HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-8-22 (2) I, e .. RESIDENTIAL" SPRINGFIELD A??LI;ATIC~/PERf1IT 225 ~orth 5ta S=reet S~~~r.gfietd~ ~regon 97477 Building ~iv~dion 726-3753 ..~oi:J :.oC::'::":::J1: j{)7<4 "f) ,A' ~I), on t- 11..(J3.3J'..'-!/ Ta::.ot# ..ls.:eSDor: .~!::I? .II Stlhdi:r':sicJ1: :'_",.:r: leo J S Aa.:,.<S3: 1(') 7 c,c . , kJL4'A~ 'Z-7 r ~4 [;:":::-J: \~. &4''- t n [Xl n n '1(7'.' O/6~ Pho>:e:7!f-{- ~)3 7 Zip: ~?~) '7 Describe Uork: .~.a.~oda ~ 8 X<8 J APP/T/C>/Y 70 c;~~E FHZ? ~F /l-c>CJSE'. :.Cif.:icl'l ,'!obi ~e .":!O,~;J F /V {'(3 Ca:a of A;pZic.::::icn :.:01'1::r:::C:0:'8 Comeral y~ PtumiJir.q ::t.2ctr':caL Nechar.ic:;l. CO"8:~~c:i~ ~~~p.r Va!~.:l,~1\ 0 Add.-es3 --i/t.~d~ "-' ~ e .::c~...-::=: - ( 1l1~/J~ ~ / II f:t. r/.12..--r:- &),..- Lise:. ., Si=ed: ~ fL:{LJ Date: t ~ h . f".J2.. ;..1:) ('I ' E=r;ircs - ~~n-., 97';<'7;:- r f-l. In-lf/I ( n '-1 Fnon~ :: i6 :he re6?on~ibiZi.;y of :r~ pe~: ho~cr to see :hat aZt ir.opectio~ are made at the proper ~ims, tr~t &~h ~e83 is re~=:~ ./,rom eJw .o1:reet, .:::.,..:1 =hat: tn8 pe.r:m;; card is 'Z..x:2ted .;;:t the front of tM property. .3:.1.'i!d:.r-.g :r;:Ji=io.'": ~;:"j:;ed Fi.an s;..c;~ rer.-.a~n on tr..r:. Bu-:.Zding- S:.t:; at aLZ times. ?"O=~Dt.'::I~ P/'JR !,~'S.DE:::'::'jU RE'.cUE'St::CALL 726-3769 {recorder} state YOUI' City desig7'..:lted job nr.o:=oer, job ad6>css, typ~ l'~cuescc:: ::,-,G :"'-:en 20:.1. :,nZ;' be read~ far ::r.spccdon, C077,,~~cU:rs or Ct.:ne:-s ncne end ;;hor.e n;.l.7!bcr. Reques::s l'eceil.:ea "'iZ! b. ~.ad. th. same dc-d. requests ."cde efta" 7:00 "" wi!! bs made the nezt :.:orkin; day. 63\<1: 3 S Iour City. !Jesigr.ated Job Numba Is: ~p~Jiw~~ ~~~-p~~~r.~~ o SJ--:E :,'13?!C':':".'!: 7'0 be ."n;ce e.=ca:J.:::;::::i"n, =:.I.C ;r-icr ';c 3e; forms. af:i!l' u? of u C!,'lD::?S~..t= ?:'t':.g::rc. :::'.::C7.~E'.~!. X::Cr..~_.'Il-':':'f.,: -;00 be r..aae be:or~ .:::;:ny !JOr~ ::s ~olJc'!"ed. [K] .~O';'!.'..c ~ :~!l.'!D,1'!':":.'I: To be .'iC.d~ af=er :rencn~3 ~g e=c~~a~~d ar~ j~s are erecc~d, but ?l'ivr ~ pcur-;r.q ccncret.;;. [] '1.'.I!,)J:fG.':;I)~~.'!) ?!J.;:.c:.'l';. S2;.,::P, ;.I.l:".:? :RA:.-.'I;.t;2: :0 i;e ~':e ;r-:.Ol' :0 4.'i~- lir..; :rer:cr..es. o U.'Jr:E.~.t':.:;C.'=? ?~':J.'.!3~.'-; ~ .'.f!C.~.!...'J[';'':':': To be .~ac8 ::;;r~.;r :0 ir.,:n;.:-Lz...::c::cn of j7,oor ~,..suzC:icn 0:- dec;':'ing. ?'JS:' .J.,vD 3E':'.'1: To be f.".aCl: :n":.~r to ::r..s::aLi:...:~::cr. of ;......oor ir.s..Gti.:m or dec.'<.i,...;. ~ [KJ .~",--.'r;.:,' ?:.~"~3!'.'G^ ~~::::::':'_~~-::..~ ...: .'EC."-!- ~: Jo ~c~~ i~ :0 ~c c~~e~ea ~=~~ :r.cs~ :r~=ee::i~r.3 ~~~~ =~er. ., , ,~a .:r.c =;;~~?'Je.::.. FI.=.2?!.':'C::: ~ar =0 pLc.::-:.r.q .cc'!.r.c ~c=er-~ia ~r~ ~ciore jr~;r4 ir.spec- ::ior.. o 1] ?f?)-,~::!r;: MU3::;e reC".J.,z3:ed af~,2r CP?~C~~Z of ~o~qh pL~~ir~. ~!2C:r-:- cal & ~ec;...::r.i.::al. At! "t'Oo;'ir..g b~~"4 ~ Cr.Ur.n~U3, et.::. ,~.J.sc ;8 corr.':3Laccd. .':0 "';1':': "':3 :0 ::~ ~cn- .ceci~d ur.cil :r.ia ir.s=ec:icn ;'~3 . bEen :r.a..:~ a.nd ,:ppl":n.;,zd. 00 IYS,-.'['A,!,:QN/VAPC.~ !3A.r?RI::R INSP~CTION: To be !r.ade '.3.f=e'!" aU insuL.::twr. <Z"'.a rcqu:.red vapor' ca!'!'iers are in place bo.lt cejcre any Lath, gyp8".Ar.I beard or wLZ. covering is ~pli.ed, crnd bejore any in.'JuZa:ien ~s c011.c2aled. of ir.3pe:::=icn be;~erg 7:!)~ ,,::;; DE....'()L-I';'[O.~' OR .'..'Ov=:; 3UILDIZilj-S j 1 ~ DR~~AL~ ~1S?~~TQ,: To be ~ada after an ~!.JaZZ is in place, but prior to any tapir.g. ~ San-i:arj Se"..}er ~a;;ped ::t ~op~'!"~' Zi.-:~ =:=J Septi::: tank p~~~d ar~ f~lZed ~~~h ;r-;:: e ~ o ~MSONRY: Steel location, bond ~eam3, ~~ting or verticcis in ac~ordar.ce ~=h U.3.C. Section 2415. ".IOODSTO'l::: After installation is cc:rrpla::€ti. -. :J Pinal - :lher. cXve ite.-:<s are C:;::1=,Ze::c:c ar.d ~her. demcZ:.cior. is compZete or st~~~- t~e moved ar~ pr~~ses :::Zear.ec up_ Mob,,--!e Hc.~es :=J :=J ::J 3Zockir~ and S2t-~p Plumbing aonnec=:.cns sC'..Jar rzr.d wa,';e:> o o CURB & At"'P.9CAO!. .4?o/]N: Af'te;:o forms ~re:::::ed but prior to pauring .:o~r€ta. SIDsrJA.LX .5 JR;:'..'EYA?: For at1. con- crete paving ~i;h::r. street right- of'-wc..y, :0 be :r.a:1e a;";,zr all 2:Cca- vatir.a ccrrroZete d fo'{":';f work & zuiJ- base ,;.c:terial in pLa::e, Elec~:ccZ Ccnr.ecc:.on - BZockir4, se;.u? and oZumbina c$nr.ections ~~st be ~~r~vec before reques::ing eZec:~;caZ :.r.spe;=:.~~ o o ?ENCE: When comoZ.;;te -- Provide 2ates or ~ovabZa' sectiens through P.U.E. =:=J Ac:::essol"'.::r 3uit..i:.ng ~ Fir4Z - Aft~r";~'!"cr.es. ~ etc. ar~ c~p~e~~d_ skir::.r..;, 1.e:::.-......$, o o ~;~~~~~~e~~~~~~~~~~s~=~~~~~:tC~: ;~~~~f~~~i~;;~;es~~:e;u;~~;~& ~~~~1a~~~~~~f'!"~~gS:~d. :=J ?r.~.A!. ?!.:';.'.~3!.'.'G ~ .:OI.'/:"! :..r:::H.....'I:::..:. ]g ?:::AC ::E::,~::A: ! @ .<;"!:IAL 3:JEDI.'.'C: rr.e F':.ncz. =:J.il.d::r~ !r.;;p,z:::~ien .~..lst bg '!"eque:3;,td :=.-":er :r.e ?ir..::lL ?rt.:.":";:ir.q ~Zec,ri~aZ, and ~ec~~~ic~Z Ir.sp~c:~~na ;~C been made ~r~ ==,='!"o~~i. "..to:': .":;'''.'i:'1]:'25 !.ND CLEANC'U':":: .'!fE':" =c .iC:::'-SS:3f.Z, A.2,,;i.'S?.'~Z.'."-:' ::0 3:.' g;E'S .-;:' .'.'0 :-:ST -;OJ r:[,:,'! I ="~"e oj 2 I JOB NO. 't,'::>ffic:::, SOLA_CCESS ! Z~a: Ji?... ,-, Ir.ot Sq. F#;.g. 0: :Jf !,:;t; CJ'.Jer(Z~~ I. f" - :.. 0 ;;tap"~e3 \ :crtal 3dg}::; I I Topogra;; ity 1:,:,~.'1 I"l::~n I SQ.F'':'G I , I I ~N ~:~A: I~.-::c.e I i;,.zr:--r.J:'"":' I " I ..J.~~csS,?!,,:J Is.D.c. lVCI....C) 1.5 = Euildir4 Permit Sta.te SIJJ'~ha:t'ge TotaL cr.a...""ge3 I ~~~es' I Residential (l bath) I San.itar',J Sewel' I :icte!' " PL:.unir;ng Perr.:i t state Surcr.a.rr;e T:JtaL Cht::"!'aes 1 ITE.'I I.~es. Sa. rta. I NaJ/E--tend CirC'.dts Temporary Service E7.e~tr-ica L Pe~ t State Surc;..a:rce Total O.t.:.1'ces lIT::," ~..:::e,q ET1J'S E:haust Hood Vent P=n ;I:,odsto':Je Pernr;t I38Ua11Ce Mecr.anic::l Perm-:. t State ,<;urchcMe "'n'tr..l. C"rLa'-:Jt?!J -- ~aCRDACH.:.!E:,t~ I Sec-..l.'r'i.tu !J2~03it Stor~e Main.ten.....""r..:!p- Pa.~t TC~tzL O-C1"'7CS I Cur;cu; IS'-' -. I u;ewa..< I Ycn:;e I EZec~rica l Z..=.beZ , f .\lobi La H;;r.te I :':?TAr; ;';'!CU.'1T CUE:.ot ,.:'C.::.!'".{:;Cr.C:J ;:"~.J.:;I: if' - "l' LefT' ~'r;;:o 1 Ir.-:ericr Corner' l'ar.;..cndl.z cu.l.-ce-sac x I I I I I '2S-~C>>1 I I IJ/J. I -:< y. -- I .%1 -:<~.961 Value 1"'0'1 I I FEE CF.APGE I :;D, I '0" I /f~f I C:i':'_:::'GZ I I /6J, ..... I I I AP. oco. I t;b Ie:!'. ~ . I I I I I I I I I. I :IC. t PEg C!!~..R~E I I I i . <<:::1 I I I :J'S Sc6. ?=_;~ 2 ~ L-COC.... ~ ='z~o"'..- c-A' /..li 7'. REQ.- Ilot F-:t.t;es - ~;.:JeICcr".s<;: ~<"~"TN . .:;et:='2~""s '\=-N . I ! ~~er~".J Sour~'ls II I I II I: ~,..r,~: !:,r=-a ':c.r:::.ce I Aa~ess. I "eo 0 v ..I'/~~ :';C.1.:2t' :'.e':1:':;>,!, .:::arr..qe I " (10:'';/1 12as:: iSO'Arh jr,lesl; I House i I :~ :oeo ~c:ce :lc;oa:;;.n:e Paea Building Value & Permit This p61"1rr~t 1..::; granted on. the express condition th:::.t :he s:~id. construc:~cn s;..al~. in all :>l3S,;,ccts, c:onf'crm to the Ordir.ar.ce ::.dor:;ted by the :;~t;y of' Sp1"'~r.g/'ield. including =r.e Zoning C'rdinar.::e. 1''1gul..:::ir:g ;;i:8 ccr.st!"".A.cdcn. ~~ uce of buiZdings. and m=y b€ sU::Jpended or reuckec =t cr.y :ime ~;C~ uic- Za:ion oj ~y pr,visioxs of said Ordir~nces. Fee.- {, dU Aq. Rh?' IRec"~pt #'-. ~ I s6-Z::- IS,;g"ed.- ("fr M / I Plan Checl<. I Date Paid: I I I I 'I Plumbing Permit No pereon snalZ construct, instc.Z.Z., a!ter or change -::ny ro.2W cr e--:.stir.g pl~~inq or drainage system in ~hoZ.e or in part, unZess such ~erson is tr~ legal possessor of a valid pZumber's ZicensB, except tr~t a pe~son ma~ do pZur.:bing work to propert:":J which is otJn.J2d, teased 01' ."perated by the appZi- '. cant. ' I I. Electrical Permit Where State La::JJ requires that the electrical. work be done by an E!.ectrical Contractor, the eLectricaL portion of ~hi3 pe~t shalt T~t be valid until. the label has been. 3ign.ed by the Electrical ~ontra.ctor. Mechanical Permit ~ I I I i I I. I , I /-;/ ~ --- ./ /7~..,-~/~_ Pl:':..."?r'i:.zc:m.n.er p" , .... 8"/~. 8_':? l/a;::,e I HAVE CAREFULLY ex.J,}1I,'IEtJ the compZ2ted ~?Z.::'caticn lor ;e!'mi;, and do hereby certify thet aLl i~;o~~=ion hereon is t~e ar~ c~rrcc:, and I f'..c'ther certiry that .:my ar,d aU /,;o1'k per....ol':'ned shan be e:o:16 in ac::!)l'- dance :dth :na ol'Cii:r.::::.nces of' the City of 3p'P";ngf.:,<!!d, ani :it.-: [,,::...:s of :i-:3 State of Ol'eg.:Jn p$'r=.::ining to th~ '-lOl'''' cesC'!'"';bad herein, cr.d tr.a= .VO ~XC:-'- F~aCY ~zt be made of ~nu 3tructure withc~~ ~e~$Jion .:Jf ;he 3uiZdina Di- vision. I fUl'~hel' ~ertifJ t~~t O:1Zy ~ontra::~ops af~ ~Z~yee3 wr~ ~-e in c~pZiance wi=h CRS 701.0$: wiLZ be used on this ;roj2C: il~~ &y