HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 04 Council Compensation Ballot Title AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 7/14/2014 Meeting Type: Work Session Staff Contact/Dept.: Niel Laudati, CMO Staff Phone No: 541.726.3780 Estimated Time: 20 Minutes S P R I N G F I E L D C I T Y C O U N C I L Council Goals: Provide Financially Responsible and Innovative Government Services ITEM TITLE: COUNCIL COMPENSATION BALLOT TITLE ACTION REQUESTED: Obtain guidance from Council on moving forward with a Charter Amendment allowing for City Councilor Compensation. ISSUE STATEMENT: Following several public meetings and work sessions by both Council and the Committee for Community Involvement (CCI), Council has asked staff to prepare a resolution with ballot title for public hearing prior to any action for the placement of this measure on the November 6th General Election ballot. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1: Draft Ballot Title Attachment 2: Draft Charter Language for Council Compensation DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: In 2013, a small sub-committee made up of members of the City Council, the City Attorney’s Office and the City Manager’s Office met on several occasions to review the need for an update of the City Charter to allow for a reasonable monthly compensation. After discussion and reviewing council compensation from across the state, the sub-committee recommended a $300 per month stipend for each councilor and a $500 per month stipend for the Mayor. The issue was then forwarded by the City Council to the Springfield CCI for review and direction. After meeting, producing a survey and holding a public hearing, the CCI recommended that the Council move forward in placing a Charter amendment regarding Council compensation on the ballot in November, 2014. Draft ballot title and Charter language items are attached for discussion. The draft items contain the previously discussed amounts of $300 and $500 per month, respectively. However, during a June 9 work session, the amounts of $400 and $600 per months were briefly discussed as well. The amount can be adjusted pending further Council discussion. The financial impact for implementing this stipend at $300 and $500 would be $27,600 per fiscal year. At $400 and $600 the financial impact would be $36,000 per fiscal year. Attachment 1 Ballot Title - Council Stipend Caption: Legal Requirement: A 10 word caption that identifies the subject. Proposed Text: Charter Amendment that allows for a Councilor and Mayor stipend. Question: Legal Requirement: 20 words plainly phrasing the main purpose to affirmative response corresponds to a yes vote. Proposed Text: [Option 1]: Should Springfield amend its Charter to allow the Councilors and Mayor to receive a monetary stipend for their service? [Option 2]: Should Springfield’s Charter be amended to give Councilors and Mayor a monetary stipend with future increases based on CPI? [Option 3]: Should Springfield’s Charter be amended to allow the Councilors and Mayor to receive a monetary stipend for their service? Summary: Legal Requirement: 175 words concisely and impartially summarizing the proposed change and describing its major effect. Proposed Text: A yes vote amends the Charter to allow the Councilors and Mayor to receive a monetary stipend. The current charter provision allowing for reimbursement for the expenses the Councilors and Mayor incur in their service would remain. The proposed stipend amount for the Mayor is $500 and $300 for the Councilors. The Charter Amendment will specify that base amount and, also state that at the beginning of each fiscal year thereafter, the stipends will be adjusted by a percentage increase or decrease equal to that of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the previous calendar year of the Portland, Oregon area. If that Index ceases to exist, another consumer price index representing substantially the Springfield area shall be used. If a CPI for the Springfield area is developed, that index shall be used in the place of the Portland CPI. N:\City\COUNCIL\Policies and Procedures\Ballot Title Council Compensation.docx Attachment 2 Charter Language for Council/Mayor Stipend: Current Charter Language: Chapter VII Elective Officers and Personnel: Section 24. Compensation for Mayor and Council. No Councilor or Mayor may receive compensation for serving in that capacity. The Council may prescribe a plan for reimbursing Mayor and City Council for expenses they incur in serving the City. Draft Language: Section 24. Stipend and Reimbursement for Mayor and Council. Beginning July 1, 2015, the Mayor shall receive a stipend of $500 per month and the Councilors shall receive a stipend of $300 per month. At the beginning of each fiscal year thereafter, the stipends authorized above shall be adjusted by percentage increase or decrease equal to that during the previous calendar year of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the Portland, Oregon area, or its successor. If that index ceases to exist, another consumer price index representing substantially the Springfield area shall be used. In any case, if a consumer price index covering the Springfield area is developed, that index shall be used in the place of the Portland CPI. The stipends above are in addition to, and not in lieu of, reimbursement for expenses the Mayor and Council incur in serving the City. The Council may prescribe a plan for such reimbursement. N:\City\COUNCIL\Policies and Procedures\Charter Language for Council Stipend.docx