HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlan, Final APPLICANT 9/2/2009on SITE REVIEW PLAN SET FOR KNIFE RIVER NW 114., SEC. ls T ,18S.., R.M., W.M. TAX MAP 18-03 -0 1 TAX LOT 701 TL 500 TL 100 TL 504 TL 600 TL 401 MAP 17 03 36 1 EX. WW MH TL 300 TL 3300 48" FL IN (W) & OUT (E) EX. FIRE TAX LOTTED ON MAP 17 03 35 RIM ELEV=472.32 HYDRANT 16" WATER MAP 17 03 36 MAIN ---so-.-F SECTION LINE I EX. WW MH %soo '3800 W FL IN (W) & OUT (E) SPRINGFIELD CITY LIMITS Spa' / �r TL RIM M.=473.54 77: TL 300 ��`' �' % �___— :.,_ f•�' =`�I J . - � •�,� ..;;�_._:: =---i .2.•• •`. -�• - ..�;ra �.:•� : ���� \�' +��.L ��� `: `\ MAP 18 03 01 7. TL 3900 TL 1000 20 YEAR TOTZ .......... ................. .. . ........... EXISTING BRIDGE ........... URBAN GROWTH TL 701 . . ........ . Zz MEE• I'=200' 2ZV 200* ....... ..... or &3 AUK055 MILL KAIUt .•..•. . Q3 SITE LOCATION MAP TO SERVE SPRINGFIELD LAU ............ QUARRY SITE. C; W ............... .............. .............. EXISTING GRAVEL ............... . . ...... .............. ROAD 100 YEAR FLOOD .... LIMITS ✓ OF ...... BOUNDARY ZONE AE . ...... CONSTRUCTION NOTES* EXISTING POND - .. `�` ti ���� 1. The site is currently vacant 2. Zoning is HI Heavy Industrial. ............ 3. The site falls Within the City of Springfield Urban Growth Boundary • 4. The site falls within floodway and floodzone AE as per FIRM Map ...... #41039C1161 F, Dated June 2, 1999. '•`•`•' ... 5. There are no LTD facilities within 600 feet of the site. 6. Fire hydrant locations are as shown. TL 1100 7. Soil types for this site are.-#79 McBee Silty Clay Loom #26 Chehalis Si fty Clay Loom • ........ —Phi —Hazelair Complex 143C Dixonville ilornath ...... Or `:• _.�.' .!.._ • •• :: t � r -tit.• .... ....... ... 8. Water Table is at >6.0'. 46 7 ............ TL 3700 TL 502 LEGEND: CITY UMITS a w :. ::: .. : r: _ URBAN GROWTH BOUNDARY ,,� .. I •r ••2 . • °•• :�,� � •;% �.�•:L• �� L � TL 501 CONSTRUCTION LIMITS Jv- E--4 N-3 "Ilk -....100 YEAR FLOOD BOUNDARY (ZONE AE) TL 1200 ..... ............. .............................................. ................. ........................ EXISTING WETLANDS %: v, /* 462 E FLOOD ELEVATION E-•• -z So. M S ET TR- E t:e TL 1199 TL 1300.* • .. TL 1500 TL 1800 41, TL 1400 j biD a �� 0 0 c) C 511 C�j r, as eq 0) C*4 0 R) ca o Lli Ln �' Ul ar ) al W1 .. cc o 00 CC C) co CQ 11 r) CL C/) 0 as Ln � cc o U co CQ co (3o) 0- z U E4 W j..1 1< U W > E4 W > W E4 > W 1)RC2cpq - cc03�{ Discnefio,�ary use.. � knee �iue�Cerp 3 Ln 0- z U E4 W j..1 1< U W > E4 W > W E4 > W 1)RC2cpq - cc03�{ Discnefio,�ary use.. � knee �iue�Cerp 3 Slope towards Swale.—/ Z W NOTE Refer to Landscape Plans sheets L4 and L5 for planting materials and locations for detention area and Vio—swole. 2' MIN SWALE WIDTH Vidth Vanies BIO—FILTRATION SWALE DETAIL N.T.S. S00, ... . ....................... 4 TJ , LEGEND X X EXISTING FENCE ELE EXISTING OVERHEAD ELECTRIC LINE —TV EXISTING TV LINE TEL EXISTING TELEPHONE LINE —N— EXISTING POWER POLE 0 - EXISTING POWER POLE W/TRANSIFORMER EXISTING LIGHTING EXISTING CONTOURS PROPOSED CONTOURS NOTES. CONSTRUCTION LIMITS ............................. EXISTING WETLANDS PROPOSED 200 WIDE GRAVEL ROADWAY 12* 1 V-0* CRUSHED ROCK 1. No Wastewater service is proposed for the site. 2. Electrical service will be provided from the existing overhead line. 3. Drainage swale area shall be planted per Landscape Plans. All remaining areas Within the construction limits shall be gravel. GRADING NOTES: ESTIMATED CUT VOLUMES = 1,600 CY ESTIMATED FILL VOLUMES = 4,200 CY PAC, .... .... IN �IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilljl 0 son ;M Xft Wma go W" t 0, 0000 i0o vow WA oft-oa .......... . ............ U !Il• /des/ / �/ .+..�... „= ^`"""+.. ``—.w _ —� � � �'�" �,.,�.[JV_,,�.�+'''"� ."'�'� � � \ \ 4— -4-73 2 4-74 406 4� 00 APO C SETBACK ---Waft LINE- 50" SETBACK LINE47 0 60jing ...�. *�" % / `'� \ a EXISTING BRIDGE 44— - / ` \ \ t. dh I //00' 71P OF 4f Asphal sum t,,p, t ,0 -M10M0NNftjjjjjj%- ft �ft a J10, —1a ail Story Asphalt Truck Bed Spray Area Asphalt Pad with Concrete surface. Sump c olle ` ` /'"� Parking Spaces 00, and - R estro.o.`.m (RR) f � D—�� -- rill \ � PORTABLE ASPHALT CONSTRUCTION ob c0i ja-_c W ---" ----- - ^--- BATCH RANT LIMITS NV / / 1 I Batch Office RX ------ ,� . . \ . ' • _ . A - Portable Bldg. mom wnvo�\ 1 j /j/ � • i r i w i ♦ A i r { � � 1)j � '�' � . low= 100 000 468 ------ 1 f r _ i r f if r r . . . • . ijj f J W / j }+t (I / � 1 f � f/1 f j (I i I f. � • i . r i r f • i . . . _ / / /JJ /j (f/ f • . • A a • . -111V All 18 R= � f BATCH CONCRETE GRAVEL PROPOSED PRIVATE o/ ATCEPLANT STOCKPILE AREA � � � GRAVEL ROADWAY 12* %7-0* CRUSHED /� `\ ROCK. .-. \ POJ -----467 8'F1=463.5 `��4 �`� 463 CA 3k 3. 2*FL=4619 2"FL=464.0 2*FL=464 2 5 %--t rn ol Cn CA N 1 462 DETENTION POND 't— PROPOSED BIO—SWALE 8*FL=461.0 f ff \ \ / t 1 � a r r • • • i i r ♦ • r fI it � ,1 l Jff f � 1 /// a� i i a • a • A r r r r r r ENSTNG POND A, A ♦ A ti 1 8*FL=460.0 Ej 1. M o � � bJD F-4 �e��d I?-- LO O CO CD as �, o to 5� UJ CY cis 00 0 W 0, CL Cn CL �e��d I?-- LO as �, o to biD cis 0 W 0, r=104 Cz �� bjD O U U) Ed > as E4 wwWa as E4 as w c� o� �e��d I?-- LO 00 to ah �� 0 G. O U U) Ed > as E4 wwWa as E4 as w �e��d I?-- ,s GENERAL NOTES: 1. Prior to any ground disturbance on the site one inspection with LDAP staff is required. Issuance of #his plan does not relieve the permit holder and or the 15. Approval of this Erosion Sediment Control Plan ESCP does not constitute an approval of permanent road or drainage design teems e.g. size and location contractor from all other permitting requirements. Prior to beginning construction activities, all other necessary approvals shall be obtained. of roads, pipes, channels, retention facilities, utilities, etc.). 2. The erosion and sediment control measures shown on this Erosion Sediment Control Plain (ESCP) are the minimum requirements for anticipated site 16. The erosion and sediment control measures shown on this Erosion Sediment Control Plan (ESCP) must be constructed in conjunction with all clearing and conditions. During the construction period, these measures shall be upgraded as needed for unexpected storm events and to ensure that sediment and grading activities in such a manner as to insure that sediment and sediment laden water does not enter the stormwater system, roadways, or violate applicable sediment -laden water does not leave the site. A copy of this ESCP must be kept on site. Changes to the ESCP must also be submitted in the form of an water standards. Action Plan to DEQ or its Agent for approval. (Schedule A.71) 17. All work performed by utility companies for this project, including placement of appropriate erosion and sediment control measures, finished grading, 3. The implementation of the ESCP and construction, maintenance, replacement, and upgrading of the erosion and sediment control measures is the responsibility of seeding, mulching and clean up is governed by the conditions and requirements of this erosion control permit. The assurance that these requirements are met the permit registrant until all construction is completed and approved by the local development agency and vegetation / landscaping is established. The permit will be the responsible of the permit holder. registrant shall be responsible for maintenance after the lots are approved, until the lots are sold and the 1200 -C permit is terminated. (Schedule A.4.a.) and ��o (Schedule D.3.) 18. Soil stockpiled during the wet weather season (October 1 through April 30) shall be covered with polyethylene plastic sheeting and secured tightly in place with an approved anchoring system, to ensure the stockpile is not exposed to rain or creating sediment laden run -off. Energy dissipaters and other control 4. The implementation of the ESCP and the construction, maintenance, replacement, and upgrading of the erosion and sediment control measures is the measures may be required to slow runoff. responsibiliiy of the permit holder and or the contractor until all construction is completed and accepted and vegetation /landscaping is established. 19. Stabilized construction entrances /exits shall be installed at the beginning of construction and maintained for the duration of the project. Additional 5. The boundaries of the clearing limits shown on this plan shall be clearly flogged in the field by the engineer prior to construction. During the construction measures may be required to insure that all paved areas are kept clean for duration of the project period no .disturbance beyond the flagged clearing limits shat{ be permitted. The flogging shall be maintained by the applicant %contractor for the duration of construction. 20. Catch basin /curb inlets shat{ be protected by an approved method to prevent sediments from entering the stormwater system. Approved homer methods include filter fabric inlet barriers, block and gravel inlet barriers, gravel and wire mesh inlet barriers, and mesh bags filled with wood chips. 6. The erosion and sediment control measures on active sites shall be inspected and maintained at least once every seven (7) calendar days, before weekends & hollidays and within the 24 hours after any storm event of greater than 0.5 inches of rain per 24 -hour period. Measures shall be inspected by contractor , 21. Temporary gross measures must be fully established by October 1 or additional cover measures will have to be implemented until adequate gross coverage after each rainfall and at least daily during prolonged rainfall. Any required repairs or adjustments shall be made immediately. }s achieved. 7. All erosion and sediment control measures shall be protected from damage at all times. Control measures shall remain in place until permanent 22. Issuance of the erosion permit does not relieve the permit holder from all other permitting requirements. Prior to beginning construction activities, all other re- vegetation has been stabilized. Any measure that is damaged or destroyed shall be repaired or replaced immediately. necessary approvals shall be obtained. 8. An areas of exposed soils, including roadway embankment, that will not be disturbed for two days during the wet season (October 1 to April 30) or seven . 23. BMPs that will be used to prevent or minimize stormwater from being exposed to pollutants from spills, no discharge of concrete truck wash water, vehicle and equipment cleaning, vehicle and equipment fueling, maintenance, and storage, other cleaning and maintenance activities, and waste handling activities. These pollutants include fuel, d s Burin the d season M 1 to September 30 shall be immediately stabilized with an approved ECS method seed�n & mulchm with straw, bark, days g dry (ay P } ly . , pp (seeding g g hydraulic fluid, and other oils from vehicles and machinery, as well as debris, leftover paints, solvents, and glues from construction operations. (Schedule A.7.e.i.(2 )) compost, or plastic . covering, etc.} 9. Street sweeping shat{ be performed as needed or when directed by the City inspector #o insure public right -of --ways are kept clean and free of debris. 24 Solid Waste and Hazardous Materials Management. Follow project written spill • prevention and response procedures, employee training on spit{ prevention and proper disposal procedures; regular maintenance schedule for vehicles and machinery; and material delWery and storage controls, training and signage, material use, covered storage areas for 10. When trucking aturated soils from the site either water-tight trucks shall be used or foods shall be drained on site until dfl in has been reduced to no g , 9 PP 9 waste and supplies. (Schedule A.7.eai�(3 )} more than one gallon per hour. Sediment laden water will not be allowed to enter the stormwater system. 25. The permittee must properly manage hazardous wastes, used oils, contaminated sois, concrete waste, sanitary waste, liquid waste, or other toxic substances discovered or ed round water from excavated trenches shall dispose of in a suitable manner without damage to adjacent property. Dewaterin systems shall be 11. Extracted P 9 1 P Pe 9 Y generated during construction and meet all state and federal regulations and approvals. (Schedule A.7.e. '1144)) designed and operated so as to prevent removal of the natural soils and so that the groundwater level outside the excavation is not reduced to the extent that would damage or endanger adjacent structures or property. Approval of the system does not guarantee that it will meet the outcomes or be acceptable for use 26. Sediment must be removed from behind Bio Bags and other barriers it has reached a height of two (2) inches and before BMP removal. (Schedule A.71"142)) ' Modifications #o the tern will be required if the compliance can not to met. At no time will sediment laden water be allowed to leave the m all situations. system q P 27. Removal of trapped sediment in a Sediment Basin or Sediment Trap or Catch Basins must occur when the sediment retention capacity has been reduced by fifty (50)3* construction site. and at completion of project. (Schedule A.711(3) & (4)) 12. A supply of materials necessary to meet compliance and implement the LDAP or other best management erosion practices under all weather conditions shall be maintained at all Mmes on the construction site. 28. Should all construction acrrvities cease for thirty days or more, the entire site mLd be temporarily stabilized using vegetation or a heavy mulch layer, temporary seeding, or other method. (Schedule A.B.a.) 13. No hazardous substances, such as paints, thinners, fuels and other chemicals shall be released onto the site, djacent properties, or into water features, the City's storm water system, or related natural resources. 14. The ESC facilities shall be inspected by the contractor and maintained to ensure continued proper functioning. Written records shall be kept of weekly reviews of the ESC facilities during the wet season (October 1 to April 30) and of monthly reviews during the dry season (May 1 to September 30). GENERAL SITE INFORMATION 1. TYPE OF DEVELOPMEWR INDUSTRIAL 2. CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY WILL CONSIST OF. - GRAVEL ROAD AND DRAINAGE FACILITIES 3. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE: BEGINNING DATE: COMPLETION DATE: 4. DEVELOPMENT AREAS TOTAL AREA- PERCENT OF SITE DISTURBED 5. SOIL TYPES ON THIS SITE ARE #96 NEWBERG LOAM. CD CONSTRUCTION NOTES 9.74 ACRES CONSTRUCTION LIMITED TO AREA AS SHOWN 175. CONSTRUCT CRUSHED ROCK ACCESS PAD. PROVIDE V MINIMUM DEPTH 2" -3* CRUSHED ROCK COMPACTED TO 907 MAXIMUM DENSITY. PAD SHALL_ BE 15' MIN WIDTH BY 100' LONG. 176. CONSTRUCT SEDIMENTATION CONTROL REXIUS FOREST BY- PRODUCT COMPOST FILTER BERM. l� l� 1 / f )I 29. Should construction activities cease for fifteen (15) days or more on any significor# portion of a construction site temporary stabilization is required for that portion of the site with straw, compost, or other tackified covering that prevent soil or wind erosion until work resumes on that portion of the site. (Schedule A.81.) 30. Daily inspections when rainfall and runoff occurs of the BMPs and discharge outfolls must be the project ESCP Inspector. These inspections and observations must be recorded in a log that is available on site. (Schedule A.611) & (Schedule 8.11(1)) 31. All ESCP controls and practices must be inspected visually once to ensure that ` Bu s. are in working order prior to the site becoming inactive or in anticipation of site inaccessibility and must be inspected visually once every two (2) weeks during inactive periods greater than seven (7) consecutive calendar days. (Schedule B. 1 .b.(2) -(3)) i r SG'� .- 1 "=80* not innn r ru Tr-n nrns i SEDIMENTATION CONTROL „ / _ _ COMPOST FILTER BERM -- ,. ZSC Q a � tj TL 700 - �``- c N.T.S. D GROUND DUE TO ONSTRUCTION. rn a rJW�3 SHEET C3 of 3 �PCe,�ve� G�.Z -09 ti ,ph�►'� M tQ CCU Cn En CY a :-,a ��o �� SHEET C3 of 3 �PCe,�ve� G�.Z -09 ti 0 CCU :-,a ��o `- .. H A O Z W o a 0 a 0 W ¢ F W as A W > a W A 3 > a as Q > o SHEET C3 of 3 �PCe,�ve� G�.Z -09 ti