HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1986-8-27 .. RESIDMTlAL" APPLICATION/PERI1IT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon Division Describe Clark: \~~ 3/<(/ ~~ <0 , 1.-1 ~ ~fc::, Value f,.,'67.6D 'D\ ~ ~\J5. \,~.~AA4Rq I\Ntll'\ ~ 1 \ 97477 Building 726-3753 IDQ'/'.. \.I,\I\IL..','4- ,.lob Location: ()U I~ n ....;}{ ABaeBaOr" Map N n ' D~ - 35- 4 I Subdivision: Q.mar: LaJ\,~ L I(b~ Address: i 305 \ Eh Sf City: SJ)\-d ,D~. \ n n f'i] n Np:) Addi ticll Reno.iel .'1ob:. If< Hom<1 Data of Application :,,:or."tr.::::::o2'S Genera Z (...q,Md ?Lumbir.q Slc.:!t1"icaZ f..Iecr.ar.ic:.-:.l Const~~c:tion Lendp.1' Ta Lot N tJ\t?;W wt-- PHone! 1U.12CJ1 Zip: 01477 ~t>X ?[Vl~~ . Rcc:e:Pt .~I/\b1 h '9 f JrLl-- 6~G Siqr.ed: J Yi~C7 --r/..., Date: L4Z~~2tJD ^ZT!n , i:.-:Or.c '''I &-5'1b Z- T; is tiu;' responGibi1.ity of' the permit hoZa"er to see that aZ~ i7lGpections are T:;adt:; at the proper timc;~ tJ-;a~ c:.::.ch .::.dbes3 is re~"':"':;':.z ~rom the Street, and that the permit card is located at the frent of the propert':J. -~:Jui!di:""4 DitJi=io~ QPpro7.:ed plcm sr.:::Zl rer::,'1in on t/1.Z BuiLdinp ;:i;;s a; aU times. ,:>.'?C::,-::;:Y::~E: F()R T,"lS?~r::TIO!l ,:;'.:;'QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City desigr.:::.r;ed .70b nW77berJ JOD atitiocssJ r;:!;;e of' ir:spec;icr. ~~ou~s;ca a~i u~e~l yOU will be ready for ir.sp=cr;ionJ Contrac~crs or Owne~s ncme er.i =r~r.e n~cr. Reques;s r2cei~ei ce;cre 7:DD ~ ~iZl be made the same daYJ requests made cft~r 7:00 am will os made the n~t ~rkir~+ ~~, ?s 10 D Ll50 :;t>!rn: ".p."; Tr_":nf't!-:~:r.r..q ~ ~~~~;.~~~;.~:-;~.~: p:;'~rb~c~~~ forms. W/DESSLAB PLU.'.!3I!IC. ELECTPIC,iL /: gECH.~;,'IC;':": ~o be made before any work is ~ovcred. after up of ] J FDOTING !! FOUNDATIOll: To be rrade afc~~ trenc~es are excavated ar~ form~J are erectedJ but prior to pour-i.r.g CCncrer;~. ] U,'Wi::RG.r::OW.rv ?[.U'.2WC. DRAIlIAC~: To be ma:1.~ 1..ir.g trenches. SEt/EP. .".1TE,:s. prior ~o fil- ] urJDERFLOO.~ !lr,fJ.'~r:u; & MECHAnICAL: To be made prior' to instaLlation of f1oo~ insuLction or decking. POST ArlO BEAN: To be made prior to installatien of floor ins~latior. or deckiTlfi . ] ] Ror'Gil PLlP..'BI:.fC, EJ:ECTPICAL ,II MECH- ANICAL: NO work is to bc covered untiL thcse inspectior.s have beer. made and ~pproued. FI,~F:PLACE: Prior to materials and bcfore tior.. ] p lacir.IJ framing facing inspec- ~1 FRA!!IflC: MUct be requested after approv~l of rough plWThingJ electri- cal & mechanical. AZZ roofing bracing t chimneys, et~. ~~st be . completed. lio work is to be COM- + cee'led until thia inspection has . b€en made and approved. Your City DeGigr~tcd Job Numo€r' Is: o 7;"/Si.'LA'!'ION/VAPOH PARRI::.:? I!!S?2C'!'IC,'':: To be made after aU insuZ.=ti.?n CX"'.a raquiped vapor l:a:rriers are in pwC!e but l:efore any ZathJ gypsum beard or wall covering is appliedJ and before any insuLation is concealed. .. DRYf.'ALL ltiSP::crION: To be T:'.ade afr;cr a Z Z a:rywa /.. /.. "s in p leGe, but prior to any taping. :J=:::JLI'I':C;' G? :.:J1:=::: E:"IL:J'::;':S :=J Sanita:r;; sC'.Jer ::apped ::.t p~opcrt::/ Zi'r:.2 ~ Septic tank p~~~d ~4 filled with ;Ta~2Z l :J Pinal - mler. ab~ve ite.-::s are cc;:rpletcd I ar:d wner. :ie::lcZitior. is co.-::;;i.e:e or st:-..::- 1 tu.~e ~oved ani premises cle::.ne:i up. Nobile Hcr.:efJ ::J Blocking and Sat-up ::J Plumbir~ connections sewer ar~ z.:ater ::J Electrical Connection - Blockir~, set-u: and plumbing connections ~..st ce ap?r.?v2~ before requesting eZec:ri~al ir.spec=io~ :=J Ac::!escoP';j Builcinq :J Final - After p:Jrcr.esJ etc. are comple:ed. skirting, decksJ o o locationJ bond or verticals in U. B. C. Section o FIlIAL PLUMBIlJC All project conditions, such as the installation of street treesJ ~o~letion of the required Zandscapir.g, etc. J must be satisfied before the BUILDING FIlIAL can be r2questcd. ] ] ] ~ FIliAL I!E~HA.'JICAL 10 FINAL BUILDING: The" Final Building Inspection must be reque3ted after the Pina.l PlW::bir-J Electrical, aJ'Il1 Meahar.ical Inspectionn hava been made and approv~:i. FINAL E:LECTRIC~L. o MASONRY: Steel beamsJ grouting accordance 1.Jith 241&. WOODSTo~rE: After installation is ccmpleted. -ALL MANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS l1UST BF; ACCES=IBLEJ ADJUS7'!!E,'lT TO BE t-:.1DE I.T 1.'0 C'~ST' TO CI':'Y I Pa;e 1 of o CURB & APPROACH APRON: Afte~ forms are erected but prior to pouring ~o~rete. o SIDEWALK & DRIYEf//'-'y: For aU con- crete paving within street right- of-l.X:.YJ to be made after> aU exca_ vating compZete & fo~ work & sub- base material in pL.a.::e. o PENCE: Tithen compli:te -- Provide gates or movable sections through P.U.E:. o 2 I JOB No~b bf.o()O SOLAR ACWS REQ- Occu.panc~ G:rou=,: ]011C: :..at Sq. Ftg. ': ,,[ lot CJlJe'l'ag:: " of Stories :'otal Height Topography LOT TYPE In.terior Corner Panhandle Cu l-de-sac :']'E:.J S~.F'1'G J/aZuc I I I I I I J.,B1,110 I I h?>7 00 I ,. , I.~OO I .6~1 1~5~1. x ~1ain pace ;ar=crt 3ccessol'U ~ j ~(rr I TOTAL VALUE 3.D.C. IVCl.UC) 1.5 :: Building Permit State SUI'cna:r(Je Tote! Charoge3 ~':'::;...' ,'..0. I FE~ C;':,L~C:: "i=t""....zoes ~esiCentiaZ. (1 bath) :::r::{,tar-:-f Se:..-'f'1' '~tc!' Pz.u.';.~:.r.p' Perr::{ t State Surcr.arge T::tc::. C'r:::::,cas ... ~ .. I;,", "::3. S:J. ftt:. ~/E=tend Cir~~its ~::rary Sc~'icc EZe~tricaZ. Pe~it St::.ta Sta'cr.arae Total Cr..xrces ';"-;'" l ;:C. 1 I 'aor"'::ce ETU 'S ::r.au.s t Roo'::' -:mt Fan ?oasto"J€ Perr::it l:;suanC2 Me.=;..ar:ic::.Z Permit State Surcharae Totr.l Cnarn,,!'! C:,'iCROACHME.'!T .(:"...tr-:.tu D=:Jc:;it oraae intenar..::!~ . rnri t Teta l Chc.'1"nca !"bcut dew.::Zk n.:!c cctrical Label bile Home 'TAL ANOU'!'lT DUE: ~ t~~~ T;;pe/Cor.st: . L-COG~ Be:iroor.:s: I Lot Faces - I I En~l'(7:.J SOUT'Cf'S T,J':'!C' I Setbacks I I .'jear, I P,&, I House I Caraoe I t.cces:J. I Water' l!r.Clt(>~ lfIorth i I Hanpt:: lEast Fircvlacc !SOt.:th Wooa:;tove illest I I Fzcs Building Value & Permit This permit ia granted on the express condition that the s.:iid. conatru:ction sl~ZZ~ in aZl respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of I Springfield, incLuding the Zoning Crd~nance, reguLating the ccnotructicn and u$e of buiZdin.gs, and may be sUDpended 01" revoked at cr.y time upor. vic- lation of any provisions of said Ordinances. Plan Check Pee: Vate Paid: Recdpt #: Sigr:ed: I VI. 10.. "' J Plumbing Permit No percan Dhall construct, install, alter OT' change any new cr e=istir.2 plu~bir~ or drainage syste~ in ~hole or in part, unless such perDon is the legal possessor of a valid pZu~ber's license, except tr~t a pc~son ma~ de pZu~Ding work to property which is o~~ed~ leased or operated by tr.e a~?:i- cant:, Electrical Perm it wnere State LaW reauires tr..at "the eZecr;rical work De ao:-:.e by an ::Zc::tI'ic:::.: ContI'actoI', the electricaL COI'=ior. of this De~it sr~iZ nor; be ~GZic u1:=i: tne icbel has been ~igned by ~he ElccrricaZ' ContI':::.ctoI', Mechanical Permit Pian Excmt.ner L!ate I HAVE CAREFULtY EXANINED thE completed application for per'mi~~ end do hereby certify that all i~fo~ation hereon is true and COrrcc=, and I further ce1"tify that any arn aZl work perfo~ed shall be do~p. ;" n~aor- dance ~th the Ordin2nces of the City of Springfield, and th= L~~s of tkc State of 01"egQn p~rt~ining to the work cescribed herein, ar~ =i~t RO OCC~- PI-HCY will be made of any structure without parmis3io:-:. of the BuiZding Di- vision. I further aerr;if~; that o:-:.ly contra.:!tors a;:a c:npl.:;;yees wJ:o are in c~pliance with ORS ?Ol.05t will be used on this proj$ct I . f.~~ Sign2d Date ~- :l. 7- rl