HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-10-25 RESIDENTIAL- - APPLICATION/PERI{[T 225 North 5th Street Sp~:ngfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 Job wcation: Jtoc5 " ~' . 5J"s{ . Asaesao2'3 Nap # \~D~ '8 J~ (UyJ Q XS() n c}(O() ,,~. 5L(.+. ,-\t. ~pfl~ (){ ~ , , ' "', De~cribe ({OrkO ",,' . ~I~x\'h~ \~ , ~~ ~ 00 /() - ~S ':13., Value _-3 lJ 000 · Suhdi:J~sion: C:.mer: -r,'rY\ Address: Ci ty : Y"".....1 Addi tion RamoceZ ".!ob:f"Ze :1oma Da:te of Applicatien ~::~'or(~<Yi~, ) Plumbing , Q]) ~ r~ ~,j).\t--o A t J....JY\.JLX Electrical ,\fechar.ic:= Z Const~~ctionC~er T= Lot # 00 ~DO Phone: Zip: OJ/Lll, " .=?cce-:pt ',ff. (p ,3iUV Add.~ess .. Signed: Date: CA- (O~zt; '-%3 Lisc.# Exr;ires Phone It is the resFonaibility of the,permit hoLder to see that aZ! inspections are,made at the proper timz, that ecch ~ess is reaia~:e f'l'Ol1l the street, end tha,t the pePmit, card is k>cated at the front of the property. 'Bui!di~4 ~vi~io~ approved pLan s~~Zl,r~in on thzBu~Zding S~t$ at all times. -), ?'WCEDUPE FOR INSPE::TIOfJ REQUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) stete YOUI' City designated job number, job adiroess, type of in:;pec:;icn l'&questcd a.-.d when you wi! l be ready fol' i7'.spcction, Cont1'actors 01' Ow'rZe:'s =e ,end phone number. Requests received befcl'e 7: 00 .:=:7 __"iH be made the same &,1> requests mcae c;fta 7:00 am will be made the nc::t :.JOrking day. Reaui~~9 !nsD~aticns SITE INSP:;C':'ION: To be made excavation, but pPiCl' to set forms. '0 after up of U!lDE:FlSLAB '?I[',~"3ING. ELECTPIClL j :1ECHA:fICAL: To be made before c;ny WOI'K is ~ovcred. I-0cOTING 1 FOW/DATION: To be rrade ~ ~fter :rencnes are e=cavated arA f~s are ereatad, but. prior to poun/'"4 concrete:. o :~ UND:::RG.=?OU,'/D ?e,U!12ING. S'E'N'ER. ;,r.l':'E'R, DRAINAGE: 'Tooe ma.:ie ?Pior to fiZ- Zi7'.g trenches. O UNDERPWOF1 !'!/R"Br.:G To be .made orier to. [Z001' insuktion or / ' ! Vi POST AND BEAM: To be rr.ade p!'"'~OI' ,to ,. instalk!:ion 0;' floor insl.;lation 01' d.jal<.inq . ~"O"G" :>r '"I'D p'G, ':'r ':''"'('0 rr" > ',""C"- ~ ~NIC~L~ _v7d'~0;k -i~~;~';;~ c~L'~~ed un~i~ tncs€ ir~~ec~ions ~~v~ ce~ ~ade arA =?provei. D, FI?F:?LAC'E: P!'"';or to ~ mt:iiriais arA before t ior., , FP..A"~IN(;: "'!us: be re~ue:;ted after i, approvaL of rough ptwr~ing, electPi- cal & meci1a.nical. AE roofing bracr~ng & chimneys, eto, r.r.lst be aorrroleted. :'10 work is to be con- ~ aec'-led until this insDection ~.as 'been made and c;pproved. J MECHANICAL: in3t;aLlation oj" deckin.g. ? k.c-:.r.g fec-:.ng frar.rir:4 inspec- Iltd "'FIliAL PW!,fBWG ~/Fr:IAL ,\/E::HANICAL CZ1 PINAL ELEC':'.'?ICAL o Your City, Desigr~ted Job Number IG: '/ ~INSULATION/VI1POR BARRIER INSPECTION: L:J'TO be'maie t:I.fter a!Z insuL.:;:tion <X'.a l'equired vc:por Ca1'!'iers are in place , l:ut before any lath, gypsum board 01' wn covering is applied, end before any insulation is ~oncealed. .' ' ~Y',.JALL INSPECTION,: To be made W ~~~ter all dro.p.JalZ is in place, but prior to cny, !:apir4' o NASONFlY: Steel beams, grouting accordance with, 2415. location, bond Ol' vel'ticeLs in U.B.C. Section .g o-L- \ i :J~, 8az(2~ DF:t.fOLITIO,^/ OR !,,'OV2:J BUIWI:iCS :J Sani tar":j se-Jer dc:pped .:;:t p~opert-d :==J Septic tank p~ed arA f~Zled with ;rt:I.~eZ 7 . t.-t.r:e 1 Pinal - rihen cbove ite~s are cc~pZeted ~ ~dwhendemcl~tion is complete or st~~~- ture moved and premises cleaned up. Nobile H.emes' :J ~ Blooking and Set-up Plumbing connections sewer and water D WOODSTOVF:: After installation is ccmp Zet~d. "") , I Elec~;cel Ccnnection- Blockir.g, set-u? ---l and Dlumbina ccnr.ections ~~st be ~~rcved before requ~sting elect:~~cal ins?e~~ion J- Accesso%' Building 1 Fir4l - After Fcr~r.es, skirting, decy.s, , ~ etc. are ccmpZe~;a. o AZ~ project cor.ditions, auc~ as the ins~alZation of street ~reesJ ~a,~let~Qn of the ,required Zandsccpir4, etc., mustoe satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be r2~~est$~. ~ / ~INAL ~UILDING:. Th~ F~na~ ~ui!dir.f1. Ins!?ecti~n .:"Ust .be re.queGted c;,'ter the Final ?!zm:bing ~ ~lectr~cal, ~ Mecnan~cat ~nspect~on[J iuwa ceenmaae ana approved. o CURB :1 At."'PROACH AP."!GN:, After forms are erected but prior to POUl"{ng , .:!07lCrete. SIDEWALK d DRI'/F'iIAY: POI' aZZ con- crete pavinq within si;):oeet right- of-wcy~ to be made afteraZZ exca- vating ,:;!orrrplete d /0= work & "UD- base material in ?lace. 'ALL NAlIHCLC:S ,~ND CLEANOUTS ,oIUST BE ACCESSIBLE, /iDJUS?:':::iIT TO BE i,WJE /7' :':0 C~ST TO CI7'Y I:>n"e of 2 o o ?ENCE: ,'her. compl,:;te -- Provide gates 01' movable sections ,through P.U.E. o P::.ge 2 '/JOB NO. ~32l1~SOLAR. ~CESS REQ.- !Zor.e: ILot Sq. Ftg. IZ 6f lot C~~erag~ . # of Storoies I T~tal Height I Topoqr'CZ?hy ITEM I SQ. FTC I I I I Main j ,'Jt::!tq,q!3 ! C'ar~crt i. I .1ccessor-"., I TOTAL VALUE I S.D.C. I ( VC~UI;) 1.5= Buildinq Pemt State Su.~C)harge Tota Z cr.a......ges ITZM NO. FL-T:lJoes I Resid.mtiaZ (1 bath) I' I Sanitary SB',,)e'l' I Water I Ptumbing Permi t State SW'cr.a:rge Totat C't!C.I'oes j ITEM !iO. I Res. Sa. fta. I NaJ/E:::ter:d Ci'l'C"J.i ts , I Terrrpo'l'a:ry Service : , I I Ete~tricaZ Permit State SW'C);,.a:rae Total Ch.a:rces t IT2.\f i'le. t PEE I Furnace 2TU' S I &haust Hood IYe?lt, Pan I Woodstove I I .. . I I J~"~\C-1.!..~ Meoh.aniccl Perm": t State SW'oha:rae Tota.Z Ch.a:raes -- cNCRCACHI.1,fENT -- SeC"~~ty Devosit Storage Maintenal".oe Permi t Total ChaI'oes CurbC"..t 1 Sidewa lk I Pen~e I EIectrical lb" :.lto '!.I.e Home rabel I I'OTAL A,~!OUNT DUE:' ()~::"'..l:;anc:, CrlJU::J: LOT r;YF~ Interior Corner Panhandle Cut-de-sac x Value I , I 1.33,00 j G.3o I . 13 Z. 32, · FEE CHARGE I I es?O F~E I I 21(; CO / .lD n ~!]Ql. I C,':'ARGE 'I I I I I I I I 2f~ On ).00 ~f.o. 00. · C.r!;J-l;;:CE I I 10.001 I . LID I In, LJd · I I '-1c2CXJ.1d j. L - C 0 G~ T'dpeICor-s1; : Eeeroofi:s: LOt Faces - I I Enarau Soul'()es I I J I II I I Tur:e Setbacks I 2.[. I House 'Carage INorth lEast ISenith IPlest Heat I Access. ;'later .'!ea"ter Range ?ireDZcce WOod3t07Je Fees Building Value & Permit This per>mit is granted on the express condition th~t the said construction shall, in all respects, conform to the Ordinance cdopted by the City of SpI"':ngfield, incZuding the Zoning Ordinance, r'JgulatilOg the ccr:s7:!':/ction and use of buiLdings, and m=y be suspended 01" l"eYQkec at ar:y time upon vio- lation of any provisions of said Ordinances. Plan Checl<. Fee: Date Paid: I Receipt II: I S,igr.ed: Plumb,ing Permit No person shalI construct, instaLL, aLter or change any new 01" e--isting plumbing or drainage syste~ in whole 01" in part, unless such person is the Zegal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except 'that a pe:'son may do pLumbing work to prope'l't-'Ii which is owned, teased or, operated by the appU.. cant. Electrica I Permi t Where State Law requires th.at the electroicaZ work be done by an EIectrical Contractor, the eZectroicaZ portion of this permit sh.alL not be vaZid until the Z;abeZ has been ,signed by the EIectricaZ Contractor. Mechanical Permjt --. Plan E=cminer uar:e I · I ! I I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA.'1INE:D the completed application for [Jermit, and de hereby certify that all information hereon is t~Ae al"d correct, and I further certify that :my ar.d aU 1.:ork performed shaH be do:-ze i:-z ac~or- dance w-~th the Ordinances of the City of SpI"':ngfield, and the [~~S of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, ar~ =r.at NO OCCU- P.~tlCY will be made of anu structUl'e without Dermission of the 3uildina Di- vision. I further certifY th.at only contraotors ffi~ ~loyees who ar~ in co~pliance with CBS 701.05& wilZ be used on this project ~/uli2 v'!.qne4 III ~r/73- Dye /