HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1981-6-25 INS.PECTIOH LINE 726-.J769 , CITY Of SPRINGFielD COM8INA.T1CN APPlICATION/PERMIf n~. . INFORMA TlON LINE 726-.J7S3 O_"e. !1";.,, /1'1,' Add.eu i J J '1 .<)r S M',Na .JI,j/J I TF ....f?nu.uC!;o" lender L.atM,r1I1Nii A(fl-~<J f , ()~P9ff'- , Phone 7"l/,-JQ7/ I' ENERGY SOURCES: i Sq. h.g. Main Heat Sq. ftg. Acceu. I WOIf!tr Hl!'aler I Sq. ftg. Other ~/? Ran'le _ , _Nl!'.... ~Add _Alter _Rep. l Voluf!t of Work: ", ,,' 1_._fence_oema_Change/Use I IC?,,.()()D~' ,u_~o"" ~_ Building Pl!'rmit Info, Df!ts~.jbe WOrk {i.e., Build Sing I. Fomilv Resid~n~e With AttQched Goroae) (l() '-, \) -t "' '\J Job Addr~u " '-1L7 ~' ..'),11, 11.St~-r mAp 1'71'J2~r le'1al Destription tA' Lo t lOC') ('> + </,,<.. /( rJ."~ftl;' , Addr." DESIGN TEAM (n.m,; JJW1ff d if lAel'. htliu./l.jJ"i' K fl ,,, ,\ ~h 'DM V~ of ~,~ Ph.n. [.." ~~ '1-1, 1)1 1< C. "J",,,, ~ tON (!J.1It' hlrl{oddreul.f!f.2...$/I{ ~.? ':> (liu. no.)....1t2iJ.n'l. Cexpiresl ~1~) (phone no.) b1? ~- -lY'd Prima.y Structural Electrical Gel\IIHol flu C;"i;. f tflB", '2 xr ">Qf2D"}, (expires) qlZ4~j i (phoMe no.l' , , 1 l/(?~-~ Me~honi~ol f " (l7IJ.{ !-0,,1 / o).} (address) (' "1M /7/1, N 1/ - I r flies. no.) CONTRACTO~S (nome) plumbi"q Electrical ~.,~ MechcI\icol I I NO.! I I I j I I I I I I I I I r I TOT At CHARGES I PLUMBING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL fEE I CHARGE I NO. I feE i CHARGE I NO. FEE !CHARGE ~q: ft. New circuits. olteretions or extensions furnace/burner to !:l.TU's Applionce vent separolo Stationary evap. cooler Vent fan with s;nllle duct Vent system aport from heotil\q or A.C. Mechanical exhaust hood and duct .1 E::::~n sinqle fixture IIl:oIl0COled building (n6w lix. add;rionolJ I S.F. Residence (l barh) i Residence of SERVICES DUDI.-.:. (\ bothl .oen. Temporary Construction ....dditional balh Amps. WOlerser...ice Sewer Wood stolf.1 heater Stor.m Sew.r fEEDERS Heot Puma Air handler to TO.OOf) CFM Air hondler 0....' 10.000 CFM Amos. lirA I v I I /! / ,/I /{/ IT ;11/1 /!/Ir TOTAL CHARGES ISSUANCE 'Of#PERMIT I TOT At CHARGES WHEKE STAlE LAW REQUIRES ,hot the Eletrricol work be clone by the EI.rtrieol Conlrotl07, the electrical portiou of this permit shldl not b. valid until a lab.1 hOI b_n signed by Qn f].,tricol Contractor and attached to the electrical panel. I HAVE CAREfULLY EXAMINfD Ihe completed application for permit, and do hereby certify thot 011 information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any and 011 work performed shall be done in actOrdc:",ce with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the laws gf the State of Oreggn pertoining tg the work dl!5Crii:>ed herin, and Ihat NO OCCUPANCY will be mode of any structure without tho permiuion of the Building Civision. t further certify that my registration with the Builder's Boord is in full force and effect os required by ORS 701.055, t jf ex.empt the basis for exemption is noted' heron, ol\d thot only subcontractors and employees who are in comPIiOsn'G~NWA~ith.~O'_N'05p5:: n I'; p..j.d, 80sis for Builder's Soard u:emptionl . / J NAME (pl.... p,;nl) 'Dr> .1" ."., 1], ,AI< A,y ",A.,,, OATE &./"1 'flU- FOR OffiCE USE ONLY '7 Zone N\..... ~Type/Const. fire Zone ~drooms Flood Plain <:torie- IJnih Occy load nccy Group <:;q. fig. Main <:;q; Ftg. Accos' Sq. Ftg. Othf!tf x Value JC Vallole JC Vollole - TOTAL VALUATlON~~ .:- U /_ I Syslems Development ~ r"fDO Chorq" (1..5~~1 BUilDING P!:RMIT Charges and Slolr~harges "::n' j P'.n Ck, C.mm/lnd 07.{J("') 6.5~o/Bld(l Pet fee Plan CX. hs ~f ~ :Jo~ol Blda Per F(,1l PLUM RING PERMIT Charges and Surcharges Fl!nce Demo I , . Total Comb. PermIt ElECTRICAL PERMIT Charges and Slolrchorges Sidewolk lie:: P,:,vi.,t1 MECHANICA.l PERMIT Charges and Sute;,orges I ---------, Clolrb Cut TOTAL /'II,c/~ " . ".';:."'--'-...~-..:..;". ..... ~REQUIRED . INS PEe T Ion S - ItISPECTlON LINE 726-3769 YOJR C l1Y DES IG1~ffiJ JOB NlrulER IS: INSPECTlOII PROCEDURE FOR THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELO BUILDING OIVISION 346 MAIN STREET 'X. I () L/ /'"! INFORMATION LINE 726-3753 The following indicated inspections are required for your construction at /! /7 ~o 'A It is the responsibility of the permit holder to see that all inspections are made at the proper readable from the street~ and that the permit card is located at the front of the property. ~ SITE INSPECTION, To be made' atter excavatlon~ but prior to set- ~ up of forms r--l UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & MECHANICAL: To be made before any work lS covered /' ~ FOOTING & FOUNDATION: Tobe made after trenches.are excavated ~ and forms are erected. but prior to pouring concrete r--l UNOERFLOOR PLUMBING & MECHANICAL: D fa be maQe prlor to lnstal latlan of floor ins~lat1on or decking c==J 'POST & BEAM: To be made prior to lnstallatlon of floor insulation or decld og c==J ROUGH PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & MECH- ANICAL: NO work 1$ to be coverea until these inspections have been made and approved c==J FIREPLACE: Prior to placing fac- In; ;;\au::ria1s and before fraf:'ling inspection / lTI'mAMING INSPECTION: Must be re- quested arter approval of rough plumbing, electrical & mechanical. All roofing. bracing & chimneys. etc. must be completed. No work is to be 0 concealed until this inspection has been made and aooroveg _ _ B[J[LDING lNSPECTIOILS: c==J FINAL PLUMBING INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPEC- TIUN: ro be made atter al r lnsula- tion and required vapor barriers are in place but before any lath. gypsum -board or wall covering is applied. and before any insulation is con- cea 1 ed DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made after all drywall is in place. but prior to any taping MASONRY: Steel location, bond beams. grouting or verticals in ac- cordance with U.B.C. Section 2415 ~ ~ ~ D FIRE & SEPARATION WALL: Located & constructe& according to plans ATTIC DRAFT STOPS: ROOF SHEATHIIIG AND NAILING: Prior to installing any roofing SIOEHALK & ORIVEHAY: Required for al I concrete paving within street right-of-way, to be ~ade after all excavating complete & form work & sub-base material in place ~ CURB AND APPROACH APRON: After forms are erected but prior to pour- ing concrete ~ FINAL ELECTRICAL SEHER, HATER & DRAINAGE LINES: Prlor to tillinQ lfi trenches D FINAL MECHANICAL c==J FINAL FIRE DEPARTMENT >./ time, that each address is c==J WOOOSTOVES: After installation is completed D ~ ~ ,SPECIAL INSPECTIOMS: Hhen re- ~qulred by BUlldlng Code, special inspector to be present when work is in progress. A copy of the special testing report to be furnished to the Building Division Structural Concrete: In excess of 3000 P,S,L, Structural Welds: Performed on the job c==J Glu-lam Beams: Inspection certificate (by approved a~ency) supplied,to Build- ing Division before beams. are placed Fire Retardant Roofing: Before Instal- lation 'OTHER INSPECTIONS: May be required -in accordance with Building Code. to be indicated in plans or by notice fro~ Bui1ding Inspector All project conditions. such as the installation of street trees. completion of the required landscaping, etc.. must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be requested. r==J Construction projects that required approval by the City's Site Plan Review Board shall be inspected by the Review Board before requesting a final bUilding inspection. Requests for inspection by the Site Plan Review Board must be made 2 days in, advance of the date you wish inspection. ~'~NAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be requested after the Final Plumbing. Electrical~ and Mechanical Inspections have been made and approved. I1JBlLE HClES-Your Job # is: r==J Blocking/Setu~ r==J Plumbing. Connections Sewer and Water r==J Electrical Connection From Service to Mobile Home c==J Electrical se"rvice Pedistal r==J Accessory Building - May require Inspection as Buildings - See Build- inc' Insoections Above . r==J Final - After Porches. Skirting. Decks. etc, are completed :)lgnature Date SIGt,S-Your Job # is: D D ~ o Site/Location Footing or Method of Atta'chment Electrical ORoU9h OFinal Final - After Installation is com- pleted OTHER-Your Job # is: D o , ~lgl)ature Date Fence - When Completed Demolition - When Completed ~19nature Oate BUILDING DIVISIOrl APPROVED PLANS SHALL REHAIN ON THE BUILDIIIG SITE AT ALL TIMES, AND ALL HORK flUST BE COMPLETED IN ACCORDANCE HITH THOSE APPROVED PLANS, NOTE: All manholes and cleanouts are to be adjusted at no cost to the City. /' 17:1/ L::J PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION REOUEST - Call 726-3769 (recorder) state your City designated job number, jOb address, type Of inspection requested and \~hen you will be ready for inspection, Contractors or- Owners name and phone numbers. Requests received before 7:00 a.m. will be made the same day. requests made a'fter 7:00 a.m. will be made the next working day.