HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1989-7-11 (2) SPRiNGFIELD n_"_~"_ ~'~----'--I, , - \ RESID"FNTIAl'. APPDICArL, ) /PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfie?d~ Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753: ///[)Lj ldr!-ci""'~'"~" \n()~a s~a T~~ Lot; II ; - - - ,j ob Loco /;ion: ASGessorG Map II SubdiiJision: OWner: fYlflr l/) mi!- !LU?fl i1 Addl'es.s: JU()( /!/Jf/-ir ~ Ci ty: hfet- \ I New I Mditien I Remodel I :.Iobile Home '\DG\CY) Phone: 1'-1& - 11/1-/ zip: 9;1117 Describe (>'ode ILfrWv , walPv ~' -;., it r K1 Date of Applicatien Con t.r ae tors General Plumbing (J/).)1IUf I Hethanieal IElectrical I SUDervising~l~!: t rJ-e ia 11 Address Value Li..sc~ II Blcll:s Board Reg, Phone 1~.l6 5f ",\/ "L. ,~ ' ~ ~ Signed: ~ 1-- /I-Yj ( Date: EXDi1~(?S It is the responsibility of the permU holde1' to see that all inspect1:ons are made at the propel' tim6, that ;:;c.ch c.ddress is readaoZe from the' street, and that the permi I; card is located at the front of the p1'operty" ' 'Building Divicion approved plan Glzc.ll remain on tlla 13u'~ldiJ1g S'/:ts at all times. 'job adc;:rcss, type of il!3pec::iCll ,Requests l'ece1:ved befeFe 7: 00 (7.; PI?OCEDURE FOR INSPECTION RSQPEST:CALL 7 26-376 9 (l'ccordel'J state your C'/:ty "ies1:r]nated job mu;;ber, requested ar.d uJhen you will be ready for inspection, Contracters 0/' ();,me;"s nc:me end phone numbeI'. . "-'ill be'made the same dey, reque.';ts mr:<ae after 7: 00 am I,lill be made the ne:ct :Jork1:nq day. )( Cj()7 () [) ReouiFed InsDecticns SITE INSPECTION: 1'0 be made excavation, but prior to set forms .' D o after ' up of ( UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL ,C 'MECHANICAL: To be made before any work is covered. o FOOTING & FOUND,1TION: To be made after trenches are excavated and forms are erected, but prior to pouring cencrete. UNDERGROUND PLUMl3INC, SErVER, r';,1TEFI, DRAINAGE: To be made Pl'iorto f1:Z- lir-(J tl'enches. o o UNDERFWOR nUMBING & MECHANICAL: To be made prior to inGtallation of j100r insulation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to installatien of floor 1:nGulation 01' decking . ROUCl! PWMBING. EDECTRICAL (~ MECTf- ANleAL: No ~ol'k is to be covered ,unti l these inspections have beel, made and aPP1'OVEx'!.. FIRE:PLACE: Prior to plc.cir.g facing mc.tel'1:als and before framing 1:nspec- tion. o D D D FRAfUNG: Must be requested after approval of rough plwTibing, electri- cal & mechanical. All roofing bracing & chimneys, etc. must be : completed. No /;lork is to be con- , cealed until this inspection has . been made and approved. oj YOUI' C1:I;y Des1:gnated ,fob Numbcl' Is: D INSULATION/VAPor? IliIfllIIE/1 INSPECTTON: To be made after' all inGul,:..tion a~ul required vapor bm'l'iel'G are in place but /;efo1'c any laUz, gypm.IJ1I board OF zJall coveFing 1:'s oppl1:ed, and before any 1:nsulation is concealed. 'DUiOLTTIO.'.' OR :',;OVED BUIDDJiJeS ~ Sani;;oJ'!/ seuel' capped at P~OPC1't!i l1:r.e =:J Septi:~ tan!: P;i;;;;)cd G)':d fo: Had IJ'i th gra;;el I Final - ({/Zen above .i.te:::.s ar'e completed --.J and when demelition is complete or struc- ture moved and Pl'cmises clea.ned up. Nobile flemes =:J Blocking :J Plumbing ~ E:I.ectricc,;l Connection - Blocking, set-up --.J Old. plwnbl:ng cem;ect'/:ons m;,:.s t !;e approved beforc requeBLng elee~rical inspectio:; and Set-;,:.p connections S~C1' and wa::er ~ DRYWALL INSPECTION: 7~ be made after all dry/Jall '/:s in place, but iJriol' to any taping. MASONRY: Steel location, bO;1d beaJl/G, r]1'outing 01' Vel' t",:ca l.G 1:n accordance wi th U. B, C. Sec f:ion 2415. .:=J Acoe.ssor!! Building I F?:nal - J.ftcr pcrcl:es, sk;:rtillg~ decks), ~ etc. are completed. o Itll pFo,jec/; COllcUt1:0Jl.9, 0UC.'; W3 /;Ize illDl;allatiOlz of U:;l'ee/; trees, cC.':I!)let~o'l of tne Fequ1:ped landsccpir:.g, ctc., ;Tiust be satisfied befoFe the BUILDING FINllL eiln he l'GquestGd. :[8" FINAL PLUMBING '0 FINAL MECIIANIC/iJ, I~ PINAL ELECTRICAL o o FINM:' BWLTJINC: The F'1:lZol. lJuild,:ng Inspeel;iOIl must be l'equested a,rtel' the F1:ncll PI_wnbing EleotF'1:eal, and Mechan'ic(:l Ins/-,r3c/;ionG haiJc been made and appl'oiJed. o D (';OODSTOVP,': ecmpl.etcd. After instal.lal;'ion is 'ALL MAN/IOLES AND CLEIIIVOUTS MUST BP. IICCE'SSI13[,(':, A DdUSTliE:fn,' TO BE f.1.~DE /1T NO COST TO CJ7'Y D CURB S APPROACH APRON: Af'ti?l' forms are erected but PI"I:cn' to pouring c:onCI'e I;e. o SIDlO(IIILK ,~DRlvmo/;:y: Pal' all con- crete pavin(J l,li'/;}l1:n sh'eet l'ight- of-I,ley, to be made after all' exca- vat'inq complete", I'01':" work", sub- base matel'ial ill place. D :'ENCE: When eomp 7.61;e -- Pl'ovide gates or movable sect1:ons tJll'ough P. U. E:. o " P:1f7e of 2 1 JOB NO, I zone:- Lot Sq. Ftg. % of lot Coverag~ # of Stories Total !!eight Topography I I ITEM I Main SQ. FTC Cc:J"cwe CarJ:)ol't I ACCeSSOl'l{ I I Is.D.c. I, TOTAL VALUE ivatue) ].5 x Building Permi t State SuY'charge Tota I C'h.a~geD .~ - ;:~~ L -CO G~ SOLAR AC't'ESS, REQ.- 'l'iJpe/Cor~s t: Bedrooms: NO. FEE CHARGE " Occ.-upancy Croui, LOT TYPE Intel"ior' Corner l'anhoru!?c Cul-dc-Dac x Value I Lot Faces - I P.L. INOI'th F:o:~L_ .cJoi,~t;t ~r.i./[le Setbacks , /louse I CClPage I Acce:;s. Ener{fl/ Sources !leat r"ater 'Ieater Range F'il'eplace r"()od~ toue !1'/eDt F'ses Building Value & Permit' This pey'mit in gy.anted on' the e:Lpress cond-ition that the sciid: construction SIU1U, ,in all respects, confo1Wl to the Ord'inance adopted Sy the City of Spl'inutield, includ-~ngthe Zoning Ordinance, regulating the construction wild UDe oj' bu'ild-ings, and m~IY be suspended or revoked at any time upon vio- la't'l:on of' any provis-ior:s oj' s01:d Ordinances. , Plan Check Fee: Date Paid: Recdpt II: Signed: Plumbing Permit i ITEM I Fixtures \ Residenti~l (] bath), \ Sanitary Sewel' r Wa~e; Phlmbing Perr.:it State Surcf:ar'ge I jjiiEM' I Res. Sa. Total Charoes fta, N.?I.J/Extend Circuits Ele:Jtr1:cal Permi t State Surc:harqe Total Charges ITSM Furnace ETU' S ExhmlSt Hood I Vent Fan \ Woodstove I Permit Issuance Mec:h.an'ical Permit State Sw'charqe Total Charoes -- ENCROACHMENT Se~~rity Deposit I Storage I Maintenan:::e I Permi t Total Charoqcs rCu.rb~t I SideUJa lk l1"en:Je I Electrical I Mobile llame r I Label TOTAL M!OUNT DlJF;: A /6,00 .7;;- /6~ 75 NO. FEE' '" CHARGE NO. FSE CflARCE' /5, '7 [; No person Dhall constJ'lwt, 'install, alter or change any nelJ or existing plumb'ing OJ' drainage s!Jste:n in Ulilole or in part, unless such person is the legal posDessor of a valid plumber's license, except that a pe~son may do pl.wnb-ing work to propeI'ty lJhich is owned, leased or operiated by the appZi- cant. ' ' ' 1 I 1- 1 Electrical Perm it Ifhey'e State LazJ requ'ires that theclectY'ical work be done by an Electrical Contractor, the eZecty"tcal portion of this pennit shall not be valid until the label has been signed by the ElectricaZ Contractor. ,i I A Mechanical Permit .",< ['Ian E:cGJI!1>Jey' Date :: I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for pe~mit, and do hel'eby 'certify that all info:'mation hereon is true and correct, and I fllI,t;her cert'ify that any ar.d all work perfor':71ed shall be done in accor- dance OJith the OJ'd-in::mces oj' the City 'of Springfield, and ,the LaUlS of the A State oj' Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO 'OCCU- PJ1,NCY w-iZ1 be made of any structw'e without permission of the Building Di- vidon. I fur'ther certify that 0~1ly contractors and e:nployees who are in. compEance with ORS 70,1.055 will be used on this project r 7n0JiM 'm~. $i":"d . ([ ''). '1 Date ."