HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1998-12-31 /" . . 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD. OR 97477 (541) 726-3753 FAX (541) 726-3689 December 31, 1998 Reverend Warren Boyd Berean Assembly of God 14775'" Street Springfield. Oregon 97478 RE: Sign Appeal Application Dear Reverend Boyd: I am writing in regards to a recent variance application received by our office for the proposed freestanding sign to be located at 14775'" Street. Springfield. Oregon. Understanding your need to erect your sign as quickly as possible. Lisa Hopper brought your application to me in hopes of a resolution through staff modification procedures instead of conducting a public hearing with the Building Board of Appeals 30 days from now. After speaking with Ms. Hopper, and reviewing your submittal, 1 am able to approve the sign through the modification of provisions as provided in the Springfield City Code Section 8.238 with the following statements and conditions: 1. The square footage of the sign can be reduced depending on how one interprets the definition of "sign face" in the Sign Code. Sign.Face is defined as the entire area ofa sign on which copy may be placed. In this instance, only the steel columns that support the lettering shall be used to calculate the overall size of the sign. By removing the "empty space" in the calculation of the sign area, the sign area is reduced from 60 square feet to 36 square feet which is within the allowable 15 percent modification allowed by the City Council to City staff without conducting a public hearing. Therefore, the sign size as proposed can be approved under this modification of provisions. 2. The drawings that were submitted to our office sho,w the concrete footing above grade. To approve the height of the sign under the modifications of provisions, the footing must be at or below grade. The area which I am calculating for the sign area will begin at the "B" in Berean and end at the bottom of the "V" in the word Assembly. By using this area, the sign height is reduced by approximately 2.5 feet which places the height request within the allowable 15 percent allowed by the Springfield City Council to City staff without conducting a public hearing. Therefore, the sign height can be approved providing the footing for the sign is completdy under ground. 3. The final condition, although not part ofthe modification approval is the minimum setback requirements for the sign. The sign must be placed a minimum of five (5) feet from any property line, ten (10) feet from any property line. and not located within the 25 foot vision clearance triangle. The sign also cannot be located within any public utility easement. It is my understanding from Ms. Hopper that you did not indicate your setbacks on the plot plan because your plan is to place the sign at a location approved by the City. Although we cannot locate your sign for you. if you meet the minimum setbacks as noted, your sign location wilrbe approved. ,. . . Berean Assembly of God Modification of Provisions - Sign Code 14775'10 Street December 31,1998 Page 2. Please respond to me either by letter or by fax (726-3676) of your acceptance or denial of these comments and conditions. If accepted, we will initiate a $100.00 refund to you from your previous payment of $300.00. If you have any questions. or if I may be of further assistance, please feel free to phone me at 726-3668. Sincerely, -~~ - )/ '..... '-"'-'~ David J. Puent Community Services Manager cc: Lisa Hopper, Building Safety Supervisor