HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Sidewalk 1982-9-17 .. RESlrt~HIAL" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfie~d, Oregon 97477 Bui~ding Division 726-3753 . " SPRINGFlEl.C Job Looation: I//J n. 'f) :JJt/lpor/ \, IJ'33S37_ nt/f)1 A8GeS80rz Map # Subditr":sion: Ta::: Lot # O=e", \ )(1\'" \'\\ r~ ~1U Add2>essl n 8- f\. '-(A,,' U)l./ - Cit'd' DnLJ rl NU \ V J n n n n ,V~M i41o,,4fo&0 C/7477 P}-.orte .' Zip: DesoP":"be r.'orl<: 81 Remodel. ~~~ Addi ticn /J\~ f ,~1obi Za HQme VaZue Date of Applicaticn Conr:1'Qc:ojs' 1 Genera! l VLl ') //\ 0 A ./ Pl.wnhing Electrical. Mechar.ic.= 1.. Con3t~ction [endsr Add.-ess -- Lise. # . Rcce-:':Jt ,ii. ."1Gfi \ ~ r j ~u Date: E;:::;il'<!s Pr.onc It is the responsibil.ity of ths permit hoLier to see that aZ~ inspections are made at :he proper tim€~ that each ~e8s is reaiCb:e from the street, and that the permit card is l.vcated at the front of the property. *Bui~ing lr~ui=io~ approved F~ shell remain on the Bu~Zding Sits at all times. ?!?OCSDUF!E FOR INSPECTION R~QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City designated job nl.Q;';bel', job address, type of ir.:;?ec~icn requested a:-:d when you tJiU be ready for inspection, Cont:1'actcl'S or <A.m:e::"s r.c:ne end 'p'.one number. Reques~s received opf'ore 7:00 ,::::;r :,,'i~Z. be made the same dc.:y, requests mc:.de aft~ 7:00 a71 tJiz.L be made the next :.JOrkirig daY~.J C\ \ N ~ /1 (] Your City Desiqr.ated Job Numba 13: r\ ()( ~ ~tD _qR"lJ1:~pti T"'J}r"1/'f':prr._.~ O SITE INSPECTION: To be made excavation, ~ut prior to set forms. o after up oj UNDERSLAS FLUlmING. ELECTRIC~iL -1 NECH/dlICAL: To be made before any work is ~01)ared. o F'OOTnlG ~ FOUNDA T ION: To be made after trenches are excavated and forms are erected, but prior to ptr..aoing ccncretG' UNDSRGROm!D PLUMBING. SE:WER. W.1TER, DRAINAGE: To be made priot' to fil- Zir.g trenches. o o UNDEHPWOR PLUNSfllG & MECHANICAL: To be made prior to in3tal~ation of ~oor insuLation or decking. POST .4ND BEAU: To be made pY"":.or to installation of [7.001' ins~lation or decking. ROUGH ?LCP.1BI.'IG. ELECTRICAL _~ ."fECFl- ANICAL: No ~ork is co be covered ur.~il these inspections have beer. made and approved. E'I_=?EPLACE: Prior to p'lctr;r.g facing materials and before framing inspec- tior.. o D o D INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INS?EXTIOtl: To be made a;.-ter aa insul.:;t0n CJ".d. required vapor harriers are in ~Zace but cefore any lath, gypsum boa..-..d or wU covering is apptied, and before any insulation i3 concea~ed. DRY''';ALL INSP~CT!ON: To be made after al.l drywLl. is in place, but prior to any taping. O MASONRY: Steel location. bond beam3, groutir~ or verticaLs in accordance !..lith U. 8. C. Secticn 2415. D WOODSTOVE: After inatal.Zation is ccmpleted.. o o CURB & APPROACH AP.r::Oll: Afte:, forms are tJreated bu.t pI'iol" to POU1"";ng oem.crete. D SIDgr";ALK & DRI!'EWAY: For al l. con- crete paving within stre~t right- of-wc.y, to b~ made after aU exca- vating ccmplete d fo~ work & sub- base iTaterial in place. O .~NCE: Wher. compZ~te -- Provide. FRAMINC: Nust be requeated after . 1 . '!..- h ........."'r"......,.Z ~ . 1 .. 1'. gates or :71ovao...e sect1.cns tru-cua. ~~~ vv_ 0; rougn p...Uff~~ng, 2...eCt~- P.U.E. ~ cia:z & mechanical. AU roofing fiJ bracing d chimneys, etc. m".;.st be &~ . comp Zetcd. !lo work is to be con- '-.)\..J , ceded until this insvection has' ' '!LL' c-y" 0 K.. . been ma.d~ and approved. o I DF:UOLITIOH OR ;','OVE~ 3UILDI.X;S ~ Sani-=a:rrJ se~'er ::apped =.t p:.o?<;rt':/ Zir:.e ~ Septic tank P"....~~d ar.d f-:..lZed uith gra-~2Z ~ FinaZ - ~~en abcve it2~S are cc~lec~c ~ and when iemcZitior. is compZe~e or $t~~- ture moved and ?r~3eS cleaned u? Nobi!e Hc:'r:es =:J BZocking ::J Plwnbing ::J EZectricaZ conr.ection ~ BZockir~, set-u~ end plumbing ccnr.t2ctions rrr.Ast =~ crpp!'a7J~c before request:ng eZec=ricaZ ins~ec-=io~ ~ Set-:J.p connect:ons sc;;-...;er ar.a wa-=dlZ' ~ AccessoI".:i 3ui7.d:l".g I Fir'.al - Aft~r pl'cr:.es, ~ etc. ere ccmpte:~d. I skil'tin.g, decks. o All pl'oject conditions, 3uch as the {nstaZZation of street treeS, c~~Zec~on of che required 1.andscapir.g, etc., must be satisfied before :he 3UILDING Fr.'lAL can be !'zq-..lest3a. o FIlIAL PLUt.fBIlIG o FIlIAL l1E:HANICAL o FINAL ELECTJ?ICAL o o FINAL BUILDING: The Final BuiZding Inspection must be requested aft~r the Fi~l Plumbing EZectrical. and Mechar.ical Inspections have been made and approved. "'A&L MANHOLES AND CLEANQUTS HUST BE ACCESSIBLE. .4DJUST!!E,'/'!' TO 3E N.1DE i:T !lO C'']ST TO CITY I :J""~e 0 f 2 Pc:.ge 2 I JOB NO,cr;::J\~9- SOLAR A.ESS REQ,- I Zone: Ocau'Danc?/ Graul}: Lot Sq. Ptg. ~ ,jf wt Caveragi: # of Stories Total Height Topography LOT TYPE Intel'icl" Corner PanhandLe CUl-de-sac ITEM I SQ, FTC VaZue x Nain Gc:raae Carver: I 1.4ccesso!'u I I Is,D,c, TOTAL VALUE (VCl-UC) 1,5 ::: BuUding Permit State Surcharge Total C'h.a..:"ges lITEM I Fiztures !Residential (1 bath) I Sanitary Sewer IND. FEE CHARGE Water PLumbing Perd t state Surcr.arge Total. Chat'aes I ITEM .'10. FEE CHARGe; Res. Sa. fta. N~/Eztend Circuits Temporary Service Et€::triaal Permit State SlJ.1'~".arae Total. Charces IJ.-TSM I F'urnace ETU' S \ E=hauat Hood I Vent Fan I ' I Woodsto"Je 1.'/0' i PES CHARGE Pemt Issuance Mechanic~l. Permi t State SUI'chc.rae Total Cha:r'3e!1 tUCRCACHNENT -- Se~~rit:J Devosit Storage I Maintenance I Permit I Total. Charaes CUrbcut Sid_L~ iN. I Pen:;e I EZectrical Label I MabUe Home 700 I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:-* ?oo . L-COG~ Type/Co1".8t: Bedrooms: I Lot Faces - I I P,L INorth rEnat Sor.:.th IWest I I Enerau Sources I I Heat II I I : I II TlJoe Setbacks House Caraqe AccesS. ilt::.tel" Ho.r1tp1" Rar!f;e Fil'eol.ace Wood~tot:e Fees I I I I I I I , , I I (. Building Value & Permit This permit ia g~anted on the expl'ess condition that the s~id.~onst~~otion shall, in aZl l'€spects, conform to the Q~dinar.oe ~dopted by the C~ty of Sprinafield, ~ncZudina :ne Zonina crd:r~ceJ l'eaulc:ina tr.a ccnst~~cticn and u;~ of buiZdi~~sJ~and mcy ce-suspended or l'~vokec ~c any :~me upon vic- 1.ation of any p~ovi3ions of said Ordir~nces. I Plan Check Date Paid: IReodpt #: ISi!j"ed: Fee: Plumbing Permit No person ahall construct, instal!, alter or ahar4€ any new 01' e:isting pl.umbing 01" dPainage syste:n in whoLe 01' in part, unless suoh person is the legal posseSSOI' of a val.id plumber's lioense, exoept tr~t a person r.ay do pZ~bing work to property which is ~~~dJ leased or opel'ated ~y the appli- cant. I I I I. Electrical Permit I I I I I. Where State La1u requires tr.at the electrical wOl'k be done by an EZec:trical Contractor, the eLectrical portion of this pe~t ahaLL r~t be valid until the Zabel. has been signed by the ElectT'ical. ~ontl'actor. I I I I I I I I I I. Mechanical Permit PI..c:n Ezcmt.~el' I./ar::e I HAVF: CAREFULLY eXAMINED the compLeted appLication fol' permit, and do hereby certify that aLL info~ation hereon is true and cOl'rect, and I f'..trther certify that any ar.d aU work pel'.foP"i'ted ahaZl be do:'1B in ac~or- dance 'Jith the ordinar.ces of the City of Spp"'~ngfid.d, and the k..;s of tf:e -* State of OregQn p$rtaining to the work described herein, end that NO OCCU- PANCY wilT. be rrr:zde of any structure without pe1."rlt':'ssion of the 5uiZding rr:.- vision. I furthel' cer'tify that o:'1ly ~ontra::tors ar.d e:rrpwyees who a-e in compLiance with ORS 701.055 wiLL be used on this proj~ct .~4~ ~ /(/r",,<