HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 00-06 01/18/2000 . . . A RESOLUTION NO. 00-6 A RESOLUTION INITIATING ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD AND REQUESTING THAT THE LANE COUNTY LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COMMISSION APPROVE THE EXPEDITED ANNEXATION AND EXPEDITED EXTRATERRITORIAL SANITARY SEWER EXTENSION. WHEREAS, the City Council is authorized by ORS 199.490(2)(a)(B) to initiate annexation upon receiving consent in writing from a majority of the electors registered in the territory proposed to be annexed and written consent from owners of more than half the land in the territory proposed to be annexed (Exhibit A), and, WHEREAS, sanitary sewer service can be provided in timely manner via extraterritorial extension within the right-of-way of Henderson Avenue and 17th Street and water services will be provided by Eugene Water and Electric Board (EWEB) and Glenwood Water District (GWD) until the territory is transferred from EWEB and GWD and thereafter served by the Springfield Utility Board; and WHEREAS, the territory to be annexed is within the Eugene-Springfield Urban Growth Boundary and can be provided immediately with a full range of urban services. NOW THEREFORE THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: The Common Council of the City of Springfield does hereby recommend approval of the expedited annexation of the subject territory to the City by the Lane County Local Government Boundary Commission, Lane County, Oregon, said territory being described as follows: Township 17 South, Range 3 West, Section 34, Map 43, Tax Lots 13302, 13303, 1400; as more particularly described in Exhibit B of this Resolution. Section 2: The Council further requests approval of an expedited extraterritorial extension of sanitary I sewer to serve the property after the effective date of annexation. Section 3: The Council further requests that the Boundary Commission approve the proposed annexation and extraterritorial extension of sanitary sewer authorized by ORS 199.466 without the study, public hearing and adoption of a final order required by ORS 199.461. ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this l:$t~ay of January, 2000, by as vote of ~ for and ~ against. APPROVED by the Mayor of the City of Springfield this 18t~ay of January, 2000. ~~1Lt.1AJu~ Mayor s . . . . . . .- LGBC FORM #15 PETITION FOR ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON To the Council of the City of Springfield, Oregon: I, the undersigned property owner of the area described below, hereby petitions for, and gives my consent to, annexation of the area to the City of Springfield. If approved by the city, I further request that this petition be forwarded to the Lane County Local Government Boundary Commission for the necessary procedures as prescribed by ORS 199.490 (2). , The property to be annexed is described in the attached legal description as Exhibit "A". A map is ,attached marked Exhibit "B" showing the affected territory and its relationship to the present City Limit Boundaries. Signatur~ ?~ Date:0-P--9 ( Address:~l:~}-' ~. Or- )~1 EXHIBIT A .' "LGBC FORM #16 CERTIFICATION OF PROPERTY OWNERSHIP (Double Majority Method) I hereby certify that th of the territory described therein to the contains the names of the owners of a majority territory to be annexed. NAME TITLE DEPARTMENT COUNTY OF DATE: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '\, . ~LGBC FORM #17 -- CERTIFICATION OF REGISTERED VOTERS I hereby certify that the attached petition for annexation of territory described herein to the City of S,oJa.JN (r~ I ~ t-.O contains the names of at least a majority of the electors registered in the territory to be annexed. NAME ..&~ UJJ~ TITLE C\\- 'd... DEPARTMENT f~ OL~Ol'\.:) COUNTY OF l.oJ\.Q. DATE \\) \le f aq . -10- " .,-,",..., o ~ ~7i~ J~v..~ A~~JI.. PETITION FOR LOCAL D ..- ~ THIS IS A CITY/ .f PETITION. SIGNERS OF TO THE COUNTY ELECfIONS FILING OFFICERl I I. .. _ OF LI4N~ C ~{^;.\ r'l .THIS PAGE'MUST BE We, the undersigned voters, request this measure be submitted to the residents of the county I city I district for their approval or rejection. A full and correct copy of this REGISTERED VOTERS. measure was made available for review and we have not previously signed a petition sheet for this measure. SIGNATURE SHEET f}n"'.J<.~~ ,.. -~.. c - L __ , '. .. . .-..- J. n ....., SIGNATU ~E ~~:;~ PRINT NAME :'::~~~~~D~~~:S~ CITY OIlPOST OFFICE ZIP CODE ./ I. ( ~ I (2 \ L j -c;Te. ~')-Mp..'"t PIc I \ ^'Om }. H D GA-J\l l&ZS i-tt:ND~,) COiV ~::;'j::q:'" ~ .s:., '174-D'3 V' 2. ~,'jl~.t:!L V. ~1J,.tf~~ S:-Sf I-.Ue.I.tI~~ V,t'c\u)o..y-.J.c, 10"uJffe)ld~i"S{lnPr-S L:;'~'''J 11"6~ 0 1 tI' 3.~ \1/.lAA/"nA ~ ./.c/./r/~L. 5:fa rf\ANcE.s;r,J-k.r.l'sl/-'i."J..6-HE)/f7;r::J>S.:>i.JA-..-L t:/Lc'tEJl)j; f77f6.~ ~ ( V" 4. ~..ft 11I1~,," ']). l'vl Lto tIH 111 <', 3'0 J<;..:.Jp., VLj VI '?). WlIJ..1,I); V1 11."'-).~' J./~w ~v ScW1. A (f) r LA""..L /1~ ci 7<1 b3 ~ ~....;::: .. ~.~ yo 5. ~'1~I{lt7 :JZ..:' _u_ .5.30 :JJALE RC"Ic.-c~i1A''' ,7hc5{5<C(J...,'-/" Jr7.....r!~" .2 ~ ~ 6. /''',.L2.. s;;iI, ,. '" .5 :30 /' ~/' ..., i-. ' .... - .~ - ,/ 7. c71 ~~~ }.... M j~A 5',31l (:.~ A e.4 ~lJk/4 /6 ;,:::// J ~o;c..7 Et/QeWe.. 9'7<,03 ... v 8. J-.... ",4, .xnJlv.l." li-Jl> SO'>1~'Il. So...~/l1 /. I/L,;(.5Ik.derSOl1r/ve.~-/~ Eu'iewt: 7'7f!CJ-~ 1~1~ I v 9.~. J}It -:I'J-. //., ~ 5=.'3/ J.I/.J~1J --nALl ~:A/ 1/t..1..ttt.[t:JAn''''''~''''''NJI.'J~.IJ~ G'" v ~ 19?ub.3 :~d ....:::: ~~ or 10. VJ /7Z . -HI a/.L,~- ;--31 JJ e 7J r 134 LL13 w / 6;Z.j7r~ -- _<h = ~ _ ?77(j- ~~ ~ ~~ II" 11. ~,A L.I ~ ~ /:J...;...J:h, ~.>- '>:31 f21o<~<e// .& rOok) It ts- #-"'&e~U /. Ilhurr~/~n 1"?-74'0' 13, ~O 'OW!:i~ "'J_J/ " ~o " " Ill... 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U. ,iF .v "I '-. ,~_, 0 " ..., CIRCULATOR'S VERIFICi\TION LOCAL T. J'ETITION' '....-? ~, ii"",~' I, (print circulator's name) (J I? V I ~ r; AI' eo. (..(./ e.... L 1-, hereby verify every person who signed this ~ ~13 ~,.. ~ ~ 0 1:: ,e.. ~ ~ 0 g ~ rW ~ u ~ 15 t:l &f 7 T'P3 :: \0, Vi - THIS VERIFICATION MUST BE SIGNED BY THE CIRCULATOR. sheet did so in my presence and I believe each person is a qualified voter in the county/city/district (ORS SHEET NUMBER / 250.165,250.265,255.135). SIGNATURE OF CIRCULATOR {~~ E' ~, ~ CIRCULATOR'S ADDRESS (street, city and zip code) I ~ 2 "f" ~"'-- ,~ ,. . ~ . .. . - THIS IS A SIGNATURE SHEET C I T Y / ff- L PETITION. SIGNERS OF TOTHECOUNTYELECTIONSFILlNGOFFICEFl 1~ V-'- pq.N IE- ~lA.M Iii THIS PAGE MUST BE We, the undersigned voters, request this measure be submitted to the residents of the county/city/district for their approval or rejection. A full and correct lopy of this REGISTERED VOTERS. m('asure was made available for review and we have not previously signed a petition sheet for this measure. PETITION FOR LOCAL 8t Ii-.:tu c..;ty o~ 1?r;-fAJJ. 17 ;101~.l(j{, . (Insert caption of ballot title OR number of ordinance/resolution and date adopted) 11 SIGNATURE ~~~~~ PRIN'! NAME :l~~~~A~g~~: CIrtORPOSTOFFlCE ZIPCOOE [.Iiiiiii v' l.li '81.vlu~ J\1\/lnL~ V_I (;\ o"RtJ\ J. MEt~~t~)..,t{HE'\JdGRsDN) 1~U.Cf';~\1.f IQ'7v:u3 0/ 2(/; ~.t'" '~Ut' ) i()...?L (; - 3 f1 AlLer 0(2./13 ..:J.' ~~ / h;;J..cc;i-Ie-/I) DE f!.-5o}J AI J E. UG- c; '7 Lj.O?, ... v 3.~ i511r.Ar 1J... ffM/I 1-... et- R T R u. t>tJlcA1X' Jt.1!'.)1I~dJ:J-tA'VL- ::t11)' ~{<A~ Y7'-16? g ,/'4~UU"Ae..-ID Lbt,l2j..A- L-1 .JAC.k r\ I-jpL.i....IJTI~f<- jVL<?1Ie,1Lf)e.(s'CtV.:fv'-/i FtJ\J1~kCk 9'7t./'03 ~ ~ · ./ 5. JD .-IJO./ ,.fJ. (.?,.,.:1!.u. 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SIGNERS OF THIS PAGE MUST BE REGISTERED VOTE~ WlIq(J=/C - --- w_ - SIGNATURE SHEET TOTHECOUNTYELECfIONSFILlNGOFFICEW -~~r..m IW~'~M' ~~""-"-'1I J )F tp<JAJ~ C.Cu..A ry We, the undersigned voters, request this measure be submitted to the residents of the county/city/district for their approval or rejection. A full and correct copy of this measure was made available for review and we have not previously signed a petition sheet for this measure, ,- SIGNATURE v.....J. I?J~;'" ~ e# rb/Ad II 2. I 9~ ~v(7~ r/f/ v' 3. J )A-AA , 1'1/ .if:. /" v' 4. \.~....- /oq A~~~ ./ 5. .-.... II- /G~/4 v 6. /.4 ~,p ~ -"-- \ /J- _ ",. ~ ~ -hi- q-?<4 V'f' v 8d. \UMW 1 ("/) -- J(j I/" 9. vr]',.. j lJ_~ t: ;, ... II' io. /.t/ A;;{J ./ r'Jj J~ ~ ~ 11. l:" h ", ~. "Z;;'-Cffcf V 12.(jJh.JA/";:P (l J~ .A: ,L V 13.--rn.-to ;)0, ~...,~ I-~ ) V 14. I . t , h~ A -i-"k I V" 15. .;:: '1"" _.-.F ~'...... _ ....~. V" 16. \) .rll~... .~ . m _" A V 17. HI J A./'). ..J ~ "")-.\ L">n fUUo V 18. w\. fl1\1. ~A ,'-!r. ~to,.l V' 19. /)~..../YT At (b" ..i I nA4 ~ V20~,.".. L J)'\ A ., II~ , CIRCULATOR'S VERIFICATION l' '\f THIS VERIFICATION MUST BE SIGNED BY THE CIRCULATOR. ~mEET NUMBER 3 .. " , - .....,.. , . . 11 ~~~~::.~ PRINT NAME :::~~~~~A~~~~: ClTYORrOSTOmCE ZIP CODE IfI'9'N AIIU.e Ch/~ /"'.2.5: h" Atlt:.r;"!JIJIP.../Jf<l1 11;'.__.~ _ "". ';~ / -J.n () rr1{ e.. M c:; r:: u n ~ rL,JJJ i'I ~ 1/. ,.,....-.A 8,.S $lIo, ~Rr'i11tb.'1 G/7 /JA/J/I~-L -r ;:-JX VJ:,:J.~ /1./'.JJ. ~ n-7!/;"'; //A. 47'//. L:, i~r '7~'. ~,', Pi, .u,/~J l/h2~P_h~A^, ~11t ~'/." tJ..e n;.- ~ J 6/:; t?!.,." ~ ~ '0..--- It 9...1'- h,.. /,.)7/1.:>,-, 7U.. >"~,.. ... ,rllL~'" ~ C g:~ t,-7 (f')Af :!'f{!.ff/{).J'1~51-d) ;'Lr,/lZ -// ./ '.,[)(J- ~'(-~-DIt 074'r. ~ j ~ tRl'7 SC&i J- A. ,R~F /6J.'C) IIr. 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VA>? ~ fnu/? ~ ... -- ; NI b/~ W\fll;;'~ A. };."qc!. n Ib 1. ," Ji'::'lt.J..nO-i/ Aa Pi fUc1f'nf: 7rfP> ~ /~~~~ (, I q' M; Irl v-~ .J 'R t< r",~ (1 v< I!", J,., <)";,/ ~~ I ^ ~ ~ /J~ d,,!J, it ~ _~. . 19 ~ /1'-.6 , r: ~U~' ro/A t11/J/7Iltl J Lrc:"/d J IlnZ~ I " 'A.r;<u/lln r: /L cn4f:)~ 0 I ~~ dlc?? IIlfiP.I'JLJ.5 Lj~;J Jt,:1.t;'/:I~J1JnP:';'IIIJJI)(l,r)~ Et(d.:eJ1€ q'1""b~ ~~Cl ~ vi q MA- (U A t1l /\J e.jlvt.e (I J t. ~ -5 f-I. c:::- A/ /) ~ p ~tJ .-t/ E ,/ q ~M: q 7~~ ~.- a 1 ' _nNN~r ~~ ~ () "-1:) '= ~ "1:; 8 \.\J is I-l.t ~ ...... 0 ~ .~ ~ f f ~ Q7Yd,5' ~ (! ~ -~ ft.: LOCAL' I, (print circulator's name) @ R V { S E: A/ ,,-"";"4- 1-1-, hereby verify every person who signed this sheet did so in my presence and i believe each person is a qualified voter in the county/city/district (ORS 250.165,250.265,255.135). SIGNATURE OF CIRCULATOR (]/7/LA~ e: ~ . , ~~ CIRCULATOR'S ADDRESS (street, city and zip code).(C 15' 7. .~ ~~,.. ~ - - r .. . : . ' . Legal Description for Annexation to City of Springfield Midway Manor Mobile Home Park (Glenwood Park) Assessor's Map 17 04 34 4 3 Tax Lots 13302, 13303, & 14000 . Beginning at a point on the east margin of Henderson A venue, said point being North 00023'20" East 518.00 feet from the intersection of the east margin of Henderson Avenue with the north margin of 19th Avenue; running thence along the east margin of Henderson Avenue North 00 023'20" East 77 6. 90 feet; thence leaving said east margin and running along the south margin of 15th Avenue South 88 035'30" East 636.60 feet to a point on the west margin of that certain tract ofland conveyed to Lane County on August 15, 1960 in Reel 157 -60D, Reception No. 7385 ofthe Lane County Oregon Deed Records; thence along the west margin of said Lane County tract, parallel to and 1.00 foot westerly of the west margin of Lexington Street, South 00 001' 15" East 912.22 feetto a point on the north boundary of that certain tract ofland conveyed to John James and Constance K. Jensen, Jerald J. and Carolyn D. Jensen, and Jeffrey J. and Katherine A. Jensen by deed recorded on October 18, 1990 on Reel 1659, Instrument No. 90-50456 of the Lane County Oregon Deed Records; thence leaving the west margin of said Lane County tract and running along the north boundary of said Jensen tract, and the westerly extension thereof, North 89059'30" West 503.03 feetto a point on the east margin of that certain parcel of land conveyed to the Oregon Christian Missionary Convention, a corporation, by deed recorded October 1, 1953 in Volume 25, Instrument No. 13791 ofthe Lane County Oregon Deed Records; thence along the east margin of said parcel North 00 023 '20" East 150.83 feet to the northeast comer of said parcel; thence along the north margin of said parcel North 89059'30" West to the point of beginning, al~ in Lane County, Oregon. . EXHIBIT B