HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 00-62 12/04/2000 . . . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD RESOLUTION NO. 00-62 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD COMMON COUNCIL ADOPTING THE RATE STRUCTURE FOR THE SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGES AS ESTABLISHED IN CITY OF SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE, SECTION 3.406. WHEREAS, ORS 223.304 establishes criteria for the methodology to be used in setting rates for system development charges; and, WHEREAS, the City of Springfield recognizes the need of having new development pay an equitable share of the capital improvement costs related to the impacts such new development has on the City's infrastructure; and, WHEREAS, the City Council is interested in stimulating investment in downtown to revitalize Springfield's central core; and WHEREAS, development in the downtown area, particularly professional office development, can create family-wage jobs which are vital to the continued economic health of the entire community; and WHEREAS, lower system development fees in the downtown area will reduce start-up costs for new commercial and professionl office development and redevelopment, freeing developer resources for higher quality site and building design and development, which, in turn, will make downtown more attractive to other developers; and WHEREAS, lower systems development fees may help improve Springfield's advantage in competing with other Oregon communities for businesses seeking to locate in downtown Springfield; and WHEREAS, the Springfield City Council finds sufficient bases in the above findings to justify subsidizing the Systems Development Charges of development within the Downtown Development Area through General Funds, road funds and other non-Systems Development Charge sources; and, WHEREAS, the attached rate structure provides an equitable and fair system of funding a portion of the capital improvements related to new development: . . . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of Springfield that the City Manager or the City Manager's designee is authorized to use the attached rate structure in administering Section 3.400 through Sectioi13.420 of the City Code and calculating the systems development charges, including the adoption of rates for development within the Downtown Development Area which shall have a 50% reduction in rates from December 4, 2000 to December 3,2003. In addition, for the period of December 4,2000 to December 3,2001, existing businesses in the Downtown' Development Area as of December 4, 2000 shall be allowed to expand their hours of operation without incurring additional Transportation SDC charges for simply that expansion of hours of operation. Adopted by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this ...4..tL day of December, 2000. Adopted by a vote of 5 for and 0 against. REVIEWED & APPROVED A&..TO FORM l o cn-<S:..r'~ j ~ 'ct--~ DATE:-.lLl'2~ ,~C~ OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY . . . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE (SDC) RATE STRUCTURE EFFECTNE 12/4/00 Stormwater SDC: $0.271 per square foot of impervious area. This charge is considered to be solely an improvement fee, with no reimbursement component. Local Wastewater SDC: $37.40 per Plumbing Fixture Unit (PFU), as defined in the 1997 Uniform Plumbing Code with Oregon Amendments of April, 2000. This charge consists of$21.25 per PFU reimbursement rate and $16.15 per PFU improvement rate. , Where a discharge, or a portion of a discharge cannot, in the opinion of the City, be adequately characterized by a PFU count, the charge shall be calculated per discharge equivalent to a typical dwelling unit (EDU). This charge is $748 per EDU. $425 of this charge is a reimbursement rate and $323 of this charge is an improvement rate. The EDU equivalent discharge is equal to 167 gallons per day. ' Transoortation SDC: $84.67 per average weekday vehicle trip end. $16.12 of this charge is a reimbursement rate and $68.55 is an improvement rate. Calculated trip ends shall be adjusted by removing expected pass-by trips from the calculation of charges. The Public Works Department shall maintain a table of standard pass-by trip adjustments for common land uses, using the best data available. Administrative Charges A 5% surcharge will be added to the total SDC, including the MWMC Regional Sanitary Sewer SDC, to recover the direct cost of administering the SDC program, as provided in ORS 223. The rates listed above will be adjusted July 151 of each year according to the change in the National Construction Cost Index (CCl), beginning July 15t, 2001. Downtown Development Area Discount All local SDC charges as outlined above shall be discounted in the Downtown Development Area, as shown on the attached map, by the following amounts: 12/4/00 to 12/3/03 : 50% reduction Thereafter: full rate This discount will not apply to MWMC Regional SDC charges or Willama1ane Park SDC charges which are collected by, but not imposed by, the City of Springfield. In addition, for the period of 12/4/00 to 12/3/01, for those existing businesses in the Downtown Deyelopment Area as of 12/4/00, there will be no additional charge for a Transportation SDC if a business simply expands hours of operation. . . .- J.. I I II I I I I I , I IHn I [-U I H .~ -~ fBlli ~ ill I BId fP1ifI1jj ~'" , IJ Systems Development Charges Discounted ~" OOUIIITI - ""- III f.-IIII-~ B II I r., D 11. l- . 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