HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 2002-5-1 / ----., ,1 . Division of Chief Depuly Clerk ~~~~.~J~IW V Illallilllllllli" Illi!, i~i'liilll"ilillllll 00283822200200341100020027 05/01/2002 11:16:27 AM CASHIER 01 $31.00 " RPR-DECl Cnl=1 Sln=5 $10.00 $10.00 $11.00 DECLARATION 1. owner(s). ;(JJr;JD'( J< ( i>Ct1t1 /}-<;(crz!f,-/ is/are the fee owner(s) of the real property located i~ Lane County Oregon more particularly described and set forth in Exhibit "AU. 2. Extraterritorial Extension. Owner(s) have requested that: the City of Springfield initiate an extraterritorial water line extension to Owner(s)' real property located outside the present city limits of the City of Springfield and within the City of Springfield Metro Plan Urban Growth Boundary; the City of Springfield request the Lane County Local Government Boundary Commission to approve the extension; and, in the event of such approval that the City allow construction of such extension. 3. Notice. Owner(s) acknowledge that Owner(s) have been informed by the City of Springfield that sanitary sewer service and stormwater capacity may be unavailable to the real property and in the event of such unavailability the City of Springfield may take the position that the division or subdivision of the real property described in Exhibit "AU is inappropriate until such time as sanitary sewer service and stormwater capacity is available. Accordingly, the Owner(s) understand that the City of Springfield may withhold approval pf any application for land division, including partition or subdivision, for the real property more particularly described and set\forth in Exhibit "AU until such time as sanitary sewer service and stormwater capacity is available to such property. 4. purpose of Notice. This notice is placed upon the property by O~mer~s) so th~t all pa~ties and persons including heirs, successors, and assigns claiming under them has notice of the position of the City of Springfield as set forth in Section 3. KIWD<( /2.. 1Gn1l", ~ U4' Property Owner . ~ ~rty Owner J i ~~'. :::...':0 = ' OFFICIAL SEAL STATE OF OREGON (;({~i):) PAT CANE '..... ..'.1 '~OTARY PUBLIC, OREGON .' ..",;y' COMMISSION NO 325262 County of Lane jMY COMMISSION EXPIRiiGAU(lUIlT 12, 2003 Personally appeared before me t).1i,\ ;;( 1 ~ day of maJUl~ 2002, the above named ~ R ~odLJ\: ,and acknowledged foregoing instrument to be~s/~~ol~ and deed. Notary Public for Oregon J My Commission Expires: ()~/I ~ ;u,03 I . OFFICIAL SEAL ',) PAT CANE \'" ../ NOTARY PUBLIC. OREGON . . COMMISSION NO. 325262 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES AUGUST 12, 2003 Personally appeared before me this ...;1~"t4- day of ('AOJL~. '\ 2002, the above named ~'1'h:. ~.\<oJ.l'! _ ' and acknowledged foregoing instrument to be ~/her vol~tary act and deed. ~r~ ss. ss. the -" , the STATE OF OREGON County of Lane ~f>J --10: (2...0 lo...cl-- K..o ILo ~ 4.CiQJ. 7Cf.'" ~ Spftd 0 vz...cn Yl ~ Notary Public for Oregon My Commission EXPires:~'~/~~ N:\CITy\pworks\GENERAL\Declaration.wpd .,..... ! ~ .... J'. /(..'.~'.~lj~~gRO#%JAFiREtO'~'ifO~1CRIPTibWS~af:'RiAUfO..~E~~tE~~jt~~,2% . f~::T.c':':~~~~:::OFFI~E .OF COUt<~.t~SI:S50R..L.A~E COU,NTy.OREG_O~ . .~~= ..~'.;" .~~~->:'\ 4t'. .~';;'~;.F "9-L '1~~OT'0.____~6\ T'W";.,..:TI_SI~.~e.r. "OR W.~.."~ VO~'''~ ",.".,.e i J)....n..llIg. DI:ot......CI:: ae....rtl....C Il.I1;:~ElOlCE: CA 1.'l:G....1. S:UDOI"'I::IO!'f 1 l \ ~,~:....~ ., . , . . .i {~ . i 1948:. t . 1950 hl.qtf'b7 f~ .' ~ 1995\'Yt "; .~ N. '0~13'W. 435.80 ft N.7Sfl 2Z'E. 71.98 ". ." S.U'SS'E. 100.0 it N.76' ZZ'E, 50.90 N, .' S.U' 35'E. 107.87 ft 344.11 ft 1 , , , , ':T:''::7'." ~ ~ 19B5 :;i'f14i-7 " 435.60 :f:'t 102.10 ft . 435.60 ft .102.10 ft ~ . NOO1.3'\-[ 1995v1< i"w 22 I E . SCoB'E . 578" 22.~ \1 ,~ > ,. ~~ ~l ~I' L ,~ '. .f .,~. . '.~ ',~ . .'-, -.',....: ~i\l~j li~ ~~~ity" " .' . .'<;' '. : . ....~ .. ~: 'I"'~ ~::; ~: ~;; ~:::: ~.:; ~;~,i{::>~~.; G:');~~:;~ :;'ii{~~ ',,::::~~:: ~;; ~ ~ :.:.:. i Be;;i=:.nr; c.-b s. poizlt th...t is ;;4~. 48" I 202.90 ft. North 0013' 1'Ie.st a:'ld-!..OC/'34i I 816.80 f't Norlh 7802:1.' East o.f i;b.e1<.Jq''lf''JIf~lf-(r7! Sa~thwest corner or t~e Nelson Dsvis \ PLC #SO, Townehip 17' 50u.t1\, R=ge 2 R20:0/9~; 69.78 i We$t, WM.,; runni~g thcnee to -t.."e S'ly right of way line .of the ~cXenpie Eigh~y; thence foll""'izl~ s~id r.ight of ""0.3' l1.'1e; ,,:hence . thf:!lca 'the:ooe and then~e . along a 213.11 ft. rao:l.US cur"''' rig""; . (the long chord of 'which o\=..rve 'oe9.rc: South 33'22' r~st:3D9.37 ft.), to i;be pls.ce of beg~;~s.t cO!i':~1l1i::.g .:lore or less 1.."l 'l.s.ne. CC'mty,. Ol'"sgcn.. '.. - ~~b~::;'+';t~0:;'.~1;:' -;"'--e~ Subjsct ~o t~c foll~\~g re~~ri. ctic-~,; all buildi1:.g I:,us.t DB p~i~ted with -two coats cf' stsz.de:-d p...i!l.t ~ithin 90 days after ccnpleticn. Use; Begir.ning at a point that is 202.90 feet NOQ13'W ,~~d 714.70 feet 1;7eo22'E of the SW corner of the Nelson .Davis D.L.C. #50, Twp 175, R2 W. Wl-I'J ru:z:ming t,hen~e "0 tho S'ly ~ight of ....:r1~.. .~f the ~cKenzi$.Highway, thence uong said right of way line, thence lhenc:e ~o t.he p1..oe of bee;inning, co.r,t.'1in- i.ng mer'e 0:" less 1..00 acre. ~ 62 /210 -' , R36 ! 27 i51. R13~6/8,...04497 r?./O/t'1!' ~-7o'tO'1 , . I R20~0/9~16978 .Co!it.ai..P..ing I!!:)re or lc~s 2.34 ,. . ,..... .;,';:'-;", i I j , ~ .\' . / .._-:--- ... .. .... ........ <{:;E;:i~i;;0.~1.C,~-..i;... .'...,.... :,":: EXHIBIT R-e.i U } 1