HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2001-12-17 Oct-IS-OI OI:43P 1.1I0Wlng prOj~ct as submitted has the following zoning, and does not require specific land use 22:5 FIFTH STREET approval. SPRJNGFIELD. OREGON 9741M11inr' INSPECTI01\ REQU5~r 726.3769 l-;;t.j '1 .01 OFFICE: 726-37;9 a € 1>1~ Aull,urlzed Signature 3. ::OMPLCTC fCE SCHEDULE BELOW I. LOCATION OF JNSTALLATI01'i /~7~ 5:" N . P.Ol ,~ . c..c- ELECTRJCAL PERMIT APPLlCA nON Cit, .'nb Number 01-0 /'2..8'0 -0 ( LEGAL UESCRIPTlON 1l-~:1J ~ 3~ 19 ~? 60 A. New RC!iitlcntiill-Sin~lc nr Multi-Famil)' pt:r dwcllinJ.: unit. Sen'kc lnclui.lctl: Items Cust Sum JOB DESCRIPT}~. -4 ___ . l>0.u. ~ ~~ 7~C Permit.5 nrc 1l01HwflsferabJe and expire if work is lIQt started within 180 d(l,}'s ofisslIllncc or if work is suspended f('lJ ISO days. l!Jon ~q.ft. or kss E~lch additional 500 sq. ft or portion thercJf Ei-l:::h ~,,'l.lIl11rd Home or Modular Dwelling Ser~..ice or Feeder. 511)(,1'0 $ 19.00 $ .\IJ.lIU 2. CONl'RAl'TOR [1\ST ALl-A TION ONL Y B. Service.' or Feellers In~taJlati/)nt AJtcrntion5 or Electric"rConlracto[' Alert I:lectric, Inc. Relocalioll' Address i970 N. .28th Street 2fX} amps or less:. . 2~1 amps 10 400 amps ~()l amps to 6UO amps GU J () mps to 1000 amps /(to O\'er 1lI0U amps/volts 7: )'~onlle"t Only !tIS ...~:. 4(?l;T~)i"ry Services or Foe,le... CO... 1iJ~\)iitt~r;1:lterali"" or Relocation 1 "'4f;:; <f'O "1t1 ./1IY180 1!I~~0~~/4~PI'; " _ $50.00_ 01j;c1!~~,P.!Ifl~iGA'~lllIlP.~~/",,~ _-.$J6009.0000_- ~:..Signatw"C of SIlJlcni~irJg Electrician ':1:") :V1i'YJ ~ fr. /} .l) ~ 01' I~e ~ ?If) . iLtfib~ "B" abo\'e . Ol/tcO'lIIS O.-9,f". ' [ "Ill'~ { D. B,'anch Cirelli" POq I/tOr O..n.... Name ~.Gm6-.> (~~S New AlIeIal10n or ExtenSion Per Panel n_'O;/,,;rv ~(;; ivt9.6 Address //hZ2 <:" ~ "'/"~.;\;l :f&~a Olle CircUlI -!.--- S43.~ flt::fV i I J ,;,vv,g" . ,g$~ "&17 O'&tS< 174l Cit).f+r.A.A-\.......... P~o~i:6(., . 'OtT._. t&~ rI1O'~,,'m'clVMditional C!fCuilotlHth Service :::r. (90 I)Y?f){ 'I) t/17tft; OO~ O'.s: 'gP.s~~~dl.fmit .L- S 3 00 ~ OWNER INSTALLATION' vel'" '1~C'~ Obt,,;, OtIJfn,erlJI9 I'$bo" YOlJ . The ill5tallallon is belllg made on (, Or (1) 'h/~r '11 ~"t~l~apy5 (~iklfeeder not included) propert} 1 own whIch IS !lot mtendea>7/$,..$ Or$~ tl'ti6h Vi\7.s ciEgi1'~nSmi"J!t{6k for so1<, Ie;,se or renr 'S 7. ,~Ol; U;:!I,,& -Pl{qw. o($'~i;{P.ili~ "'00. <, ri4~', .t.sx&l.uetm!l~<i1ightillg Owner> SI~nalure, ,,;:;>., YIV&i:~~#JbIRes ~ '<.]<1</ ;.C it{~^'Eher~VIComm z rOil l\HnimulIl Ell!ctric Permit Inspecrion Fcc i~ $4:'.00 +- Surchilrgc.~ Supervisor License Number 243,..8 $ 63.00 $ 75.00 $125.00 $l63.00 537500 S 5000 Ci"SpringfieldPJ10ne 747,..2213 E~piralion Date 10-1':04 Constr Contr. Number 12772 ExpiT<ltiofl D~He 5-22";;03" $50 00 $;0.00 525.00 $4500 TOTAL ~.de? -...~ -~- ~ t" /~r~ . 190:iJ3IHSti:J : 39NtiH:J 06'ZS $ Z:G:J3iJ lWti lOOZ 6l f\ON:31\jG 08ZLOOO-lO:~SN\jiJl 4. SlJBTOTAL OF ABOVE 70/0 State Surcharge S% Adminbt,'ath'c F~e J Z SD