HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 14 BLM Forest Lands AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: Meeting Type: Department: Staff Contact: Staff Phone No: Estimated Time: October 15,2007 Regular Session City Manager's Office Jeff Towery ~ 3627 5 Minutes SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL ITEM TITLE: BLM FOREST LANDS ACTION REQUESTED: Adopt/Not Adopt the following resolution: A RESOLUTION TO SUPPORT SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT OF OREGON'S PUBLIC FORESTS. ISSUE STATEMENT: The BLM is proposing to revise existing plans to replace the Northwest Forest Plan land use allocations and management direction. Four alternatives (including a No Action Alternative) have been proposed and are currently under review and comment. The corhment period is open until December 10, 2007, On September 24, 2007 Anna Morrison, on behalf of Citizens for Sustainable Forests and Communities, made a presentation about the options and requested that the Council consider adopting a resolution that supports both sustainable forest practices in general and the BLM recommended alternative (No.2) specifIcally. At the conclusion of the presentation Council requested staff to prepare a resolution and carry it to Council Leadership for a review and recommendation. Council Leadership discussed a draft resolution on September 27, 2007 and asked for the . item to be brought to the full Council for consideration. Legal Counsel has also reviewed the resolution ATTACHMENTS: Attachment I: Resolution DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: None. RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION TO SUPPORT SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT OF OREGON'S PUBLIC FORESTS. WHEREAS, many Oregon counties once depended on the shared revenue generated from timber harvests on public forest lands to fund many basic services; and WHEREAS, shares of this timber revenue all but disappeared in the 1990s as litigation and legislation caused changes to management practices allowed on public forests; and WHEREAS, on several occasions Congress has provided a safety net funding; and WHEREAS, the latest safety net program is set to expire in September of 2007, leaving Oregon counties with no financial stability or certainty; and WHEREAS, many Oregon counties are preparing to, or already have, reduce.or eliminate basic services affecting libraries, public safety, health and welfare, and road systems, as well as layoff employe~s; and WHEREAS, implementing sustainable forest management practices on our public lands will help to provide a stable and consistent long term funding solution for these Oregon counties; and WHEREAS, sustainable forest management practices will provide a much needed boost to the local economy; and WHEREAS, sustainable forestry can improve the health of our overgrown public forests, help prevent catastrophic forest fires, preserve wildlife habitat, protect air and water quality, and sequester carbon. NOW THEREFORE BASED ON THE FOREGOING FINDINGS IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED AND ORDERED AS FOLLOWS: 1. The City of Springfield supports the implementation of sustainable forest management practices on our public lands in order to help fund critical county services, improve the health of our public forest and protect wildlife and their habitat. ATTACHMENT 1 - PAGE 1 2. The City of Springfield encourages reestablishing the connection between local communities and the resources that previously provided secure and stable funding. 3. Of the three alternatives being considered by the Bureau of Land Management, alternative 2 is the best management approach to meet the immediate funding needs of local communities, while simultaneously protecting,our environment. 4. This Resolution shall take effect upon passage by the Council and approval by the Mayor. Approved on this 15th day.of October, 2007 by a vote of favor and. opposed. in Mayor ATTEST: City Recorder . F[EVIEWHJ & flPPROVED A~ TO FORM ~ t"\~~-A~ ~A\~ DATE: ---L-~uJ Cl- OFFICE OF CII Y ATWRNEY ATTACf.IMENT 1 - PAGE 2