HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-4-7 (2) .. RESIDENTIAL.. APP~ICATION/PERflIT 225 North 5th Street SD~~ngfietd, Oregon 87477 Building Division 726-3753 ' Job Loa.=tion: 17.Jf7 f'Ar!pv /..../J Asaescorz,\!ap i/ J?-b~-"2t f)--::; 2. Suhdiv-isien: Cl.:ner: 013 /t?_ , . L /vt 7JfZ/tJ Fl.4I"Jer /",\1 &fC Add::oess:j 7/17 Ci t;y: 5.;7 fld ,'/"!'..J ACd--:' ticn j30flr fori Remode'l ,1,!obi!2 .:tome Date of App'li~tien Con!;rac!;ors lI~- :83 Reauired !n3~pat~en~ o SIT~ !:ISP~C'::'::]N: To be made aft2r ezcav.:::tion, but prier to set up of forms. o UND!PSL/.:B ?LUgBI.VG, El:E~.::tIC,.tL ~ 1"r.'ECr.:;";JiC;'L: To De- mace bef~o!'e any work is .:.-overed. o FCOTT:lC ~ POW/DATICN: To ce .=de after trenanes are ;;:::cerJated and forms are erected~ but prier. to pourir4 ccncret~. D U.'!DZRG?,QIH!J ?:..[;I-f3niC. SE:'.I2P. ;';,1TE:R, D.'~AIt'iAG2: To be tr.aie ;;ricr !:o fiL- 'lir..g r:rencnez. 0' UNDERPWOP. !'!JJ!.~n/c 1 ,'.S':H.4:VICA[,: To be maee Drier to in3tal~tion of [!oor insu~tien 01' decking. POST .4<'1D 3EAU: To be tr.ade :>riOI', to instalkticn of fLoor ir.suz.::zticr. or deakinq. O' D RO~TC;~' ?!.J.l~.!B!;'IG. :::.EC":'.C!!C":'E. 1 .1.fEC.1- AHIC.J.!.: No :.;orkia ;:;J ce cot:2I'ea - un~iZ t~cse :r~~ec:ic~3 h=v~ b€~ made era cppr~~~d. FI.~::?LACE: Prior to plc.c~.,...g ..~"'c.aing mcz:qriaZs ara before frc:r.rir..g inspec- tior:.. o [] z:rRA..'~I.'1r;: Nust be rec;u.eoted c:.f~er approv.;;:l of rough plur..i;i1".{J, ez.ect1"'~- aa'l & :r:e~;..anicaZ.. AZ! ~ojir..g bracing B chim~ncys, etc. ~~sr: be ,ao~'lez:cd. Jo ~rk is to !:Jq aon- "cec:'led unti 'l this insl:iea:;'icn ras "been made and a~pI'oved. sr Pcl ~ 4r €-- T= wt,~ J/ I C:>O Phone:1Jr l,,<t 57'j> 3 Zip: 97~ 77 DescPibe l.'ork: ~.. ~c . /"'::"~ _~. ',"'C> Value /' .......'\;...0 _ 4ddr"~<: .=?cce:.pt .i: (dJ(08LI ~. Date: ~ c:A~ Usc. # Erp"~res Phong / I I I , D[UOLITION OR ,~;Ov:::; 3UILDliiCS , =:J Sanitary se'.JeI'. cap?ed ~t p~opc!'t-:j Zi-r.e =:], Se?ti.:.- tank p-....ycd and fiZZed :Jith~a:;e: --, Find - Hhen a1;cve ite.'7:s a:!'e ae.,,?letec. , ~ err-d when de~elition is ~o~z.ete or. St7~~- ture :noved ar~ pr~ses c'le~~ed up. ,I I Cenera'l()0'AJer . PLumbing i E'lectrica'l I Nechar.ia.= 'l I. Const7"..lction Lender It is the responaibiZity of the permit holder to see that aZ! iromections are made at the pI'opeI' time, that :iach ::.dtb-ess is re~:e from the street, and thar: the permit ~xrd is l..,--cated at the front" of tr~ pI'oper'ty; *!3ui'!di~.g DilJi::io:-: approt:ed p'lan sr.t:Z'l remain on the BuiZding $it., at aZ'l times. '?,?OC:':'}'JF?E: POR INSPE:CTIOtJ P..:QUE'ST:CALL 726-3769 (I'ecorrIeI'J state your City desigr.ated job nun;ber, job ada-ess, type of in3pea;;icn,' zo&Cf1.I.estca a~.d when yeu 0Jii.l be :oeady for inspeation, Cor.'tractors 01' Ot.:ners r.eme era phone numbeI'. Requests I'ecei1Jed befere 7: 00 ....'. ..'i'll. be made th,;; same dcy, requests made afta- 7: 00 am wilZ be made the n=t :Jerking daYQ? \ C:'-..' ,./iJJ YOUI' City. Desigr.ated Job Numb€!' 13: l) ~ ~~'-'( o INSULATICN/V/lPO.<i, 2,4RRIE:.'? I.'lSP.:CTICN: To be made alteI' all insuZatwn ara reauired Val:ior barrie!'s are in v'lace Cut before any 'lath, gypswn beaz.d or wa'lZ coveI'-ing is app'lied, era before any insu'lationis ~oncealed. Nobil.a Hemes ~ B'loaking ar~ Set-~p ~ P'lumbing,~onnections ~ Electr"~cal Ccnnect~on - B'locki~..g, set-u? --1 and pitunbing connections """,,st !:e cri:r?!,~)1.;ec. be;orc requesting eZectrica'l ins?ec;;io~ saJeI' a:r..d water --, ',., --1 Ac~es3ol:;; Bu,-/..c.-:,r..g I Fina.l. - ,1ft;;r ;,oI'ar.es, ~ etc. are acmp'le:cd. k' " d' 3 'Z..!""t-:..ng, ec;.~s, D DFI:n,./ALLINSPE:CTION: To be made alteI' aU Gr:Jwali. is in p'lace, but prior to =y taping. o A'lZ project cor.a~=~ons, JUC~ as the ins=aZZation of street :rees, ~o''7:?Ze=ion of the required laruiscC?ing, etc., must be sar:isf-:.ed.''o<!;oI'e the 3UILDD'G FI,~'AL can !:Je !'aquas=ad. []. FIUAL PWXSI:IC i:=]. FINAL !-!E':EA.'1ICA[' [J, FINAL EIZC7:RICAL CJ @ PINAL 3UIWINC: The F-:.naZ 3ui'ldir4 Inspeation ,':7Ust be requected ,;;/tar the, Fir.al ?Z=binq, Elecc~icaZJ and ~ear~~iccl Inspecricno ~~va been made ar~ ~?prcv~d. o ,I1ASO,'/RY: Stee l. baam::;, crou:ina acco!'d.t:Uz.c e ?Jr; t h 24:15. 'location, bond or verticals in U.B.C. Seatien "ALt:, NANHCLrS AND ClEANOliTS NUS'!' 3E AC:ESSIELE, .4DJVS7NE~'/'!'. 'I'D 3E :.~.1DE .'11' NO ::JST TO '=1TY .;:~. '17';' . ..,~ ~ D ;';OODS'!'OVC: AfteI' insta'l'lation is cc..nplet~d. D CUPB & A,Z'P.r?CACH AP.r::DN: .4f'ta:, foms =e erected. but pPiOl' to pC'...lr"'~~.g co~rete. ;~'. ...,. D SIDE:r-lAr,X oj DRnT,./AY:"-' FoI' a'lZ aen- CI'ete ;;aving wi~h-:.n street right- of-u:c.y, to be made aftaI' aU e:::ca- vatina ccmvZe-=e & form work & 3uO- .. base ;;'.ateroia'l in p'laoe. D ~ENCE: When comvZ~te -- Provide gar:es 01' movab'le" seatiens through P.U.E. o ?~-=e ! of 2 JOB NO.3~I~L,q SOL A RAe C E S S R E Q,- :C"":a: t7c~..J.:::a"'..c:J GrO"..t::l: l.::.at Sq. Ftg. I !~ ~f ,~. ~~'er~~~ 1- ~ .". ~,,~ -~~ ! ,:-:i of 5tor-~es 1 :~ta! .:f.aich: i . I~ . I.cpog~r.y I r.eT :'Y?~ Ir:tericr C'OM'te:' Panhar.dle Cu.l-de-sac :?,~I.f I x Value I I I I i~'3o I 9~6.::r~ I I I SQ.FTIJ ,\Ia~n I':"~xe I ! :..1r:"~r~ I/?I I I I. I :1c~esso!''"j I I ~o~.~!: ;'AL~'S IS.D.c. I ( !)c:.:...u.~) 1.5 ;;: EuiZd~ng ?ermi t /~. ClIO .V~I Ie::>. yo I. ~ C2ARGE I I I I f I I State Surcn:aoge ':'o-:al ~"'.aZ'ge3 , :~::M I :L~es 'Residential (1 bath) ,'to. I , I I Sc:n::.t:z!"j Sewer I ;.Jate..... I Pt:.mbing Permi t State Surcharge Tetal O..c.raes j .::' E,'.f CHA...:icE .'?es. So. fta. N~/Extend Circuits 1.'iO. I I I I Ter.pcrary Se!"Jice Electrical Permit State Surcnarae Total c,!fn'ces :7~.'4 ::C. IF:::: CHARGE: ~..:!C'e ETr./'S E=ha:.:.st Hood Vent Fan I ;';oodsr;o:;e I I I r P err:i t I3 su.::nc a .'1ecr..c.n~c:. l Pem t State SlJ.I'chc:roc T..,~.-:Z C"r~-:1~a I ~:IC:=:.,:)ACE:.~~:.'':' j ~. . i~e~~~~=~ D2~03~t I Stor-:qe 1"~a~nterr.Cr..:~e p(JI'm"~ t Tct.'ll C'tU:'!''JfJS t CurbC"..l: I Sid2!Ual:': I t :~T'...::e 1_ .. r . , I Gt~c=r__c:u _=e" ""obi!~ .'lsme :QT.~!: A':.!CU.~/T DUE:" I I /5.,/0 ?:::qe 2 L-COG~ I :'ot ?:Ices - I I 2.:. I H07A.a8 I~or,;n I:asr: ISou tn IWest :'ii~e/Cor.sr:: 3ed:-?O~8: I I :::nerl7u Sot<!'~es II i I I i I I "l:;=-e .;"ear; 5etca:JKS I Ca.raae I A'~C23S. 'datq!' _~'e:::..J;ar" Range ?i reo tc.ce Woo~tove -- F.zes Building Value & Permit This perrrrit iG granted on :he e:=press ~ondition that the said. construc:;::on sha!l, in :IZl respects, ~onfe~ to the Ordinance :::dopted by tne City of Sprair..gf:.eZd, incZuding the Zoning Crd:nance, re~.A.Zatir:g the ac~str:iC~"':Cr: and use of buildings, c.nd m:::y be 3uspe~~ed or revokec at any t::~e u?on v~c- Zat::cn of any provisions of said Grdir~ces. I I · Plan Check Date ?a~d: /Recc:il't #: I Signed: ~.~ Fee: Plumbing 0~/-~~ Permit No person shall construct, instal!, a!ter or change any r~W cr e=istinq plumbing or drainage syste~ in ~hole or in part, unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, e:::cept tr..c.t a peZ'son may do plumbing ~ork to properp~ which is owned, Zeased or operated by the appZi- cant. ' ~ Electrical Permit Where State [,CLJ requires tr.at the electr-~cal work be done by an Electrical Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit shall not be vc.lid unti! the Zabel has been signed by the Electrical ~ontractor. I I I ~ Mechanical PermH I I I I I , ~ I I I I I HAVE CAREFULLY ::XANINE:D th.e completed :::pplicar::ion t"r permit, c:r~ do I hereby certify that all injo~ation hereon is true arA ccrrcct, and I ' f...rther certify that any c:.r.d all work perlomted shall be done in ac~or- I dance :Jith the Ordinances of the City of Springfide, and the: [c.-..;s of the ~ State of Orecsn Dzr~inino to the work described here~n, :::r.d thar:: NO OCC~- ploNCr wil: b~ maie of any. sr:rucr::u:re wi:hout permission of the Building Di- vision. I further ~ertitii tr~t only contrc:.ctors ar.d ~loyees wh~ ~~e in c~~p!iance with CRS ?Ol.05S ,Jill be used on this projzct ~~~-- p'j#an 2=iner r """"'? ~-~ &'5 L.'a~a X-l,J2e oi;h?~a-- (/' q~ 7- Y "3 tigned Date