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Permit Electrical 2002-10-18
2. CONTRACTOR INST ALLA TION ONLY B. Services or Feeders .' . , Installation, Alteration's or Electricol.~Oi1t~acto:~e. fJ'.uI4'e- Relocation:' .:~o.:,'.' Address;:(bY~; t97~ .../'>... 200 amps or les/ .;' !. //.... ), ,.' ,\ ;,", ~",., >>~ 201 amps to 499 arnps"..~'> CitYV~~/~'~)lOne fq~.,;; '-;;:{J36."l ,401 amps to,,600 ,imp.~,'. ! . , " ',' , 09 I amps to 1000 amps:.. slIPervisp; Lie~li~~!NlI;nber ~.'~'Cjb~''!5. . ,Over] 090 ampsivolts J.. 'J /~/.. ,,/' .' R~ne'etOnly .. ,. ExpirationDate /~ //'1/( LJ (7.. ,'. ' ~I;)'<"~..', . /' / . C ~~~)))' Seryices or Feeders ':"c;nstr.con~.,~lIll1ber 't~i079f. ' '&:>~~ ~~~n, Alteration 0; Relocation: , "'<. ., " ~~'\ ~<() ff..'> .. .,". ~ " "~'IE,xPlrationDate ?;--::::" ~:' , ~\: ,\~C:J"",~\:J~" 200 a!,nps o/Iess , ~'$5000 '? , -';, ',.. ". ".. ~C:J~~~'t". ~~' " 201 a9,pst0400 amps .'. "$69.00---:--:. Signature .of superViS~in"~~\~\~~ ~~ '&:> ,C:J ~,>. . - -"Dver401 to 600 mnps . . , : $100.00 :&. '~""1J ~<? '!j,<() ~~ ~~ Over 600 amps or L009,volts see, ",'. ~\,<() ~ <?<() "B" above '~. ~ . . ~ ^ <u"i' /', ) .~ ,\"Ov D, Branch Circuits ;- .' OWIl~rs Name'.;'" "5>)Lg, ~ New-Altera'tion or,,6.xtellsion Per.Pimel ~d'~rcss 2ZS ,/&;# . on:~lre;e~~~~:~o~~". .~ $4300_ . .J?: 'I.' :! ..0~ ~0CbO 0'1>0 afS '0"\ ' .. ' ' City .' $ r rc'./ '. Phone ~~~i8Y'M~~e'?:wth Semee , 0Cb%~~'a~~~rt1!J~ '$'0 '$IoO(;\O~ _ $ 3.00 OWNER iNSTALLATION ,~9~~"0~O'iFO~~SO" }.,0\~~ The .installation is being lIIade on ,,'E:. ~s~li\~s,(~~l:t~~er not included) property I o\vn.whieh is not intended. \ <-,:", ~0"" v0~ ~~!.~&t~!!lit!~ r#" ,. for sole, leas~. o{~~nL .., ('\O~ \O~ a?1:)"~l($n1>'R'.I1T\&<1t~m:'):i _ $50.00 ,,0 .~,c;,'l> '?J<:' ~'lZl , lrtl!}l.e~ghtll1g $50.00 ~o~ ~~ "'o~ ,~ts~;f'h'YfRes $25.00 .\~O ",I:)' .^(>~. J.i.lintedIEnergv/Coll1l11 $45.00 R:l'" ~,,,,~,?"~,. -- ~ c;,'l> '$)0 (,'0<0 . . i\~mu~ ~lcctr.ic Permit Inspection Fcc is $45.00 + Surcharges , , '-, ~.l ;- 'I- .'L .:..., . ' , -', j.' " , . '. '.. r '225,FlFTH STREET ;.-, tIt" \ ;,;'."j" . ['., ';, :";, " , E!.:"~AL PEM1]T APPLICATION i I 'SP~1!40FJEL~~P~1?G9~-,977~7l':}~-~J " .,"~.;;~';f)~~ ~,. ~j\I;, ~:,l, ,~_/"~,"o ",:' ", .IN.SPECTIQNREQl:WST, 726:~7169..,;.:,.. . .h.' : ,i ,,GtyJoh Numhcl' Et:..e '2bO'2:~ c::oIl '7 '! OFFICE: 726,3759. " :;. ".) . ..'.' .. ,I,.. I ' . ,.'" _" , ,. i- '. . .,.J _'_"_' !,!., I. " ,. , ..; ~ I '.. , ! ~. . .J. .1 , i.;. '..." 3.. COMPLETE FEE SCHEDULE BELOW 'I. LOCATIOi,dlFINSTALLAtION I"~, I ...... i' ., i:,.,.J I .' : ,:. . 11f~' ~r.J, 4)1'. .'.57; b..:, ~~'-;;A:N~;"R:';id~ingic or~~'-' ,-~-,- "..s\"N8~"mily per dwelling unit. LEGA~ DESC!l!'lT!ON / ,'-. "'O""\\O~eCl\iC ~ervice Included. 1703-+-fJO DO<oC\~..s\~<\",\e\ Items Cost sit!)1 9" '(1.0\ U \0\\0-.:.1\00 ooeS. /':7\.) I()R DESCRIP&N \". \l. ",,0 --<; ~.J1 .L)O(\\\' \ ..,...... I EU-< p./.. (~ ) ;:=" '("0'0'''. 1.0r$r.\l ~ \ '6 ~ 0 , 0 Permits arc 119n-transferable and e;~p'i\~ . (\a.w,e if work is o'?t started within 180 days'O. (It-eo S\g of issuance br"tfwork is suspended fo-~\\\u 180 days..,:: .,~. I .-. t $106.00 10 aeh, or portion thereof Each M<lIlUfd Home or Modular Dwelling Service or Feeder $ 19.00 ., $ 50.00 ',~ >,i" t' . ',", ',"" '; ". , "." ., '. .' '."'.- ~ $ 63:g0'_ ~$75.00_ ..!.....c...... $125.0.0..-:-- .. .'.$](,3.00. -$375.00""-- . $ 50.00 . Ownci.s Signature: -.: 50 4. SUBTOTALOF ABOVE 7% State Surcharge. 80/0 Ad~inistrati\'c Fcc . , .:J,J-c.. Y'U 575:::- TOTAL "