HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 00-61 12/04/2000 . t . . . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD RESOLUTION NO. 00-61 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD COMMON COUNCIL MODIFYING AND ADOPTING THE METHODOLOGY FOR THE SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGES AS SET FORTH IN CITY OF SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE, SECTION 3.408. WHEREAS, ORS 223.304 establishes criteria for the methodology to be used in setting rates for system development charges; and, WHEREAS, the City of Springfield recognizes the need of having new development pay an equitable share of the costs of existing and planned capital improvements related to the impacts such new development has on the City's infrastructure; and, WHEREAS, other capital improvement funding is not available in adequate amounts to provide for such needed improvements; and, WHEREAS, the attached methodology provides an equitable and fair system of funding a portion of the capital improvements related to new development; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of Springfield that the City Manager or the City Manager's designee is authorized to use the attached methodology in administering Sections 3.400 through 3.420 of the City Code and calculating the systems development charges. Adopted by the Common Council ofthe City of Springfield this ~ day of December, 2000. Adopted by a vote of 5 fq,r and 0 against. REVIEWED & APPROVED As.. TO FORM _~eriCC'\~ 0 LG.~~ DATE: \ \ ''2,'- \2uc:i'::l OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY . .. . City of Springfield PROPOSED System Development Charge Methodology . Stormwater Local Wastewater" Transportation Prepared By City of Springfield Public Warks Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 November 3, 2000 . . . OVERVIEW OF SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGES One of the principal sources of revenue for financing new public facilities or expansions to existing facilities is a one-time charge imposed at the time of connection to the system. This charge is generally referred to as.a system development charge (SDC), impact fee, or capital contribution fee. These charges are designed to pay for, or recover, all, or a portion, of the capital investment made by a local government to provide sufficient capacity in public infrastructure to serve new users. System development charges Cire typically collected when new users or developers connect to a utility system, when new development permits are issued, or when users change the usage of their property. Oregon SDC Legislation In Oregon, the development and implementation of SDCs is regulated by ORS 223.297-314. This legislation, which became effective on July 1,1991, authorizes local governments to assess SDCs for the following types of capital improvements: · Water supply, treatment, and distribution · Wastewater collection, transmission, treatment, and disposal · Drainage and flood control (stormwater) · Transportation . Parks and recreation The City of Springfield has assessed and will continue to assess SDC charges for three of these systems (local wastewater collection and b:ansmission, stormwater, and transportation) in compliance with the 1991.1egislation. The City also currently collects SDC fees fot Willamalane Park District and the Metropolitan Wastewater Management Commission for parks and regional wastewater conveyance and treatment facilities, respectively. . The legislation provides guidelines regarding the calculation of SDCs, accounting requirements to track SDC revenues, and the adoption of administrative review procedures. SDC Components An SDC may be a reimbursement fee, an improvement fee, or a combination of the two. Reimbursement Fee The reimbursement fee is based on the costs of capital improvements already constructed or under construction. The legislation requires that the reimbursement fee be established by an ordinance or resolution that sets forth the methodology used to calculate the charge. This methodology must consider the cost of existing facilities, prior contributions by existing users, the value of unused capacity, ratemaking principles employed to finance the capital improvements, and other relevant factors. The objective of the methodology must be that future system users contribute no more than an equitable share of the capital costs of existing facilities. Improvement Fee . The improvement fee is designed to recover the costs of planned capital expansions. The improvement fee methodology must also be specified in an ordinance or resolution and must consider the costs of projected capital improvements needed to increase the capacity of CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SDC METHODOLOGY the system. The legislation further requires that a credit be provided for the construction of . /1 qualified public improvements." Qualified public improvements are improvements that axe required as a condition of development approval, identified in the' system's capital improvement program, and either (1) not located on or contiguous to the property being developed, or (2) located in whole or in part on or ~ontiguous to property that is the subject of development approval imd required to be built larger or with greater capacity than is necessalY for the particular development project to which the improvement fee is related. Revenues generated through the improvement fees are dedicated to capacity-increasing capital improvements or the repayment of debt on such improvements. An increase in capacity is established if an improvement increases the level of service provided by existing facilities or provides new facilities. The portion of such improvements funded by improvement fees must be related to cunent or projected development. Combined Fee. The combined fee is simply the sum of the reimbursement and improvement fee. . Other Provisions Other provisions of the legislation require: · Development of a capital improvement program (ClP) or comparable plan that lists the improvements that may be funded with improvement fee revenues and the estimated timing and cost for each improvement. · Deposit of SDC revenues into dedicated accounts and annual accounting of revenues and expenditures. · Creation of an administrative appeal procedure whereby a citizen or other interested party may challenge an expenditure of SDC revenues. · Preclusion against challenging the SDC methodology after 60 days from enactment of or revision to the SDC ordinance or resolution. The provisions of the legislation are invalidated if they are consb:ued to impair the local government's bond obligations or the ability of the local government to issue new bonds or other financing. . SDC UPDATE. PROCESS OBJECTIVES To assist in the SDC update process, the Springfield City Council created a citizen advisory committee (CAC) to advise staff and consultants on changes to the methodology, project list and related policy issues to be addressed dUling the update. The CAC identified the following key outcomes for the study process: · Achieves fair, equitable, objective, defensible, and understandable methodology · Provides adequate revenue for infrastructure related to capacity increases · Creates incentives for downtown investment and revitalization · Creates incentives for downtown restaurants and businesses to stay open in the evenings 2 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SDC METHODOLOGY . The CAC met between January and October, 2000, and discussed each infrastructure system in detail, examining the methodology, project list and related policy i,ssues. The following policy objectives were addressed in the update process: · Consider a reimbursement component to the SDC . · Consider whether the transportation SDC should be based on peak traffic and effect on . restaurants In addition, administrative objectives were defined for the update process, including updating the project list to include Glenwood, utilizing unit costing, and establishing a long term financing program. STORMWA TER SDe . Introduction The stormwater SDC methodology is based on a level of service approach. The level of service approach assumes that the cost of capacity to serve new development, i.e. new impervious areas, will be consistent with the unit cost of the existing stormwater system capacity which serves existing development. The methodology for determining the stormwater SDC consists of th~ following four steps: 1. Determine the SDC cost basIs - replacement cost net of assessments 2. Determine.the existing developed area 3. Calculate the SDC unit cost 4. Develop the SDC schedule Step 1 - Determine the SDC Cost Basis: Replacement Cost Net of Assessments and Contributions The City maintains an inventory of stormwater facilities, including conveyance pipes, major drainage channels, roadside/backyard ditches, storm manholes, catch basins/inlets, and water quality/detention basins. The inventory contains the number of lineal feet (LF) of each diameter conveyance pipe, ranging from 4-inches in diameter to 96-inches in diameter. The inventory also contains the lineal feet of drainage channels and roadside/backyard ditches, the number of storm manholes and catch basins/inlets, and the volume, in acre-feet, of water quality/detention basins. The SDC cost basis is determined by applying replacement unit costs to eac,h component of the asset inventory. The unit costs are applied to each facility type as follows: $ per lineal foot of conveyance pipe for each pipe diameter, $ per lineal foot of major d,rainage channel, $ per lineal foot for roadside/backyard ditches, $ per storm manhole, $ per catch basin/inlet, and $ per acre-foot of water quality/detention basins. . Table 1 shows the calculation of the replacement value of the existing stormwater facilities. The total estimated replacement cost of the stormwater system facilities is $84,619,950. . 3 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SDC METHODOLOGY . TABLE 1 Estimated Replacement Cost of Stormwater System Stormwater Pipe System Wide Unit Unit Cost Estimated Diameter Quantity Replacement Cost Not Avallable 930 Lineal Feet $70 $65,100 4" 877 Lineal Feet $50 $43,850 6" 7,005 Lineal Feet $50 $350,250 8" 89,900 Lineal Feet $55 $4,944,500 10' 126,882 Lineal Feet $55 $6,978,510 12" 166,769 Lineal Feet $65 $10,839,985 15" 69,046 Lineal Feet $70 $4,833,220 18' 80,044 Lineal Feet $75 $6,003,300 20" 270 Lineal Feet $80 $21,600 21" 19,701 Lineal Feet $80 $1,576,080 24" 72,200 Lineal Feet $85 $6,137,000 27" 14,806 LIneal Feet $90 $1,332,540 30" 34,067 Lineal Feet $100 $3.406,700 33" 2,951 Lineal Feet $110 $324,610 36" 41,111 Lineal Feet $120 $4,933,320 . 42" 32,014 Lineal Feet $135 $4,321,890 48" 20,998 Lineal Feet $145 $3,044,710 50" 1 ,485 Lineal Feet $160 $237,600 54" 7,106 Lineal Feet $160 $1,136,960 60" 8,493 Lineal Feet $170 ' $1.443,810 66" 4,936 Lineal Feet $190 $937,840 72" 3,545 Lineal Feet $210 $744,450 78" 1,011 Lineal Feet $230 $232,530 96" 440 Lineal Feet $300 $132,000 Other System System Wide Unit Unit Cost Estimated Facilities Quantity Replacement Cost 120" Box Culvert 765 Lineal Feet $650 $497,250 Major Drainage 67,841 Lineal Feet $120 $8,140,920 Channels Roadside/Backyard 73,601 Lineal Feet '$25 $1,840,025 Ditches Manholes 2,502 Each $1,500 $3,753,000 Catch Basins/Inlets 5,022 Each $1,200 $6,026,400 Water Quality 2 Each N/A $340,000 Facilities Total Estimated $84,619,950 . Replacement Cost 4 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SDC METHODOLOGY . SDCs are designed to recover the costs of general system facilities needed to provide additional capacity for new development. Assessments fund local improvements providing special benefits to individual properties, and are therefore deducted ITom the system value in determining the SDC cost basis. External contributions to the system in the form of developer contributions and grants are also deducted from the total system value to determine the cost basis. The total stormwater capital expenditures since 1990 were reviewed and the funding sources identified. Stormwater capital improvement funding sources include: monthly rates, SDCs, assessments, grants, and developer contributions. During this time, approximately 60.8% of the stormwater capital expenditures were funded through assessments, grants, and developer contributions. The total estimated replacement cost of assessments and contributions is $51,448,929. The SDC cost basis, equal to total system replacement cost net of assessments and contributions is $33,171,021. Table 2 shows the calculation of the cost basis. TABLE 2 Stormwater SDC Cost Basis System Component Replacement Cost Assessments and sec Cost Basis Contributions (1) Storm Pipes $64,519,605 $39,227,920 $25,291,685 Major Storm Channels $8,140,920 $4,949,679 $3,191,241 . RoadsidelBackyard $1,840,025 $1,118,735 $721,290 Ditches Storm Manholes $3,753,000 $2,281,824 $1,471,176 Catch Basins/Inlets $6,026,400 $3,664,051 $2,362,349 Water Quality/Detention $340,000 $206,720 $133,280 Basins Total $84,619,950 $51,448,929 $33,171,021 1 Based on analysis of capital project funding since 1990 and the value of capital projects since 1990 funded by assessments, grants, and developer contributions. Step 2 - Determine the Existing Developed Area The existing developed impervious area is based on net developed acreage and a runoff coefficient for residential, commercial, industrial, and governmental land use categories. The net developed areas for each of the four land use categories was obtained from the L- COG Geographic Data System. The existing developed impervious surface area is estimated by multiplying the net developed acreage by the runoff coefficient for each land use type. Runoff coefficients were previously determined from published standards and are the figures currently used by the Public Works Deparbnent. The total estimated developed impervious surface area is 2,806.5 acres. Table 3 shows the calculation of the estimated devel,oped impervious surface area. . 5 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SDC METHODOLOGY . TABLE 3 Estimated Impervious Surface land Use Category Net Developed Acres (1) Runoff Coefficient (2) Impervious Surface, Acres Residential . 3,273 0.4 1,309.2 Commercial 791 0.9 711.9 Industrial 933 0.45 419.9 Governmental 731 0.5 365.5 Total 5.728 2;806.5 1 Source: L.COG Geographic Data System 2 Runoff coefficients determined from ~ublished standards and figures currently used by the Public Works Department Step 3 - Calculate the SDC Unit Cost The SDC unit cost is calculated by dividing the replacement cost net of assessments and contributions by the estimated developed impervious area. The SDC unit cost is $0.271 per impervious square foot. Table 4 summarizes the development of the SDC unit cost. TABLE 4 Stormwater SDC Unit Cost Calculation . SDC Cost Basis Estimated Impervious Surface SDC Per Impervious Acre SDC Per Impervious Square Foot $33,171,021 2,806.5 $11,820 $0.271 Step 4 - Develop the SDC Schedule In applying the stormwater SDC, the impervious square footage will be multiplied by the SDC unit cost of $0.271 per impervious square foot. The total impervious square feet in a new development is determined by using an actual impervious surface figure calculated from measurement of impervious surfaces shown on the plans for the development proposed. Example calculations are shown in Table 5. . 6 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SDC METHODOLOGY . TABLE 5 Example Stormwater SDC Calculations Example Land Use (1) Example Impervious Square Feet Stormwater SDC Office 16,599 7,563 48,192 34.642 $4,498 $2,050 $13,060 $9,388 $28,996 Restaurant Retail Apartment Mixed Use (Sum of Above Four 106,996 Examples) 1 Examples were selected based on review of development records in 1998 and 1999 Credits for On-Site Detention Where a properly sized dry well, designed and constructed in accordance with City specifications is used for clean (roof) stormwater infiltration, an SDC credit shall be applied that is the greater of : 1. a 50% SDC credit will be assigned to the portion of the impervious area served by the ~~m ' . 2. an SDC credit proportional to peak ten-year runoff reduction, based on documentation provided by the developer and approved by the City. For systems other than dry well systems, a credit will be given in proportion to engineering calculations of peak ten-year runoff reduction, based on documentation provided by the developer and approved by the City. Expenditures The Springfield System Development Charge Project List identifies the projects which are eligible for funding through the stormwater SDC. The SDC ordinance also provides flexibility to collect SDC revenue to be expended on projects identified in the City's long range plans. LOCAL WASTEWATER . Introduction The City's local wastewater SDC consists of a combined reimbursement and improvement fee. The improvement fee is calculated using a capital improvement plan (ClP) based approach. Under the elP approach the SDC cost basis is derived from a capital improvement plan that identifies specific growth-related projects to be built in the future. The reimbursement fee is based on the value of available capacity in the existing system 7 CITY OF SPRINGRELD SDC METHODOLOGY . available to serve new development. The steps used in determining the local wastewater SDC is as follows: ' . 1. Determine the capacity needs of growth 2. Determine the SDC cost basis 3. Calculate the SDC unit cost 4. Develop the SDC schedule Step 1 - Determine the Capacity Needs of Growth Local wastewater system capacity is defined in terms of equivalent dwelling units (EDUs). Equivalent dwelling units are a way of characterizing the total capacity need in the sewer system as if the City was made up entirely of single family dwellings. The total existing EDUs are estimated to be 26,821 EDU$. The existing EDUs were estimated based on sewer billing information for Springfield obtained from the Eugene Springfield Metropolitan Wastewater Management Commission (MWMC). The total number of single family sewer accounts is 14,537. According to wastewater flow records, single family users account for 54.2 percent of Springfield's wastewater flow. Dividing the number of single family dwelling units by their percent of total flow provides an estimate of the system-wide EDUs (26,821). . Growth EDUs are estimated based on the estimated future residential dwelling units from the City's residential lands study, and the current proportion of EDU s to dwelling units. The existing number of residential dwelling units (including single family, multifamily, and mobile homes) is 21,741. Therefore, the ratio of ED Us to dwelling units currently is 1.23. The additional residential dwelling units projected through build-out are estimated to be 21,665. Assuming the same mix of development occurs in the future as currently exists, the growth ED Us are estimated to be 26,728 (1.23 times 21,665). Total EDUs at build-out are estimated to be 53,549 (26,821 current ED Us plus26,728 additional EDUs from growth). Table 6. provides this calculation in tabular form. TABLE 6 Local Wastewater Existing and Build-out EDUs Current number of single family and duplex sewer units % of total wastewater flow from single-family and duplex units Total existing system EOUs 14,537 54.2% 26,821 (26,821 = 14,537/0.542) Current number of residential dwelling units (includes singte famify, duplex, multifamily, and mobile homes) Current ratio of total EDUs to residential dwelling units Growth residential dwelling units to build-out Growth EDUs Total build-out EDUs 21,741 1.23 (1.23 = 26,821/21,741) 21,665 26,728 (26,728 = 1.23 *21,665) 53,549 (53,549 = 26,821 + 26,728) . 8 " CITY OF SPRlNGFIELD SDC METHODOLOGY . Step 2 - Determine the SDC Cost Basis Reimbursement Fee The SDC cost basis fodhe reimbursement fee is equal to the system replacement cost net of assessments, grants and conb:ibutions, and outstanding debt principal. SDCs are designed to recover the costs of general system facilities needed to provide additional capacity for new development. Assessments fund local improvements providing special benefits to individual properties, and are therefore deducted from i:pe system value in determining the SDC cost basis. External conb:ibutions to the system in the form of developer contributions and grants are also deducted from the total system value to determine the cost basis. Outstanding debt principal is also deducted from the system replacement value because the debt will be repaid through sewer rates. Deducting the outstanding principal amount ensures that the value of the debt-financed improvements will not be double-charged - once through SDCs and again through sewer rates charged to the same developments. To develop the system replacement cost, a system inventory of local sanitary sewer pipes and pump stations was compiled. Unit costs were developed for each pipe diameter, in $ per lineal foot. The estimated replacement cost for the local sanitary sewer pipes is the product of the inventory quantity and the unit cost; the replacement cost for each of the 16 pump stations was estimated individually. TABLE 7 . Local Wastewater $DC Replacement Fee Cost Basis Pipe System Wide Unit Unit Assessments, Diameter .Quantity Cost Grants and Contributions 4" 2,890 Lineal Feet $73 $210,970 5" 2,186 Lineal Feet $73 $159,578 6" 58,531 Lineal Feet $73 $4,272,763 8" 670,538 . Lineal Feet $83 $55,654,654 10" 69,200 Lineal Feet $84 5,743,600 12" 47,845 Lineal Feet $85 $3,971,135 15" 26,419 Lineal Feet $88 $2,192,777 16" . aDO Lineal Feet $114 $33,200 18" 28,905 Lineal Feet $114 $1,199,558 20" 802 Lineal Feet $135 $33,283 21" 14,263 Lineal Feet $135 $621,750 24" 27,519 LIneal Feet $153 $1,881,641 27" 25,203 Lineal Feet $180 $0 30" 9,193 Lineal Feet $230 $405,720 36" 7,042 Lineal Feet $315 $1,686,825 42" 19,158 Lineal Feet $378 $0 . 48" 19,752 LIneal Feet $441 $2,407,860 SDC Cost Basis $0 $0 $0 $0 $69,200 $95,690 $132,095 $58,000 $2,095,613 $74,987 $1,303,756 $2,328,767 $4,536,540 $1,708,670 $531 ,405 $7,241,724 $6,302,772 9 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SDC METHODOLOGY . TABLE 7 Local Wastewater SDC Replacement Fee Cost Basis Pipe System Wide Unit Unit Assessments, , Diameter Quantity Cost Grants and Contributions 60" 3,641 Lineal Feet $504 $0 Pump Stations Capacity Estimated Assessments, Replacement Cost Grants and Contributions . Harlow Road 3.0 MGD $800,000 $0 Gateway & Gamefarm 0.2 MGD $100,000 $0 Ramada Station Ken Ray 0.5 MGD $100,000 $100,000 21s1 and E Street 1.6 MGD $185,000 ' $0 Hayden-Lo 0.4 MGD $140,000 $140,000 Marcola Road 0.1 MGD $60,000 $60,000 15th Street 0,3 MGD $80,000 $80,000 49th Street 0.5 MGD $110,000 $110,000 Golden Terrace 0.4 MGD $180,000 $180,000 Lucerne Meadows 0.3 MGD $100,000 $100,000 Commercial Park 0.4 MGD $120,000 $120,000 . Olympic 0.2 MGD $100,000 $100,000 Deadmond's Ferry 1.2 MGD $150,000 $0 Otto Street 0.2 MGD $120,000 $120,000 42nd and Olympic 0.2 MGD $100,000 $100,000 River Glen 0.7 MGD $100,000 $79,000 Total Local Wastewater SOC Reimbursement Fee Cost Basis SDC Cost Basis $1,835,064 SDC Cost Basis $800,000 $100,000 $0 $185,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $150,000 $0 $0 $21,000 $22,784,308 . Assessable costs were developed consistent with the City's assessment policies. The entire replacement cost for pipes 8 inches or less in diameter is considered assessable. For pipes between 10 and 24 inches in diameter, the cost of an equivalent 8-inch pipe is assessable and the remainder of the project cost is not assessable. For pipes between 16 and 24, inches in diameter, it is assumed that assessments :will be collected from 50% of the eligible parcets. None of the replacement cost for pipes over 24 inches in diameter is considered assessable. Assessable costs for pump stations were estimated individually. The total estimated assessable cost is $76,494,471. Grant and other funding is estimated separately for each diameter of local sanitary sewer pipe, according to the lineal footage of pipe that was grant funded. No grant funding for pump stations has been received. An estimated $5,269,842 in grants and contributions has been received for the facilities included in the local wastewater SDC. Current outstanding debt principal of $6,785,974 is also deducted. 10 . . . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SDe METHODOLOGY The reimbursement fee cost basis of $22,784,308 is the replacement cost less assessments, grants and contributions, and outstanding debt service principal. ln1provementFee The SDC improvement fee cost basis is the growth-allocable portion of planned local wastewater system capital improvements. Twelve planned capital improvements are incorporated into the SDt with a total estimated project cost of $11,075,000. A growth- allocable portion of each project was estimated that would be funded by SDCs, and the calculation of the SDC improvement fee cost basis is shown in Table 8. 11 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SDC METHODOLOGY 12 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SDC METHOOOlOGY . Improvement Fee The improvement fee unit cost is calculated by dividing the improvement fee cost basis ($8,630,000) by the anticipated growth through build out (26,728 EDUs), resulting in an improvement fee unit cost of $323 per EDU. Combined Reimbursement and Improvement Fee The SDC unit cost is $748 per EDU, which is the sum of the unit costs for the reimbursement . fee and the improvement fee. Step 4 - Define the SDC Schedule The SDC schedule is based on the number of plumbing fixture units (PFUs), as defined in the 1997 Uniform Plumbing Code Oregon Amendments (April 2000), proposed to be hooked up to the system. Based on a single-family, dwelling containing two lavatories, two water closets, two bathtubs with showers, one washer, and one kitchen sink, there are 20 PFUs per EDU. The SDC per PFU is therefore calculated at $748/20 = $37.40 per PFU. An alternative SDC fee for exceptional users will be applied when the sewage discharge from a development or ,a portion of the discharge from a development is, in the opinion of the City, not adequately defined by the application of a PFU count. This will typically occur when the development has discharges or plumbing fixtures which are not listed within the Uniform Plumbing Code. Examples of such discharges would be D:omcar wash facilities, a swimming pool discharge, or high water use manufacturing. The SDC fee for the non-PFU portion of a development discharge is $748 per EDU, based on an average wastewater . discharge of 167 gpd per EDU. If a development has a portion of the discharge which can be defined by PFU, and a portion of the discharge which the City determines should be charged by EDU, then the fee will be calculated using the PFU rate for the portion of the flow which can be defined by PFUs and the EDU rate for the portion of flow which is defined by flow equivalent to a dwelling unit. Table 9 shows example local wastewater SDC calculations. TABLE 9 ' Example Local Wastewater SDC Calculations Example Land Use (1) Example PFUs Local Wastewater SDC Office 41 67 41 .401 $1,533 $2,506 $1,533 $14,997 $20,570 Restaurant Retail Apartment Mixed Use (Sum of Above Four 550 Ex.amples) 1 Examples were selected based on review of development records in 1998 and 1999 . 13 . . . OTY OF SPRINGAELD SDC METHODOLOGY Expenditures The Springfield System Development Charge Project Ust identifies the projects which are eligible for funding through the local wastewater SDC. The SDC orcUnance also provides flexibility to collect SDC revenue to be expended on projects identified in the City's long range plans. TRANSPORTATION Introduction The City's transportation SDC consists of a combined reimbursement and improvement fee. The improvement fee is calculated using a capital improvement plan (CIP) based approach. Under the CIP approach the SDC cost basis is derived from a capital improvement plan that identifies specific growth-related projects to be built in the future. The reimbursement fee is based on the value of available capacity in the existing system available to serve new development. The steps used'in determining the transportation SDCs are as follows: 1. Determine the capacity needs of growth 2. Determine the SDC cost basis 3. Calculate the SDC unit cost 4. Develop the SDC schedllle Step 1 - Determine the Capacity Nee~s of Growth For purposes of developing SDCs, the capacity of a transportation system is typically defined by the number of trip ends that may be accommodated by the system over a specified planning horizon. Every vehicle trip has two ends, an origin and a destination. Trip capacity may be stated in terms of average daily or peak rates of travel. Based on a recommendation from the Citizen Advisory Committee, Springfield's SDCs are calculated based on average weekday trip generation. The Eugene/Springfield regional transportation system plan (Tra71.sPlan) identifies the transportation capacity needs of the region, as a whole and for the individual cities, through 2015. Based on TransPlan, the total average weekday trip ends generated by growth through 2015 is 196,077. Trip end forecasts generated by the regional transportation model rely heavily on regional household travel behavior surveys. Such surveys tend to account only for primary trip productions and attractions, and tend to omit short "pass-by" trips, diverted trips, and other linked trips. This is an important factor in how the SDCs are ultimately applied to individual land uses (see discussion under Step 4 below). Step 2 - Determine the SDC Cost Basis Reimbursement Fee The SDC cost basis for the reimbursement fee is net system investment (system replacement cost net of assessments, grants and contributions, and outstanding debt principal), adjusted for the amount of available local capacity of the existing facilities. Table 10 shows calculation of the reimbursement fee cost basis. To develop the system replacement cost, a system inventory of improved minor arterials, improved collectors, off-street bike and pedestrian paths, and traffic signals was considered. The SDC cost basis does not include 14 . . . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SDC METHODOLOGY local streets and asphalt mat minor arterials and collectors because these are funded almost exclusively from assessments and developer contributions. Replacement unit costs, in $/ foot or $/ traffic signal, were estimated based on the City's current road construction costs. The replacement cost was calculatedby multiplying the inventory quantity by the uni~ cost, for each component of the transportation system inventory. Table 10 shows the replacement values for each type of asset in the current inventory. The total estimated replacement cost of the transportation system facilities is $82,215,950. TABLE 10 Transportation SDC Replacement Cost Facility Category. Units (Feet or Number) Estimated Replacement Cost Unit Cost Improved Minor Arterials Improved Collectors Off-Street Bike! Pedestrian Paths Traffic Signals Total $400 $350 $75 87,661 113,129 32,752 $35,064,400 $39,595,150 $2,456,400 $150,000 $5,100,000 $82,215,950 34 SDCs are designed to recover the costs of general system facilities needed to provide additional capacity for new development. Assessments fund local improvements providing special benefits to individual properties, and are therefore deducted from the system yalue in deter:m:ining the SDC cost basis. External contributions to the system in the form of developer contributions and grants are also deducted from the total system value to determine the cost basis. The assessable costs and external contributions were estimated based on a review of transportation system capital improvement financing since 1990. During this time, approximately 12:6 % of funding for improved minor arterials and improved collectors was provided by assessments. Off-street bike and pedestrian paths were not funded by assessments and an estimated 20% of traffic signal funding was provided by developers. These percentages were applied to the respective replacement values to determine the total assessable cost of $10,427,103. Since 1990, approximately 66% of funding for improved minor arterials and improved collectors was provided by County, State, Federal or other grants. An estimated 80% of off- street bike and pedestrian path funding was from Federal grants, and grant funding was not received for traffic signals. These percentages were applied to the replacement values to determine the total grant! contribution cost of $51,240,243. Outstanding debt principal is also deducted from the system replacement value because the debt will be repaid through property taxes. Deducting the outstanding principal amount ensures that the value of the debt-financed improvements will not be double-charged - once through SDCs and again through property taxes charged to the same developments. In 2000, the City has outstanding a total of $2,370,000 in general obligation debt related to the 15 " . . . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SDC METHODOLOGY transportation system. The net system investment of $18,178,424 is the replacement cost less assessments, grants and contributions, and outstanding debt principal. The cost basis is equal to the net system valu~ of local excess capacity. Based on traffic modeling data from TransPlan, the City estimated that approximately 19 percent of the existirig transportation system capacity is available to growth through 2015. However, a portion of this capacity will be consumed by "through" trips. A through trip passes through the City but has neither an origin nor a destination in the City. Through trips require capacity, but this cost of capacity is not the responsibility of local new development. Therefore, the SDC cost basis excludes the value of through trip capacity. Through trips are estimated to account for less than 10 percent of the additional capacity needs through 2015. The cost basis i:S determined by multiplying the percent available capacity in the existing transportation by the total replacement value net of assessments, contributions, and outstanding principal. The value of available capacity is $3/484,804. An analysis of traffic modeling information indicates that 90.7% of the available capacity will be used by local trips, as opposed to through trips resulting in a cost basis of $3,160/717. The SDC reimbursement fee cost basis is shown in Table 11. 16 . . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SDC METHODOLOGY TABLE 11 Transportation SDC Reimbursement Fee Cost Basis Estimated Replacement Cost less Assessments $82,215,950 ($10,427,103) ($51,240,423) ($2,370,000) $18,178,424 Less Grants less Outstanding Debt Principal Net System Investment % of System Capacity Available for Growth Value of Available Capacity 19% $3,484,804 % Local Trip Ends TransportationSDC Cost Basis 90.7% $3,160,717 Improvement Fee The SDC improvement fee cost basis is the growth-allocable portion of planned transportation system capital improvements. Five classes of capital improvements are incorporated into the SDC: arterial capacity improvements, new arterial links and intersections, new collectors, urban standards, and bike projects. The source documents for the improvements include the following: · TransPlan ilpdate . Springfield Bicycle Plan . Conceptual Road Network Map . Refinement Plans The total cost of planned capital improvements, in 2000 dollars, is $84,553,349. As for the' reimbursement fee cost basis, deductions are made for anticipated assessments, grants and other conh'ibutions. The level of funding from these non SDC-eligible sources was estimated based on a combination of past funding patterns and assumptions related to the availability of future grants, in particular Lane County grant funds. The two major sources of revenue for the county road fund are state highway hust funds and revenue from federal timber receipts. As timber receipts have become less stable and state highway funds have not been increased to keep up with inflation, the county does not expect to be able to continue to fund city projects at historical levels and have made this fact known to the cities. The portion of improvement costs to be funded through assessments, grants, and contributions . is projectedto be $51,517,150. ' 17 . . .0 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD sac METHOOOLOGY For each improvement project, traffic modeling data was analyzed 'to determine how much of the project would be used by existing land uses versus new development through 2015. Traffic volume data is available for each road segment and intersection. Total traffic flows in 2015 were identified for each segment. Traffic flows from existing land uses on the 2015 network were subtracted from the total 2015 flow to deterniine the traffic volume gener'ated by growth. The volume attributable to growth was then divided by the total estimated volume by segment to determine growth's share of each improvement. Table 12 shows the allocation of project types to growth. The total growth allocation is $14,819,332. . TABLE 12 SDC Improvement Fee Growth Allocation Project Type Total Project Assessments Net Project % Growth Growth Cost and Other Cost Allocable Allocation Funding $8,340,000 $1,124,000 $7,216,000 49% $3,516,297 $3,000,000 $2,700,000 $300,000 73% $217,500 $44,978,500 $33,100,650 $11,877,850 65% $7,737,547 $21,490,000 $9,~12,500 $11,777,500 24% $2,788,534 $6,744,849 $4,880,000 $1,864,849 30% $559,455 $84,553,349 $51,517,150 $33,036,199 45% $14,819,332 Arterial Capacity Improvements New Arterial Link & Intersection New Collectors Urban Standards Bike Projects Total Similar to the reimbursement fee, the growth-allocable' project cost is multiplied by the 90.7% local trip factor to account for the cost of capacity associated with through trips. The resulting SDC improvement fee cost basis is $13,441,134 Step 3 - Calculate the sec Unit Cost Table 13 shows the calculation of the individual reimbursement and improvement fee unit costs, as well as the combined unit cost. The SDC reimbursement fee unit cost of $16.12 per average weekday trip end is calculated by dividing the cost basis generated in Step 2 , ($3,160,717) by the number of average weekday trip ends generated by growth generated in ,Step 1 (196,077) The SDC improvement fee unit cost of $68.55 per average weekday trip end is calculated by dividing the cost basis generated in Step 2 ($13,441,134) by the number of average weekday trip ends generated by growth generated in Step 1 (196,077). The combined SDC unit cost of $84.67 per average weekday trip end is the sum of the reimbursement fee unit cost and the improvement fee unit cost. 18 . . . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SDC METHODOLOGY TABLE 13 Transportation SDC Unit Cost Reimbursement Fee Unit Cost Reimbursement fee cost basis Average weekday trip ends generated by growth Reimbursement fee unit cost $3,160,717 196,077 $16.12 Improvement Fee Unit Cost Improvement fee cost basis . Average weekday trip ends generated by growth Improvement fee unit cost $13,441,134 196,077 $68.55 Transportation SDC Unit Cost $84.67 , Step 4 - Develop the SDC Schedule Transportation SDCs are charged based on the estimated impact of a particular development on the transportation system. Because transportation system capacity is measured in trip ends, the capacity requirements of new development are also stated in terms of trips generated. The number of trips generated differs by land use type. Therefore, SDC schedules assign different costs to a variety of land use types. The Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual is the industry standard and most widely used source for information on trip generation by land use. Adjustments for IIpass-by Trips" Also referred to as linked trips or trip chaining, pass-by trips refer to trips that occur when a motorist is already on the roadway (as in the case of a traveler stopping by a fast food restaurant on the way home from work). In this case, the motorist making a stop while "passing by" is counted as a trip generated by the restaurant, but it doesn't represent a new trip on the roadway. ITE trip generation rates include pass-by trips in the trip generation factors for individual land uses. However, as discussed under Step 1 above, the projections of trip ends from growth as a whole produced by the transportation model, do not include pass-by trips. Therefore, the Citizen Advisory Committee recommended adjusting ITE trip rates for pass-by trips so that the basis for charging SDCs for individual land uses is consistent with the development of the unit cost of capacity. Without an adjustment for pass-by trips, the City may over-collect SDC revenue. The number of pass-by trips differs by land use. Retail establishments and fast food restaurants are generally among the land uses with the highest percent of pass-by trips 19 TABLE 14 . Example ITE Trip Rates and Pass-Sy Adjustments Development Type Average Units (1) Average Weekday Pass-By Trip Transportation Trip Ends/Unit Adjustment (2) SDe Single-Family Dwelling Unit 1.0 Dwelling Unit 9.57 1.0 $810 Supermarket 50 TGSF 111.51 0.64 $302,130 Convenience Store 2 TGSF 737.99 0.39 $48,739 Quality Restaurant 3 TGSF 89.95 0.56 $12,795 Fast Food Restaurant With 2.5 TGSF 496.12 0.50 $52;508 Drive Thru Hotel/Motel 80 Rooms 8.92 1.0 $60,421 High School 1,000 Students 1.79 1.0 $151,559 Church 5 TGSF 9.11 1.0 $3,857 Office Building 150 TGSF 11.01 1.0 $139,833 Service Station 12 Pumps 168.56 0.44 $75,356 Drive-In Bank 2.5 TGSF 265.21 0.53 $29,753 1 TGSF = thousand gross square feet 2 Source: ITE, except office building adjustment obtained from data used by the City of Salem. . . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD sac METHODOLOGY relative to total trips generated. Residential and office developments are among th~ land uses with the percentage of lowest pass-by trips. The SDC schedule is calculated by multiplying the SDC unit cost by the number of average weekday trip ends calculated for a particular development. The number of trip ends is estimated for each development based on the trip rate for the particular land use, the size of the development, and the pass-by trip adjustment. ITE rates will generally be used and these are usually stated in terms of the number of trips per square feet, dwelling units, or other variables, depending on the land use. The Oty will consider other information regarding the trip rates for a particular development based on documentation developed in accordance with the Oty's guidelines and stamped by a professional traffic engineer, as provided by the developer. Where available, the City will use the pass-by trip adjustments published in ITE trip rate tables, with supplemental information provided from other sources where applicable. The City will update the pass-by trip adjustment as information becomes available. The Oty will consider other information regarding the pass-by adjustment for a particular development based on documentation developed in accordance with the Oty's guidelines and stamped by a professional traffic engineer, as provided by the developer. 'Table 14 provides example ITE trip rates and variables, and pass-by adjustments for some typical land uses in Springfield. This table is presented for example purposes, only and actual r,ates and adjustments may change as further information is developed. 20 . . . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SDC METHODOLOGY ,Table 15 provides additional example SDC calculations for various land uses. TABLE 15 Example Transportation SDC Calculations Example Land Use (1) Example Gross Average Pass-By Trip Square Feet or # Weekday Trip Adjustment of Dwelling Units Ends 10 TGSF 11.01rrGSF 1.0 3 TGSF 89.95rrGSF 0.56 15 TGSF 40.67rrGSF 0.64 20 Units 6.63/DU 1.0 Transportation SDe Office $9,322 $12,795 $33,058 $11,227 $66,402 . , Restaurant Retail Apartment Mixed Use (Sum of Above Four Examples) 1 Examples were selected based on review of development records in 1998 and 1999 Expenditures The Springfield System Development Charge Project List identifies the projects which are eligible for funding through the transportation SDe. The SDC ordinance also provides flexibility to collect SDC revenue' to be expended on projects identified in the City's long range plans. 21