HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2001-11-16 . T!!IOWing project 8S submitted has the following a ~ _ ~ _ z . an~ ~09S f10t requi~e specific land use ^ ,22) FIFTH ?!REET I . app oval. ;., ! 1, !/A" : I ~ ;. _, ErE CAL PERMlT APPLICA nON SPRINGI'IELD, OREGON 97~7'Zon,"g.!.:..1::;rk_. I ' - I. ^ 0 I 01 0 0 f . '. INSPECTION REQUEST- 726,376911/1'1.'/0/'.-" : , CItYJonNumhcrU/-' (.,../ b""- , . . J' I 'Date \ t1 I ,I l,' , ;! OFFICE. 726-3"(59 : I' I J I 'T ~" ,', , '., . " , ) " c' , .~ ~;':; \ 'Auitlorlzed'Slgnatur. I rnMPLETE..fEE SCHEDULE BELOW I. 1 LOCAT~ON'OF'INSTALL~TION ~ [ . ." 't "' I' . , G\ Cj 5 \, '~. l_p;.:sr . /\ ,- --, 'iCNe,,:-Rcsidentiil].Single or''':' ._" . -- ,~-~. Multi.FnmiIy per dwelling unit, Sen-ice Included: ,;-, /- " " c- '. ). -, \ , \ ',. :. . i i"" , " , , I I' . ,',', :.'" I I l i ;.. i '., I' I I i'" I, " : i:. ," ;i. l.," :'.' . . , LEGAL DESCRIPTION n,0::::'.35.00 00100 .s Items Cost Sum JOB DESCRIPTION F;'XT.ono. -F\ci 51; f\ 'I l; ",hT,0t; ('I rc u ';T ,. Permits are fu;m-transferable and expire if work is nOJ'started within 180 days of issuance br 'if work is suspended for 180' days. ' ,: . ~.1 l':' Philios I .- ~ 2. CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION ONLY B, Sen-iees or Feeders /.... ., .. ',\ Christen~on El~ctric, Inc. D.B.A. Installation,Alterationsor . ..:\. EleClrical"C.ontractof 'Phi 1 ir-c: Rl t:!rot-ri_c Relocation: /:';':;' . - " l \' Address i2~f(:~t~~i Drive /;':-'" 200 nmps or lei' '; ':., .~.. ~ ~ ~.3.0~S , \ \ (, /... . ,', 201 amps to 400 amps" . . ~$'75,00 Cit)' Euizene.I'OR Phone (S4t) 6RR~lil.zl ':-'" 401 "'BpS t'1600 ainps. $i25.00 ~NTlnl'J.nr~\:WlaWreqlji~"'"CJ''' .'. ';'6Q,lamps}OIOOOitInps.. $163.00~. f u K'lsbTCicelf5e umber rl"_27.1QS :' '," 'Over,I.OO/Qampsf\'o"Its. $375.00 o rUles l:\aopl~C uy \Jl<!~ -.. .... I. 0 I $ Notjfllf.i>>h7~,\.f\m~(~h~flj;'l51"/~ ~le,.!;~':: '/' . . Re~o,nne"~.1 ~,~ .~. " ~,50..00 in crA'A"S52:oo'i::{lV '" """-'li""'.,"'"'''''''' ' . ' , ',: .. . FTHEWORK , "I mi' ,C. TenII'OI'ai-" Scn-iees:o.. Fe~i!.trtXPIRE I '.. . OOllQ,n'!atKMlI. ~mfJPP!l~ _ 2'6~ 13U!;; L .' I~stallatin~;f\lte,' riltipn o;;RcI~...~1'S PERMI,T \S \'lOT call1n!;ffh'''e~cent~r:1N'''ltIt tJ,~ ttl'U::;"'1 v.~o;. ..' , "\~"~.,. I 'JNUt:n I _ ".' ". . . . . ',nl!.l$f!fJw~~pr~~~J'~/!fil;l:l110' .." 20tamp,~','W2~s., )'1RiS ABAN?ON::D. FR~oo~! ,. I" -...JO~r~rJ~'r& ~--" '~--.:.:.:.... " ~.., 201t;i~1:Ps)2'~og~"i~s~on.':$69.00 , . Sigilature of Supervising Electrician ~.Ovef'401 to:600 amps" '.. $100.00_, . ,..... -~-, ~. ',~- .' .. .:~..> O\'er 600'amps.orJOOO'volts see .. ,'f';~ liB II above ~.' _'. 1\ '\ I,"~ " D. Branch Circuits ; New' Aiter~tlOn orf'Extension Pc/Panel' . / {/ . \ .: ,'.' . '" J '''I ' . I !')/.J\ One' Circuit " , "I $43.00 '-f.5.(,..(..1 If 1', ~ I. '.- - I fl" .r.' l'f ... .: .1' End, Additional"Circoit or with Service ., ~i.FeederP~n\;it :i:..:. . _$ 3.00 Ul, "'. 0\:'1' ,: " ' ~ - "I: t. .:f,J,! ,,,,""~"'-J ~ \ ,: E, Miscellaneous (Sen-iee/feeder not included) '..' J.' ,:pEacll :i'nstallati~h ',_ . _.:' t, \. -'.' : l.)'- . . ',' r/....1. . ,I i ; ; ,"I J.' ,\ .,' ~ . .. Pump o~.:lrJ'gatlOr ; , 'I i ' ----.2 $)0.00 I'. Signlqil9ine Ligl)ting. , . : $50.00 ~.. ~i L5n;ite9EllergyfR~s, " ., _ $25.00.~ ' , I,,\illited E}jergy/C~n,", :' _ $45.00 .~. r~' >~.(~~'_ ~ ,'- ~i~, \: :,~.~..,: -" .... : l\'linimum, Electric-Permit Inspection Fec's 545.00 + Surcha;"gcs \ -" I '.' ,.'. " ", ,,' , .- 4, SUBTOifAL'9~~BO~~' .00: ~ _ [jr;,(j) 7% State Surcharge ,~: ~;;;.It" 8% Ad~nisiraih'eF:ce, " " '5, 60 '1-,,:,'.., , ; OJ , '=1.9, L/ S 61.1S nO:~IHS\K) SO' 0'$:39NtiH8, rr'"7$T' ::Ii.. I..J ~ -',. + .\,1". ;' .." S1,>'6lJ $ z:o::m! 1W\J . 1:00<::9(;180:31\10 '" 801LQ"D0-'l:O: #SN\i1l1. .... . , Own'ers Name. H: r0c. "l!,i,.'n?J <...> ,- '" '. "", \ Addres~ 'P. 0', '~~ X' ';:);)8.0' ~itY Fu 5~. 0 e..'P'hO~~q " i7.3 7 ~ "i ",5 ,. .~I OWNER INSTALLATioN.' ".:( The "installation is ,being'" n~ade' on ." I 'properly I o~\'nwhi~li is not,iritended .'. fof' sa.l~l _ie'as~" 6f.rent:~,' .. :".,~-~ :_~... '.. ~;~., ';, r.. ... . O""?i~I:S Si~nat.urc:'; :;':~, ;', ,. .,..;t.,:,~..", ,./. "" f " ,_. " ".~.'i p . -~~~,," " . ,'" .'; .' ,',.;;,(. .' " " . .-::: , . , 1000 sq.ft. or less Each ndditional 500 sq. ft or portion thereof Each Manufd Home or Modular Dwelling Service or Feeder $106.00 . . $ 19.00 - . $ 50.00 /,:. ". j .1, . .~ ".",,~ '::. \ . , , ,.... " -. TOTAL