HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 02 Glenwood Priority Discussion AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 5/19/2014 Meeting Type: Work Session Staff Contact/Dept.: Jeff Towery, Assistant City Manager Staff Phone No: 541-726-3627 Estimated Time: 30 Minutes S P R I N G F I E L D C I T Y C O U N C I L Council Goals: Encourage Economic Development and Revitalization through Community Partnerships ITEM TITLE: GLENWOOD PRIORITY DISCUSSION ACTION REQUESTED: Provide direction to staff related to desired projects and refocusing of resources in order to support Council’s desire to make Glenwood redevelopment a goal and priority. This direction might require staff to come back to Council with proposed strategies, scenarios, modifications necessary to shift existing resources from current non-Glenwood specific projects. ISSUE STATEMENT: During their Goal Setting Session, Council chose Glenwood development as their focus for the upcoming year. As part of this decision, Council requested updates on current projects and opportunities to discuss the advancement of future projects at a quicker rate than currently planned. Included here is a discussion of current and future projects in Glenwood including detail related to the impacts of an increased focus on Glenwood development as a Council goal. ATTACHMENTS: 1 – Glenwood Priority Council Briefing Memorandum 2 – Current Project List & Timeline 3 – Future Project List & Anticipated Timeline 4 – Snapshot of Staff Resources as Assigned City-Wide 5 – Proposed Glenwood Specific Council Tasks or Responsibilities for Progressing Glenwood Redevelopment DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: In focusing attention and momentum on progressing development in the Glenwood area, staff recommends consideration of several key factors; current Glenwood projects already in motion, future Glenwood projects awaiting allocations of resources, and the current allocation of resources to all projects, both Glenwood specific and city/region-wide. This discussion is important in making strategic determinations to reallocate or maintain resources from one area in order to expedite development in Glenwood. It is also important in identifying key tasks and responsibilities which Council might assume in order to assist staff in leading redevelopment efforts in Glenwood. This is discussed in greater detail as part of the attached Council Briefing Memorandum (Attachment 1) and additional attachments. M E M O R A N D U M City of Springfield 5/15/2014Page 1 M E M O R A N D U M City of Springfield Date: 5/19/2014 To: Gino Grimaldi COUNCIL From: Jeff Towery, Assistant City Manager BRIEFING Subject: Glenwood Priority Discussion MEMORANDUM ISSUE: During their Goal Setting Session, Council chose Glenwood development as their focus for the upcoming year. As part of this decision, Council requested updates on current projects and opportunities to discuss the advancement of future projects at a quicker rate than currently planned. Included here is a discussion of current and future projects in Glenwood including detail related to the impacts of an increased focus on Glenwood development as a Council goal. COUNCIL GOALS/ MANDATE: Encourage Economic Development and Revitalization through Community Partnerships BACKGROUND: In focusing attention and momentum on progressing development in the Glenwood area, staff recommends consideration of several key factors; current Glenwood projects already in motion, future Glenwood projects awaiting allocations of resources, current allocation of resources to all projects, both Glenwood specific and city/region-wide, and potential Council tasks and responsibilities for further progressing Glenwood Redevelopment. This discussion is important in making strategic determinations to reallocate or maintain resources from one area in order to expedite development in Glenwood. To aid in this conversation, Attachment 2 is included to illustrate, at a high level, the current Glenwood projects in implementation. Current Glenwood Projects – Planning, Construction, and Community Development Planning - With the newly adopted Phase I Glenwood Refinement Plan Update, staff is now equipped to promote development in the Glenwood Phase I area with clarity of desired land-uses, design standards, and infrastructure needs. While the Refinement Plan Update is complete and adopted for Phase 1, additional planning work is still occurring as staff examine transit feasibility, code enforcement of the urban transition area, Riverfront Path designs, and the development of appropriate annexation incentives to help stimulate private development. Construction - At the leadership of Council, staff is also moving forward with the construction of Franklin Blvd. Phase I, the Franklin Blvd. pedestrian hybrid beacon crossing, the McVay Sanitary Trunk Sewer, the Southbank Path Extension and Glenwood Blvd. Bridge and 17th Avenue overlays. These public infrastructure improvements are vital to support the current private development and to launch future development in Glenwood. The majority of these construction projects are anticipated to be completed in 2015 with several, including the Phase 1 construction of Franklin Blvd., extending out into 2016. Community Development – In addition to distinct planning and construction projects, staff continue to work on important community development projects focused at developing Glenwood into a healthy and distinct community within Springfield. Ongoing projects include partnerships to understand impacts of aging infrastructure and development on area mobile home parks, assessments of existing businesses and properties perceived as ‘brownfields,’ and continued and increased support of existing businesses and new business recruitment. ATTACHMENT 1, PAGE 1 OF 3 MEMORANDUM 5/15/2014 Page 2 Future Glenwood Projects – Planning, Construction, and Community Development As staff continues to work on current projects in Glenwood, they are cognizant of those projects which will be necessary in the future. These projects may be currently unplanned due to lack of resources (time and/or funds) and/or requirements to complete current, predecessor, projects. In response to Council’s Goal Setting Session identifying Glenwood as a future priority focus, several potential future projects are discussed briefly here to provide examples of work which might be initiated to expedite further development in Glenwood. While the discussion below is intended to give a general overview of the types of projects which might be beneficial to pursue in the future, a more detailed list, including anticipated resources necessary to complete the project, are included as part of Attachment 3. Planning – The Phase 1 Glenwood Refinement Plan Update, specific to the Riverfront areas, brought clarity and a level of certainty to the land-uses within the Update area. This same level of certainty and clarity will also benefit the rest of Glenwood from both a Phase 2 Refinement Plan perspective as well as an overall Stormwater infrastructure planning perspective. Additionally, beginning the planning and design of the Glenwood Park Blocks and Riverfront Linear Park will be a necessary future step to ensure the efficient development of open spaces necessary to the success of the surrounding development and environment. Construction – The construction of future public facilities are projects which are intended to provide services and amenities to existing and future development. With many possible construction projects, it is important to assess each to understand which might stimulate development most effectively, provide services to the existing community most efficiently, and significantly benefit the most partners. Project might include, among others, the acquisition and construction of the Phase 1 Refinement Plan Park Blocks and Linear Park, the Franklin Blvd. Phase 2 right-of-way acquisition and construction, and/or McVay Hwy design, acquisition and construction. Community Development – Community development is ongoing and often responsive to the requests and demands of current market forces. Continuing to develop marketing and recruitment programs and incentives will only further support the desire to strategically redevelop Glenwood. Future community development projects should continue to support the needs of existing businesses, working to align those with the desired future vision for the area. Impacts of an Additional Shift in Focus to Glenwood Shifting City focus to emphasis development in Glenwood will likely require adjustment to projected staff work plans. The degree to which adjustment is needed is dependent on Council’s direction as to which future projects should be advanced quicker. In an effort to illustrate the impact of adjustments to work plans, provided in Attachment 4 is a graphic depicting several broad categories of tasks currently worked on by Development and Public Works staff, as well as City Manager’s Office staff: • Glenwood Specific Projects – Planning & Construction • Glenwood & City-Wide Current Development Review • Non-Glenwood or Region-Wide Long Range Planning and Plan Maintenance • Non-Glenwood Capital Construction Projects • Non-Glenwood Ongoing Program Management • Daily Required Tasks & Other Miscellaneous Work Specific projects included within each of the above broad categories are listed in Attachment 4. Without an increase in available FTE, staff might require a reprioritization of projects currently fitting within the Non-Glenwood broad categories. ATTACHMENT 1, PAGE 2 OF 3 MEMORANDUM 5/15/2014 Page 3 Proposed Glenwood Specific Council Tasks or Responsibilities for Progressing Glenwood Redevelopment Many of the projects identified for future implementation would benefit greatly from initial Council leadership with community partners. The Glenwood area is unique, with unique needs and redevelopment vision requiring new approaches to existing policy implementation. Councilors might facilitate early policy conversations with partners in order to assist in bringing policies and priorities of multiple agencies in line with the goals to develop Glenwood as a unique and vibrant healthy Springfield community. Attachment 5 lists some of these opportunities as well as others internal to the City organization. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Provide direction to staff related to desired projects and refocusing of resources in order to support Council’s desire to make Glenwood redevelopment a goal and priority. This direction might require staff to come back to Council with proposed strategies, scenarios, modifications necessary to shift existing resources from current non-Glenwood specific projects. ATTACHMENT 1, PAGE 3 OF 3 Mc V a y  Sa n i t a r y  Tr u n k  Se w e r So u t h b a n k  Pa t h  Ex t e n s i o n Fr a n k l i n  Pe d e s t r i a n  Hy b r i d  Be a c o n Fr a n k l i n  Bl v d .  Ph a s e  1 (M c V a y ‐ Mi s s i s s i p p i )   RO W , D e s i g n , C o n s t r u c t i o n , B u s i n e s s   Re l o c a t i o n , P u b l i c  In v o l v e m e n t ,   Ga t e w a y  to  th e  Ci t y  fe a t u r e  at  Mc V a y   Ro u n d a b o u t , e t c . Gl e n w o o d  Bl v d . / B r i d g e  Ov e r l a y  an d   17 t h  Av e  Se w e r  an d  Ov e r l a y Gl e n w o o d  Re f i n e m e n t  Pl a n   Am e n d m e n t s   Ur b a n  Tr a n s i t i o n  Co d e  En f o r c e m e n t An n e x a t i o n  In c e n t i v e s  De v e l o p m e n t LT D  Tr a n s i t  Fe a s i b i l i t y  St u d y ‐ Ma i n / M c V a y Fr a n k l i n  NE P A Gl e n w o o d  Ri v er f r o n t  Pa t h   NE P A / D e s i g n Fr a n k l i n / M c V a y  Ju r i s d i c t i o n a l  Tr a n s f e r Mo b i l e  Ho m e  Pa r k  St r a t e g y Br o w n f i e l d  As s e s s m e n t Ex i s t i n g  Bu s i n e s s  Su p p o r t Ne w  Bu s i n e s s  Re c r u i t m e n t Gl e n w o o d  "Cu r r e n t " Pr o j e c t s Co n s t r u c t i o n  Pr o j e c t s Pl a n n i n g  Pr o j e c t s Ot h e r  Pr o j e c t s At t a c h m e n t 2 Wa t e r  Qu a l i t y  Pr o j e c t s  (M W M C  wa t e r  re c y c l i n g ,   Gl e n w o o d  pu m p  st a t i o n  up g r a d e ) Up d a t e  of  FE M A  Fl o o d p l a i n  Ma p s  (T r e s t l e   to  I‐5) Gl e n w o o d  Pa r k  Bl o c k s  (a c q u i s i t i o n ,  de s i g n ,   co n s t r u c t i o n ) Ar c h a e o l o g i c a l  Si t e  Pr o b a b i l i t y  Mo d e l Gl e n w o o d  Ri v e r f r o n t  Li n e a r  Pa r k  ‐   in c l u d i n g  pa t h  ‐   (a c q u i s i t i o n ,  de s i g n ,  co n s t r u c t i o n ) Sp r i n g f i e l d  Ut i l i t y  Bo a r d  Pa r t n e r s h i p s ‐  Di s t r i b u t i o n  Po w e r l i n e ,   Un d e r g r o u n d i n g / R e l o c a t i o n ,  El e c t i r c   Su b s t a t i o n Ri p a r i a n  an d  aq u a t i c  ha b i t a t  re s t o r a t i o n  an d ,  po s s i b l y ,   ri v e r b a n k  re ‐sh a p i n g / b e n c h i n g  an d  st a b i l i z a t i o n Co n s t r u c t i o n  Sp e c i f i c a t i o n  Up d a t e s Fr a n k l i n  Bl v d .  Ph a s e  2 (M i s s i s i p p i ‐Gl e n w o o d  Bl v d . )   Fu n d i n g ,  RO W ,  Co n s t r u c t i o n ,  Bu s i n e s s  Re l o c a t i o n ,   Pu b l i c  In v o l v e m e n t ,  Ga t e w a y  to  th e  Ci t y  fe a t u r e  at   Gl e n w o o d  Bl v d .  Ro u n d a b o u t ,  et c . Es t a b l i s h i n g  Gr e e n w a y  Se t b a c k Mc V a y  Hi g h w a y ‐  RO W , d e s i g n ,  co n s t r u c t i o n ,  tr e s t l e ,   et c . Lo c a l  Ac c e s s  Ro a d / L a n e  Co u n t y  Ro a d   an n e x a t i o n ,  va c a t i o n ,  an d / o r  ju r i s d i c t i o n a l   tr a n s f e r E.  22 n d  Im p r o v e m e n t s Pl a n n i n g  Pr o j e c t s Gl e n w o o d  Re f i n e m e n t  Pl a n  Ph a s e  2 Pa r k i n g  Ma n a g e m e n t  Pr o g r a m Gl e n w o o d  Pa r k  Bl o c k s  & Ri v e r f r o n t  Li n e a r  Pa r k   Pl a n n i n g Gl e n w o o d  Ce n t r a l  Re c e i v i n g  St a t i o n ‐  Re l o c a t i o n ,  Si t e  Re d e v e l o p m e n t Gl e n w o o d  St o r m w a t e r  Ma s t e r P l a n Br o w n f i e l d  Re m e d i a t i o n  Fu n d i n g Te a m  Sp r i n g f i e l d  Pr i o r i t y  Co n v e r s a t i o n  (z i p   co d e  ch a n g e ,  sc h o o l  di s t r i c t  bo u n d a r i e s ,   et c . ) Ma r k e t i n g  Gl e n w o o d  De v e l o p m e n t Fi n a n c i n g  St r a t e g i e s Ve r t i c a l  Ho u s i n g  De v e l o p m e n t  Zo n e Gl e n w o o d  Wa t e r  Di s t r i c t ‐  Li g h t i n g   Re p l a c e m e n t ,  Di s s o l u t i o n ‐Co o r d i n a t i o n   w/ S U B  an d  Fi r e Pl a c e m a k i n g  & Ce l e b r a t i o n  Pr o j e c t s  (z i p   co d e  ch a n g e ,  pu b l i c  ar t ,  Gl e n w o o d   fe s t i v a l / e a r l y  ce l e b r a t i o n  ev e n t ,  hi s t o r i c   me m o r i a l i z a t i o n ,   b a n n e r l o c a t i o n , et c . ) Hi l l s i d e  Pr e s e r v a t i o n  Co o r d i n a t i o n  wi t h   Pr o p e r t y  Ow n e r s  an d  Pr i v a t e  De v e l o p e r s Co m m u n i t y  De v e l o p m e n t  Pr o j e c t s   (f o r m a l i z e  co m m u n i t y  be n e f i t  fr o m  pu b l i c   su b s i d i e s  & su p p o r t / i n c e n t i v i z e  af f o r d a b l e   ho u s i n g  de v e l o p m e n t ) Gl e n w o o d  "Po t e n t i a l  Fu t u r e " Pr o j e c t s Co n s t r u c t i o n  Pr o j e c t s Ne e d e d  fo r  De v e l o p m e n t  Pr o j e c t s Ot h e r  Pr o j e c t s Attachment 3 CURRENT RESOURCES AS ASSIGNED CITY WIDE Glenwood Projects – Planning & Construction Urban Transition Code Enforcement LTD Transit Feasibility Study; Main/McVay Annexation Incentives Development Glenwood Riverfront Path NEPA/Design McVay Sanitary Trunk Sewer Construction Southbank Path Extension Franklin Blvd. Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon Crossing Franklin Blvd Phase I, ROW/Construct Glenwood Blvd/Bridge Overlay 17th Avenue Sewer and Street Overlay Franklin/McVay Jurisdictional Transfer Mobile Home Park Impacts Strategy Brownfield Assessments Existing Business and New Business Support Glenwood & City-Wide Current Development Review *Projects in this category are driven by market demands and resources are required to be made available to respond in a timely manner. Non Glenwood Capital Projects Mill Race Stormwater Facility Channel 6 Stormwater Master Plan Jasper Trunk Phase 3 Easement/ROW Transportation Options Implementation Gateway Street Preservation Project Other Administrative/Support Work & Daily Tasks *Includes daily tasks necessary to operate and be responsive to miscellaneous needs. Non Glenwood Specific Ongoing Program Management Washburne Historic District Review Historic Commission Development Advisory Committee Code Enforcement Support Counter Services Acella Support City-Wide Economic Development Support Homeless Programs CDBG/HOME Programs Non Glenwood & Region-Wide Long Range Planning and Plan Maintenance TSP Implementation 2030 Comprehensive Plan Main Street Vision Regional Transportation Systems Plan Scenario Planning MetroPlan MPC/MPO Lane ACT Accessibility Plan Gateway-Beltline Phase 2 UGB Infrastructure Planning CIP Floodplain Mapping OMMP ACP Long Range Support & Code Updates Downtown Design Standards Street Standards ATTACHMENT 4 PROPOSED GLENWOOD SPECIFIC COUNCIL TASKS OR RESPONSIBILITIES Included here are staff identified tasks and responsibilities which Council might initiate in order to provide leadership and assistance to staff in strategically accelerating the redevelopment of Glenwood. FUTURE PROJECTS PROPOSED COUNCIL TASK/RESPONSIBILITIES SUB Partnership for Relocation and Undergrounding of Power Lines This project might benefit from the support and networking of Councilors with SUB Board Members. The undergrounding of power lines is a significant policy decision and project for SUB and will require significant influence from elected officials. Establish the Historic Context and Significance of Glenwood Councilors might direct the Historic Commission to reprogram FY14/15 funds to create a historic context statement. This statement would provide an understanding of the trends and events which influenced the development of the area. This is an important step in the place-making of Glenwood. Prioritization of CDBG & HOME fund expenditure on Glenwood projects Council might direct the CDAC to make qualified housing and community development projects in Glenwood the highest priority for funding with CDBG & HOME funds. Establishment of a regional housing trust fund The establishment of a regional housing trust fund would require initial conversations at a leadership/elected official level to bring the region together. Initial discussions might occur at the regional Housing Policy Board. Prioritization of SEDA Funding for Desired Projects Establish priorities/desired criteria for types of projects funded by SEDA. Private or Public? Employment or Housing? Develop requirements of projects funded by SEDA Should a project receive SEDA funding, it might be required to develop with additional standards or requirements. The SEDA Board might discuss this. Zip Code Adjustment Councilors might initiate discussions with outside agencies. Re-Alignment of School District Boundaries Councilors might initiate discussions with outside agencies. 5/27/14 ATTACHMENT 5 City of Springfield, OR