HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 02 Downtown District Design Standards Phase 1- Concepts for a Downtown Building Facade and Property Maintenance Code AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 6/23/2014 Meeting Type: Work Session Staff Contact/Dept.: Linda Pauly/Gary Karp DPW Staff Phone No: (541) 726-4608 Estimated Time: 30 minutes S P R I N G F I E L D C I T Y C O U N C I L Council Goals: Promote and Enhance our Hometown Feel while Focusing on Livability and Environmental Quality ITEM TITLE: DOWNTOWN DISTRICT DESIGN STANDARDS PHASE 1: CONCEPTS FOR A DOWNTOWN BUILDING FAÇADE AND PROPERTY MAINTENANCE CODE ACTION REQUESTED: Council is asked to (1) discuss and provide input on Attachment 1 Downtown Building Façade and Property Maintenance Standards - Elements to be Considered to identify which items (if any) the Council is interested in regulating; and (2) direct staff to draft Municipal Code language for review by Council this fall. The proposed standards would affect existing Downtown buildings and property. ISSUE STATEMENT: This is the first phase of a public planning process that will produce a set of coherent and consistent design standards to improve Downtown’s overall image, attractiveness and economic vitality. Council has directed staff to prepare Downtown District Design Standards to ensure that development projects, new uses and new public improvements will make positive contributions to improve the look, feel and functionality of Downtown. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Building Façade and Property Maintenance Standards to be Considered (Phase 1) DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: At the May 12, 2014 work session, Council provided input on a list of potential Downtown Design elements to be considered in this project. Staff proposes to address Building Façade and Property Maintenance Standards as the initial step in the regulatory update because improvements to the physical condition of existing downtown buildings and property: • can be accomplished in the short term; • can immediately influence sense of safety, comfort, walking behavior and level of Downtown user/visitor/shopper interest (e.g. natural surveillance, crime prevention through design); • address other fundamental community health, safety and welfare issues (e.g. cleanliness, weed control, potential hazards); and • are separate from matters of style, architectural design and purely aesthetic concerns; • will encourage utilization of the existing Façade Improvement Program dedicated funds. Future project phases will be developed and presented to the Council for review and adoption later this year. For example, the City has applied for Code Assistance from the State’s TGM program to prepare a Downtown Streetscape plan and form- based design standards that will be applicable to new development and to improvements located in and adjacent to the public right-of-way. The project team will work with a consultant team, the Downtown Citizen Advisory Committee and the Technical Advisory group to propose a set of coherent and consistent design standards to improve Downtown’s image, attractiveness and economic vitality. These actions support the outcomes envisioned in the Council’s adopted Downtown Urban Design Plan and Implementation Strategy. Council Action Item: City Council Work Session June 23, 2014 Downtown District Design Standards – Phase 1: Downtown Building Façade and Property Maintenance Standards To Be Considered Council is asked to select items from the following list to be included in the Downtown Building Façade and Property Maintenance Standards. The proposed standards would affect existing Downtown buildings and property. On May 12th Council directed staff to develop regulatory concepts for potential design elements that could be regulated differently in Downtown. Council confirmed that the proposed categories of design standards address Council’s concerns and warranted further investigation. These include — as a first step — potential Downtown Building Façade and Property Maintenance Standards that would be applicable to Downtown property and existing buildings. This would require: (1) development of code language; and (2) Council’s adoption of an amendment to the Springfield’s Municipal Code. Council directed staff to develop standards that will be affordable to the businesses while addressing: inside window sign standards and building lighting, appearance standards for vacant and occupied buildings, parking lots, trash clean up, graffiti removal and vegetation maintenance. Staff proposes this first phase set of standards to address fundamental community health, safety and welfare issues (e.g. cleanliness, visibility, weed control, potential hazards) that affect the Downtown District’s functioning as a walkable, inviting City center. Future project phases will address matters of style, architectural design and more comprehensive design and development concerns. If directed by Council, the project team will work with the Downtown Citizen Advisory Committee, Technical Advisory Group, Main Street program and City Attorney’s Office to draft Municipal Code language for review by Council after the summer recess. On June 6th and 10th, 2014, staff conducted a visual analysis of the downtown area to assess how some of the specific problems identified by the Council could be addressed Attachment 1, Page 1 of 14 by this code. The photographs included here and in the work session presentation record the appearance of downtown streets and alleys as seen through the eye of the pedestrian. Springfield Municipal Code Standards - Downtown Building Façade and Property Maintenance Standards 1. Condition of Paint Attachment 1, Page 2 of 14 2. Condition of walls, siding, and decorative features including but not limited to cornice, eaves, lintels Attachment 1, Page 3 of 14 3. Condition of windows and doors and their transparency Attachment 1, Page 4 of 14 4. Condition of signs, marquees, canopies and awnings Attachment 1, Page 5 of 14 4. Abandoned or dangerous signs, poles, planters and other hazards Attachment 1, Page 6 of 14 Attachment 1, Page 7 of 14 5. Condition of roof drains, gutters and downspouts 6. Condition of vacant buildings 7. Paint condition/maintenance of private murals Attachment 1, Page 8 of 14 8. Sanitation 9. Condition of sidewalks, driveways, parking areas Attachment 1, Page 9 of 14 Attachment 1, Page 10 of 14 10. Weeds and vegetation maintenance Attachment 1, Page 11 of 14 11. Fences and walls Attachment 1, Page 12 of 14 Desirable Outcomes – A Few Examples of Good Storefront and Signage Attachment 1, Page 13 of 14 Attachment 1, Page 14 of 14