HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 01-04 01/16/2001 . . . .....' . RESOLUTION NO 01-4 A RESOLUTION INITIATING ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD AND REQUESTING THAT THE LANE COUNTY LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COMMISSION APPROVE THE ANNEXATION, AND REQUESTING THAT THE ANNEXATION REVIEW BY THE BOUNDARY COMMISSION BE EXPEDITED WITHOUT A PUBLIC HEARING. WHEREAS, the City Council is authorized by ORS 199.490(2)(a)(B) to initiate annexation upon receiving consent in writing from a majority of the electors registered in the territory proposed to be annexed and written consent from owners of more than half the land in the territory proposed to be annexed (Exhibit A), and WHEREAS, the property owner of the territory proposed to annexed signed an expedited request to annex (Exhibit B) and there were no electors registered in the territory, and WHEREAS, sanitary sewer service can be provided in timely manner within the right of way of International Way and water service will be provided by the Springfield Utility Board via a water main in International Way, and WHEREAS, the territory to be annexed is within the Eugene-Springfield Urban Growth Boundary, abuts the city limits and can be provided immediately with a full range of urban services. NOW THEREFORE THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: The Common Council of the City of Springfield does hereby recommend approval of the annexation of the subject territory to the City by the Lane County Local Government Boundary Commission, Lane County, Oregon, said territory being described as follows: Township 17 South, Range 3 West, Section 15, Quarter Section 40, Tax Lot 700; and Township 17 South, Range 3 West, Section 15, Quarter Section 30, a portion of Tax Lot 500; as more particularly described in Exhibit C of this Resolution. Section 2: The Council further requests that the Lane County Local Government Boundary Commission approve the annexation without a public hearing via the expedited review process. ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this 16th day of January 2001, by a vote of Lfor and Lagainst. APPROVED by the Mayor of the City of SPring~ da:P;Otc Ma r f ATT~~ City Recorder f-1EVIEWED & APPROVED A~~~ ~ ~ DATE:~\b,r,,~cc:> \_ OFFICE OF ~11Y ATTORNEY EXHIBIT A-1 . City of Springfield . Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Phone: (541) 726-3759 Fax: (541)726-3689 SPRINGFIELD TRANS#:Ol-0004187 TE:JAN 05 2001 CD:2 $ l085.0C CHANGE: CASHIER: 040 Annexation Application Expedited Location of the Property Located just \'Iest of the Sony Disc Manufacturing Facility, bounded by International Way on the north arid Game Farm Road on the south Assessor's Map(s) and Tax Lot(s) of the property in the request. (please indicate if only a portion of a lot is included in the request and attach any additional map and lot numbers on a separate sheet of paper.) Map#l'l 03 15 40 Map # Area of Request Lot# 700 Map # Map # Lot # Lot # Lot # I ." Square Feet or 14 :31 Acres ., ExistingUse(s) of the Property Aqricultural (filbert orchard) . ProposedUse(s) of the Property Corporate campus- office building Applicant Name Address ,Sony' rius i'c Enterta tnment, Jnc. .123 International ~ay Springfield, Oregon 97477 Sony Musi'c Entertainment, Inc. Ph (541) 98R-8000 one: . Owner Name(s) Address Owner Signature Phone: (541) 988-8000 Applicant Signature application in correct and accurate. Date-1/J; 2=1- permission for the applicant to act in hislher behaIf ~ Date . For Office Use Only: ~ JoumalNo. ~OOI-DI-ooo:J.- ReceivedBy K~ ~ Map No.lJ..tJ3 -\ 5- Lf-D Tax Lot 7 (x:). Date Accepted as Complete ~XHI8IT A-2 . FORM #1 PETITION ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD TO: LANE COUNTY LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COMMISSION We, the undersigned, constitute the owners of at least one-half of the land area of the property described in the attachment marked "Exhibit A" AND We desire to be annexed to the City of Springfield. A map is attached marked "Exhibit B," showing the affected territory and its relationship to the present city limit boundaries. ~ By Date . '/f/Wo1 . By Date By Date By Date MAP# 40 LOT# 700 MAP# LOT# a minor boundary change under the Boundary Commission Act and by the Boundary Commission and. after Study, a Final Order should be . ssion. . Revised 7/00 5 ATTACHMENT A-2 EXHIBIT A-3 . FORM #1A CERTIFICATION OF PROPERTY OWNERS I have caused a search to be made of the assessment and taxation records,J.ane County department of Assessment and Taxation, on Those records reflect that individuats listed on the attached petition are the owners of record of the property identified by the tax lots described on the attached sheet. . Supervisor, Deeds and Mapping Lane County Departrrient of Assessment . Date .r Revised 7/00 .: 6 ATTACHMENT A-3 EXHIBIT A-4 I hereby certify that signatures on the attached petition are registered voters and reside in the area described in the petition. These signatures represent not less than 10 percent of the registered voterS residing within the annexation or withdrawal area described in this petition. Deputy or Clerk Lane County. Oregon Date . IU 0 (LBS (Of:1fJ]J, .. ,- ., . Revised 7/00 7 ATTACHMENT A-4 EXHIBIT A-5 PETITION SIGNATURE SHEET . (Note: This petition may be signed byqUillified persons, even though they do not know their tax lot numbers.) NAME ADDRESS TAX LOT NUMBERS Twp R < See % 1/16 Lot # (Example) John Doe 135 6th A venue East, Eugene . , c Sony ~~usic Entertainment, In 123 International Hay 17 03 15 700 . Sorinafiel d. OR 97477 , , , .. . Cith the above signature, I am verifying that I have the authority to consent to the annexation on m 0 half of my f'mn or agency. . ATTACHMENT A-5 B behalf . Revised 7/00 EXHIBIT A-:-6 . INFORMATION SHEET LANE COUNTY LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COMMISSION NORTH PLAZA LEVEL, PSB 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE EUGENE, OREGON 97401 PHONE: 687-4425 Sony Music Entertainment, Inc. (petitioner's Name) Springfield 123 International Way (Address) 97477 (Zip) (541) QRR-ROOO (phone) (City) The ~hed petition is for (annexation to) 8[0 (witluJnll.aI C&V&&&} the Springfield (City) or (District) PLEASE SUPPLY THE FOLWWING INFORMATION REGARDING THE AREA TO BE ANNEXED OR WITHDRAWN. Estimated Population (at present): None Number of Existing Residential Units: No ne . Land Area: l!( .11- Acres or Square Miles Is the area within a Domestic Water Supply r>istrict? YP~ Sprinqfi~ld Utility Board (Name) Wlthln J'~risdiction of City of Springfi~ld Is the area with a Rural FIre Protection District? . . . (Name) ANNEXATION TO CITIES OR WATER DISTRIcrs ONLY A. If the property is entirely or substantially'undeveloped. wbat are the plans for future development~ (Be specific-if site or development plans bave been prepared, please submit a copy) 175,000 - 200,000 SF, 2-story office building with landscaped surface parking B. Can the proposed development be achieved under current county zoning? . Yes X No ATTACHMENT A-6 9 .; ::,-;- 1,',.. .'{'l. EXHIBIT A-7 . If no, has a zone change been sought from the county eitherfonnally or infonnallyfor the property under consideration? Yes_ No_ Please describe outcome of zone change request if answer to the proCeeding question is "Yes." ALL PROPOSALS A. Does this proposal include all contiguous property under the same ownership? Yes _If not. are you in the process of a major_ or minor _ partition? _ (No) If :rou are not in the process of a subdivision, please state your reasons for not including entire ownership. . B. ORS 199.462 of the Boundary Commission Act states: "When receiving a boundary change, a boundary commission shall consider economic, demographic and sociological projections pertinent to the propoSal, and past and prospective . physical developments of land that would directly or indirectly be affected by the proposed boundary change." Considering these points, please provide the reasons the proposed boundary chant!e should be made. Please be very specific. Attach additional page if necessary. Please see attached C. Names of Persons to Whom Staff Notes and Notices Shall be Sent Sony Music Entertainment, Inc. ~~ l\ll~lIliulI. T UIII Cu::. laLi 1 e (N~) ternational Hay (Address) 97477 (Address) Springfield, Oregon (City) (Zip) (City) (Name) (Name) (Address) (Address) .. (City) (Zip) (City) Revised 7/00 (Zip) (Zip) 10 ATTACHMENT A-7 . Attachment to Annexation Appiication Expedited (pg. 10) B. ORS 199.462 of the Boundary Commission Act - Reasons the proposed boundary change should be made The site is wholly contained within the McKenzie Gateway Conceptual Industrial Plan. All City of Springfield services have been installed to the property line and the streets surrounding the parcel have already been annexed to the City. The City's Economic Development Policies, which call fo~ a healthy and diversified economy, will be met by this development with a campus / industrial use. This is also timely with an opportunity to provide new jobs and ecOnomic growth to the area. This development is also consistent with the Metropolitan Plan goals of Growth Management and the Urban Service Area, and specifically, to, "encourage orderly and efficient conversion of land from rural to urban uses in response to urban needs, taking into account metropolitan and statewide goals." The property is located within the urban growth boundary and, as such, land within this area "may be converted from urbanizable to urban only through annexation to a city when it is found that: . . a. A minimum level of key urban facilities and services can be provideed to the:-::- area in an orderly and efficient manner. They consist of sanitary sewers, solo waste management, water service, fore and emergency medical services, poloceprotection, parks and recreation programs, electric service, land use controls, communication facilities, and public schools on a district-wide basis (in other words, not necessarily within walking distance of all students served). Paved streets with adequate provision for stormwater runoff and pedestrian travel, meeting applicablelocal policies, are imporatant, particularly in new developments and along existing streets heavily used by pedestrians. b. There will be a logical area and time within which to deliver urban services and facilities. Conversion of urbanizable land to urban shall also be consistent with the Metropolitan Plan." These criteria have been met and allow for the property to be annexed. . ATTACHMENT A-8 EXHIBIT A-8 ~ " . ., . EXHIBIT B-1 I ~ understand that a study, public hearing and adoption of a final order may be required if requested by any person or governing body receiving a copy of the exeCutive officer' ~ analysis and recommendation as required by ORS 199.466. This request is made in addition to and supplements all other requirements for filing an annexation petition or tentative plan for an extraterritorial water or sewer line extension. TaxLot 700 , S, Range 03 FlW,Section 15 , Map 40 Address Sony Music Entertainment, Inc. 123 International Way Springfield, Oregon 97477 Date: I !:/2aJ1 I << . LCLOBe - Expedited Procedure June 30, 1981 4 ATTACHMENT A-9 . . . EXHIBIT C-1 SONY ANNEXATION DESCRIPTION Beginning at a point which bears S 89056'00" W a distance of2157.67 feet and N 0000'39" VI a distance of70.00 feet from the E.S.E. Comer of the A.C. Stevens Donation Land Claim Number 451n Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian thence S 89056'00" Wa distance of 646.62 feet along the northerly right-of-way of Game Fann Road; thence leaving said right-of-way N 0000'39" W:a distance of975.54 feet to the southerly right-of-way of International Way; thence along last said right-of-way N 89056'08" E a distance of 49.99 feet; thence along the arc of a 966.00 foot radius curve to the right, which has a central angle of 160 27'09" and a chord bearing S 81050'18" E 276.44 feet, a distance of277.39 feet; thence along the arc of a 1034.00 foot radius curve to the left, which has a central angle of 16010'09" and a chord bearing S 81041 '48" E 290.83 feet, a distance of291.80 feet; thence S 89046'52" E a distance of 35.23 feet; thence leaving last ~d right-of-way S 0000'39" E a di$nce of 893.46 feet to the 'point of beginning. Containing 13.89 acres lying in Section 15, Township 17 South, Range 3 West, W.M., Lane County, Oregon. , R'EGlSTEREO "" PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR t~~~ OREGON JVl y 30. 1076 a.Ell GOODWIN .. 1078 ~ E:,cP. C./gbJa/ ATTACHMENT A-10 ," 17-03-15-40 TL100 ugb 17-03-14-00 ',,~: ~;:j:' TL 1000 -'.. Fiarcel1 ugb ~ I CC I- Z w :E :c ~ ~ o 300 600 Feet I . . DR AFT. April, 1000