HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 04 Graffitti Abatement Community Event in Partnership with Neighborhood Watch AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 6/23/2014 Meeting Type: Work Session Staff Contact/Dept.: Courtney Griesel/CMO Brian Conlon/ DPW Ops Staff Phone No: 541-736-7132 Estimated Time: 10 Minutes S P R I N G F I E L D C I T Y C O U N C I L Council Goals: Strengthen Public Safety by Leveraging Partnerships and Resources ITEM TITLE: GRAFFITI ABATEMENT COMMUNITY EVENT IN PARTNERSHIP WITH NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH ACTION REQUESTED: No Action Requested. This is provided as information only and to invite any feedback or additional ideas from Mayor and Council related to the described event. ISSUE STATEMENT: The reduction and elimination of Graffiti blight in Springfield continues to be a priority of City Staff. Staff is excited for the opportunity to partner with the Springfield Area Neighborhood Watch Organization to embark on a community- wide graffiti abatement project, tentatively scheduled for the August 5th week of National Night Out. Staff proposes this event in response to the Mayor and Council’s identified desire for a 2nd Community Clean-Up Event. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1 – Map of Proposed EWEB Bike Path Graffiti Abatement Site DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: Staff continues to work with volunteer groups to combat the ever persistent blight of graffiti. While these efforts have made a positive impact on the number of large tagging sites around the community, the future of abatement efforts might begin to focus on community partnerships, empowering property owners to take pride in the abatement of the graffiti on and around their own property. At the request of the Springfield Neighborhood Watch Organization, the City is beginning the process of planning a multi-faceted Community Graffiti Abatement Project. This project would incorporate the clean-up of private property and right-of-way and easements into one large community abatement event during the August National Night Out week. Private Property Abatement – The Springfield Neighborhood Watch Organization manager has volunteered to organize Neighborhood Watch Coordinators around creating graffiti abatement events throughout the City based on Watch neighborhood boundaries. The City would work to provide citizens and coordinators with an overview of why graffiti is problematic and best practices of abatement. The City would also fund the initial purchase of abatement supplies, including paint to be managed by each Coordinator during the event. City Right-of-Way/Easement Abatement – City staff and interested volunteers would abate the graffiti along the EWEB Bike Path (Attachment 1). The clean-up of this site would require communication and partnership with surrounding property owners. This portion of the abatement event would be managed by City staff. The National Night Out movement aims to bring neighbors together for crime prevention. This goal aligns with a coordinated effort to bring property owners and neighbors out of their homes, into their community, to improve the spaces they live in and around. For this reason, the proposed event would be coordinated with the August National Night Out event. In total, staff proposes a budget not to exceed $7,000 in total supplies. This budget would include a mix of Transient Room Tax and other DPW funds. Supplies would include paint and supplies for Watch Coordinators and volunteers as well as City Staff and volunteers focused on the clean-up along the EWEB Bike Path. E W E B   B I K E   PAT H   PR O P O S E D  EW E B  BI K E  PA T H  CO M M U N I T Y  GR A F F I T I  AB A T E M E N T  EV E N T  LO C A T I O N  — August 2014  AT T A C H M E N T  1