HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 01 Police Planning Task Force (PPTF) Interviews AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 7/14/2014 Meeting Type: Work Session Staff Contact/Dept.: Michael Harman/Police Staff Phone No: 726-3729 Estimated Time: 40 Minutes S P R I N G F I E L D C I T Y C O U N C I L Council Goals: Mandate ITEM TITLE: POLICE PLANNING TASK FORCE (PPTF) INTERVIEWS ACTION REQUESTED: Interview applicants for the Police Planning Task Force ISSUE STATEMENT: The Police Planning Task Force has four At-Large positions available, with two current members eligible for second terms, one vacant due to the resignation of Carol Ford, and one due to the expiration of Dave Jacobson’s second and final term. The Task Force also has two Business Representative positions open, with one current member eligible for a second term and one vacancy due to Mechelle Clough moving out of the area. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1 – Police Planning Task Force Charge and Roster Attachment 2 – Candidate Applications Attachment 3 – Interview Schedule and Questions DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: Diana Alldredge and Christine Stole have applied for re-appointment to the Task Force and are eligible for a second term as At-Large members. Wendy Polen has applied for re-appointment to the Task Force and is eligible for a second term as a Business Representative. The Task Force received eight applications for the remaining three positions. One applicant was unable to attend either scheduled interview session, and one other withdrew his name from consideration during the process. The remaining six applicants were interviewed during the week of July 1, 2014 by a subcommittee consisting of Quentin Hogan (Willamalane), Isa Aviad (At-Large) and Jack Martin (At-Large). The subcommittee reports that this was a very strong pool of applicants, and recommends that Michelle Khanthanhot and Janet Beckman be appointed to the At-Large positions, and that Michael Bean be appointed to the Business Representative position. The subcommittee further recommends that Diana Alldredge, Christine Stole and Wendy Polen be re-appointed for second terms. Appointments are scheduled for the July 21, 2014 Council meeting. July 1, 2014 Police Planning Task Force CHARGE It is the duty of the task force to provide citizen input regarding police policy matters and implementation of the Council adopted Long Range Strategic Plan for Police Services to the Chief of Police. The task force meets not less than quarterly and is required to provide the City Council with an annual report of its activities. Source of Existence: Council Bylaws: Resolution #94-34/ Resolution #96-15 Code: No Sunset Date: Council Membership Six neighborhood/citizen-at-large representatives, one School District 19 representative, one Willamalane Park and Recreation District representative, and two representatives of the local business community. Number: 10 In City: 8, unless Council approval given Out of City: 2, representatives of School District 19 or Willamalane Park and Recreation District Terms (2 max): ---- Ward: No Qualifier: Resolution #94-34/ Resolution #96-15 Appointed By: Council application Meeting Time: Quarterly - 7:00 p.m. Police Dept. Funding Source: CDBG Funds Staff Liaison: Mike Harman, Police Department 726-2347 Council Liaison: Marilee Woodrow, 988-0955 Cmo/common/bcc/pptf Last Revised: 07/01/14 Attachement 1 Page 1 POLICE PLANNING TASK FORCE ROSTER July 1, 2014 Diana Alldredge – Chair 822 N 57th Street Springfield, OR 97478 Day – 541 682-3798 Cell – 541 731-1964 At-Large DJAlldredge@GMail.com Christine Stole – Vice Chair 2241 8th Street Springfield, OR 97477 Day – 541 434-0389 Cell – 541 505-1239 At-Large ChristineStole@gmail.com Isa Aviad 1230 N Street Springfield, OR 97477 Day/Night 541-606-3281 At-Large casagalore@msn.com Vacant Business Rep Vacant At-Large Quentin Hogan 757 D Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Day/Work - 736-4086 Night – 747-1405 Willamalane Rep quentinh@willamalane.org Vacant At-Large Jack Martin 980 N. 21st Street Springfield, OR 97477 Day/Night – 746-8982 At-Large littleduck@peak.org Wendy Polen 824 River Knoll Way Springfield, OR 97477 Day/Night - 521-6828 Business Rep wendypolen@yahoo.com Christopher Reiersgaard 688 72nd Street Springfield, OR 97478 Day/Night – 541-520-8765 School District Chris.reiersgaard@springfield.k12.or. us Marilee Woodrow Day/Night 541-988-0955 Council Liaison merriepaws@comcast.net Attachement 1 Page 2 Attachment 2 Page 1 Attachment 2 Page 2 Attachment 2 Page 3 SPRINGFIELD^^APPLICATION for a City ofSpringfield OREGON Citizen Advisory Board/Commission /Committee City Manager's Office 225 Fifth Street Springfield,OR 97477 Please print or type: Board/Commission/Committeeapplyingfor: Poc^lCJ-- (Aseparateapplicationmustbecompletedforeachboard/commission/committee) Name:^>0 (c-H £A^tA First Middle Initial Last Home address:JZ7O S.^9 97'/7^ Street City Zip Day Phone:?^30l Evening phone- Email Address:l/V\l)eo^n (P Y^ryi^etr<j-e.r}(J=. DoyoulivewithintheSpringfieldcitylimits?Yes cj Ifyes,howlong?_ Wardnumber(City residents only): [IIfno,do you live inside Springfield's Urban growth boundary? r~1 Yes n No AreyouaSpringfieldpropertyowner?Yes^€3 Q No /&0iL.i3ir^iD Areyoua Springfield business owner?Yes •No Are you a registered voter?Yes O No Occupation;,Placeof emplojnnent:. Business address.—37^^STiae^,g<-JyVf Education:_.Aa//^sycHa (JJtiy-CitenAcfiTTCiK ( (Over,please) Attachment 2 Page 4 Michael Bean 5-7-14 Application City ofSpringfield Citizen Police Planning Task Force 1.What ejqferience/trmning/qualifications do you have? IhavebeenrunningtheLaneCounty Drug Courtfor22years,providingsubstanceabuse counseling,mental health counseling,and supervision.(Iwrote &designed itasthe 22°''Drug CourtintheNation.)Ialsohavedesigned&operatesubstanceabuse&mentalhealth treatment programsforLaneCountyParole&Probation(last20years)aswellastheLaneCountyJailand theformerForrestWorkcamp.IhaveprovidedDomesticViolenceTreatmentprograms.I receivedagrantinthe 90's andrantheHeroin&SexIndustiyWorkers(Prostitutes)Treatment programs(primaryfimderbySpringfield.)Icurrentlydesigned&operatethenationally recognizedEmergenceGamblingTreatmentprogramsforLaneCountyaswellasoperatethe24 HourGamblingHelplineforOregonLotterytoprovidegamblinginterventionfortheentireState ofOregon.MyofficeworkscloselywiththeDAoffice,allCourts,thePublic Defender's Office, aswellasotherH&HSEmergencealsoprovide DUn Treatmentprograms.Ialsofacilitatethe TreatmentprogramsatSponsorsandoperate2grantsforOffenderReentryProgramsfrom OregonStatePrisons.IhavecounselingcentersinEugene,CottageGrove,Florence,and Springfield Wehave just started Lane County's 1®*Veterans Treatment Group bythe recently retiredCommandSgtMajorforLaneCountyGuardUnit,IamanArmyveteranandrecently startedthefirstPTSDTrainingsandtreatmentgroupsforvets.(TheVAweconsider subcontracting.).IhavehadnumeroustrainingsinCriminality&CriminalThinkingerrors.Ialso run culturally specific LatinoPrograms specificto Springfield.ChiefDoney#383just invited my SpringfieldLatino Staffto participate intheLatinoBusinessNetworkthisweek. 2.What specificcontributions do you hope tomake, Iamanavid&energeticSpringfieldcommunitymemberactiveintheChamber,MainStreet& othercivicactivities.Irecentlyattendedwithmembers oftheSpringfieldPolice&Jailstaff,the Sequential Intercept Mapping (SIM)workshop on 4-29-14.TheSIMworkshop purpose designis toallowlocal,multidisciplinaryteams ofpeoplefrom jurisdictions tofacilitatecollaborationand toidentifyanddiscusswaysinwhichbarriersbetweenthecriminal justice,mentalhealth,and substanceabusesystemscanbereducedandtobegindevelopmentofintegratedlocalplans.I thinkIhaveaheadstartinthisareabeingpart oftheinitialTeamandwouldonlyliketocontinue tocontributeifitinvolvesSpringfield.IalsoworkcloselywiththeLatinoCommunity providing Substance abuse,family,andmentalhealthservicesfundedbya5yeargrantexclusively for Springfield.IhopetocontinueourworkwithVeteransinSpringfield. 3.Briefiydescribeyourinvolvementinrelevantcommunitygroups andactivities, IamcurrentlyamemberoftheLaneCountyBehavioral Consortium fortheCCOfortheOregon HealthPlan.Iamapast Rotarian ingoodstanding.IamamemberofdieChamberin Springfield Attachment 2 Page 5 (underEmergence).PastLaneTransitDistrictBudgetCommitteemember6yrs.Iamonthe executiveBoard of OregonPrevention,Education&RecoveryAssociation.Iserve occasionally onseveraladvisory,budget,bondmeasures,&fundraisinggroupsfortheSpringfieldSchool District,Willamalane,and LTD. 4,What community topics concern you thai relate to this board? •Iam concerned withthe transient homeless population (not tobe confused with homeless individualsorfamilies)creatinggroupcampsnearneighborhoods. •Iam concerned with cheap high volume alcohol soldin neighborhood quiki-marts. •1am concerned with Gang activity in Springfield.(1have attended several gang workshopsbyEugenePoliceTaskforceinthemid 90's thatincludedGangMomMary Thompson participation before itwasrealizedshewasagangleader.) •1am concerned with Main Street &downtown continuing becoming safeforfamily participation. •1amconcernedabout jail inmatereintegrationupondischarge. •1am concerned about Traffic safety. •1am concerned about Veterans inthe criminal Justice System. •1amconcernedwithsupportingLatinosinSpringfield. emergence addiclisn indbshatiorilIherapies Michael Bean ^Executive Director 2149 Centennial Plaza,Sidte 4 Bjgene,Oregon 97401 541.393.0777 x301 541.736.5015fax mbean{|)4emergence.com www-4emefgence.com Attachment 2 Page 6 SPRINGFIELD APPLICATIONfor aCity ofSpringfield Citizen Advisory Board/Commission /Committee Page2 ^OREGON Pleaseprintortype: 1.Whatexperiences/training/qualificationsdoyouhaveforthisparticularboard/commission/committee? 2.What specific contribution doyouhopetomake? -hlTUir 4-4^A 3.Brieflydescribeyourinvolvementinrelevantcommunitygroupsandactivities.(Lackofpreviousinvolvement willnotnecessarilydisqualifyyou fi-om consideration.) 4.Whatcommunitytopicsconcernyouthatrelatetothisboard/commission/committee?Whydoyouwantto become a member? ATm<-Hejy 5.Mostboards/commissions/committeesmeetmonthly.Subcommitteesmaymeetmore frequently.Meetings Generally lastoneandone-halfhours.Itishighlyrecommendedyouattendameetingbeforesubmittingthe application.Check thetimes when yoiy:ould attend meetings. ^Early moming (6:30-8:30 am)Noontime (noon-1:30 pm)Q Late afternoon (4-6 pm)^Evenings 6.Howdidyouhearabouttheabovevacancy? II Newspaper ad •Newspaper article O Radio^'V Q Mail notice IIWord of mouth •Board /comimssign /committee member Internet O-T-f Y nts SI Date ]—^Return this application to the City Manager's Office,225 Fifth Street,Springfield,OR 97477 FormoreinformationpleasecalltheCity Manager's Officeat541.726.3700 Printedon recycledpaper Attachment 2 Page 7 Attachment 2 Page 8 Attachment 2 Page 9 Attachment 2 Page 10 Attachment 2 Page 11 Attachment 2 Page 12 Attachment 2 Page 13 Attachment 2 Page 14 Attachment 2 Page 15 Attachment 2 Page 16 Attachment 2 Page 17 Attachment 2 Page 18 Attachment 2 Page 19 Attachment 2 Page 20 Attachment 2 Page 21 Attachment 2 Page 22 Attachment 3 Police Planning Task Force Interview Schedule & Questions Schedule 5:30-5:35pm - Council preparation of interview questions 5:35-5:40pm - Diana Alldredge 5:40-5:45pm - Christine Stole 5:45-5:50pm - Wendy Polen 5:50-5:55pm - Michelle Khanthanhot 5:55-6:00pm - Janet Beckman 6:00-6:05pm - Michael Bean 6:05-6:10pm -Council deliberation Questions for Diana Alldredge, Christine Stole, and Wendy Polen (re-appointments) 1. What do you enjoy about serving on the Police Planning Task Force? 2. Describe the perspective, background or experiences that you bring to the Task Force. 3. How do you think our community will change in the next 10 years, and how will this affect our Police Department? 4. What do you think the top priorities should be for our Police Department? Questions for Michelle Khanthanhot, Janet Beckman and Michael Bean (new appointments) 1. Why are you interested in serving on the Police Planning Task Force? 2. Describe the perspective, background or experiences that you bring to the Task Force. 3. How do you think our community will change in the next 10 years, and how will this affect our Police Department? 4. What do you think the top priorities should be for our Police Department?