HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/21/2014 RegularCity of Springfield Regular Meeting MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD APRIL 21, 2014 The City of Springfield Council met in regular session in the Council Chambers, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Monday, April 21, 2014 at 7:08 p.m., with Mayor Lundberg presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Mayor Lundberg and Councilors VanGordon, Wylie, Moore, Ralston, Woodrow and Brew. Also present were City Manager Gino Grimaldi, Assistant City Manager Jeff Towery, City Attorney Mary Bridget Smith, City Recorder Amy Sowa and members of the staff. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Lundberg. SPRINGFIELD UPBEAT CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Claims a. Approval of March 2014, Disbursements for Approval 2. Minutes a. March 24, 2014 — Work Session b. April 1, 2014 — Joint Elected Officials Public Hearing c. April 7, 2014 —Work Session d. April 7, 2014 — Joint Elected Officials Public Hearing 3. Resolutions a. RESOLUTION NO. 2014 -08 —A RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT CITY PROJECT P21050; ISLAND PARK STORMWATER IMPROVEMENTS 4. Ordinances a. ORDINANCE NO. 6317 — AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD AMENDING ARTICLE 1, TABLE 3 -A STRUCTUAL PERMIT FEES: TABLE 3 -B ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES; TABLE 3 -C PLUMBING PERMIT FEES; TABLE 3 -D MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES: TABLE 3 -F OTHER INSPECTION AND FEES OF THE "SPRINGFIELD BUILDING SAFETY CODE ADMINISTRATIVE CODE" OF THE SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT & PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT; COMMUNITY SERVICES DIVISION `BUILDING SAFETY CODES ". b. ORDINANCE NO. 6318 — AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE, SECTION 3.356 "SEWER CONNECTOMS — UNASSESSED PROPERTY" TO ADD A NEW SECTION, SECTION 3.356(3)(c) REGARDING City of Springfield Council Regular Meeting Minutes April 21, 2014 Page 2 PROPERTY DIRECTLY BENEFITED BY THE FRANKLIN /MCVAY SANITARY SEWER EXTENSION AND ADOPTING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. 5. Other Routine Matters a. Authorize City Manager to Sign the First Amendment to a Contract with Drawn, Inc. (Formerly Treeman Design, Inc.), in the Amount not to exceed $257,000 for 2014 FireMed Campaign Advertising and Marketing Services. b. Liquor License Application for The Growler Underground, Located at 521 Main Street, Springfield, Oregon. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR WYLIE WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR WOODROW TO APPROVE THE CONSENT CALENDAR WITH THE AMENDED APRIL 1, 2014 JEO MINUTES. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. ITEMS REMOVED PUBLIC HEARINGS - Please limit comments to 3 minutes. Request to speak cards are available at both entrances. Please present cards to City Recorder. Speakers may not yield their time to others. 1. 2015 -2019 Capital Improvement Program, a Community Reinvestment Plan. Civil Engineer, Jeff Paschall presented the staff report on this item. The City of Springfield's 2015- 2019 C1P — A Community Reinvestment Plan has been drafted by staff, reviewed by the Planning Commission (February 4, 2014 and February 19, 2014), and reviewed by the City Council in work session (March 3, 2014). It is now ready for public hearing and adoption. The Planning Commission recommended Council approval of the plan. During the March 3, 2014 work session, Council provided direction to bring the CIP as drafted to the April 21, 2014 Council regular session for public hearing and approval. After hearing public comments, Council is requested to adopt the 2015 — 2019 Capital Improvement Program by motion. Mayor Lundberg opened the public hearing. No one appeared to speak. Mayor Lundberg closed the public hearing. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR WYLIE WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR WOODROW TO ADOPT THE 2015 -2019 CAPTIAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM, A COMMUNITY REINVESTMENT PLAN. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. 2. Master Fees and Charges Schedule — Spring 2014 Update. City of Springfield Council Regular Meeting Minutes April 21, 2014 Page 3 RESOLUTION NO. 2014 -09 — A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ADOPTING A MASTER FEES AND CHARGES SCHEDULE FOR FEES, CHARGES, RATES, PERMITS AND LICENSES AS ESTABLISHED BY THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE AND SPRINGFIELD BUILDING CODE. Finance Director, Bob Duey presented the staff report on this item. Each year, Council and staff review existing fees and charges for appropriateness of rates for meeting cost recovery targets as well as reviewing for areas where new or additional fees should be considered. Work sessions were held with Council on February 3rd and February 10th, and public hearings have been previously held on the changes to the Building Code and the Municipal Code. On April 21, the Council is being asked to hold a public hearing on the recommended fee changes discussed in work session and then through resolution adopt the entire update to the Master Fees and Charges Schedule. This update includes the changes included in this final public hearing as well as the changes previously made in the Building and Municipal Codes. The effective date for all fees and charges changes will be May 21st, 2014. Mr. Duey noted some of the highlights from the fee schedule. Mayor Lundberg opened the public hearing. No one appeared to speak. Mayor Lundberg closed the public hearing. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR WYLIE WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR WOODROW TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 2014-09. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. BUSINESS FROM THE AUDIENCE Dan Larsen, Springfield, OR Mr. Larsen addressed the issue of medical marijuana dispensaries. He referred to a website of the President of the United States that states "the Administration steadfastly opposes legalization of marijuana and other drugs because legalization would increase availability and use of illicit drugs and pose significant health and safety risks to all Americans, particularly young people ". He feels the Council made a grave mistake in allowing medical marijuana dispensaries in the City of Springfield. They still have time to change that as the deadline to enact a one -year moratorium is May 1. He urged them to change that decision as soon as possible. He referred to a memorandum for all US Attorneys from the US Department of Justice. The subject of the memorandum is "Guidance Regarding Marijuana Enforcement'. As the US Department of Justice noted in its previous guidance, Congress has determined that marijuana is a dangerous drug and that the illegal distribution and sale of marijuana is a serious crime that provides a significant source of revenue to large scale criminal enterprises, gangs and cartels. The US DOJ is committed to enforcement of the CSA (Controlled Substance Act) of 1970, consistent with those determinations. He believes the City Charter has a statement that the City obey and follow the statutes and laws of the United States of America. If that was the case, the Council and City of Springfield is in violation of U.S. law, and the Charter would need to be changed to allow dispensaries. He recommended that be researched. During the last meeting, he had noted that crime had become more prevalent with medical marijuana dispensaries and someone commented of the City of Springfield Council Regular Meeting Minutes April 21, 2014 Page 4 unlikely event of someone stealing someone else's weed. He referred to an article about a shooter sentenced to 80 months in prison for firing on a couple allegedly stealing his medical marijuana plants in Springfield. This is the type of activity that would increase with dispensaries. 2. James Yarnalt, Springfield, OR. Mr. Yarnall spoke regarding the Main Street Corridor Plan. He keeps himself informed, and there are several issues to be considered. He asked Council to seriously consider the importance, guidance and coordination of the overview of all Citizen Advisory Committees (CAC) when reviewing the progress of the Main Street Plan. That will allow them to take a long look at how it connects downtown while considering other initiatives to improve economic vitality and livability. There is a good chance there will be affordable housing over some of the developments and they need to make it as nice as possible. The next step is seeking community input to identify the preferred land use and transportation as new visions and goals emerge from public involvement. Each segment must be compatible so the overall goal is accomplished in a timely and efficient manner while protecting and enhancing our hometown feel and livability and economic quality. The Council needs to settle the issue of two -way traffic on Main Street and divert truck traffic to South A as it affects timetables of several CACs. When visioning from the CAC point of view, either or became neither. They need to make it clear that people drive down Main Street with tunnel vision without looking right or left. If it is a two -way street, traffic will be slowed as they divert to Main and South A. It is a complex entrance, but is doable. The consultant Crandall Arambula showed how that can be done. Greenhouse gas reduction was important to protect Springfield's livability. COUNCIL RESPONSE Mayor Lundberg asked the City Attorney's Office to look into the Charter language regarding Mr. Larsen's comment. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS BIDS ORDINANCES BUSINESS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL 1. Committee Appointments a. Appointment of the Springfield Chamber of Commerce Nominee to the Lane Workforce Partnership Board. Assistant City Manager Jeff Towery presented the staff report on this item. The Lane Workforce Partnership requested that Ms. Miller, nominee from the Springfield Chamber of Commerce, be appointed to this position as required under federal regulations of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998. Federal regulations guiding the Partnership require the City of Springfield to appoint from business nominations from a general- purpose business organization (Springfield Chamber of Commerce). The appointees must be business owners or managers in Springfield, but need not be City residents City of Springfield Council Regular Meeting Minutes April 21, 2014 Page 5 The business -led Lane Workforce Partnership is charged with directing the operation of local employment and training programs funded under the Workforce Investment Act (supplanting the Job Training Partnership Act). Lane Workforce Partnership assists employers in recruiting and retaining employees, and helps individuals find employment and progress in their careers. They work with approximately 600 Lane County businesses and serve over 15,000 residents annually. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR WYLIE WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR WOODROW TO APPOINT DEBRA MILLER TO THE LANE WORKFORCE PARTNERSHIP BOARD WITH A TERM ENDING MARCH 31, 2017. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. b. Downtown Parking Advisory Committee Appointments. Assistant City Manager Jeff Towery presented the staff report on this item. On March 20, Council interviewed seven of the original eight eligible applicants who submitted applications on or before the deadline of March 14 "i. The final applicant, originally scheduled to be interviewed on March 7'h, is no longer able to serve on the committee. The Council now has seven eligible applicants available for appointment. The Committee's formation stems from the recommendation included in the 2010 adopted Downtown Parking Plan (Rick Williams, 2010) to assure representation of affected private and public constituents from within the community to inform decision - makers. Committee members will be tasked with, among other related topics; • Assisting City staff in the implementation of the adopted Downtown Parking Management Plan. • Reviewing parking issues anticipated to develop over time. • Advising City Council and the Springfield Economic Development Agency on strategy implementation based on the guiding principles for parking management, as identified in the adopted Downtown Parking Management Plan. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR WYLIE WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR WOODROW TO APPOINT MARILOU HERIOT, PAUL SANDLAND AND JAMES YARNALL TO THE DOWNTOWN PARKING ADVISORY COMMITTEE WITH TERMS ENDING APRIL 30, 2015. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR WYLIE WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR WOODROW TO APPOINT TRACY ELLIS, PAMELA FREEMAN, KAREN HAGEMAN AND BETHE HAYES TO THE DOWNTOWN PARKING ADVISORY COMMITTEE WITH TERMS ENDING APRIL 30, 2016. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. 2. Business from the Council a. Mayor Lundberg said the groundbreaking of the new Veteran's Administration Hospital was today. It will be located close to Springfield, in Eugene, and is slated to open next year. There are many veterans counting on this facility coming to our area. City of Springfield Council Regular Meeting Minutes April 21, 2014 Page 6 BUSINESS FROM THE CITY MANAGER - BUSINESS FROM THE CITY ATTORNEY Ms. Smith Horn said she would check into the Springfield Charter on the medical marijuana question. Councilor Ralston pointed out that they were discussing medical marijuana, not illegal marijuana. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned 7:28 p.m. Minutes Recorder Amy Sowa �j G Christine L. Lundberg Mayor Attest: City Recorde