HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1981-11-17 -~ ~-_._"".'~:"- -,,--,- - ....-.- . .___.:....._,_.u_ -----"-- ___..'. -- RESIrA-rAL-- CO~BINATION/AP~TION PERMIT CITY o.~ SPRI:."JGFIELD 225 i':O.~H 5TH S':."?EET SPRI:/GFIELD, OREC.()N 97477 auiZdi~4 Divi8io~ 726-J753 Subdi.V~'8ion: Job !ocation, 1046 North "A" Street ,4.....0... 'fa!> H 17-03-35~41 _... Addreas Gwen Ros s 1046 North "A" Street City Sprinqfield. OR n Gl n tV....} Adaition Front Porch ,~smod. " COl'!tract"Ol'S Name Address 4943 Cone Street P"umbing C'n'''''" Tom Wi rfs eZectMccl. uacirt::rri.ccl. Constru..--tion !.cnder It is the responsibility of the permit holder to se~ that all readable frcm 'the street. and that the permit card is located 6 All manholes and cleanou'ts are to be adjust~d at no cost to SITE: IUSPECTICN: To be made after excavation. but prior to set: up of fOl:"rnS. o o o o o o o o o o UNnERSTAS PLUHBING~ EL!CT~ICAL & r---l MECHANICAL: To be made before any l..111. work is covered. FOOTING & FOU/lDATTON: To be made af1:er trenches are e'~avated a~d fonns are erect~d. but prier to pouring concrete. UNDERGROUND PLUMBING. SEWER. WATER.. 0 DRAW.a.GE: To be made prior to fU- ling t;renches. UNDERF!.OOR PLUBBING ~ ME~HANIC^L: To be made prior to insta1lution of floor insulation or decking. POST & BEAM: inS'tallation or decking. D To be ~~de prior to of fl?or insulation ROUCH PLUMB!NC, ELECTRICAL & MECH- ANCI~L: No ~ork is to be covered until these inspectior.s have beer. made and approve~. o . J Taz Lot II 1900 . - ,. - ~-,~--~------_.~_. ~~_____.::; ::...:.L:.:....;..:.....:-.;...:.. .-,.~.. _'.",:"':;:::' , Phons # 741-0266 Zip 97477 DesCl"ibs Work Value: $500.00 RECEIPT ;# 16S- 76UL/- Lt.'sall REQUIRED INSPECTIONS i:lSpections are made at the proper at the front of the propert:y. the City FIREPLACE: Prior to p1ac ing materials and befere fra.'Ding tion. facing 0 ins pec- Buil di ng Permit 4% $5.00 .20 $5.20 FR.ll.MING: Must be requested after 0 approval of rough plumbing. electri- cal & mechanical. All roofing. bracing & chimneys. etc. must be completed. No work is to be con- 0 cealed until this inspection has been made and approved. INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made after all insulation and required vapor barriers are in place but before any lath. gypsum board or wall covering is applied. and beforeD any insulation is concealed. DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be ltl3.de after all drywall is in p13ce. but prior to any taping. MASONRY: Steel location. bond be3mS. grouting cr verticals in accordance with U.B.C. Section 214-15. iM~ Authori?ed Cit':I Agent e.pirss Phone #- 747-8704 time. that each address is WOODsrOVES: After installation! is completed. CURB & APPROACH APP.ON: After forms are erected but prior to pouring eoncrete. SIDEWALK & DRIVlrwAY: For all con- crete paving within street right- .of-way. te be r::ade after all exca- vating complete & form worle (; sub- base materi~ in place. OTHER INSPECTIONS: may be nquired in accordance with Building Co~e. to be indicated in rla~~ or by no- tice from Building Inspector. FINAL PLUMBING All project conditior.s, such as the installation of street trees. completion ~f the required landscaping, etc.. must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be requested. lm FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be requested a=~er the Final Plumbing Electrical, and Mechanical Inspections have ~een made a~d approved. F!NAL EL~CT~ICAL No occupancy of the premises C3n be made until the Final Building Inspection has been made and approved. and a CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY HAS e~~ ISSUED BY THE BUILDING DIVI- SION ~~D POSTED ON THE PREMISES. o FINAL MECHANICAL Page 1 t:lf 2 PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION REQUEST: Call 726-3769 (reccrder)state your City designated job number, job aderess, type or inspection reques~ed and when you will bo re3dy for inspec- tion. Contrac~ors or Owners name and phone n~~ers. Requests received before 7:00 a.m. will be made the sa$e duy. requests made after 7:00 a.m. will be made the next working day. YOUR CITY DESIGNATED JOB NUHqER IS: :._~':';:'.'~~_:;I':;~.,~.;:'I:.~~;i~:~&l;.~~~g]i~~~j~~~~~i~~j~~-~';yg;;f!(E:~~~I~L~/~~4..;:;~~.f3;_2~~~:;~~~~~r.::jlF~~~0iT~:If~~~~~€1T~\ 81053[1_ JOB NtJ}!EER 810530 OCCUPANCY GROUP ZONE R 1 Lot'Squa:l"e E'tg. :'; of Lot Cover>ed :; of Stories 7ota~ Height Z'o,?ograp:"'y I I l<p 1:'1;/:'. '.fni"" ISq., Ftg. Cazoage \Sq;, F1;g. C~O:-": Sq. Ftg. k:eeGso~ I Sa. F-I;c. Value pg!n'i t C'JtaM'68 81-.n:tR S1,a<f!;'fTrf'IR TOTAL CIi.~RCES IS!l8tem DtlVlllorrrtlfflt Char~e 11.5 = Val:.tot INO. F'i=tul'I1!S Water Serviee S'.1m.tar'!.f Srv6l" SUBTOT,<L State SuzocJuzrge TOTAL CHARGES I I NO, 5:1. Footaa6 New or e~tension/Cil'~it T~Ml"'.J Ca-:st:-uc:ion SUBTOTAL Stat'Z SurCharl'1fl TOTAL t;HAPr.ES I:m, I I I I I I ~~R _ 3TU'S Ezhau8t Hood VIlmt: Fan Wood s~v8/Heate1' SUBTOTAL State SurehaNc TO'!'AL CHA!K;ES I I E,7CROACH,'!ENT I Se~r-: ty !Jeposi t Storage I MaincnaYr.Ce I Permit I TOT.1L AMOU!lT DUe I C".J.r>beu.t I Sid(!L}aZk IF'mcg I ~Zectl"'icaZ Labsl. I lirOTAL' ANOU,'IT DUE . ::.;:~ -:. ;,_-"'_: ,'~u""::_. ':'..'__ ~_;..' i . I . L-CO!; ;; P.:l.ge '2 R3 REFERENCE Nl'!o!BERS TYPE/COr>ST~tJCnON V-N BEDROO~!S Setbacks I I I I Lat Type Intenor' La' Corner P..r.. par..handLeINor~h Oth~ Eas t I South West Fa~es : I HOllse I I I I I I ~!f1t: I i}!1ter Heater I _~Cl1".ge I ?oo~ I ," I . I I I I [:00'1 o~oi I ~ nn i ?n I $5.20. El:ergy So:.~'::e3 i;arar'€l ACC~8J I ".'"'-'C"a j ;.'~~i~ s;;~e ~!OG.~' FEES BUILDING VALlIE/PER!1IT This pc~;t is grantgd on the ezprG3S c~~i:~ that the sa.id construction DhaZL, in al~ res;:ecti:, confo~ 'to the Ordinan.ces adopted by the t;1.;;j o:~ Spl--:..ngfieLd, inc t:u:ii.:ng the Zoning ordinance, reg-A lat'f-ng ;~e oon- str.tct-::on and uss of lr.J.itdings, ~ ."ay :,e a:t8~eY'.ded or r~Joked at any time upon violati~n af an~ provi- sions of aaid ardinances. Plan Check Fee Date Paid Receipt ,~ PLUMBING PERMIT No person shaZZ construct, inst:zZZ, aZ~Br or chan:;e fmY netJ or er:'o'ting plwrtbing or r:boa.-::naga ays;em in wlwZe or in part, unLsse such perso~ is ;he :eg::::.l. possessor of a valid plumber's licer~e, ~cept that a person may do plumbing t..'ol"k to pro?er>~ wi:~ch is 0IJMd, lea.sgd or> operated by ths CIp?li.cc:nt. j eLECTRICAL PERMIT Where State La:.' requirsB that the e:ect:oica7. work be dons by an Electrical C?ntraator, the et.ac~~: por- tion of this permit shat.Z not be va'Zid tmtiZ ths ~- bol has been aigned by thB Electric:.Z Contr~tor. T1u: EZectl'ica1. Saf.ty La2.J does not rBqu-:.re a: :'9:080n to obtain a Ucense as an '3 tBatricic;n w..d/ O!" e 1.ec- meal oo'1tractor to make an: eZectr-:.aa1. -:.ns;:.lZation on propezoty which is owned by himse!'f or a .,:,:z::rbe:o of his immediate fami1.y which is not ir.tended .-~;r BaZe~ lease or rcm.t. KECBANIC,4L P::RMIT 4 (.)~ PLan ~'1Br I I I r HAVE C.1ReFULLY EXAMI1/F:D the """'l'leted appLication for permit, a7ld do I her>aby aertify that all information hereon is truo and correct, and I fl.a"ther certify that any and all wrk performed shalZ. be dons in accor- I ~e wnk the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and the LazJs of the I = State of qrcgon pertaining to the wozok. ~escribed ~~n, and that ,?O ~C- :: CUPANCY IJ'l, ZL be rrr:zde of any str".J.cturs I;)t.thout permt.B81.0n of ths Bu1.ld1.ng ;:: Di'IJision. I f!U'ther c8r>tify that only ~ontractOl"8 and empLoYBSS who arB in compliance with ORS 701.055 r.n.ZZ bB used on 'this projsct. '" " " ::: ::: - I :"EE I CHARGE I/-/l-ff / Dat. FeE CHARGE !!-, ~ ~ '11/;dYt I ;'FE: CH,4lIGI!! ~j ~u ,<.-eAA ,b1.qnea BUilding Division apprO'"JBd plao1 shall remain times. 'Ua!:e 01'1 the Building Site at aZZ $5.20 . ~ :-'~~'_.:'.~~':_;~:~~'_":~~":;:~r;.~.:~~;_~:~,""~'-;-:-::" ~ :..;..<~'.~=? .;o' -.~::~:: :~;:::~~ :;:;,--::~. ." =~-:~ 7::: ~,.:-:.'!"~.:----..---::; -,,"- ":-' '-~'~:',:- ;<,~-::---::~::...'::"! ?-~~~.~}~~ry~;~~,