HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1981-10-8 - _~';;!:~:':-"-;..=.?::~~C":"'-:_.-.-:o-.' ___ -- RESIDEN. .-- CO~BINATION/APPLICATION PERMIT CITY OP SPEll/OF IEW 225 t:O.rml S'IH S'I':~EET SPRl:1GFIELD, OREC-ON 97477 aui 7.dirr.g Divisio'!':. 726-3753 Subdiv~. si"n: Job !ocation, 1119 N. "A" Strppt :4.ssSSS0rs Map f# 17-03-35-41 _.r Frank G~nin City Addrsa. 1119 N. "A" Street Sorinafield. Oreann n Wl r;;l tI....' Addition Remod.. AcJd2teS8 Gen,ra1. COl'!traaCOrs Name T()m Wirfc:. P.umbing !1.sctricat /-!tlchar.iac.L Don Lewis Bills Electric Constru...--ticn Lander o o GJ GJ GJ GJ GJ GJ g o UNDERStAB PLUMBING~ EL!CT~ICAL & ~ MECHANICAL: To be made before any XX work is covered.. FOOTING & FOUUDATION: To be made after trenches are e::cavated and forms ar!: erect~d, but prier to pouring concrete. UNDERGROUND PLUMBING. SEWER. WATER. rI DRAI!lJl.GE: To be made prior'to fil- lnJ ling trenches. UNDE:RF!..OOR PLUl1BING ~ ME':HANICAL: To be made prior to installation or floor insul.u ion or decking. POST & BEAM: To be ~4de prior to installation 0= fl~or insulation or decking. ~ ROUCH PLUMB!NG. ELECTRICAL & MECH- ANCI~L: Uo ~ork is to be covered until these inspectior.s have beer. made and approvec!. o , ~,-!:-,-,...! -----,"'-..-. ..._~:. .~:. _:,,_..:...-=:~.-,,0.~=,;;'~...,......__~~~ .. RECEIPT # ,~.TlU ~ Building permit 4 % Plumbing permit 4 % Electrical permit 4 %. Mechanical permit 4 % $ 52.00 2.08 45.00 1.80 25.00 1.00 20.50 .82 $148.20 j FIREPLACE: Prior to placing racing 0 ~terials and before fra.'lling inspec- tJ.on. ~.~ r Ch~rA ) Authori;Jed City Agent Expires Phon. # It is the responsibility of the permit holder to se~ th~t all i~spections are made at the p~per readable frcm the street. and tha~ the permit card is located at the front of the property. ~ All manholes and cleanouts are to be adjust3d .a~ no cost to ~he City SITE INSPECTICN: To be made after excavation. but prior to set u? of farr.',s. Roof removal 30 ft. Replace with man. trusses - roof 6' extension across rear of unit New interior partitions Ta::: Lot; #. 3300 F1lo\HING: Must be requested after 0 approval or rough plumbing, electri- cal & mechanical. All roofing, bracing & chimneys. etc. must be completed. No work is to be con- 0 cealed until this inspection has been made and approved. 5-29-82 689-8447 688-1853 343-1353 P}o.07\B g Zip q7477 DS8cz-i.be Work Lise;; 32947 REQUIRED INSPECTIONS INSULATIONIVAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made after all insulat ion and required vapor barriers are in place but before any lath, gypsum board or wal1 covering is applied. and beforeo any insulation is concealed. DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be m.1.de after all drywall is in plu.ce, but prior to any taping. MASONRY: Stoel location, bond be3mS, grouting cr verticals in accordance with U.B.C. Section 2415. time, that each address is WOODSTOvtS: After installation \ is completed. CURB & APPROAC~ APRON: After forms are erec~ed but prior to pouring concrete. SIDEWALK & DRI~iAY: For all con- crete paving wi~hin s~reet right- .of-way, t~ be c:ade aher all exca- va'ting complete Ii form wor~ & .sub- base material in place. OTHER INSPECTIONS: may be required in accordance ~ith Building Cede. to be indicatec in rla!'.s or by no- tice from Building Inspec~or. FINAL PLUMBING All project conditior.s. such as the installation of street trees, completion of the required landscaping, etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be requested. GJ FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be requested a:ter the Final Plumbing Electrical, ~nd Mechanical Inspections have ~een made ~d approved. fINAL E!.SCTRIC.o\L Uo occupancy of the premises C30 be made until the Final Building Inspection has been made and approved, and a CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY HAS B~~ ISSUED BY THE BUILDING DIVI- SION ~~D POSTED ON THE PREMISES. ~ FINAL HECHAF.ICAL ?~ge 1 of 2 PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION REOUEST: Call 726-3769 (rec=rder)s~ate your City designated job number, job address~ type of inspection requested and when you will be re3dy for inspec- tion, Contractors or Owners name and phone numbers. Requests received before 7:00 a.m. will be made the s~e day. requests made after 7:00 a.m. will be made the next working day. YOUR CITY DESIGNATED JOB NUM~ER IS: ._~-:-:~;;:~\~~,~<<;..:,\~::~~~~';~~,~:~i~t;2i.;1~S12lfl={'::~i;:;;.~~ib:b~5]~if1[~~.L~i~~~~~~;&~~ ~~d:~~3S;::.~;q2l1j~~.:.;.\j~;i.o-~~1~:l~J25:~~~~E1r~~~~~~;.~ ----- 810696 l;oB NtJ}!EER 810696. I ZONE R 1 -"~. .. '_n . I . . P.:l.ge 2 I REFERENCE NPMBERS OCCUPANCY C-ROlJP R3 TYPE!Cn~ST~UCTION V-N ,.- --- -~...._-~.-.-.......-' :JQ~";'!' I I I I I I I L-COr,. :: BEDROOMS Lot Square Ftg. :': elf" lot Cave'l"ed i# of'Stories 7otal. Heigh:: 7Opograpl-:y 41?0 1?'!: l~ n. 10.\101_ Lot Ty?e X Inte!'ioro Lot Comer I P.D. PanhandZl.!INor-<.;h Othgr I' East South West; Setbaoks Faoes: ! : House ':ia:r~1 AC'ca8J I I f Energy ::"""!1; {;'ate!' Heater- I _~a7'.ga I Pool I 5o;.~':?es ::'r'~::~'.Z::2 :io:;,;, S;::J:JO FEES B[JILDINt; VALUE/PERMIT I'P. t'tl7. ~.I,.,-i "- ISq. F'tg. C-ara.Je Sq. Ftg. car;cr": ISq. Ft~. A::ae~8o:-y ISo. Fto. VaLue , ." ., ::: ::: ::: ::: pgrm, t C1ta.~eB I $9 .600. 0) ~? nnl ? OR, I <;4.0RI I - I I This permit is gra:1it'3d on the e.zpreas o:J"!Uii-::.on that the said cons~tion shaU, in aLZ l'e8;:ect~, confo~ to the O!'di.""UZr.ees adopted by the Ci-;y 0;-. S;l....;.n.g.~..iBLdJ incL:;.di:-:g the Zoning Ordirumce, re~.lZating ;.;'.8 con- str'.lC~on cmd uss of l:r.liZdi~s, ani. ."!a'::, ';8 $".lspar.dea or rB'voksd at any time upon vioZati.:;n of an'i provi- sions of Raid :Jrdinances. Stn:tA .'i1rt"f'!;,I1tV1R TOTAL CH.4RGES Plan. Check Fee Date Paid 1 n_ 7 _Q1 Raoeipt # R<;741R Dan Smi th $15.60 IS~st€m Dev~Zo~~~nt Char~e 11.s::: VaZ!.l9 I 1!'iO. ~ I I I PLUMBING PERMIT ~i:tures I~ CHAllGE I n~ I No person shaLZ construct, inBt~ZZ, alter ~r change cury netJ or e:::isting plur.rbing or ~in.agB 8yS":Bm in whels or it: part, unLess such per8o~ is -:he :egaZ poSSi!ssor of a valid pbmber's Li4er.ae, e::cept 1:=hat a person may do plumbing I..'ork to pro?er~ w.":-:..ch is 0lJ71ed, Zeassd or operated by the ap:: EOG:"1t. 4~ riatar Serviae ISa.rri.~-1Sf/'J)tl1" I I SUBTOT.4L State Suzochart:Je TOTAL CHARGES 4~ nn 1 Rn 41i Rn 1 INO. I I ? I I IT-ECTRICAL PER/fIT S~. pootaae J FEE !1t1W or E.":tel'lSicm/Cir<:!"..ti T ......~...~ _'f C~8't:'"uction CHARGE 15.00 Where State Lar..' requires that the 8:ilct=-ioa~ lJol'k be done by an ElectricaL C:mtractor.J tha e.ZBa~ca~ por- tion of this permit shaZ'L not be ua:i.d untiZ t;hs ap- bel has assn aigned by the Ez..actric.:~ Contr~tol'. Mo,.. ~~Y'vi ('0 In nn The E2ectricaZ Saf.ty Lat.J does not requ-::re :::: ?e:"son to obtain a licsns. as an 9ZectriC"~ ar.d/o'!" €Zec- triea! CO"l~tor to make an eLectr-:':cal -:':ns-:.:LZation on property lJhich is ?Wnad by hir1rse!f'" or a .':':z::We:o of his itmtedic.te family whick is not ir:'ttm:i~d .-";'1' saLe, lease or rant. SUBTOTAL Sl;fIt;,g Suzocharae TOTAL t;l/ARr;ES ?~ nn 1 nn ?!; nn I I"". I 1 ~ I I P,fl*JVJ(!~ - 9'!'U'S orhaust "ood V61tt Fan Wood Stove/Heats1" Issuance SUBTOTAL Stata Sul'chaNa TO'!AL CHA.HGES o,7CRQACHNENT ISeau~ty Deposit I Starags IUaincrta."tCS' IPe_t t TOT:1.L AMOUNT DUE lC'.J,rb~t I Sid"",alk IF'mcg l~tectri~at Labet I I'WTAL A/1OU!/T DUE I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the compLeted application f01" permit.J and do Ii hereby certify that an information hereon is true and correct,. cmd I , .. further certt.fy that any and aU wrk performed shalZ be dons 1.11: accor-. I dance lJtih the Ordinances of ths City of SpringfieZd, and the LaMs of ths \ _ State of Oregon pertaininq to the work dt;scribed herein. and that NO OC.. ~ CUPANCY lJi U btl nrzde of any stro..l.ctur6 lJithout permission of the Building : Division. I f'gthel' certify that onLy contractol"s and empLoyess lJho ar6 _ in compliance wi'th ORS 701.0S5 lJil.1. be usBd on ~his project. 1148,Jj ~_. .:i1.Qn€a ua::e Buildina DiIJis1.on appl'O"Jed pLan shaH remzin on the. Building Site at all times. ~ . . ~ c::.:,:':-.::..:::.._,;~~:-.;:'-" .~_-'--.2 .""t ~:~~;-..~: :~:~~':~:.:~;.:~:r.:"d.;~:';'~:~~ ._-. - '-.,.'-" -, '-'. ",', ._-_."-"~-~'."""~.-, ~ -_..-~ - ~ . .. _._i . -- . ":.":. :... ~ ....; " :-"" , ." ~, . ,,-:"' ~:--~:-'~.7::~~~~~r.:.~;~~'~j;~~~r~.:?i2~S~~;.:;,:~:,.~~' ---- - ">"..- ~ - -:'-~~~""""--;..,",:---:--~,,,--:---=--- ---