HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 00-43 07/17/2000 . . . J ".ir"' ~' RESOLUTION NO 00-43 A RESOLUTION INITIATING THE EXPEDITED ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORIES TO THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD AND REQUESTING THAT THE LANE COUNTY LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COMMISSION APPROVE THE ANNEXATION BY EXPEDITED PROCESS. WHEREAS, the City Council is authorized by ORS 199.490(2)(a)(B) to initiate annexation upon receiving consent in writing from a majority of the electors registered in the territory proposed to be annexed and written consent from owners of more than half the land in the territory proposed to be annexed; and, WHEREAS, the property owners of certain territory signed a consent to annex (Exhibit 1); and, WHEREAS, no registered voters reside within the territory; and, WHEREAS, the territory to be annexed is within the Eugene-Springfield Urban Growth Boundary, is adjacent to the city limits, and can be provided immediately with a full range of urban services; and, WHEREAS, the City supports the .applicant' s request for expedited Boundary Commission processing. NOW THEREFORE THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section I: The Common Council of the City of Springfield does hereby recommend approval of the annexation of the subject territories to the City by the Lane County Local Government Boundary Commission, Lane County, Oregon, said territory being described as follows: Township 18 South, Range 3 West, Section 03, Map 14, Tax Lots 200, 500, 700, 800 and 900 as more particularly described in Exhibit 2 of this Resolution. Section 2: The Council supports the applicant's request for Expedited Boundary Commission procedures. ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this 17 th day of July 2000, by a vote of .6-. for and -1L against. APPROVED by the Mayor of the City of Springfield this 17 th day of July 2000. ^An:i!ST:~ ~ City Recorder ~11A.1AJ~ Mayor , _I.io::.\!\,c.,,} &. Ar:Pl.,OVED A~~ TO FORM) \ ~ . .......J"() ,6~ \ \ ~ DATE: "l}-u-l ~ OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY . . . " FORM #1 PETITION ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD TO: LANE COUNTY LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COMMISSION , We, the undersigned, constitute the owners of at least one-half of the land area of the property described in the attachment marked "Exhibit A" AND We desire to be annexed to the City of Springfield. A map is attached marked "Exhibit B," showing the affected tenitory and its relationship to the present city limit boundaries. The annexation constitutes a minor boundary change under the Boundary Commission Act and should therefore be considered by the Boundary Commission and, after study, a Final Order should be entered by the Boundary Commission. Date &/-LO/OO I (\.YII\eS "'. '-".:!\ld,s'n ) 'Yf"es,\c\eY\t w~\J.'\"",^ ~W\.C.U.S~\CL\ l>-e\1do~""'e~{.. C:rc- Date By ate By Date MAP# le-b~-b~-\\..\ LOT# l..OO,f5co,IDO)ea:>,900 MAP# LOT# t , .-.-~~ ~ "._-,-.............--...- - . EXHIBIT t' 3 . . . POAGE ENGINEERING iI Fax:541-485-5624 , Jun 23 '00 11:08 P.02 POAGE ENGINEERING & SURVEYING, INC. CIVlL/M\JNICIPAI.ENGINEElUNG . SEWf.R4WATERSYSTEMS . SURVEYING Legal DeeriptioD for Wildish Property Lying South of Nugget Way, We~t ofFraDklin Blvd. and Eut of the Southern Pacific Railroad Begjuning atthe initial pointofWildishIndustrial Tracts as platted and recorded in Book 56, Page 11 of the Lane County Oregon Plat Records. said;point being on the west margin of the Franklin Blvd 50.0 feet from when measured at right angles to the reloCated centerline of Franklin Blvd; thence along the west margin ofFranldin Blvd SouthS 041'11" East315.20 fet..~to a pointmarlcing the intersection of the west margin of Franklin Blvd and the south margin ofNugget Wtrj, sa~d point being the True Point of Beginning; thence leaving said west margin andnmning alongthesouthmarg~ofNugget Way South 89010'49" West 332.20 feetto a point marking the intersection of the south margin ofl1ugget Wtrj and the east margin ofNewman Street; thence leaving said south margin and running along the east)~ofNewman Street South 4040'56" East 3.1 0 feet to a pointwhicb is 25.0 feet easterly of whenmeasureCiat right ~les to the centerline ofNewman Street; thence continuing along the east margin ofNe-wmanStreet1he following three (3) courses and distance SO,uth 36040'44" West 330.83 feet, along the arc of a 100.0 foot radius curve right (the chordofwbich bears South 47029'42" West 37.53 feet) a distance of31.75 feet and SouthS 8 018'39" West 95.17 feet to a point marking the intersection of the east margin ofNewman Street and the eaSt margin of the Southern Pacific Railroad right of way , said point being 30.0 feet from when measured at right anWes to the centerline of the Southern Pacific Railroad; thence leaving the east margin ofNewman Street and rumllng along the east margin of the Southern Pacific Railroad right of way along a taper curve right the chord ofwbich bears South 29n30'24" East 122.98 feet; thence South 28004'23" East 584.81 feet to the southwest corner of that certain tract ofland described in a deed to Wildish Industrial Development CorporationrecordeP in Book 225 Instrument No. 22170 Lane County Oregon Deed Records; thence leaving said east margin andironning along the south boundary of said last described tract North 90 000'00" East 311.62 feetto a point on the weitmargin of Franklin Blvd; thence leaving said south line and IllI1Iling along the weSt margin ofFranldin Blvd North 6039'08" West 72.14 feet to a point which is opposite and 115.0feet westerly ofEogineers Centerline S~on SB 116+50.00; tbenceNorth37047'18" East 66.97 feetto a point which opposite and 70.0 feet westerly o$ngineers CenterlineStation SB 116+00.0; thence North 4 04O'4g" West 49.69 feet to a point which is opp(!site and 70.0 feet westerly of Engineers Centerline Station SB 115+50.0; thence North 7035'35" East 180.01 feet to a point which is opposite and 20.0 feet westerly of Engineers Centerline Station sa 113+73.73 :n.e. = L 113+73.73 P.O.T.; thence North 5 041'11" West 622.07 feet to the True Point of Beginning. all in Lane County, Oregon. Containing 11.09 Acres more or Jess. Bearings used hereon are based (;n C.S.F. No. 13114 on file in the office of the Lane County Surveyor. P.O. BOX 2527. EUGENE, ~R ,,402.990 OBIE S~:tT. (541) ..85 - "50S. FAX (541) 485 - 5624 " ~. '".~ - . ~ .---~._,,... ~- ,.-- -'-.. ..- -. .,,,,, JUN-23-2000 12: 18 :>~--EXHIBIT-c2 --" P.02 97/.