HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1984-10-9 . .. RESIDENTIAL'. APPLICA':ION!PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Sprir4fieLd, Oregon 97477 Buitding Division 726-3753 Job [.oc:::i:,": /~;;? 7 {f~ ~A'1'10 \I()~~S~~ T~~; # \l-'CO VJA~, D:cr;~, rd A.:c::eiCll Id ,=o<.l J-<.NU'L. /J 17 -I' ;t}~~~~ / . Cat. ~;',::,:::[ w ~ ~/:;;; . 'alu. i :3 ~;;;;;;- ~Ol'l:r::c:o~~,., ~~ Adti.-ess Gene~L ~ , _~ & " p. (j .~,( J I C, ~. 9'7</7_7 PrImlO'l.rtq ,'A.l ,J ~ J !Lect~caL ' A8:JesaorJ :~ /I Subdi-r.:JiCll: C.:n~r: L~J; ~. '- /~J? Wid <',\l /.dd:oeS3: c:.=y: n I I I I I I '117"J .'.fflC1urr:iC:: L C01l.8tl"'..IC~01l [.;:nder PI-.or.e: ? q &:'''' f-J '362 J Zip: 97</"7 7 , .~cce::;: ~ t,"3 (P"7 c.- lei / Q/~/)-r 4)/ , Siqr.ed: Date: &~/ /d./9 / J'"S/ Lisc.;, E=it'cs . ;J /)r,;,/y<,,-' I " Phon;; '7Q 7. ,rirb..f %S'17 !~ ill ~he resFonaibU::ty of' tns pel"M'it ha'ldszo to see that aZZ irn;pections are made at: the propeI' timE:, that o:ach =ddress is re~":'7:': front tM street, end that the permit card is t..xated .::t the front of eM property. .3ui!di",.g :>O:vicio:-: cp::rot:ed FZan sr.cz,z. rmain on ehz Bu~Z.ding 5it~ at all times. P."OC::!JU?! Fon iN$?.:[;,!,ID!I R::~UE'ST,:CALL 726-3769 (recordel') state your City desiqr.ated joe mu;:cer, job at:.:::!'css, type of in:;pec-;icn zo~ested a:-.d. :.I,':en ~ou ;.;iLL oe ready for ir.spcctum, Cont1'actcl'S or O!..'ners nc:ne .::nd phar.e nu.wer. Requesr;s receit:ed l;efcrg 7: 00 c.: :.'iZ Z. be rrcae t~ sams Cc:J, requests meae afta' 7: 00 c:n wi n be made the nat :.;orkin.; da-:i. .~I)~'t;r:: ?':.!/'!~T:.'C. ::.:;~?!"~~~ 1 /,fEC1- AN i':,l;:': .'/0 'JOt'': ia ::0 be co~'er'?C: ' ur.:::::l :i:cs~ -::r.s:::>ec:icr.s ;...;;v'? ;;eer. mece =r~ =??zo?lJei. r:.=:;?!.-lc::: mOl' ~ ,?l.c::.r.g f'c::i.r..c materiaia ar~ befol'e fr~ng inspec- t icr.. ."!'.~..uI.'!r,: MU3: be zoeq-.<a:Jt.?d af~.?r 0 <=;JPl'cv,;:!. of r~qh pLlr..iJir.g, JLec:~_ caL & mecr.mti.::al. ALL :'Oof-:.ng braC--::r.g & Chimn~Y3, at.::. r.rooolSt: be ~ vJ~ col1TDl.?!:ed. ;'/0 ~r< "':s :0 oe CC1l- f<-,' . cec.l.Jd unt-:.L :1:i:; ins~ec~C1l r.as 'been madJ and cpproved. '. ~e~Ji~Dd ~~~~~~t~cn~ srI:: I:75?::c:'rJ:l: To be rrcc.e e:::cav.::t::.:m, but p~cr t: se~ l~s. o o aj:er up of 1Y.lD=2S~A3 P!,[':f3I:IC. 2[2C':'PIC,1l. ~ XECH,l:/i,';,J.L: 7'0 be made oefore =y IolOrk is .::ovc:-ed. o FCO':!."/C ~ :OU:!D,1TI~"': To be r:r::C2 aj":.?r :rencnes <;rg =cavat.?d ar.d ferms <;re erect.?a, but priol' tc pourir.g concreto;. CJ !f:!~~c:~Om!D ,?~~~;."lC. Su::R. ::J.tT!".=?, D,~A,I.'/':'Cc: Io i:;e r.a.ie pr:.or :::0 /ii- Z.ir.g :rer.ches. o W/CG.~"'::::C.'? !'UJ..,~r.:C ~ ,'{EC'EA.'lrt::.f:-: To be rr:aC.s pri.;r :;a ins t,;: i. t.:!e::oll of [7.001' "':r.suZction or deckir.q. P'JST AND 3r,:,:.f: To be tr.ac.c p:r-~r to i1l3:al~:::::Cn of 1'1001" i71Sz.:.la~ion or deckin.q. u o o o or :lour City. Desiqr.ated Jcb Numba' Ia: O INSULATION/VAPOR SA.rIRI2R INSP:Ci'rON: To be trade after aU i.r.sul..=ti..:ln a:-.a , rcqu-::red vapor 1:fZ!'!>i.eI'S are in place but 1:e;'"ol'e ar.y lath, gypsum bcCll'd or =U covering is appL:.ed, and before any ir..:rooollation ~s conceaz.ed.. o DRY'''/ALL INSP'::CTION: Tc be made ajter all. Crj'..Ja.U is in place, but prior to =y taping. MASONRY: SteeL Location, bo1zd beama, grouting or verticaLs in accordance UJi.:h fl. B. C. Sectian 2415. 8l./ D 7 ~ (7 . DE,~:OLITIOH OR :.~'OV::] 3UILDI,jCS :J Sani t,;:r';J se'.Jer cap?ed ::t rr.:..op;;rt;-i U:-:e =:J Septic tank p'..il?o:a a7'~ [-::Lled UJi.th ~.;e: ~ Pinal. - f-/hen c:,.,-ve ite:ns are c='''f'OLeted ., ,1 ... .. .... ""'- ar.d wnen ~emcl.~v'l.Or. ~s comp~ete 01' s~.~c- ture moved and pr~ses cLeaned up. . Mobil.e flc.-roes D o WOODSTO'ri:: After instaLlation is ccmpl.etc:d. '~ ~ Blocking and Set-~p ~ PZumbing connect~ns s~er and water ~ ElectricaL Ccnr.ection - Blockir.g, set-u; ---1 and. plumbing acrtr.ections nr...:st ;;e approt:ei beforc request-::r.g electricaL ir~?sctio~ ~ A .~ .. ---1 ccesso~' Bu~~~ng ~~. 1.~ - l't.1"'~", - ....lt~r..F~r~r:es, etc. are ~cmp~e=~d. sldrtir.g, dec,v~, D CURS & APPRCACP. AP.'?ON: After fol'ms are areated out ?riOl" to pouring con.:::rete. o All project cor.di~i~ns, JUC~ as ~he {ns=aLlati~n of s:reet =rees, ~~~!a~iv" 0; the required rand3cC?ir~, etc., must be sa:isfiad Qc[ore cr~ 3u;r=I~C :I~AL ~an be r2~.<est~d. ::J FI::A:; P!.U.',.'3!::C =:J .:'r:/:'l :!:::.'!A.'I!CAl ~ :'::IA[. ~:E=-:.':I=';[, .~ o ."'::IAL aUI:':JI:1C: Tl-.e Final Suil.di,..q Insi:!ec:ion ,=t be !"~q'...el;:;.ui. ;:'ter t;'.e FinaL P!~bing ~Z~ccrical., and ~echa:-:ic~Z. Inspec:ian3 :uwe eeen mad3 arA ~pp~ov2d. o SIDEWALK & :JRr.'FJ/I.?: For aU con- crete paving within stzoeet right- of-wc.y, to bc made a;.t~r al.! exca- vatir.g ccmpLet2 & jom wol'k & ~uD- base rr.aterial. in place. .A:'~ :.!A::W:::';S /..ND CLEANC{JTS .'fUST Be ACC::S;::Jl.2, .~j)Ji.:S":~.':T TO SE .~~1CE !!T ::0 :;ST T? ':I:'! ,~--:~! of 2 .r:o::NCE: When complc:te -- Provida gates 01' movable sections through p.{J.e. Zone.e X'/07d-a Occupdncl1 G. LOT TYPE Job Number: Lot Sq. Ftg. % of~lot Coverage II of Stories Total Height ::'opography lITEM j Il.fain i I I Garac;e i I CaJ'vort SQ.FTG Accessoru IRL-~ r l) IS.D.c. TOTAL VALUE !va/.ueJ 1.5 x Building PerrTrit State Szaocharge Total Char>ges I ITEM Fixtui>es IResidential (1 bath) I Sanitary SeuJer I Water I Plumbing Permi t State Szaocr.G.I'ge Total Charoes i ItEM Res. So. fto. N;;w/Exterui Circuits I I Temporary Service I I i I I i I i lITEM I ! Purn.:we ETU' S I E::::haust Hood i Vent Fan I .loodstove Electrical Pe~it ' State Szaocharqe Total Charges ,,' 1 HO. I Permit Issuance MechanicJ l Pe-rmi t State Su:t'charoe Total Charaes ENCROACHMENT Serr.A.riti; Deposit Storage Maintenance I Permit I Total Charaes , eurbcut I SideuJalk I 1 Pen:::e I E:teet7'ica 7. Label Mobile Home TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: ~ Interior Corner Panhandle C~!l-de-sac x Value iNO.' I 19.'1 uo I I I l~ I . 9~1 ,,9 J../. 9 {" I ~ CHARGE I ' I I I FEE I NO.1 I I I I I FEE CHARGE' FEE CHARCE " I I I '(- aL/, 9(P Refererce Numcers: Type/Const: _I Setbacks House Carage Access. I I I [,-coc #: Bedrooms: Enerau Sources Heat (-later Heater Range ' Fireplace .100dstove I Lot Faces - I I P.L. INorth East South West T.L!oe .. -~.---- -- -~I Fees Building Value &, Per,mit 'This pe-rmit is granted on the express condition that the said construction' shall, in all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, including the Zoning Ordinance, regulating the construction and use of buildings, and may be suspended or revoked at any time upon vio- Zation of any provisions of said Ordinances. Plan Check Fee: Date Paid: Recdpt #: !Signed: Plumbing Permit No person 'shall construct, install, aUer 01" change any neuJ or e::::isting plum9ingor drainage system in'~hole or in part, unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except that a per>son may do plumbing,work to property which is owned, leased or operated by the appli- cant. " I I l ~ ; . '" E I e c t rica I Permit Where State Law requires that the electrical work be done by an Electrical Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit shall r~t be valid until' the label has been signed by the Electrical Contractor. * Mechanical Permit I I I I I * I f I r I f * Plan EXCJn1-ner vate I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for permit, and do hereby certify that all infor'mation hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any ar4 all work performed shall be done in accor- dance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and the ~s of the State of Oregon pzrtaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCU- PANCY will be made of any structure without permission of the BuiZding Di- vision. I further certify th,at only contractors ar~ employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project ~ ~ ~ /o~1'-?1 1/ ' .. J Sig1'l'2d Date' *