HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1989-7-11 ., h'CC8::pt I! SPRINGFIELD ~"""~O._"" .., V PdM RESID,FNTIAl' . APPLICA'l, J/PERMI'l' 225 North 5th Street Springfield~ Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 ' I ~;:.:::i:n~~'.'."..'7)>oZlwfif"" ~m~'.' u " .... Assessorc Map II .\r,1D '3a s ~ a Ta:c Lot; II Subdiv'isio.n: Oomer: fY/[jf (/J me k'..UJIl U JU()tf e/Jrl-if ~ hid. Address: City: \ I Nm,) I Mditicn I Remodel I 1.lobi le Home /'-165'1 \ COG\CY) Phone: 14& - 11/;f' 9;1'177 Zip: Descl'ibe 1I'0P/e; tbfcu/v woiP-v ~ '1.,tl~~1 Date of Application Con t. r ae: tors General j Plumbing m~ \ Hee:hanie:al I Electrical I SUD~'1I.~~s_~.ll.g--,EJec t r~.e: ia 11 Value Address II Bldrs Board Reg. "Phonp T . lJl.SC. '-.: Sirf'~ed : Date: /kLL 7..- / 1-- f'7 I Ei~ D i ~~ e..s It is the responaibil'jty of the penm:t holdel' to aee that all inspectionG are madr; at the pl'oper timl':, that ;:;c:.ch .:::.ddress is rea::?aoZe from the'stl'eet, and that the pel'mit cal'd is located at the fl'ont of the property. "Building Divisio!! approved plan slzc.ll l'emain on tha Building sa;; at all /;imes. P,'roCEDURE FOR INSPECTION REQPEST :CALL 7 26- 37 69 (l'ccordel') state !lOUl' U t;y des7:gna ted job nur.:beJ\ l'equestcd ar.d "Jhen you LJill be I'eady fol' inspection.. Contl'actOI'S 01' ();Jne;:s ncme end '['hone nwnbCl'. "-'ill be made the same dey, requests mGae aft;;;l' 7:00 alii I"ill be made /;!w nc:r;t ClOI'k1:rlg day. ex qDl DO ReouiN'<,-j Insuect7:ons D SI7'E INSPECTION: To be made after' excavation, but prior to set up of f01'llls. O UNDF:RS[,AB P['UMBING. ELECTR.ICI1L ,~ . MECHANICAl,: To be made befol'e any wOl'k is covel'ed. o FOOTING & FOUND,1TION: To be made after trenches are excavated.al~ forms al'e erected, but priol' to poul'ing conCl'ete. U.~'D.';;RGROUND PLUMBING. S.r.:fff,R. fi.1TE'R, DRAINAGE: To be made pl'iol' to fa- lir.g tl'enches. 10 o o UNDERF[,OOR pl,u~mING & MECHANICAl,: To be made pl'iol'to inGtallation of floor insulation or decking. POST AND BEllM: To be made prior to installation of floor inslAlation 01' decking. ROUG/I PWMBTNG. ELECTRICAL & MECTI- ANICAL: No "Jork is to be covel'ed , w!ti l these inspections have bee1~ made and approved. FI!?E'Pl,ACE: Prior to plc.cir.g facing materials and before framing inspec- tion. FRANING: Must be requeGted after appl'Oval of rough plwr.bing, electri- cal & mechanical, All roofing bracing & chimneys, etc. nr"l8t be completed. No work is to be con- , cea.led until this inspection has . been made and approved. o D D YOUI' C7:ty DeGignated ,Job ^'wnbGl' IG: D INS/}[,ATION!VI1P01? /I!l/?/nD/? INSPECTION: To be made after all inGul,~tion a?:d required vapor Cap1'iel':; are in place but before any lal;h, WIlJl;wn board 01' lJall covel"ing 7:8 applied, and befOl'e any 7:nGulation i:; concealed. 'job adeJ'css, type of in3pecticIl Requests l'ecei;;ed cefol'e 7: 00 Ci , DDnOLTTJO.'! OR ,'.:OV,S'D BUIl.DI'-;C:j :=J SanitOJ'Y seuel' capped at p~Op'il.tij lir.e . =:J Sepl;i,~ I;anl: p;;:;:ped G.:-id f,: lled 1Ji th gl'Q"Je l I Final - f,'hen above .ite::ls are completed -----1 m~d LJhen demolitiOl; is complete or st;:uc- ture moved and pr<::mi3es cleaned up.' Mob7: le /leme.s ~ Blochng and Set-:.;p ~ Plumbing comzections S<:WCl' and LJater T- Electrical Connection - Blocking, set-up .--J and plW7lb7:nu cOn/;ec tl:ons rr.~s t te appl'o;;ed bef01'c peque,;t'i.nfj eZectl'ical inspection ~ Acce:;sor!j Bzd lding I Final - Aftar porcl:ea, sk::rti;lg~ decks), ~ etc. are completed. o All p'o.jec/; concb:t7:on:;, uuc,'; w3/;lIe i.m:t;allat;ion of ,'j.~l'ee/; treeD, cO::ipleti.a'1 of the l'equ7:ped landscaping, etc., inust be Gatisfied befel'e the BUILDING PINAL emz he requested. :B' FItIAl, PLUMBING ~ FINI1L ME,,'!/ANICA[, ~ FINAl, ELECTRICAl, ~ o PIN.1L lJI/ILnING: The [-'7:1101 lJund7:1!(J Im;pcel;iol1 mw;t be l'eque[;ted cFtel' the F7:11rd Pl.wnbin;7 ElectI'L~al, and Mechar.icr.;l Im;pectiOlw have been made alui approv2d. D DRYfil1DL INSPECTION: Tc be made af'tel' all. drY1JaZZ 7:S in place, but pr7:01' to allY taping. ~f1[,[, MI1N!/GT.ES AND CLEANOIJTS MUST BE I1CCZ','SSIBU\, ADdUSTtiE'N~ TO BE MM)E /IT NO COST TO CI7')' o MASONRY: Steel location, bond beamG, gr'out7:ng 01' Ve1'{7:cc.ls in accol'dance "Jith U. B. C. Sect:iol1 2415. fiOODSTOl't.': After installation is completed. D D CURB & APPROACH I1PHON: l1f'tm' forms are erected but pr",:op /;0 pOUl.ing corz,"]po/;e. o SIDF:fiA[,K & DRIVEr,I;:Y: For all COI1- crel;e paving 1"iUl1:11 ,<;/;pect p'ight- of-7,)(~Y, to be made aftCl' all exca- vatinq complete l~ fo)';" LJork & cub- baGe matel"ial in pla,"]e. D ."'ENeE: "'her.. complt;;t;e -- P1'ovide gates 01' movoble sectiCllG I;/l1'ougl; P.IJ. E. o Pa~e 1 of 2 JOB NO. SOL A R A C'(; E S S R E Q.- Izone: . Oceupancy GrouI, LOT TYPE Lot Sq. Ftg. % of Lot Coverag2 # of Stones 1'otal Height Topogra?hy Interior' COl'ner I'anlwm.ll.e Cul-de-:;ac I lITEM SQ.FTG x VaLue Main GCX'aae CarVOl't I AcCeSSOl'l/ Is. D.C. TOTAL VAWE (vaWc) 1.5 i I --1 Bui lding Permi t State Sw'char(ie Toto. l Ch.ar>ges I I1'EM I NO. FfE CllAllGE' I Fixtures I Residential (] bath) I Sani tary SeLJer' r Watel' Pbmbing Perr.:i t /6,00 State Surcl:ar'ge ,7~ Total- Charaes I ()~ 7'5 ~ I 11'E'M I NO. FEE CHARGE I Res. So. fta. I N<JL)/Extend Circui ts T~orary Service Eleatl'ical Permit State Surcharge TotaL CharGes ITEM NO. FEE' CflAlICE Furnace ETU' S I Exhaust Hood I Vent Fan I Woodstove I Pel'mit Issuance Mechanical- Permit State Sw'charae Total Chal'qes ENCROACHMENT Seauntl.{ Devosit Storage I Maintenanae I Permi t Total ChaI'ges eurbaut Sidewalk Fen::!e Electrical Label I Mobi le Home TOTAL AMOUNT DUF::^ /5, 1~ L - C 0 G.:tt 'l'ype/Const: Bech'Qollls: I Lot Faces - I Setback:; I P. [,. /louse Cm'age I Access . [Nol.th l;:(/:~L._.______ /30l..th !r'/eDt T~{[le Enepql/ Sources fleat r-lateI' .'Ieatel' Range P-il'eplace (,-/(';0[1;..; toue Pse[} Building Value & Permit. Tlri.'; pcr'mit i:; gl'antcd on' the expr'ess cond'ition that the sdid constl'uction shall, in all pespccts, conj"onnto' the Ol'dinance adopted b'y the City oj" 8w'ing,f-ield, incZucEng the Zoning Cl'dinance, regulating the ccnstI'ucticn and use oj'lndld-ings, and may be sUDpencled or revoked at any time upon vic- Lat'/:on oj' any provis'ior:s oj' Daid Ordinances. ! ^ Plan Check Fee: Date Paid: lIecc;ipt II: ISigned: I Plumbing Permit No pel'son shall constl'Lwt, install., alter or change any neLJ or existing plumb'ing 01' dl'ainage sYDte:n in ;,,}hole or in pal't, unless such pepson is the legal pODsessor of a valid pllunber's licenDe, except that a pe~son may do plumb-i.rlg IJOI'/< to pl'opel'ty lJhich 1:S oLJned, leased or oper>ated by the appli- cant. . Electrical Perm it [rhel'e State [,WJ I'equ'ipes that the electr'ical LJol'k be done by an Electr'ical Conl;rcwtOl', the electrical portion oj" this per'mit shall not be valid until the label Iws been signed by the Electrical Contractor. Ii Mechanical PermH !' Plan E:cCllline;' uate,;, I HAVE CAREFULLY EXIlMINED the completed application fop pe'i-mit, and do heI'eby 'certify that all info~mation hepeon is true and correct, and I f-:'ll,theI' ce1't'ify that any ar.cl all work pepfomled shall be dO~le in accor- dance w-ith the Olod-inances of the City of Springfield, and th:: La;,;s of the State oj' Opegon p::rtaining to the work described hepein, and that NO 'OCCU- PANCY w-ill be made of any structW'2 without pennission of the Building Di- viDiol1. I fur'ther' ce1'tify that 0?1ly contractors and e.71ployees who ape 'in co;npl~:ance with ORS 701.055 LJill be used on this project 7n CUvJ '77l~(!; . (/. /'.J S7:Un2d Date