HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Demolition 1987-1-5 " RESIDE.IAL" APPLICATION/PERI1IT 225 Vorth 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 Job Locati:::m: //7';;1..{) /70330 Ac::;esGor.=: Nap #- Suhdivision: SPRINGFIELD ,,1// .4 3~ Tax Lot H VII UO Cuner: !/ru:bd r::2 L/ C) /1 - ,,~/7/ / r~-LU(af/ ( ~c;j / /1/ /L/ Phone.- ~Ljb IJ-!Jf Address: City: ~ I I I fl"",_, AdCiticn Remodel. .'fo::,:.!c< .~c.-::e Date of AppZicaticn ;-'5-<(/) JOr.:;ro.:::::::o:,s i;ener:::.Z tfJ,(/ JY)(I ^ ) / ~ /1"o..J J1LJL./ ?l.tcnbir.g :::1.ectrica2. ,'.:ec;..::rr.ic::! Cons~rJction Lender Zip: Dzr~ Vatue A.ici..~e$.:J aIiV:"" . LJ (", 7 (/) Ie: ~l:"l lljfJAU~dlG I ~ ~ - . t1; 1l '\ \\\\ ~ \..1'1 si(7r.cd: Cc. /-5-8''7 Date: L-:.3C. ,I; r:;.o"'.C :;'=:),,:l'CS :~ is the res'Conaibility of the permit 1wUcr to Bee that aU inavections aJ'e made at the proper tim~" that ~::ch ~e8s is rc"'''=,...;.,:.c '-rom the street, and that "the pcrmi t ca:rd is Zocated at the front- of the property. 'Eui!.di..~.g [}f.;.r:,::wr: lZ?pl'o<.:ed FLan sr.::;U l'emain on ::n..z Eu-:.Lding Sits at all times. ~:?DCEDUPE FOP IllSPEC'!'IOTl REQUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City design.'lted job nw;;be1", .tZq'.tcsr;eci a~.c !.).~en you :.JiLl be ready for inspection, Contractors 01" Oz.mer-s r.cme cnd pr.one nUlwcr. 'iZl. be Trade the. same dc.y, requests made afr;.::r 7:00 a;n wiU bs made the nc=t :JOri<.ir.q daii- .::>m.1i....p.~ T1'!:<::,;'(,~.:Jr.~.<:: ] SITE I/;S?EC'I'IO:.': To be made after e.xcav.::;:r;::on.. but prior to set up of forms. ] V!lDERSL:..E PLL'l.9I,'lC. ELECTP.IC,1L & J.:EC.I.;',J,;.'IC;'L: To De made before any wor~ is ~ovcred. ] POOTING ! FOUNDATION: To be made afzeI' trencnes are excavated ar~ forms are erected.. but prior to pourir~ cencrete. ] U!.'D2RC.I:?QU:.1!) PLu.".f73IliG. SEr{E:.~. r.,'.1TER. DR;'I!lf..C~: To be ma.:ie prior to fil- ,z.ir.{J trenche:;:. ] U!mE.'r?:LQ~.":?' PLU,',~r:lG ,& rEC-'lANICAL: To be ~~e prior to in3ta~Zation of 11001' insu~tion 01' decking. POST' A,';V EEAP: To be made prior to insr;aLLcr;icn of fZoor ins~~tion. or d2ckir.q . ] ] Rm'CH ?~U~.SI:.'C. ET.F:CTT!!CA':. & '.fECH- AVICAL: HO ~ork is to be covered ur.tiZ these insvectior.s have been ~ade ar~ approv~d. FI?E?LAC~: Prio~ to plccir~ facing mar;eriais and bcfo~e framing inspec- tior:. FP.A.'~nJc: Mu,::;t be rcque:;ted after ap?rov~Z of ~~~gn pl~bir.g, electri- caZ & mec;'..2ni~al. AU roofing bracir~ B chimneys, ct~. ~~Gt be . comvle::cd. :.'0 w:::Jrk is to be con- - cec..Zed ur.til thi:; irwvcction has 'been madc and approved, ] ] Your City Desigr~ted Job Number Io: o INSVLA':'ION!VltPOR BARRIER INS?~CTIO."/: To be made aj~er all insul=ti~n ~4 rcquil'ed vapor carriers are in place but before any lath, gypsum bOCll'd or wall covering is applied, and before any insu Za ticn is conaea Led. ? '-b JOD aiircss, tvve of ir:3pec~icn Requesr;s received befere ?:OD ~ S1rJ (}tJ'i I DE:.!()LITIO!} OR ;.fCW:;; 2:"ILDI:;CS . ~ Sani'tary se'.Jer capped ::t p:oopc:ot";; Une /~. - ~ Septic tank p~~ed and fille~ with gr~~et ~ina 1. - r1rnen ab.:;ve it e::'lS are cc.-:r.J leted ~ ~r.d when de~eZition is c~Ler;e or st~~:- ture moved ar~ pr~ses cZe~nei up. Mobile Hemes :=J BZocking :=J plumbir.g :=J and Set-:.t.p connections sc;wer and tJa::el' o DRYWALL IllSPECTIO,!,': To be made I I... afr;er aU 6>ywaZi. 'LS in place, ~ but prior to any taping. MASONRY.. SteG Z location, bornI beam3, grouting 01' verticals in accordance with U.B.C. Section 2415. WOODSTOVE: AftCl' installation is ccmpleted. Electric=l Ccnnection - Blockir4, 6et-u~ and plumbing connections nr~st t~ ap?r~~c~ before reques:::ng eZec~ri~al ins?ec~io~ :J Aacescol".;:i Build:n.g ~ Fi~l - After p:::Jrcr.es.. skirting, decks.. etc. are compZet~d. o o o CURB & APPROACH AP.'?GN: Afte:" forms are ere~ted but prior to pouring ~on:rete. o ALL pl'~iect conditions, suc~ as the instaLlation of street trees, c~~lcti~n of the required ~ndscapir.{J.. etc... must be satisfied beJore the BUILDIRG FIllAL can be r2quest2d. ] PIllAL PLu:.~3n:c ] FI/";.L !E~HA".'ICI1L ] FI/'-AL E:"E':-:-:~ICAL ] o FINAL BUILDING: The FinaL Building Inspection must be requested cf=cr the Fi~Z PLumbing Electrical, and Mechar-iccl Inspection~ have been made arA approvJd. o SIDEr/ALK Ii DRIt'Er';AY: For all con- crete paving within st1"ect right- of-1.JC.y.. to be made after all exca- vating complete & fo~ work & sub- base material in place. ~A:'!. f.!:..':HCLES A/.'D CLEANCUTB m:~ EE ACCESEIB!.E, ADJL'S:.'~.'."!, TO BE r.~lD~ /'.'!" /.'0 C'}S? TO CI':'Y I P::.-;(! ! of 2 o ?ENCE: M~er. compZ~te -- Provide gates or movable sections through P.U.E, o I I I I I /5JJi) I /5.cWf-S t;,(J I ,IS G8 I, If.M ;~T}' () /J i ~/ .CI,d _A/$/",K 33 ,Go I, S>gr.2C /' JOB NO.t?O ()01 SOLAR ACCESS OCCUDanc~ GrJillll' . _2onc: Lot Sq. Ft,;. ~ "I l.:;t C.;roerc.;~ ,; of Stories 70tal Heigh: Topography LeT TYPE Interior Corner PannaruiLe CUI-dc-sac 77'=:,'..' S::.F'!'C x Value ,'.!;:::" 'Jc:ra::,~ :~c:"t -lcccsso!"tJ ,;,or/,[. t'ALUE' S.D.C. ( V,;;;t..UC) 1.5= BuiZiir.(7 Permit StMte Su.!'cn:I1'?€ Tot.:.! Cr.::zrges ."';-'.' I ,'.'~). C.:.:JJ.r.C~ "~~.re" I ?esiCzr.ticZ [1 bc.~r.) I ~~it=F~ Se~c~ ! ~UIM (k/ I PZu::-:bir.g ~e!':':':i t $tc=e SUI'cr..::zrpe T"''''-'' C"r:-'1"(}l?~ '-:"., I"",;. i ::'cs. Sa. ftc:. ,'G/,J/E=ter.d C:":'='.l:' ts :emporarv Sc~~icc Ele~=:,icaZ Pe~it St=.te Su:r::;..:z.....ae Total C"r.aI'ces 77" ::0. I j'~:; Ch~J1:::: :aor..::zce E':'U': =r.aust Hood "ent Pan ':JOc.stO:JO Penr:"~t I3su:.mca P.e::r.::.r.:..c::.l PCl'rr:it Stctc Su.r>ciu:.rac T(';-:.cZ C"'~~ar:: Z.,','CHD,',CH1.!D,'T :~C"~!'"'itlJ D::::>o:;it :orc.ae :-:n tenar~r 7~t Tctc.Z Ci:cT','7c!': L."':'C"..": ;:J'e'..1:Jlk 'r:=c '.cC"tr-:c::! l.c.~~1 -bile Home I lJQ4vLJ~ ,,.L.. AX:J!'::::- " R EQ.- L-COC-{r . III I :r:;?T'.'7:J SO:H'~r>:J :ic::::: 11.~~{J:;""l. I I 1.'r.t{'!'U~_'I':."'''' frQT:,::,--: II I II I r~'peICor..:;t: Ee:::rcO~:J: Lot Faces . l;J:'C P. L- It/arch East 'Isoz..:t,n jrvc:;t Scthc....~::; I Ho""" I c'arcae I I .;'ircnt..ac{' WcoQ.::;:;ot:c Fzer: I I I I I I I I, I I I ,. Building Value & Permit ThiG permit ia granted on the exprecs condition that the said construction shalZ~ in aZl re[;pcct:;~ conform to tile Ordinar.ce ::::dopted b'y the Ci..:y of Springfield~ inc!uding the Zoning Crdinance~ regulc.ting the ccnscr..=ticn and u.De of buildings~ and m::::y be :;unpendcd or revoked at cr.y time upor. vic- lation of any provisior,a of said Ordir~ncc[;. I Plan Check Date Paid: I Recdpt #, I Sig,od, Fer:!: Plumbing Permit No percon ar~ll constru.ct~ insta!!~ a!~cr or char~e any r.e~ or c=i~:ir.~ plumoir4 or drainage syst~ in ~hole or in pcrt~ ur.less sz..:cn perGor. i::; tr.c Zegal possessor of a valid plu~oer's license, except tr~t a person ~::~ co pZ~bing ~ork to property which is o~~ed, leased cr opcra~ed by tr.e G~~~i- cant. Electrical Perm it Where Stcte Law reouires tr~t the electrical uork be done by an Elc~~ric=: Contrac~cr, the eLec~~cal cor~ion of ~his permit shcZZ r.o~ be v::::Zii u1::iL the Label has b~en signed by the EZecrricaZ' ~ontractor. I I, I I I I I I I I I I, I Mechanical Permtt PLan aar.rz..nm' L-'at;c I, I I I I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA.'o!INED the completed appZicati011 for permit, and do hereby certify that all i~fo~ation hereon in true ar.d correct, ar~ I ju"pther ce:r~ifY that any cr..1 an iJorK perforncd 3i~n be do~e i:-: c::~or- dance ~th the Ordinances of th~ City of Springfield, and th= L~~5 of the State of O:reg~n p=rt~ining to the work described herein, end =r~t NO OCC~- PI-VCY will b3 maie of any structura witho~: p~~iS3io~ of the =~iZdir.p D-:- vision. I furthcr ccrtif:: th::::t o."1ly contra=tors Q1:d c.~pl.;yecs t.:r.o are ir: ca~pliance uith ORS 701.05~ will be uaed on this project / ~5 -f1 ---- Date