HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/05/2014 Work SessionCity of Springfield Work Session Meeting MINUTES OF THE WORK SESSION MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD MONDAY MAY 5, 2014 The City of Springfield Council met in a work session in the Jesse Maine Meeting Room, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Monday May 5, 2014 at 6:00 p.m., with Mayor Lundberg presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Mayor Lundberg and Councilors VanGordon, Wylie, Moore, Ralston, Woodrow and Brew. Also present were City Manager Gino Grimaldi, Assistant City Manager Jeff Towery, City Attorney Mary Bridget Smith and Lauren King, City Recorder Amy Sowa and members of the staff. Springfield 2030 Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) Study: Council Discussion and Results of Stakeholder Outreach (Metro Plan Amendment File No. LRP 2009 - 00014). Principal Planner Linda Pauly presented the staff report on this item. At Council's request, staff compiled a summary document Results of Stakeholder Outreach to present comments received about Springfield's UGB study. Maps of each of the five study areas were placed on the table for Council to review during the discussion. The maps show the parcels and the size of each parcel. A composite map showing the number of acres in each study area and the number of acres that are suitable for the types of uses the City was considering was also presented. The summary organizes input from stakeholders by study area and organizes other public comments about the potential UGB expansion by topic. The comments from the public are in response to a focused stakeholder outreach conducted by staff last year. A letter was mailed to everyone that owns property within one of the five study areas along with a map. Staff also did outreach to service providers including fire and water districts. She tried to glean stakeholder points of view about each study area, but did not constitute the complete public record which included several large file cabinets. In the summary, some comments are noted with an asterisk indicating additional letters, emails or other documents. A letter from SUB was received today along with a map, as well as a letter from Puzzle Parts. Both letters were emailed to the Mayor and Council and paper copies were provided at the meeting. An email from George Grier was sent to Ms. Pauly asking when other stakeholders could provide information about this process. She advised him he could submit documents at any time and could speak under Business from the Audience during any regular meeting. Dennis Minium called about this as well and gave information regarding his property in east Springfield. Stakeholders will continue to submit information as they worked through this process. Ms. Pauly said last week, Council received information about probable cost to expand to the different areas. Follow up is not available at tonight's meeting, but will be available next week regarding breakdown of the costs in each area. Finance Director Bob Duey will provide more information about potential infrastructure financing options next week as well. Mayor Lundberg referred to the comments from Earle Wicklund regarding a recommendation to look at Creekside in Beaverton, and Tualatin Commons for developing in floodplains. There were pictures included in with the letter. She asked for a staff version of how they dealt with those areas and if it was comparable to the area in North Gateway. She referred to the comments from Arlene Dietz of Rice Farms off of Highway 126 and 52 "d Street. She asked for more information about their working orchards. City of Springfield Council Work Session Minutes May 5, 2014 Page 2 Ms. Pauly said their land was zoned Exclusive Farm Use (EFU). Ms. Pauly talked with Ms. Dietz at great length about their operations. This orchard was being farmed and the property owners were restoring and improving the orchard by putting in more trees. They have a management plan and had done a lot of work over the last five years. Mayor Lundberg said it would be helpful if the owner could submit something in writing that provided more information about their operations. Discussion was held regarding these orchards and other orchards in the area that are not maintained. Ms. Pauly said Ms. Dietz did own and faun the entire orchard, and had mentioned how difficult it was to mitigate pests due to the new regulations about aerial spraying to protect the riparian area and fish habitat. Some of the property is very wet and it is difficult to get in on foot to do the work. She would like to purchase more to expand the orchards. Mayor Lundberg said one of the key discussions is the impact expansion will have on property that has traditionally been agricultural. Some of the comments indicated that some of the property is unproductive, or becoming difficult to farm due to new regulations. They might want to look at wetlands mitigation and finding alternative locations for people to farm in more suitable lands. Much of this involved changing designations. Councilor Ralston said they can take in part of the area, and leave the rest alone. Ms. Pauly said staff didn't receive anything from Weyerhaeuser regarding the land they own so she is not aware of their position regarding expansion in this area. Councilor Moore noted a small parcel identified as Lane County Park Property. She asked if it is because they are in the floodway. Ms. Pauly said floodway is absolute constraint, but not the floodplain because development is allowed in the floodplain if they meet specific requirements. They could consider taking floodway into the UGB, but would need to address it in the Code. Councilor Moore referred to the Beaverton development and using some of the land for greenways as part of the development. She asked if that is floodway or floodplain. Ms. Pauly said she was not sure. Springfield has some sites in our existing UGB with floodway and review has been done on those sites to allow parking or easements. Ms. King said even if the land is constrained, it can still come into the UGB but will be calculated differently and would not go towards suitable acreage. Mayor Lundberg said agricultural land is one of the big issues and the other is the flood plain. Springfield had two rivers to deal with for land use. She would like to see where those impacts will be and how others will be affected with development in those areas. She referred to the development at PeaceHealth and the amount of work and study that went into that project to determine flood impacts. She asked for as much information about flood issues as possible. Councilor Woodrow asked if the number of acres requested by Willamalane would be included in the UGB expansion. City of Springfield Council Work Session Minutes May 5, 2014 Page 3 Ms. Pauly said it could be if Council wished to include that as park and open space. It would not be part of the commercial /industrial land. Ms. King said the process for expanding for park land was different than for industrial. It is not well defined, but is not as rigid as industrial. Ms. Pauly said part of the residential lands study adopted by the Council in 2011 showed park land needed. Willamalane's preference is to have it inside the UGB. Councilor Brew said if it is in the UGB, they would want to have it annexed so they could get police protection. That would be another 300 acres for our Police Department to serve with no additional funds. Mayor Lundberg said they need information about the impacts to Police and Fire services in these areas. Two fire districts made comments regarding that issue. Ms. Pauly said the Fire Chief was the same for both Goshen and Pleasant Hill Fire Districts. He is concerned about what it will mean to him if the City brings in the Seavey Loop area. The Eugene /Springfield Fire Chief also commented that one way to provide fire service to these areas is with a potential creative solution between Eugene/Springfield and that district. Mr. Grimaldi said currently when properties covered by Rainbow Water District are annexed into the City, they are removed from the Rainbow Water District. The same could happen with the fire district, unless an arrangement is made for the district to continue to provide the service. If decided to serve the area, would need additional fire building. Mayor Lundberg said Springfield had an agreement with other providers. Councilor Moore asked about the property in the South Millrace area that was purchased by SUB. Ms. Pauly identified all of the property purchased by SUB and the location of their secondary access. Councilor Moore asked if SUB had long term plans for that property. Mr. Grimaldi said Knife River was planning a gravel mine in that area, so SUB and Knife River reached an agreement for SUB to purchase the property. SUB indicated they will be interested in developing that property at some point in the future with an appropriate use that wouldn't have an impact on the water supply. Councilor Ralston said the underground streams are close to that area. Councilor VanGordon asked staff to mark the working farms on the maps in the Seavey Loop area when they come back to Council. He also asked if they could show usable acreage that was preferred for the City to take, along with the acreage and the options. Mr. Grimaldi said they will be ready to hear Council preferences for acreage and use at the next Council meeting. Councilor Moore referred to comments regarding the Seavey Loop area and proximity to Buford Park Ms. Pauly referred to the map of Seavey Loop showing that area. City of Springfield Council Work Session Minutes May 5, 2014 Page 4 Councilor Ralston said it made more sense to be looking at the property close to the freeway rather than agricultural and residential properties. Mayor Lundberg said it would be helpful to identify which lands are being commented on or want to expand with an arrow or something else on the map. Discussion was held regarding the Seavey Loop area and how it was laid out. Ms. Pauly said a lot of the southern portion is rural residential. She said the area they were looking at is not Seavey Loop residential, but is more industrial near 1 -5 so they may want to rename that area. Mayor Lundberg said a name that was more descriptive of the actual area will be more helpful. Councilor Woodrow noted the positive comments from those living in the Mahogany Lane area, and reference to a plan for development in that area in the past. Councilor Ralston said one good thing about that area is that it ends at the Bob Straub Highway which is already part of Springfield. Mayor Lundberg discussed that area and the desire for those property owners to be added to the UGB. Councilor Moore said they did have infrastructure in place already. Councilor Woodrow said once the school is built in that area, more development will occur. Mr. Grimaldi asked if the Council wanted to hold their Executive Session now or after the Regular Meeting. Council chose to hold the Executive Session now. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 6:36 p.m. Minutes Recorder — Amy Sowa Christine L. Lundberg Mayor Attest: A �C Amy So wa City Recorder