HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/11/2014 RegularMINUTES OF THE JOINT ELECTED OFFICIALS MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL, AND LANE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 2014 A joint elected officials meeting with the City of Springfield and Lane County was held in the Goodson Room, Lane County Public Works, 3040 North Delta Highway, Eugene, Oregon, on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 at 6:OOpm with Board Chair Pat Farr presiding. ATTENDANCE Board Chair Farr reconvened the meeting of the Lane County Board of Commissioners. Mayor Lundberg opened the meeting of the Springfield City Council. Present from Lane County were Board Vice -Chair Farr Stewart and Commissioners Leiken, Bozievich and Sorenson. Lane County Planning Manager Matt Laird and other Lane County staff were also present. Board Chair Farr was absent (excused). Present from Springfield were Mayor Christine Lundberg and Councilors VanGordon, Wylie, Moore, and Brew (by conference phone). Springfield City Manager Gino Grimaldi and other Springfield staff were also present. Councilors Ralston and Woodrow were absent (excused). PUBLIC HEARING 1. Springfield 2035 TSP Adoption Vice -Chair Stewart said this was the third reading and continued public hearing on ORDINANCE NO. PA -1303 — IN THE MATTER OF CO- ADOPTING THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD 2035 TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM PLAN FOR APPLICATION WITHIN THE URBANIZABLE AREA OUTSIDE THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD LIMITS, BUT WITHIN THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD URBAN GROWTH BOUNDARY, AND ADOPTING SAVINGS AND SEVERABILITY CLAUSES. City Manager Gino Grimaldi read the Springfield Ordinance, ORDINANCE NO. 1 — AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE 2035 SPRINGFIELD TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM PLAN (TSP) AS A REFINEMENT PLAN OF THE EUGENE - SPRINGFIELD METROPOLITAN AREA GENERAL PLAN (METRO PLAN) FOR APPLICATION WITHIN THE AREA OF PLANNING JURISDICTION OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD AND ADOPTING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. Mayor Lundberg asked Springfield Senior Planner David Reesor to present the staff report. Mr. Reesor said staff last met with the elected officials in February during a public hearing on the Springfield Transportation System Plan (TSP). Both the public hearing and the public record were left open from February 18 until tonight's meeting. Since that time, one letter had been received from the Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) staff. The letter was distributed to the elected officials. March 11, 2014 Joint Elected Officials Meeting Public Hearing City of Springfield Lane County Page 2 of 3 Mr. Reesor said the letter was fairly lengthy, but the main piece was related to the Regional Transportation System Plan (RTSP) and how it related to local TSPs. In 2008, local jurisdictions worked with DLCD to come up with a work plan to update local TSPs as well as the RTSP, and how they were connected. During the last public hearing; staff handed out a letter from DLCD expressing concern about whether or not performance measures were included in our local TSP. During the TSP planning process, the City had decided not to include the performance measures in the local TSP, but to work on them at the regional level where they belonged, through the RTSP process. DLCD staff requested the elected officials direct staff to work on a revised RTSP work plan before the Land Conservation and Development Commission (LCDC) in May. Tonight, they could move forward with the adoption of the Springfield TSP with direction for staff to work with DLCD on updating that work plan. Mr. Reesor referred to the supplemental findings noted in red in the staff report that addressed DLCD's concerns regarding performance measures. Discussion was held regarding options to move forward this evening. Councilor Moore asked if the RTP was also a twenty -year plan. Mr. Reesor said that was correct. The RTP was the Federally required plan, and the RTSP was the State required plan. Once staff updates the RTSP, the dates would be in sync with the local TSP. Commissioner Sorenson referred to the second paragraph in the letter from DLCD "In November 2007, local staff advised the department that amendments to the RTSP (locally called "TransPlan ") to comply with the TPR would not be accomplished within one yearl . In 2008, the city and region requested, and LCDC approved, a work plan allowing the region five years — until 2013 — to update regional and local TSPs, and to report on meeting the performance measures required by the TPR, and adopted in the 2002 TransPlan ". He asked if that was done. Mr. Reesor said tonight's plan was Springfield's local TSP, and Eugene was currently working on updating their plan. They wanted to wait to approve a new RTSP until both local TSP's had been adopted. When Eugene updates their local TSP, both plans will feed into the RTSP. That was how the original work plan was set up, but delays in timing had kept that from happening. Mayor Lundberg opened the public hearing for the City of Springfield. Commissioner Stewart opened the public hearing for the Board of Commissioners. No one appeared to speak. The letter from DLCD that was distributed earlier in the evening was entered into the.record. Commissioner Stewart closed the public hearing and the public record for the Board of Commissioners. Mayor Lundberg closed the public hearing and the public record for the City of Springfield March 11, 2014 Joint Elected Officials Meeting Public Hearing City of Springfield Lane County Page 3 of 3 IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR WYLIE WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR RALSTON TO ADOPT THE 2035 SPRINGFIELD TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM PLAN AND DIRECT STAFF TO WORK WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF LAND CONSERVATION AND DEVELOPMENT TO PREPARE A REVISED WORK PLAN THAT REFLECTS THE CURRENT PLANNING PROCESS BEING USED TO DEVELOP A NEW REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM PLAN (RTSP). THE MOTION PASSED BY A VOTE OF 4 FOR AND 0 AGAINST (2 ABSENT). IT WAS MOVED BY COMMISSIONER LFIKEN WITH A SECOND BY COMMISSIONER BOZIEVICH TO ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. PA -1303 AS PRESENTED. THE MOTION PASSED BY A CALL FOR THE VOTE OF 4 FOR AND 0 AGAINST (1 ABSENT). ADJOURNMENT Mayor Lundberg adjourned the Springfield City Council at 6:11 p.m. Commissioner Stewart adjourned the Lane County Commissioners at 6:11 p.m. Minutes Recorder Amy Sowa City Recorder Christine L. Lundberg Mayor Attest: .. . PA Ll