HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2001-12-17 . , " . .t\ d has the following . following project as sUb,rnl .epecltlc land use . iog, and does not reqUl~e approval.. K-1- 225 FIFTH STREET zOOln9(-( , ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION SPRINGFIELD. OREGOl'\al~477 l~ 1'1 1\\ ,. _ I"lSPECTIOi\' REQUEST' ,26-3769 . 1)~ (,it" In" "'lImher f!) 1_<.;"":> _ <5 -C!> / OFFICE: n6.375~ Authorized SIgnature " 3. COMPLETEFEESCHEDL~EBELOW P.OI . .Oct-IS-01 01 :43P I. LOCATION or INSTALLATlOI'i 17~/ or ')9 Q rr- LEGAL DESCRIPTION 1l.b3'~'OO ---i9IP_~~o_ A. New RcsJdc"tii.J-Sin~lc nr Mulli.Famil~' pa dwelling unit. Sen'kc )nclutlc{1: Items Cost Sum JOB DESCRIPTIO:>! (;.e~ ~, }(JUO ~q.ft. or less E<lcll <-lddilional 500 sq. ft or portion thcrcJr Ea:ll ~.1<lllllrd Home or Modulo. Dwellirlg Service or Feeder 5106,00 Permits ;Ire nO'~-tr,lIIsferable fllld expire jf work is nol SHrtcd within 18U days of issuance or if ,,'Ork is suspended f(ll 180 dol'S. $ 19.00 $ 5iHIU 2, CONl'RAl"TOR [i\'STALLATION ONLY B. Scrvj(c~ or Feeders lm;taJlation, Alterations or Ine, Relocalion' ' ElectricarContmC{(l[ - Alert I:lectric, Address 1970 N. .28th Street ci"Springfie1dphone 747-2213' Superyh;or License Number 243':'5 200 <l fl1pS or less . 2~ I amps to 400 amps ~[) I amps to 6UO amps 60 I :l.lllpS to 1000 amps O\'e. 1000 omps/voils RecOtUlectOnly , $ 63.00 $ 75.00 $125.00 S163.00 5375,00 $ 50,00 Expiration Diie 10 -1 ,..0 4 Constr Contr. Number 12772 C. ,Temporary Services'or F'eetlen . . InstaUati~DI Altcrati(l)l or Relocation .> , , . Expirmion [Xm: 5-22';03" . . - . , , .." ." , , '.. 200 amps or less' , ,. 201 amps to 400 amps '. Over 401 to 600 amps Over 600 nmps or 1000 volts see "Bl' floove S50.00 $69.00 '. . 5100,00 ' ~: Sign.aturc of SUJlcl"yi.~irJg Electrician SVtrilJ - D. Bn.tnch Circuit!! New Alteration or E?<tension Ptr Pariel .Address /OO}' M;4t/ll 5, eil)' :Sf pi) Phone 7l.{1(-372 b OJ1~. CircUit" $43.00 Each" Additional Circui lor wlth Service . or Feeder Pe:mitS3,OO OWNER INSTALLATION ",. The 'installation is being made on property I.own.which. is not intended for s<lle, \c.,se or rent. . Owncn SiJ.:nature: E. "'Iisccllllneous. (Scl"\icc/feedcr not inclUded) .Each installation. ?llnlp or irrigation SignfO'.ltlinc Lightillg Li:niteu Ellerg)'/P.es Limill'.d EnergylComm $30.00 $~O.OO S25.00 $45.00 ~.linimuII1_EJ~ctdc Permit In~pccrinn Fcc b S4~.OO -+- Sllrchilrgc.~ ~ TOTAL '1S:d'P "'1./ ~-. J.,c? , 5:.1..70 190: i33IHSIJ::1 : 39NtJH:J SL'1S $ G:GJ3ij lWtJ 100G 61 i10N:31tJO 6LGLOOO-10:#SNtJdl 4. SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE 70/1) St:lh: Surcharge 8("10 Adminbtl"ative F~e 1'1 '17..