HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 03 Discover Downtown-Main Street Program Update AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 6/23/2014 Meeting Type: Work Session Staff Contact/Dept.: Courtney Griesel/CMO Staff Phone No: 541-736-7132 Estimated Time: 20 Minutes S P R I N G F I E L D C I T Y C O U N C I L Council Goals: Encourage Economic Development and Revitalization through Community Partnerships ITEM TITLE: DISCOVER DOWNTOWN/MAIN STREET PROGRAM UPDATE ACTION REQUESTED: Provide feedback to City staff regarding the FY15 Main Street Contract with NEDCO for the management of the Discover Downtown/Main Street Program. ISSUE STATEMENT: The City looks to enter into the FY15 contract with the Neighborhood Economic Development Corporation (NEDCO) for the administration of the Discover Downtown Springfield Program (originally Main Street). In total, through the use of Downtown Urban Renewal funds, the City provides NEDCO with an amount not to exceed $30,000, approximately 35% of the programs overall operating budget. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1 – NEDCO Program Letter to Mayor and Council Attachment 2 – FY15 Scope of Work for Discover Downtown Springfield Contract Attachment 3 – Discover Downtown/Main Street Program Reports & Deliverables DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: Provided here are brief highlights of a couple key accomplishments which will significantly impact the program in the next year. More detailed discussions are provided in the attachments. A New Main Street Manager - The Discover Downtown Springfield Program embarked on a significant structural shift during FY14. Previously, the Program was staffed by a NEDCO employee who split time between Program duties and other duties relevant to NEDCO’s mission. NEDCO determined, beginning in FY14, the Program would require a full-time Manager in order to continue the revitalization momentum in Downtown. This decision resulted in the effort to find and hire a dedicated Manager. The process was lengthy and sensitive as both NEDCO and City staff felt it pertinent to hire the right person with the right experience, background, set of skills, and personality. This process took longer than anticipated but resulted in the position being filled in April 2014 by Jim McHugh who brought with him over 25 years of experience in both downtown revitalization and the Main Street Four Point Approach. Roll Out of the Façade Improvement Program – The Program initiated and completed the first Downtown Springfield façade improvements through the CDBG funded Façade Improvement Program. A total of three Downtown businesses benefited from the funds and design guidance provided through the Program generating an overall investment of nearly $15,648 to Downtown private properties; • Trash-N-Treasures: $2,500 façade program grant/$9,500 property owner • Springfield Museum: $325 façade program grant/$325 property owner • Berthel Fisher Company: $1,499 façade program grant/$1,499 property owner This is an ongoing program with further investments anticipated for FY15. FY15 Goals The City desires continued partnership and support of the Program as it launches the Downtown website tool for promoting the many amenities and opportunities in Downtown. Businesses will have the opportunity to engage with one another at ‘Business-2-Business Roundtables,’ discussing opportunities for joint advertising, promotional events, and resource sharing. This upcoming year is about building relationships and moving ideas from concept to action, with an ultimate goal of launching the Program as its own independent, organization in the next two years. ATTACHMENT 1, PAGE 1 OF 4 ATTACHMENT 1, PAGE 2 OF 4 ATTACHMENT 1, PAGE 3 OF 4 ATTACHMENT 1, PAGE 4 OF 4 ATTACHMENT 2 DISCOVER DOWNTOWN SPRINGFIELD (FORMALLY MAIN STREET PROGRAM) SCOPE OF WORK SUMMARY, FY 14/15 NEDCO Agrees to Provide: • Coordination of the Discover Downtown Springfield Program (formally Main Street Program) Organization, Design, Promotion, Economic Restructuring and Steering Committees. o Four (4) committee meetings each for 10 months • Four (4) quarterly downtown business mixer events. • Ongoing outreach and communication to Downtown business owners. o Monthly enewsletter and art walk promotion • Management of Downtown Springfield social media outlets (and reporting on participation levels). o Weekly social media posting(s) • The Discover Downtown Springfield Resource Center which will provide access to on-line training materials as well as a library of resources for technical assistance to small businesses. • Grant writing and fundraising activities to support the work of the Program. o Pursue all opportunities as they are identified • Quarterly reports on outcomes to City staff. • Maintenance and upkeep of the data stored on the Downtown DIVA software database, or any alternative database. • Suitable contacts to firms and to City staff should opportunities arise to assist new firms entering the Downtown. • Two (2) Reports, at minimum, to the Springfield City Council via Council Communication Packet (w/ support from the City staff liaison). This information will also be provided to members of the Springfield Economic Development Agency (SEDA). • Downtown Manager will serve on the Downtown Citizens Advisory Committee. • Downtown Manager will serve as point of contact for city staff as downtown liaison for special projects and events. CITY/SEDA Agrees to Provide: • Quarterly payment for services rendered. o July 1, October 1, January 1, and April 1 • Quarterly meetings with relevant City staff to review program progress. • An individual staff liaison to which NEDCO will direct communication, reports and questions relevant to City management. • Access to the City’s media outlets and staff time sufficient to adequately distribute program information and promotions through the City’s media outlets. • City/SEDA agrees to provide reasonable GIS support in gathering tax lot data. Retrospective Summary & Timeline of Activities Page | 1 Last revised June 2013 2010 Interest in downtown revitalization in Springfield spurred the launch of the Main Street Program in 2010. The efforts to create a vibrant downtown community group were spearheaded through relationship-building, volunteer participation, and partnerships with various local non-profit organizations and the City of Springfield. Some key highlights from the year were: • NEDCO was able to recruit interested stakeholders in Main Street through the efforts of an AmeriCorps VISTA volunteer and staff support. • A partnership was forged with the Eugene Storefront Art Project to connect local artists with downtown business and property owners. • The Four Main Street Committees were formed and began to meet regularly, Economic Restructuring, Design, Promotions, and Organization. • “Discover Downtown Springfield” social media outlet was launched. • The Oregon Main Street Program accepted the Whitaker Neighborhood district in its “Exploring Downtown Program” • NEDCO applies for and receives a “Transforming Downtown” designation thought he Oregon Main Street Program • The first Second Friday Art Walk was held with increased success over the course of each month. • Frontdoor Back Retail consulting Services conducted an assessment and offered business assistance to six downtown businesses. 2011 In 2011 the Main Street Program continued to gain momentum and experience successes with the help of well-established committees and volunteers. Some of the highlights from the year were: • A Design Committee façade and streetscape charrette was facilitated by local design organizations • The Second Friday Art Walk continued to gain recognition and draw people to the downtown district for the event. • Ten new businesses opened downtown creating over 15 new positions. • Trainings were held for Main Street committees that focused on strategies for increasing program awareness and promotion. ATTACHMENT 3, PAGE 1 OF 83 Retrospective Summary & Timeline of Activities Page | 2 Last revised June 2013 • Economic Restructuring Committee conducted a Building Inventory of Main Street. 2012 In 2012 The Main Street Program formed innovative partnerships between the City of Springfield, TEAM Springfield, and the Chamber of Commerce which translated into more support, participation, and funding for program activities. Key highlights from this year included: • A full-time Main Street coordinator was hired in August to build on program success. • The Façade Improvement Program was developed with the City of Springfield and the Design Committee. • The Economic Restructuring committee conducted its first ever business survey to Main Street merchants and business owners. • Educational workshops focusing on business ownership and operations were held for downtown business owners. 2013 At the start of 2013 the Downtown Façade Improvement was underway. The Main Street Program experienced staffing changes and continued to increase capacity in program delivery. Key highlights to date have been: • Continued success and increased publicity of the Second Friday Art walk through increased capacity on the Promotions committee. • Two awardees of Façade Improvement funds to date. • Continued progress towards receiving a “Performing Downtown” designation through the Oregon Main Street Network. • Increased capacity through the hiring of a full-time program administrator. • Strengthening of existing partnerships with the City of Springfield, TEAM Springfield, and the Chamber of Commerce • Increased success and strategies to fill vacancies downtown with new viable businesses. ATTACHMENT 3, PAGE 2 OF 83 Tom Draggoo Main Street Report for City Council 12.2.13 Page | 1 Period covered in this report: 1rst Quarter: July 1 – September 30, 2013 Overall Progress Report: Main Street activities this quarter: • Review and cataloguing of efforts thus far. • Recasting the vision for the program. • Working with city staff (especially Courtney Griesel) to recalibrate our approach to achieving the goals encompassed in the Main Street contract. • We are currently hiring a qualified and experienced manager for the Main Street program. Service Provision: Monthly Art Walk • The ArtWalk is well attended, regardless of weather, each month this year. • Typically, more than a dozen businesses participate, with 10 holding artist receptions. Specialty workshops, technical assistance, and trainings for Downtown business owners • Hatch Business Incubator provides courses at least monthly, including a series class for pre- startup businesses. • All Hatch workshops and courses are promoted to Downtown Businesses. Management of social media and other promotional activities • Regular Twitter and Facebook postings. • 5% increase in “Likes” on Facebook page in the first quarter. Storefront resource center • Our extensive library of Main Street training tools and business assistance continues to grow. • The center was upgraded, offering improved accessibility and comfort for users and visitors. Community assessments to identify downtown assets • The Economic Restructuring Committee conducted a survey to inform business recruiting efforts by identifying shopper demand by business type. (See attached) Development of a building vacancy, business owner information, and property/lot database • We continue to compile information and keep it up to date in the Downtown DIVA database. Resource development to support the work of the Main Street program • The Main Street program was included in several grants written for NEDCO’s programs. Meetings and Mixers • Committees continue to meet, but mixers have been postponed, pending new staffing. ATTACHMENT 3, PAGE 3 OF 83 Quarterly Report for Contract #1007 Main Street Program Page | 1 Period covered in this report: 1rst Quarter: July 1 – September 30, 2013 Progress Report Narrative: Main Street activities this quarter included a review and cataloguing of efforts thus far, recasting the vision for the program, and recalibrating the approach to achieving the goals encompassed in this contract. Our approach to staffing has adjusted, with us shifting our hiring focus from the “coordinator” level to the “manager” level for the Main Street program. We anticipate this approach will garner a highly qualified, experienced, and ultimately, successful, Main Street Manager for Downtown Springfield. This quarter also saw activities in façade improvements, through the Façade Improvement program, committee meetings, and healthy attendance at the monthly ArtWalk. Service Provision: Monthly Art Walk The ArtWalk was well attended and included many Main Street businesses each month this quarter. Art Walk Summary July August September Venues Total venues 15 16 16 With artist reception 10 10 10 With live music 2 3 3 Weather Dry/Warm Stormy Dry/windy Special Feature/event Springfield Rotary Garage & Art Sale Nick Symmonds 800m Race and Street Fair Specialty workshops, technical assistance, and trainings for Downtown business owners Hatch Business Incubator provided several courses, including a series class for pre-startup businesses. All Hatch workshops and courses are promoted to Downtown Businesses. Class Date Attendees Class Topic Hatch: Activator Series August 15th – 29th 16 Start-up business class Hatch Panel: Cash Flow September 5th 9 Cash flow in microenterprises ATTACHMENT 3, PAGE 4 OF 83 Quarterly Report for Contract #1007 Main Street Program Page | 2 Management of social media and other promotional activities • Regular Twitter and Facebook postings • We post Facebook stories regularly on the Discover Downtown Springfield and NEDCO Facebook pages, which typically reach a relatively wide audience. • We saw a 5% in the number of people who “Like” the Facebook page this quarter. See the graph below for trends. • As we recalibrate our approach to realizing Main Street goals, we will continue to refine and improve our social media approach. Figure 1: Facebook Trends July 2013-September 2013 Storefront resource center We maintain an extensive library of training tools and business assistance in both print and online resources, and continue to build this collection regularly. The Main Street Resource Center collaborates with NEDCO’s Hatch Business Incubator program on this and other efforts to enhance the availability of quality resources for our clients. The center was recently upgraded, and now offers improved accessibility and comfort for users and visitors. Community assessments to identify downtown assets; including people, buildings, heritage, and institutions The Economic Restructuring Committee conducted a survey to inform business recruiting efforts by identifying shopper demand by business type. The survey is currently being tabulated, and results will be reported shortly. Monitoring of the economic performance of the district No activities to report this quarter. 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 7/1/138/1/139/1/13 Daily People Talking About This Lifetime Total Likes Daily Total Reach Daily Reach of page posts ATTACHMENT 3, PAGE 5 OF 83 Quarterly Report for Contract #1007 Main Street Program Page | 3 Development of a building vacancy, business owner information, and property/lot database We continue to compile this information and keep it up to date in the Downtown DIVA database. Resource development to support the work of the Main Street program The Main Street program was included in several grants collectively written for NEDCO’s LocalWorks programs. Most of these grants have focused on funding activities at Hatch Business Incubator, which connects to and supports Main Street in many ways. This tactic is a good way for us to begin to build more grant support for the Main Street program in Downtown Springfield, and will provide a basis for continuing funding from private funders. Coordination of the Main Street Design, Promotion, Economic Restructuring, and Organization/Steering Committees: • Four committee meetings each for 10 months (total of 40) Committee Activity This Quarter Year to Date Annual Goal Design 2 2 10 Economic Restructuring 2 2 10 Organization/Steering 1 1 10 Promotion 3 3 10 Total 8 8 40 Four quarterly downtown business mixer events: The Quarterly Mixer was postponed due to staffing changes. However, we are planning to hold the event in November, and will work with the Steering Committee to determine a course of action for increasing networking opportunities for Main Street businesses in light of the missed Q1 Mixer. Billing for Services Rendered: See attached invoice. Important Contacts: All contacts may be reached at our Springfield office at 541-345-7106. Claire Seguin, ext. 206, Executive Director, claire@nedcocdc.org Sarai Johnson, ext. 210, Assistant Director, sarai@nedcocdc.org ATTACHMENT 3, PAGE 6 OF 83 Quarterly Report for Contract #1007 Main Street Program Page | 1 Period covered in this report: 2nd Quarter – October 1st through December 31st 2013 Progress Report Narrative: The primary Main Street activity this quarter focused on an exhaustive, nation-wide search for a qualified, experienced Downtown Manager to run the Downtown Springfield Main Street program. After months of work with the Steering Committee and other committees, multiple postings and work with the Oregon Main Street Program to vet a large pool of candidates, finalists were identified, initial interviews were conducted, and recommendations for a finalist were made during this quarter. In the intervening month between the end of the quarter and the writing of this report, an offer has been made and accepted by a highly successful Downtown Manager from Helena, Montana. He is scheduled to start work in Springfield by the end of the current quarter. Service Provision: Monthly Art Walk The ArtWalk was well attended and included many Main Street businesses each month this quarter. Art Walk Summary October November December Venues Total venues 15 16 15 With artist reception 9 9 9 With live music 5 6 6 Special Feature/event Video Projections Guided ArtWalk Guided ArtWalk Specialty workshops, technical assistance, and trainings for Downtown business owners Hatch Business Incubator provided several courses, including a series class for pre-startup businesses. All Hatch workshops and courses are promoted to Downtown Businesses. Class Date Attendees Class Topic Hatch: Activator Series 10/10/13- 10/24/13 8 Pre-start up series Hatch: Incubator Series 10/02/13- 11/20/13 4 Start-up series Hatch: Panel 10/03/13 19 Home-based businesses Hatch: Panel 11/07/13 21 Processed food distribution Hatch: Panel 12/05/13 16 Marketing microbusinesses ATTACHMENT 3, PAGE 7 OF 83 Quarterly Report for Contract #1007 Main Street Program Page | 2 Management of social media and other promotional activities • Regular Twitter and Facebook postings • We post Facebook stories regularly on the Discover Downtown Springfield and NEDCO Facebook pages, which typically reach a relatively wide audience. • We saw a 1% in the number of people who “Like” the Facebook page this quarter. See the graph below for trends. • As we recalibrate our approach to realizing Main Street goals, we will continue to refine and improve our social media approach. Figure 1: Facebook Trends October 2013-December 2013 Storefront resource center We maintain an extensive library of training tools and business assistance in both print and online resources, and continue to build this collection regularly. The Main Street Resource Center collaborates with NEDCO’s Hatch Business Incubator program on this and other efforts to enhance the availability of quality resources for our clients. Community assessments to identify downtown assets; including people, buildings, heritage, and institutions The Economic Restructuring Committee has tabulated and assessed the results of the survey, and will report the results soon. Monitoring of the economic performance of the district No activities to report this quarter. 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 10/1/1311/1/1312/1/13 Lifetime Total Likes Daily Total Reach Daily Reach of page posts ATTACHMENT 3, PAGE 8 OF 83 Quarterly Report for Contract #1007 Main Street Program Page | 3 Development of a building vacancy, business owner information, and property/lot database We continue to compile this information and keep it up to date in the Downtown DIVA database. Resource development to support the work of the Main Street program The Main Street program was included in several grants collectively written for NEDCO’s LocalWorks programs. Most of these grants have focused on funding activities at Hatch Business Incubator, which connects to and supports Main Street in many ways. This tactic is a good way for us to begin to build more grant support for the Main Street program in Downtown Springfield, and will provide a basis for continuing funding from private funders. Coordination of the Main Street Design, Promotion, Economic Restructuring, and Organization/Steering Committees: • Four committee meetings each for 10 months (total of 40) Committee Activity This Quarter Year to Date Annual Goal Design CCS 2 10 Economic Restructuring CCS 2 10 Organization/Steering CCS 1 10 Promotion CCS 3 10 CCS Total CCS 8 40 Four quarterly downtown business mixer events: The Quarterly Mixer was postponed due to staffing changes. However, we will hold a Mixer Extravaganza when the new Downtown Manager comes on board, to introduce him to Downtown Businesses and get a fresh start on the program in the spring. Billing for Services Rendered: See attached invoice. Important Contacts: All contacts may be reached at our Springfield office at 541-345-7106. Claire Seguin, ext. 206, Executive Director, claire@nedcocdc.org Sarai Johnson, ext. 210, Assistant Director, sarai@nedcocdc.org ATTACHMENT 3, PAGE 9 OF 83 Quarterly Report for Contract #1007 Main Street Program Page | 1 Period covered in this report: 3rdt Quarter: January 1 – March 31, 2014 Progress Report Narrative: Main Street primary activities this quarter included the interviewing and hiring a Main Street Manager for Downtown Springfield. The interview process took place in January, hiring in February and start of employment late March. Also, this quarter saw activities and interest in the Façade Improvement program and good attendance at the monthly ArtWalks dependent upon the weather conditions. Service Provision: Monthly Art Walk The ArtWalks have been well attended as weather conditions permit. The goal for the next quarter is to increase 20+ venues per month -especially with the new businesses opening along Main Street . Art Walk Summary January February March Venues Total venues 14 13 12 With artist reception 9 8 11 With live music 3 4 4 Weather Dry/Chilly Cold/Stormy Dry/Chilly Special Feature/event March ArtWalk featured a guided walk with the great Gatsby as the theme Specialty workshops, technical assistance, and trainings for Downtown business owners There were no educational programs targeted to downtown businesses this quarter. However, Main Street and Hatch Staff will be going door to door as a business outreach and awareness program. The intent of the one to one contact is to gauge the business needs and wants in order to develop a comprehensive training curriculum. In the past few weeks discussions with business owners have been initiated to develop a monthly roundtable to discuss coop advertising and social media campaigns by downtown businesses. Class Date Attendees Main Street Attendees Class Topic ATTACHMENT 3, PAGE 10 OF 83 Quarterly Report for Contract #1007 Main Street Program Page | 2 Management of social media and other promotional activities • Regular Twitter and Facebook postings • We post Facebook stories regularly on the Discover Downtown Springfield and NEDCO Facebook pages, which typically reach a relatively wide audience. • Discover Downtown Facebook saw a 16.7% increase in the number of people who “Like” the Facebook page this quarter. See the attachment for quarterly trends. • As we recalibrate our approach to realizing Main Street goals, we will continue to refine, improve, build and our social media approach as an effective communication tool • We have added the National Main Street link to our Facebook page which provides case studies, Main Street tends and independent business insights. Storefront resource center We maintain an extensive library of training tools and business assistance in both print and online resources, and continue to build this collection regularly. The Main Street Resource Center collaborates with NEDCO’s Hatch Business Incubator program on this and other efforts to enhance the availability of quality resources for our clients. The center was recently upgraded, and now offers improved accessibility and comfort for users and visitors. Community assessments to identify downtown assets; including people, buildings, heritage, and institutions Monitoring of the economic performance of the district This past quarter the downtown has benefitted from (10) new businesses adding (17) jobs. Five of the businesses are Main Street businesses providing retail, food and professional services. The other five businesses are housed in Sprout facility ranging from food, retail and entertainment services. Two independent retail businesses have closed this quarter a total loss of (3) jobs. Development of a building vacancy, business owner information, and property/lot database Updating the Downtown DIVA program and to utilize it as an effective information resource, database and communication tool. Resource development to support the work of the Main Street program The Main Street program was included in several grants collectively written for NEDCO’s LocalWorks programs. Most of these grants have focused on funding activities at Hatch Business Incubator, which connects to and supports Main Street in many ways. This tactic is a good way for us to begin to build more grant support for the Main Street program in Downtown Springfield, and will provide a basis for future funding from private sector. ATTACHMENT 3, PAGE 11 OF 83 Quarterly Report for Contract #1007 Main Street Program Page | 3 Coordination of the Main Street Design, Promotion, Economic Restructuring, and Organization/Steering Committees: Committee Activity This Quarter Year to Date Annual Goal Design 2 10 Economic Restructuring 2 10 Organization/Steering 1 10 Promotion 3 9 10 Total 3 14 40 Four quarterly downtown business mixer events: The Quarterly Mixer was postponed due to staffing changes. However, we are planning to hold the event on Thursday, May 29th at the US Bank lobby. Billing for Services Rendered: See attached invoice. Important Contacts: All contacts may be reached at our Springfield office at 541-345-7106. Claire Seguin, ext. 206, Executive Director, claire@nedcocdc.org Jim McHugh, ext. 248, Main Street Manager, jim@nedcocdc.org ATTACHMENT 3, PAGE 12 OF 83 Quarterly Report for Contract #1007 Main Street Program Page | 4 Attachment I. – Social media & Other Promotional Tools ATTACHMENT 3, PAGE 13 OF 83 Quarterly Report for Contract #1007 Main Street Program Page | 5 ATTACHMENT 3, PAGE 14 OF 83 ATTACHMENT 3, PAGE 15 OF 83 ATTACHMENT 3, PAGE 16 OF 83 ATTACHMENT 3, PAGE 17 OF 83 ATTACHMENT 3, PAGE 18 OF 83 ATTACHMENT 3, PAGE 19 OF 83 ATTACHMENT 3, PAGE 20 OF 83 ATTACHMENT 3, PAGE 21 OF 83 ATTACHMENT 3, PAGE 22 OF 83 ATTACHMENT 3, PAGE 23 OF 83 ATTACHMENT 3, PAGE 24 OF 83 ATTACHMENT 3, PAGE 25 OF 83 ATTACHMENT 3, PAGE 26 OF 83 ATTACHMENT 3, PAGE 27 OF 83 ATTACHMENT 3, PAGE 28 OF 83 ATTACHMENT 3, PAGE 29 OF 83 ATTACHMENT 3, PAGE 30 OF 83 ATTACHMENT 3, PAGE 31 OF 83 ATTACHMENT 3, PAGE 32 OF 83 ATTACHMENT 3, PAGE 33 OF 83 ATTACHMENT 3, PAGE 34 OF 83 ATTACHMENT 3, PAGE 35 OF 83 ATTACHMENT 3, PAGE 36 OF 83 ATTACHMENT 3, PAGE 37 OF 83 ATTACHMENT 3, PAGE 38 OF 83 ATTACHMENT 3, PAGE 39 OF 83 ATTACHMENT 3, PAGE 40 OF 83 ATTACHMENT 3, PAGE 41 OF 83 ATTACHMENT 3, PAGE 42 OF 83 ATTACHMENT 3, PAGE 43 OF 83 ATTACHMENT 3, PAGE 44 OF 83 ATTACHMENT 3, PAGE 45 OF 83 ATTACHMENT 3, PAGE 46 OF 83 ATTACHMENT 3, PAGE 47 OF 83 ATTACHMENT 3, PAGE 48 OF 83 ATTACHMENT 3, PAGE 49 OF 83 ATTACHMENT 3, PAGE 50 OF 83 ATTACHMENT 3, PAGE 51 OF 83 ATTACHMENT 3, PAGE 52 OF 83 ATTACHMENT 3, PAGE 53 OF 83 ATTACHMENT 3, PAGE 54 OF 83 ATTACHMENT 3, PAGE 55 OF 83 ATTACHMENT 3, PAGE 56 OF 83 ATTACHMENT 3, PAGE 57 OF 83 ATTACHMENT 3, PAGE 58 OF 83 ATTACHMENT 3, PAGE 59 OF 83 ATTACHMENT 3, PAGE 60 OF 83 ATTACHMENT 3, PAGE 61 OF 83 ATTACHMENT 3, PAGE 62 OF 83 ATTACHMENT 3, PAGE 63 OF 83 ATTACHMENT 3, PAGE 64 OF 83 ATTACHMENT 3, PAGE 65 OF 83 ATTACHMENT 3, PAGE 66 OF 83 ATTACHMENT 3, PAGE 67 OF 83 ATTACHMENT 3, PAGE 68 OF 83 ATTACHMENT 3, PAGE 69 OF 83 ATTACHMENT 3, PAGE 70 OF 83 ATTACHMENT 3, PAGE 71 OF 83 ATTACHMENT 3, PAGE 72 OF 83 ATTACHMENT 3, PAGE 73 OF 83 ATTACHMENT 3, PAGE 74 OF 83 ATTACHMENT 3, PAGE 75 OF 83 ATTACHMENT 3, PAGE 76 OF 83 ATTACHMENT 3, PAGE 77 OF 83 ATTACHMENT 3, PAGE 78 OF 83 ATTACHMENT 3, PAGE 79 OF 83 ATTACHMENT 3, PAGE 80 OF 83 ATTACHMENT 3, PAGE 81 OF 83 ATTACHMENT 3, PAGE 82 OF 83 ATTACHMENT 3, PAGE 83 OF 83