HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1989-4-18 .. RESID.E.NTlAL'. APPLICA.N/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, OY'egon 97177 Building Division 726-3753 Job Location, /a;Lq N. ;4 s-f. ABDesoore Map # \ f) [) '3 9; "S 4; \ j-V'?7/7"..?/ Iv C:fP,::) rF.&"c c~ ?C/) c::; 77 ~L<' ?);..ft7Z,;1;r,-?'4.) Y /'B&? . Subdivision: OI.mer: [<:;r,'"..., --r/l<iJ""'p.<:;8.., Address: bC{~_ City: n n n n NmJ Additicn Remodel :fobi Ze lJomtJ Date of AppZicaticn Contractors General Plumbing. I Hechan:lc:nl I Electrical SuperviBing Elec t r ,le Ll rl ~,.K'.? Tc..:r: Lot /I OQ~ Phone' 7 '/7 - (,( 77 Zip: Describe r\'o'l'l~: ,.- ~ Value~~~~ Rcaeipt .1 ,3(0 \ 1 w~ s:gr.ed~ ~M l/ 1:/--) {(~ 0 Date: Addrt>RS Li sc. II ~ Hldrs Hoard Reg. Pt\onp Expires It is the peoponsibiZity of the penmit holder to see that all inopectiorls are made at the p~oper tim€, that ~ach ~e8s i8 readab:. from the atpest. and that the PCl'mit card i8 located at the fpont of the property. "*Bui!.dirIfJ Divido.v; app!'oL'ed plan siu:.ll remain on tha Bu-:.ldI,ng ::.,'.it:;: at all times. P.'WCSDUHE FOR INSPECTION R~QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (rccorder) state your City designated job mq;:ber, job address, type of ir.:;pec-;ic1j requested a~d w~en you will be ready for inspection, Contractors or OWners ~e and phone number. Requests received befere 7:00 ~~ ;..'ill be made the same dc.y, requests mc.de after 7:00 a:n will b:;: made the next :JOrking day. yCf6 310 :f?e(.!uiJ>;?r! Tn!,:np,.h:(m~ o o SITE INSPEC'!'ION: To be made after excavation, but prier to set up of forme. UNDERSLAB PLL~mING. ELECTRTCAL & MECHANICAL: To be made befor'iJ any work is covered. D FOOTING ~ FOUNDATION: To be made after trencheD are excavated and forms are el'ected, but proio1' to pouring concreta. UND'ERG.'?OUND PLUM2[NC~ S.r.:rvEH. r/.1TE.~ DHAINAGE: To be made priOlO to fil- liY'.g trenche:;. D o UNDERFLOOR PLUMBING ,~ MECHANICAL: To be made prior to installation of 11001' insulation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to installation of floor insdation or decking. ROUGH ?LWIBf!.IG, ET.ECTP.!CA[' ,P, MECEi- ANICAL: No oo1'}.: is to be I..:o!.-.ered . u~til these innpectior.s have beer. made and approved. FIREPLACE: Prior to placir~ facing mate1'ials and before framing inspec- tior:. FRA}~INC: Mll.3t be requented after approval of rough plumbing, electroi- cal & mechani::al. AU rOOfing bracing & chi"mcys, et~. nr~nt be completed. No w:;rk is to be con- cec.led until thiD inspection has . been made and approved. o o D D Your City Dcsigr~ted Job Number Io: D INSULATION/VAPOR B.4RRIER INSPF:G'TION: To be made after all insul::ti:;m aro.d required vapor barriers are in place but before any lath, gypswrr board or> wall covering is applied, and before any insulation is concealed. DEftoLITION OR ;',,'OVED BUILDItlGS ~ Sanitary 8~~er ~apped ~t p~op~rty li~e ~ Septic tank pumped and filled LJith granl ---, Final - fl'hen abcve items are ccmpleted ~ and when demolition is complete or st~~ ture moved and pr~mi3es cleaned up. I /ofobi le Hemes ~ Blocking and Set-up ~ Plumbing connections scwer ar~ water ---, Electl'ical Connection - Blocking, set-u; ~ and plumbing connections nr~st be approve~ before l'equesting eZec:rical inspec;io~ ~ Acaessory Sui lding ---, Fina l - After porches, ~ etc. are complet~d. skirting, decks, o DRYWALL INSP1XTTON: Te be made after all drywall is in place, but prior to any taping. MASONRY: Steel location, bond beams, gr~uting or verticals in accordance with V.B.C. Section 241t. o AlZ !J"f'oject conditions, (me./-: as the 'i.~lstaZlation 'of .s:r'eet trees, co.~Zetion 'of tile l'equiNJd landscc.pir:g, etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDINC FINAL can be requested. o FIlIAL PLUMBING o FINAL ME~lfA.'IICI1l, o FINAL ELECTRICAL o D o WOODSTOVF.': After installation is ccmp lc ted. .. O ,r.'IN/lL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be requested after .the Final Plwnbing , Eleot1'ical, and Mechanical Inspectiono have been made and approved. ' o CURB & APPROACH APHON: Aftero forms are a1'8cted but pl"ior to pouring concrete. "AL[, MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS llU8T BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST!1ENT TO BE f>f.4DE AT NO COST TO CITY I Pa.ge ! of :: D SIDEflA[,K & DRII'Er/AY: For all con- crete paving within street right- of-tJG.y, to be made after all exca- vating c:omplete & [Oml work & sub- base'material in place. fX] ;ENCE: a~er. complate -- Provide gates or movable sections through P.U,E. D I JOB NO, IZone, Lot Sq. Ptg. Z al ~ot C~erage .1/ of Stories Totut Height Topography I lITEM lMain I Gca>Me I Cal"DCl"t I ACC6S80l"lJ SQ.FTG I I IS,D,C, TOTA& VAWE (vaLUe) 1.5 x Building Permi t State Sureharge Total Chargea SOLAR ACCESS OccuoanCJ/ GrouP. LOT TYPE FEE lITEM Futur>cs Residential (1 bath) Sani ta.l'y Sewer Water Plumbing penr:it State Surcr.a.rge Total CharQe8 I ITEM I Re.'l. Sa. rta. lNa~/Extend Circuits 1 Temporary Service ELeatrical Permit State Sur:::ha.rae Total Charges lITEM NO. I Furnace PTU'S Exhaus t Hood Vent Fan I I WoodstotJe I Perrrrit Issuance Me::hanic.1.l Permit State surcharGe Total Charaeo -- ENCROACHMENT -- Ise~drity Deposit I Storaqe I Maintenanae I pormit Total Cha1'Q08 G\a'bcu~ ISid_Zk IFrm:::e l Electr'i~aZ I Mobile Home I I I TOTA& AMOUNT DUE,' &abeL NO. NO. FEE FEE Interior COl'ner' Panhandle Cut-de-sGc x value CHARGE CHARGE CHARGE I , ' I I -& c:rC7 I I. REQ,- L-COG-l;< I Lot Faces - I I P,&, INOl"th lEast South '!;est Tr Bedrooms: EneT'ay So:trces !Ieat . Acce:w'll Watm' .'fr.o.t(?~, Rml(;C I Firenlace I : Wood;; toee TirOG Type/Cor.8t: Setbacks I House I r.m'aqe i I I Fees Building Value & Permit This per1ttU io gronted on the express condition that the said. construction ahaU, in all respects, confof'r!' to the OT'dinQl;ce :Jdopted b"y the City of Springfield, incLuding the Zoning ordinance, regulc.ting the construction and UCe of buildings, and may be suspended or revoked at cny time upon vio- lation of any provisions of 8~id Ordinances. , . I Plan Check Do. te Paid: IReedl'i II, ISig"ed, Fee: Plumbing Permit No percon ahall cmwtruct, invtaZl, atter or change Gny neW 01' e::::isting plwnbing or drainage syste:ll in whole 01' in part, unless sLoch per'Gon is the legaL possessor of a valid plwnber's license, except that a pe~son may do plumbing work to pT'operty which is owned, leased 01' operated by the appli- cant. . Electrical Pe'rmit Where"State Law requires tr~t the electrical work be done by an Ele~trical Controctor, the electrical portion of this permit shall not be valid until the label has been signed by the Electroical Cmltractor. , Mechanical Permit , ~~~~~ y -/E:?-&"5 _ vace I HAVE CAREFULLY EXANINED the completed application for pe1'l1lit, and do hereby certify that aU i~fo;>mation hereon is true and correct, and I furthflr certify that any ar.d alL work porfor;ned shaU be done in accor- dance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and thz Ur~s of tho State of Oregon p~rtaining to the work described herein, end that NO OCCU- PANCY will be made of any struatura without pep,miaaion of the Building Di- vision. I /Urthor certify that o~ty contractors ar~ e~pt~ye€8 who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project ~ ^-~ r-i-/ ~~ "/&1 ---- ,