HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1987-6-15 .. R~~,~f~~,'~~~'~"''"~~'~~'"'._'" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 ~ " no. .'-.....,. . ~';.' '-'"". ,/-// Job Location: / IJ f{ 5 /I I, ABaeBaOrG Map # / I( tJ ~, 3.S- Lj'1 iJkd (l ~. / () f. 3 11/, n'/ PI-.one: Subdivision: CUner: Address: City: UNm" n Addition n Remodel I n !lobiZe Homo I Date of Application t Cont:l'actors I General i: Ptwnbing II Electrical i I l4echar.icat ! I C~nstruction Lender i I I I I I I I I I liql?mJ1:"'F!~ T"','1',.,p('-f;~:;;nl:~ O iiTE Il;SPEC'J'ION: To be made l excavation, but prior to Set I forms. !D I . io , ~ -IS-it r-u 1 JY1 ..LA J {)3cJZJO Ta.:r: Lot # 1f/tJ-3f7!3 Zip: ~ Reee;,t # /<:; (;, 7 c;t,3 ;?- ? cfd-O/L 0~ \ III Value Add..'"'eS3 ~~I,~ Signed: ~ 10- IS - 2'7 Date: Lise, /I Expires Phone It is the responoibility of the permit hotde.r to Bee that all incpections are made at the proper tim€, that ecch ~eBs is readaDZe frcrn the street, and that the pcrrrrit aCll"d is located at the [pant of the prope1't;y. .Bui!di~ Divi::ior: approved plan shaH remain on the Building Site at aU times. PROCED~f.l?E FOR Ill.C:PECTIOll R~QUES7':CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City designa.ted job nw;;ber~ job adiress~ type of inspec-;;icn requested ar.d when you wiLL be ready for inspcction~ Contpactors 01' OWne~s ncme and phone number. Requests received befcre 7:00 ~ :..>ill be made the same dc.y~ requests made after 7:00 am will be made the n<:xt :JOrking day. after up of UIIDERSLAB PLUMBIIIG. ELECTRICAL & : MECHANICAL: To be made before any work is ~ovcred. FOOTING & FOUND,1TIOU.. To be made after trenches are excavated and forms are erected~ but prior to pouring ccnCl'et~. ;'U' " UNDSRGROW-/D PLUMBING. DRAINAGE: To be mad'e .lir>.g trenches. SEWER, W:tTEl1 prior to fi L- o UNDERFWOR PLUf.$ING & MECHANICAL: To be made prior to instaLLation of /1001' insulation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to installation of floor insulation or decking. . ROUCH PLW!BI!1G. ELECTRICAL & MECH- ANICAL: No :.JOrk is to be cot.'ered .ur.til these inspections have beer. made and approved. FIREPLACE.. mor to pkcir.g facing materials and before framing inspec- tion. O FRAHINC: Must be requested after I approval. of rough plwr,bing~ electroi- ool & mechani~al. AU rooofing bracing t chimneys, et~. 17f'.lst be . completed. No work is to be con- ., .:..cecled until this inspection has .be~n made and approved. o ID o Your City Pesigr~ted Job Number Is: o INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made after al.l insul~ti~n a~~ required vapor barriers are in place but before any lath~ gypsum boa:t'd or wZ-Z- covering is applied, and before any insulation is concealed. t1~fs- . DE!IOLITION OR gaVE::; BUILDI,7IJS ~ Sanitary Se'..)eT' :Japped ~t rn:.op(;rt"~ lir.e =.J Septi:J tank p'..Il?ed and fille~ LJith gra~eZ ::J Pinal - [lhen above ite.":J8 a:t'e ccmo!.eted and when d~olition is comptete or stru~- ture moved and premises cleaned up. Nobile Hcmes =:J Blocking and Set-~p =:J PLumbing connections -- sa.,)er and water ~ Electrical Connection - Blocking~ set-up ~ and plumbing connections nr~st ce approved before requesting eZectrical inspectio~ ~ AC:JesS01"d Building ---, PinaL - After p,.,rcJ:es~ ---l etc. are comptet~d. skirting~ decks, o DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made after all drywall is in place, but prior to any taping, MASONRY: Steel location~ borw. becuns~ grouting or verticals in accordance LJith U.B.C. Section 2415, WOODSTOVE: After installation is ccmpZeted. o All project conditions~ such as the instal.Zation of street troees~ co~lation of the requiroed landscapir:g~ etc. ~ must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be request~d. c=J FINAL PLUMBING ~ FINAL l.fEeHANICAL ~ FINAL ELECTRICAL =:J \.\ C\ o FINAL BUILDINC: The Final Building Inspection /1tUst be I'equested after the Final Plumbing El.ectricaL, and Mechar:.icaZ Inspectiorw have been made and approv~d. o D o CURB & APPROACH APRON: Afte~ forms are crected but priOI' to pouring cort..::rete. SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: For aU con- crete paving LJithin str>eet right- of-way, to be made after all exca- vating complete & fo~ worok & sub- base material in pZa:Je. /tALL MAl/HOLES AND CLEANOUTS HUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST!fEllT TO BE f.!1DE IT flG C~ST TO CITY I P::xge 1 of 2 o o ?ENCE: When compl~te -- Provide gates OP movable sections through P.U.E. . o I JOB I i Zor.., No.g1~ -:;1"'} SOLAR:WSS Occupancu Gl"O'.J.:J: Lot Sq. Ft;;. z ~f lot Coverag~ '1,1/ of Stories Total Height I I Topography I lITE/.! I SQ.FTG I Main LOT TYPE Interior Corner Panhandle Cul-de-sac x Value Gc:raae Carvort I Accessol'u S.D,C. TOTAL. VALUE (VC.t..UC) 1.5 = Building Permit State Surchwge Total- Char-ges lITEM ! Fixtures I Residential (1 bath) j Sanitary BeweI' I Water I 1 NO. t FEE CHARGE Plumbing Pem:it State Swocr.arge Total Charaes lITEM I 1.7:?es. Sa, fto, iN~/Extend Circuits I Tempo1"ary Service C';'ARGE I HO.I I FEE IkLti. O~ I I I,~. o-a I . foO Ils.Coo Ele~tl'ical Permit St::.te SUI'charqe Total Cha:t'ces lITEM I ! Purna.ce ETU' S ! E=haust Hood i I Vent Fan i W~odsto'Je 1/10. ; I I I I I : FEE cnARCE PeI"rrr'~t Issuance Mecnanic::zl Pe1"n1it State Surcharae Total ChnT'a~g EllCROACHMElllT Secu,ritl! Depo3it Storage MaintenatUle Permit Total Ci!Cl"oes Curbcut SidetJalk Fen::e Electrical Label ,"!obile Home (33313 ,20 :OTAL AMQU....'T DUE:" /s.w I' R EQ.- I I, I I I I I I I-L.! I ' I I I I I I I, I I I I, I I I ~ ~'i I T.~'Pe/CoY'.8t: . I I I I I L-COG~ I Lot Faces - I I P.L, jNorth 'lEast Is""th lfvellt Access. Bedroo~s: En2rau Soarces Heat Water .4p.ater> Range Fir>evlace Wood.:;to1:e T:I':le Setbac:ks I House I Caraqe I I I Fees Building Value & Permit This permit is granted on the express condition that the s~id_constpuction 3haLL~ in alL respects, conf~rm to the Ordinar.ce ~opted by the City of Springfield, incZuding the Zoning Crdinance~ regulating the construction and use of buildings, and m~y be suspended or revokec at any time upon vic- lation of any provisions of said Ordinances. , , IPlan Check I Date Paid, IReceipt g, I Sired, Fee: Plumbing Permit No pereon shall. constT'Uct~ insta7.Z~ alter or change any new 01' e:::isting plumbing or drainage system in whole 01' in part~ unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license~ except tr~t a person may do plumbing work to property which is owned~ leased or operated by the appli- cant. Electrical Perm it Where State Law requires tr~t the elec:trical worK be done by an Electrical Contractor~ the electrical portion of this permit shall not be valid until the labeL has been signed by the ELectricaL Contractor. Mechanical Permit PLan Examt.ner vate I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA.I,fINED thE compteted application for permit, and do hereby certify that atz i~fo;:mation hereon is true and correct, and I further> certify that any ar.d all work perfomed shatz be don.e in. ac~or- dance ~th the Or>dinances of the city of Springfictd, and th~ L~~s of tho State of OregQn pertaining to the work described herein~ and that NO OCCU- PANCY will be made of any structUr'G without p~rmis3io~ of the Building Di- vision. I further certify that onty contractors ar~ e~plQyees who are in compliance with ORS 701.05E will be used on this project ~zJ~ ,./ b-(s~f1