HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2002-1-9 . 7 225 FIFTH STREET i' , i'\ ,. ... Ii' r--'::i::1 :,L E~~CAL PERIVTIT APPLlCA~ION . .. , ':S~RI!'lGFIELD', ORfbON97~77! ..' j)i '. :.....,':-:: "..:...:\ :. c ' ," "'" ' , , INS~Ec:TIO,' N RE,Qu;r~T ,7~6'~,\69: I.] I"-C ~ ::,J !':Cit),: Job ~u~?er 0,2 --o~0 "?/-.O z. , OFFICE. 729-;3759 "I ' I!:' 'I I ,-.:J f., ,..I, ' , , ....' ! , r ~ . c,:' .: ' '. \ !,'.: I i.' - L: ,l.,):.CC;>MPLE!EFEE SCHEDULE BELO\V 'lL LOCATIO~.OI::WSTA.LI,-ATION I" t-::';" , ;l.: > !.,I....,. '.',' . - , 2..1 2 u 'IV" /1-'.J .s.r;.. ...'.e,. .' ~~: Neh"Residential-Single or"- ... L... - - . - .., "." Multi-Family per dwelling unit. Sen-ice Included: JO)l DESCRIPTION 1000 sq,ft. or less J..' ,'r e- rJ.) tl V' W\... Each additional 500 HMo. vi I (2..[/j $#0\<.1::' Ob t.~~z...S sq, ft or portion Permits me non.transferable and expire thereof jfwork is not 'started within 180 days ~ ~ Each Mantlfd Home or j... . l)1: 0'" .\......, j of issuance ,or If work is suspended f~ % % ~ Mod~la~.J?}~eHj~l?:~l / 'I' 180 days. "t <?- ~ oS? ~ Sernc,; or Reeder 0r..'{\. " " $ 50.00 ".: ~ ~ 41 ~~ ':? \'3\t\~' r,....A.-:-- e:,S\.'..rJ";.o' ,- . q, Nl't 0- I$) ",r-(\ '\\...., .... z.... ....':J1 ~ "")'\} ~ 2 CON~CTOR INSTALLATI~N '6"'2.B~'Se!"=ices\or,!,cc,<lcr~,"" ~,,ft" .- '" . . 0...... (O.~. (),." -~. . lr <1,)\._ I . , . lfl ~ .,,!J'I ~ h . <,InstallatIOn, AlteratIOns or , "I. ElectrIcal Contractor", ~ ,'. ...t....~.~...~:.. .RC1~~tio-n0'....e\e1?v~~\Q;'\ .,~:.-:' ~l~ .. _ " ~. ' ~. )\',\.' \.;'~... j.\/',... .':JOV' .\'(\e~:.&{\..V1 .~. .J,'_" .. '" j .. I, ~ <;;. ~.~ ..\. ~ ..p-'.~' ..' 0.\\'",,\(;\.0' .....,,\'JP\,,' , .".' -", '\ Address j "', (0" /~ 'n' ~~)t:~,.% 0 }9.pla~~p.s .9r~e.~~Jt~l' . " '. ,;, _, $ 6J:OO .~.' , " ,I.' /~' ~W ~. '~,"&G'2.oI~ainps:to 100 amps . . 5; 75.00 . : C. \ /" / ,I;' \JJ ('(p'.A ~ -(,~ , It)' . '.Ph\1ne \'~. ',,0\ I " ..~~ '!~-~':4?~~'amps t'}600 amps . '$'125.00 , " / ' . .....1>' i~tt'6.~601 amps to 1000 amps '$163.,00 I . /\,......j. :\\ ri~ (0 ... . Supervisor L!CenSe,' N, mnber\,"v, . < v v\, ~h;er ,~O~O amps/vo,lts " . $3:5,00 , j',; ::I,!, /"V' ' \ '~~.connectOnly: " .. _$)0.00 ExpIratIOn Date" 1---;, ',"' ~ '. '., " ' : ~.. . ("/ '. '.' " 1 C. Temporary SerVices,.or Feeders': ~Of?l . '-Constr J;-:o.~r:,2"umber", . I" . ':., ' 'In~tallation, Alt,eration o~ Re~'\\l~€ \'S..p....., , !,.'~. 'y~,:." '- ."'. iP\f?l rf:-~~~-~ .' , " "~Expiration D'lI'e ---"'--:.. :_~ .' .,; , ; "'" '. 2A.~fJS' orJ~ . .AJo,\'Sf( .. ~\rf:-n'(V': $50.00 --.:.... , ::., . -~.~__ 't\O!)i\ ~~'::lTQ~~\" ~QO\' '---.:. $69.00 _' , ;. " SignatUl:eof ~~~p~n-iSing Electrician -~'~~~;~':I~'S~~:," ~ $100.00_1 ,"''-, ~o~~ n~~rf:-?'-'-< . . ' C; I co\)V ". D. Brancl~'\-~its ; . NewiAlterdtion Of/Extension per.lpancl "1' \ ! " /il:' """."( ::-",: I''" . 'C(; One CirCUIt ,,, It. i ,'.:' '$43',00 /"'(";,' ','.1 ," I f'~i .,'.. I " ; . ~ach 'AdditionaI"Ci,fuit or witb Service, Of,FeederPerinit ~..< ;. , .;-, '$'3.00 ;:';<,~,...~" :"":~"'~ ~/,?"".~,.>'; ~,- E. l\Iiscclla';eous (Service/feeder not includ~d) '. /' . t ,....,. , . . -Each inst'allation ' .. , '. L't' .',,' _.- ,',.i ~ ""... "" \ r:' -' I pump or-Trrigation' ,. ";. \ $50.00 SigivOlil]i~e Lighti~g '. ! - $50,00 ',Lini!ted:,EIlergylRfs :'" $25.00 Liillited Energy/Coinm." ' $45,00 t , '."';-" , __, . l\linim~~ E, ~ ;~~';~.~c Pe~~ii I~-spection Fec ':S4? + Surcharges 'J",,' ~ ~ \. " . r: - .;~ ", ~ - . 4. SUBTOT:-\L OF ABOVE':- (.- \... ~ . . I ' !' 1'-" ,. ,. "- ,~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION _ 170:s.~ J-;t <., o S-'700 '. " ',,' ';-, : ',,- Own~rs Name..Ltr ? Y' '.:"<:"~ ~I/ 'p., h"r!fL P1- - - 1.- -' .I"";--. \ ,Ad,dre~(i 1 hQ.T0/. -:A-\,.r;r: ',~itY ,?/> iJ-~/e~:~~.9<,Y/'f ij~ OWNERINSTALLATIO~.,: ~ [ The i~s'tallation-is bei1).g made on '~ properly I ,,\vn whien is not intended fo.r sale, lease or re~t." : .' ~ ,; , , ,~ - ' l"O,,'ncrs Sigria'ture': .' '"." >:~ ,: '; ....: . " .~' ~7"" . ,;$~:.A7~:::'-- T90:t'3IHQLlc.: .', ,',,': ':', ' . f-. 1,:1 "'Vu. , ., I, '" . :3SNt-!H:J, .. "."".', " ,'. C;1.:,g$,HO:J3HHN' .... ..L :~." ' Z002 60 i'-lQt;311:lQ " 801..1;000':' 10: #8Nlj)jf :. '. ( . . .'1' '. , ". .< ... . .-,.;....;.. _' J..,_~,.-. .' Items Cost SUI)1 $106.00 $ 19,00 :."" , :t..' 70/0 Stat~ Surch.:~rge .>.... 80/0 Adm~nistrative.Fee).' .. ;. .,' ,''''~ f 7S- 15/ . . " TOTAL " . I Job# 02-00021-01 I . Page 1 of 2 TRANS#:Ol-0007757 DATE:JAN 14 2002 AI1T REeD: 1 $ 61. 75 CHANGE:$ 10.00 CASHIER:061 ~-~ CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON RESIDENTIAL PERMIT City Of Springfield Community Services Division Building Safety Job Number: 02-00021-01 225 North Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Office: 726-3759 Inspection Line: 726-3769 Location Of Proposed Site: 2120 A St Spr Assessors Map#: 17033613 Lot: Block: Addition: Tax Lot #: 05900 Subdivision: Owner: Max Stevenson Phone Number: 541-914-1346 City/State/Zip: Springfield, OR 97477 Addition Value: $200 Address: 2120 A Street Scope Of Work: Electrical Only Install hard-wired smoke detectors. Add min bldg permit req'd per BB for installation of window 011402, DB Contractor Type Contractor Electrical Contr Max Stevenson 2120 A Street, Springfield, OR 97477 Registration # Expiration Date Phone . "s'l0~4,~:914-1346 c'\'~ -' ~. \\\~J .....~~~ (p ~"~,- .'j";\ \. .('~~ 0("',.;."- .,.\c....,. .....4e~"'" f\.(""" \'.\".O~ .~ \ 'Q'J \\ .' ~c~ (....'r:- ~'f.{t..v ,,1 .-,(' , ,,'.0- ~~ ,,, _ "(' ,--:.'0, to", . 1)\'- "-'~' - \ \,.... ,\0- ,,-(Ie. '. ....,:; 'F 'p#'Of'Buildlilgs: '(\'- N ,''3 r ,!\\...'...... ,-",\"."'.n.~':.\"""'---'YI" ...;ro,' ,_'~o;o; . ">:\(..,, ,Occupancy' 'Group' :,. "01' ,'oJ . ~<:ll\v' _~".''''''' .". _,"'\ \"'"'Ie; ~~ '"'.,..-a;:\.\ , ,...,.. r; \/v . """S - -" .\\ 'o~\\\\.J ~ '.;:""-"., QF~'; ,j ,!iieat o,urce:", \" . 0,.\"\ .:f;~' ,.,,' \\--. \\'!:........J fo........ Water Heater: Range: 'If. ~. ,{v'" .~ .~\!lq~F_l!~tagli'.:).Q,-:y.H" ......n. J,.'r"~ 1"""-":..:..:,:). (] .... v"''' ~\\\:\':::l-" ,,\"f,'O - ~ ..9,.':::~' ' To request an inspection call the 24 hour recording at 726-3769. All ins~~~~~gu~'st~d-before 7:00 a.m. will be made the same working day, inspections requested after 7:0lJ a.m. will be made the following working day. Quad Area: # Of Units: Constr. Type: Office Use Land Use: Zoning Code: Bedrooms: Required Inspections Building I Framing Final Building Construction Types: Occupancy Groups: # Of Buildings: # Of Bedrooms: Handicap Access? 0 ,Area (Sq. Feet) I Main: Accessory: - Prior to cover. -When all required inspections have been approved and the building is complete.' -- E'/IIOt\~ Electrical I ii\C'E~ ...vtI\t\E \fi\"l t-101 ~O !1SI-I"'u..\;I" PEt\,,^Ii\S 1~\S PEt\~D \}t-l\)Et\1I-I\~\)Ot-lE\) fOt\ ~Ot\\t-... Ot\ \S"'S"'~ CO,,^,,^Et-lC~~ PE?\O\), ",t-l'l' ~80 \) - Prior to cover. -When all electrical work is complete. Rough Electrical Final Electrical # Of Stories: Current Units: Census Code: Does not apply Height (feet): Proposed Units: Total: . Job# 02-00021-01 I Paid On Receipt# Building 01/14/2002 7757 01/14/2002 7757 01/14/2002 7757 ;r Fee Building Permit State Surcharge For Building Permit Building Administrative Fee Total Building Minimum Electrical Permit Fee Branch Circuits W/O Feeder or Service State Surcharge - Electrical Administrative Fee - Electrical Total Electrical Electrical 01/09/2002 7708 01/09/2002 7708 01/09/2002 7708 01/09/2002 7708 Grand Total M~ ~/'>- Signatufe . Page 2 of2 Value/Quantity Fee Amount 200 $45.00 $3.15 $3.60 $51.75 $2.00 1 $43.00 $3.15 $3.60 $51.75 $103.50 ~ /4/ &002- ~te