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Permit Correction Notice 2007-8-22
11'\1'"'' ." ..,.r....'",,...s"f~J;I;;t..;,~~'~J::'ffm~~~1'iW~~l:f'~.~~.Fi':!t1"t!Yfll'~ ,'t'r~t4'''' ''1'~,<'').-''J~'''':''''~~--W~'U:"~'Jt1.~''i'1.W/.!';~''"f;~':;}'jf'?t'{\:t'lJ.l'~7-ll\i'W'~~,.f"''':"r\1t \,~;_"{';,,\!~,<,l:~"''l':Yr~~'rit'.pr'" ...". ~-. , City of Springfield/Development Services Building Safety 225 Fifth Street Date:_ g Job#. C. 7 / 2Z-- I 07 _ if ocr Address:,12.- 70 Ifsf"'t' v ~ t-' Inspection Type:_ fl.. 0; L; TO: e V-1. vy Jeo '/'F It- (:{ ;t//;{.,- $5'--/.30" I/'f-c.ts<-- s<ClA.//<:.-, (l<.blc W/10 12/ oi fOI v;j ..!t'/1,-G " -, \ Corrections and reinspection request shall be made within .calendar days. C>-. Z. Call for reinspection Dyes 129No Inspector /?v Yo.., t< 'I" /"".. .'-'f, "'1 Date:_1:> - 2. -6;> NNNNNNNNNNNNNCall.for inspection 726-3769NNNNNNNNNNNQuestions 726-3759NNNNNNNNN ~_..,,,,-,,,.....,... .