 Discover Downtown Springfield – Main Street Page | 3 Management of social media and other promotional activities • Regular Facebook postings • DDS post Facebook stories regularly on the Discover Downtown Springfield and NEDCO Facebook pages, which typically reach a relatively wide audience. • DDS Facebook has seen a 7.8% increase in the number of people who “Like” the Facebook page for the first two months this quarter and should exceed the 10% quarterly average. • DDS Facebook page has exceeded the Total Reach of 3K (new record) twice in August due to the cross promotion of the Chalk Fest and the Simpson Mural installation. • $500 EARS Co-Op Radio Package. Radio Ad audio included in Council packet. • DDS will continue to refine, improve, build and our social media approach as an effective communication and downtown promotion tool. • DDS has added the National Main Street link to our Facebook page which provides case studies, Main Street trends and independent business insights. • The redesigned of the Discover Downtown Springfield website has launched with on-going updates and improvements weekly. Working on developing Downtown Blog and E-Newsletter capabilities. • DDS continues to expand its photo library of downtown businesses events, participants and products to heighten public awareness. Special thanks to Rick Dunhaven for his photo contributions. Storefront Resource Center DDS and NEDCO maintain an extensive library of training tools and business assistance in both print and online resources, and continue to build this collection regularly. The Main Street Resource Center collaborates with NEDCO’s HATCH Business Incubator program on this and other efforts to enhance the availability of quality resources for our businesses. Community assessments to identify downtown assets; including people, buildings, heritage, and institutions DDS continues to update our business directory and contact information to build a print handout and map, improve listing on the website and the maintenance of the DIVA program. Monitoring of the economic performance of the district Thus far, this quarter the Underground Growler has opened adding (3) new jobs and providing a service that did not exist in Downtown Springfield. The anticipated opening of Mezza Luna Pizzeria and the new jobs will be a great addition and attraction. The Affordable Insurance at 741 Main Street property has been sold and new art gallery and studio will open once the remodel is complete. Castle of Games at 660-B Main Street has expanded their show and game room space in the former candy store space. Currently, DDS is working with L’Etoffe Fabrics LLC owned by Ina Mounir Celaya to open a retail fabric shop on Main Street. She is currently operating as in-home business in Eugene and wants to relocate to Downtown Springfield by the New Year. ATT 1 - PAGE 3 OF 9 Quarterly Report for Contract #1232 Discover Downtown Springfield – Main Street Page | 4 Development of a building vacancy, business owner information, and property/lot database Constantly updating the Downtown DIVA program and to utilize it as an effective information resource, database and communication tool. The Economic Restructuring Committee is maintaining a vacancy list to be reviewed and updated monthly. DDS has contacted all known available property owners and leasing agents as to their status and provided information on the Façade Improvement Program for any vacant property. DDS continues to receive and share inquiries on potential new businesses ranging from food service, retail, fitness, professional and non-profit services. Resource development to support the work of the DDS/Main Street program The DDS/Main Street program was included in several grants collectively written for NEDCO’s LocalWorks programs. Most of these grants have focused on funding activities at Hatch Business Incubator, which connects to and supports DDS in many ways. In July, Discover Downtown Springfield and Hatch received a $3,000 Grant from US Bank for Business Education and Training. The Oregon Main Street will host its Annual 2014 Conference in McMinnville, OR on October 1 – 3rd. The Conference information program topics have been included within Council packet. DDS would like to have a strong representation at the Oregon Main Street Conference to include committee members, business and property owners and representatives from the City of Springfield. Coordination of the Discover Downtown Springfield Design, Promotion, Economic Restructuring, and Organization Committees: Committee Activity This Quarter Year to Date Annual Goal Design 2 2 10 Economic Restructuring 2 2 10 Organization/Steering 2 2 10 Promotion 3 3 12 Business-2-Business 3 3 12 Total 12 12 54 Four quarterly downtown business mixer events: The 1st Quarterly Mixer was originally to be hosted by the Springfield Museum and have not confirmed its status due to the transition at the museum. DDS will work the Museum board if they wish to host this quarter or reschedule when feasible for them to do so. ATT 1 - PAGE 4 OF 9 Quarterly Report for Contract #1232 Discover Downtown Springfield – Main Street Page | 5 Attachments Included • EARS Co-Op Radio Ad Audio – Downtown Springfield Supper Saturday Summer Sidewalk Sale • Art Walk Posters – July, August & September • Oregon Main Street Conference Information Sheet Upcoming DDS Projects (Oct-Dec): • Co-Host Downtown Springfield Hotel Fam Tour • Business-2-Buisness Roundtable members actively participate in the City Trick or Treat event • Organize the new Street Light Dedication Event • Develop, organize and market holiday activities in conjunction with decorations and Christmas Parade • Actively and formally recruit DDS Board Members, finalize By-Laws, Articles of Incorporation and budget development • Design Committee to expend the balance of the Façade Improvement Grant monies before the New Year • Serve as the liaison to downtown businesses and property owners as Downtown Design Guidelines are developed • Increase business participation and public attendance at the Fall Art Walks Important Contacts: All contacts may be reached at our Springfield office at 541-345-7106. Claire Seguin, ext. 206, Executive Director, claire@nedcocdc.org Jim McHugh, ext. 248, Discover Downtown Springfield Manager, jim@nedcocdc.org ATT 1 - PAGE 5 OF 9 A T T 1 - P A G E 6 O F 9 ATT 1 - PAGE 7 OF 9 ATT 1 - PAGE 8 OF 9 ATT 1 - PAGE 9 OF 9