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Building Correction Notice 2014-6-17
> its.:..f:.+4{L+:4rL:rtiM3r:Mt'*1YT".,.'+Ys�S'.yam .rnV,e 2:11:-o., uGCrt_ .-.+! .vrq+c. ' SPRINCIFIELO City of Springfield/Development Services Building Safety j r) 225 Fifth Street Date: 19 _/ ) // "! Job# SILT - x( 25 ®{ {pott f Address: 2 7 /nV 33R-0 3/ TO: 17 r'444C" 41; Inspection Type: 5 att.( f ry, / / /z L12-t9 y1 v5 c o�i-�X>/ /'l4Mfir //7 nt#iO C , C779tfl /AA-Y.il g�'z 5 -fAt2 ("1,/if/kGra/FA 7es h 66l2.t t/fr Y i4 �2.t n)a i l_Ay tnii A-G sr (3 P//ncf Lc. Li �L. Corrections and reinspection request shall be made within -20 calendar days. Call for reinspection I yes ❑NO Inspector MI (1. 1 NNNNNNNNNNNNCall for inspection 726-37-60(t,;.,/ NNNNNNQuestions 726-3759NNNNNNNN