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Permit Mechanical 2014-7-10
SPRINGFIELD 225 Fifth St CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Springfield,OR97477 Phone: 541-726-3753 OREGON Building / Commercial Permit Inspection Phone: 541-726-3769 Fax: 541-726-3676 PERMIT NO: 811SPR2014-01493 www.springfield-cr.gov permitcenter @springfield-or.gov • PROJECT STATUS: Issued ISSUED: 07/10/2014 EXPIRES: 01/05/2015 STATUS DATE: 07/10/2014 APPLIED: 07/10/2014 SITE ADDRESS: 1408 MOHAWK BLVD,Springfield,OR 97477 SCOPE: Mechanical Only ASSESOR'S PARCEL NO: 1703253310004 TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Commercial PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Replace RTU,same unit wt/siesmic attachment OWNER: BES LLC Phone Number: ADDRESS: 2105 NW 135TH AVE PORTLAND OR 97229 • CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Contractor Type • Contractor Name Lic Type Lic No Lic Exp Phone Mechanical Contractor EUGENE HEATING INC CCB 188592 11/05/2015 541-726-7656 INSPECTIONS REQUIRED' • Inspections 2999 Final Mechanical Final Mechanical: Wien all mechanical work is complete. By signature, I state and agree,that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the Laws of the State or Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any structure without permission of the Community Services Division, Building Safety. I further certify that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.005 will be used on this project. I further agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper time,that each address is readable from the street,that the permit card is located at the front of the property, and the approved set of plans will remain on the site at all times during construction. ' 91:FIVAIr 7-(0.4 Owner or Contractor Siglrure Date ATTENTION: Oregon law requires you to follow rules adopted by the Oregon Utility NOTICE: '` Notification Center. Those rules are set forth THIS PERMIT SHALL EXPIRE IF THE WORK in OAR 952-001-0010 through OAR 952-001- AUTHORIZED UNDER THIS PERMIT IS NOT . 0090. You may obtain copies of the rules by COMMENCED OR IS ABANDONED FOR calling the center. (Note: the telephone number for the Oregon Utility Notification ANY 180 DAY PERIOD. Center is 1-800-332-2344). • • • Springfield Building Permit 7/10/2014 11:52:43AM Page 1 of 1 SPRINGFIELD'-- CITY OF SPRINGFIELD 225 Fifth St ` EGON TRANSACTION RECEIPT Spnngfeld,OR 97477 541-726-3753 811-SPR2014-01493 w%w.springfield-or.gov 1408 MOHAWK BLVD permitcenter©springfield-ar.gov RECEIPT NO: 2014001492 RECORD NO:811•SPR2014.01493 DATE:07/10/2014 la7zYe3:��AA[o1 t ,"'.`-:.mow iael .!L tNal ACCOUNT'CODE/TRANS.CODE- a'r 4T AMOUNT DUE xq Continuing Education Fee 224-00000-425606 2.50 Mechanical Permit fee(based on value of work) 224-00000-425604 1006 176.70 • State of Oregon Surcharge(12%of applicable fees) 821-00000-215004 1099 21.20 Technology fee(5%of permit total) 100-00000-425605 2099 8.84 TOTAL DUE: 209.24 PAYINERITifIE ePAYOlMagricAFFENTER_ .___. COMMENTS AMOUNT�P,AID�rasal €sni Credit Card EUGENE HEATING INC 209.24 015357 TOTAL PAID: 209.24 • • • Mechanical Permit Application DEPARTMENT USE ONLY '6.r 3 M .: e i 411. tt fix.. ',::°'-': • C is SPHIMGFIELO �CITVCIFYSPRINGFIELIWOREGON.- ` y ta Permit no.: ,�� V -/ f 225 Fifth Street• Springfield,OR 97477 • PH(54l)726-3753 • FAX(541)726 3689 * Date: 7//6/7 y This permit is issued under OAR 918-440-0050. Permits expire if work is not started within 180 days of issuance or if work is suspended for 180 days. ;.. ,} ,, CATEGORY1,OF CONSTRUCTION { ,�,:,'' ' r W a f .;;�FEE 'SCHEDULE ,11Vc:S, "3..Y; ❑ Residential ❑Government kf Commercial iResldental ?i =, i, , t-`g; Qty i?,ea st Total :&i t ; JOB;SITE'INFORMATION 9A ND 1LOCATION ja ,* ': First Appliance $82.00 $ Job site address: $ 470.-644.3 470.-644.3 K Furnace/burner including ducts and vents ��O /� �t Up to 100k BTU/hr. $19.00 $ City: S/ c_v State: 4'i( ZiP:9747 7 Over 100k BTU/hr. $22.00 $ Reference: Taxlot.: Heaters/stoves/vents Zrit ,` ,;DESCRIPTION OF NORIt ` I I °= ?-,,;_[ Unit heater $19.00 $ �/nE n G/AG F Q `ft /DD f�OP Wood/pellet/gas Repair/alter/add stove/flue $43.00 $ Lfl D Repair/alter/add to heating appliance/ refrigeration unit or cooling system/ $82.00 $ 0,01 1 absorption system Ii1:`11417 r1�`�1,4 ,PROPERTY ,OWNER2:: a" hgli ym%=f', Evaporated cooler $15.00 $ Name: e S L C L_ Vent fan with one duct/appliance $10.00 $ Hood with exhaust and duct $15.00 $ Address: Floor furnace including vent $82.00 $ City: State: ZIP: _ Gas piping Phone: - - Fax: - - One to four outlets $8.00 $ Additional outlets(each) $5.00 $ E-mail: Air-handling units,including ducts This installation is being made on property owned by me or a Up to 10,000 CFM $12.00 $ member of my immediate family, and is exempt from licensing Over 10,000 CFM $22.00 $ requirements under ORS 701.010. Compressor/absorption system/heat pump Signature: Up to 3 hp/100k BTU $19.00 $ t'I* CONTRACTOR',INSTALLATION` , ;'v,,f "`� tam-`; Up to 15 hp/500k BTU $33.00 $ .. Ewa,._ . ./ .. Business name:,40T0444/C / &A! Si /c.E 'F/A)S/, Up to 30 hp/1,000 BTU $49.00 $ Up to 50 hp/1,750 BTU __ _ $64.00 $ Address: //VC, oa6AA) Sr Over 50 hp/1,750 BTU $107.00 $ City: Cub-EWE - State: Dle_ ZIP:91'$VZ Incinerators �t Domestic incinerator $22.50 $ Phone:511i72 '76.a Fax;99/{ 726 14S7 Commie clal i n; sa3Vrc .d?s SSkIs w ;(ti' E-mail"sew(GJ ,is pAdre,m Af-/cAga rc.o. CL\ Enter total valuation of mechanical system / and and installation costs$ //C/fQ CCB license no.: Enter fee based on valuation of mechanical system,etc. $ Print name: /b(/c44 EL ';SG LL/.off �. ' `" °"" -K:` Cost*, Total:,' t // Mlscellaneouslees 1 Items :ea e ,costs Signature:%42P 2P 42 P Reinspection $82.00 $ -"''t" Specially requested inspections (per $82.00 $ • Regulated equipment(unclassed) $15.00 $ Each additional inspection:(1) $82.00 $ "i twas-'jtK M--_4AP?L=ICANT USE '"e ag:f-K=T-i (A)Enter subtotal of above fees(or enter set • / 7c: minimum fee of $82.00) $ / 7G- (B)Investigative fee(equal to[A]) $ (C)Enter 12%surcharge(.12 x[A+B]) $ 7(2 (D)Seismic fee, 1%(.01 x [A]) $ (E)Technology Fee(5%of[A]) $ F (F)Continuing Education Fee$2.50 $2.50 y TOTAL fees and surcharges(A through F): $ 20 / t- 440-2545-1(5/212014/COM)