HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 01 Springfield Transient Room Tax Revenues, Spending and Future Strategies and Projects AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 4/7/2014 Meeting Type: Work Session Staff Contact/Dept.: Jeff Towery, CMO Staff Phone No: 541-726-3700 Estimated Time: 40 Minutes S P R I N G F I E L D C I T Y C O U N C I L Council Goals: Provide Financially Responsible and Innovative Government Services ITEM TITLE: SPRINGFIELD TRANSIENT ROOM TAX REVENUES, SPENDING AND FUTURE STRATEGIES AND PROJECTS ACTION REQUESTED: At this time, staff asks Council to provide direction on two key Transient Room Tax (TRT) related topics; • In light of the TRT analysis of projected revenues, expenses, and accumulated reserves (Attachment 5), would Council like Staff to solicit community project proposals for remaining available funds through a formal process, which would include Council review and selection, or continue making contributions to TRT reserves, or a combination of both? ISSUE STATEMENT: Springfield’s Transient Room Tax funds are generated by taxing overnight hotel stays in Springfield. The City has spent room tax revenues historically on general fund, economic development, and tourism related activities. Staff will discuss with Council the current revenues received, historical spending, and projected revenues and expenses specific to upcoming projects and priorities anticipated to require TRT funds. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1 – Transient Room Tax Council Briefing Memo Attachment 2 – Historical Transient Room Tax Revenues and Current Projections Attachment 3 – Historical Annual Utilization of Transient Room Tax Revenues Attachment 4 – Glenwood on the River Hotel and Conference Center Proposal Attachment 5 – Projected Transient Room Tax Revenues, Expenses, and Accumulated Reserves DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: For every night stayed in a Springfield hotel, the City receives 4.5% of the room rate. This percentage is referred to as the Transient Room Tax or TRT. With over 1,400 rooms in the Springfield area, events and destinations generating more visitors and increasing annual hotel occupancies also increase amounts of TRT funds received by the City, funds which are required by the State to be used in part for tourism related activities. Because of this direct relationship, it is important to be strategic in both supporting tourism related facilities, activities, events, and destinations and the spending of received TRT dollars. See attached Council Briefing Memo for further discussion. ATTACHMENT 1, PAGE 1 OF 2 M E M O R A N D U M City of Springfield Date: 4/7/2014 To: Gino Grimaldi COUNCIL From: Jeff Towery, Asst. City Manager John Tamulonis, Community Dev. Manager Courtney Griesel, Management Analyst BRIEFING Subject: Springfield Transient Room Tax Revenues, Spending and Future Strategies and Projects MEMORANDUM ISSUE: The City’s Transient Room Tax funds are generated by taxing overnight hotel stays in Springfield. The City has spent room tax revenues historically on general fund, economic development, and tourism related activities. Staff will discuss with Council the current revenues received, historical spending, and future projects and priorities anticipated to require Transient Room Tax funds as well as the potential to establish a formal process for TRT fund requests and evaluations. COUNCIL GOALS/ MANDATE: Provide Financially Responsible and Innovative Government Services BACKGROUND: For every night stayed in a Springfield hotel, the City receives 4.5% of the room rate. This percentage is referred to as the Transient Room Tax or TRT. With over 1,400 rooms in the Springfield area, events and destinations generating more visitors and increasing annual hotel occupancies also increase amounts of transient room tax received by the City, funds which are required by the State to be used in part for tourism related activities. Because of this direct relationship, it is important to be strategic in both supporting tourism related activities, events, and destinations and the spending of received TRT funds. Historical & Projected Revenues& Spending The tourism industry, as with all industries, remains in recovery following the recession. The steady climb from FY10 revenues of $680,000 include $970,000 in funds received during FY13 and projected annual revenue for FY 14 of $1.1M. Attachment 2 illustrates past trends of annual revenues received. Historically, the City of Springfield utilized Transient Room Tax dollars in several ways (Attachment 3);  Undesignated General Fund Supplement The general fund currently receives the largest portion of TRT dollars (5/9 or about 55.5%) for undesignated purposes.  General Fund Designated TRT dollars fund a number of specific City programs spanning the Library, Development and Public Works, and the City Manager’s Office Communications program. Many of these programs have, or have had for a time, direct or indirect links to increases in tourism related activities or improving the community’s appeal for tourism.  Ongoing Tourism and Economic Development Program Expenses A portion of funds received are distributed to a number of programs and projects directly MEMORANDUM 4/2/2014 Page 2 ATTACHEMENT 1, PAGE 2 OF 3 linked to the support of tourism related events, amenities, and development. These projects are expected to generate overnight stays in Springfield hotels, directly impacting the TRT funds received. These ongoing activities and expenses are outlined in Attachment 5.  Contribution to Reserves Historically the City has moved some TRT funds to a reserve account to be used later for either a significant upcoming tourism related project or event or to fund a tourism related community challenge grant program for local projects and events. The use of TRT funds, as outlined above and shown in Attachment 3 and Attachment 5, are at Council discretion and not mandatory or set by policy. However, the current allocations reflect how TRT funds are currently included in the proposed FY15 budget. Future Projects and Strategies Projects The City could continue supplementing with TRT the designated and undesignated general fund activities as it has in the past. If so, by the end of this fiscal year (FY14), without utilizing current TRT reserves of about $333,000, another $180,000 in TRT room tax revenue is projected and could be utilized for TRT eligible projects or for further contribution to TRT reserves. One significant project for City Council review is the Glenwood on the River Hotel and Conference Center project proposed by the Glenwood H&CC, LLC development team (Attachment 4). The Hotel and Conference Center project proposes the development of a vibrant, high-profile, $25.8M hotel with approximately 150 rooms and a $17.1M Conference and Events Center with nearly 20,000 sq. ft. and events and meeting space. The proposed City contribution to the project is $2.5M over 10 years specifically for the turn-key construction of the Conference and Events facility. Attachment 5 provides Council with projected TRT forecasts which include the revenues and expenses associated with supporting the proposed Conference Center development. With the projected FY14 TRT revenues and current reserves, the City of Springfield could provide funding to ensure the success of the Conference Center development. However, projected revenues alone would not support all projected expenses, including Conference Center support, and would require utilization of TRT reserves. This information is also reflected in Attachment 5. Because of the limited funds, it is important to have Council discuss and provide some direction to staff regarding strategies for evaluating future requests for TRT funds. Strategy Staff would like Council to provide direction for the use of available TRT revenues and reserves in anticipation of potential projects, events, and partnership requests and opportunities in the future. Council will have the opportunity to determine if the funding of the Glenwood on the River Hotel and Conference Center development should become a priority for TRT fund expenditure over the next ten years. The Conference Center project is a long-term investment which is expected to add new capacity to the region for events and overnight hotel stays, thus creating increased, ongoing, opportunities for future TRT revenues. This priority project will limit the ability to fund other TRT related projects in the immediate future, during construction and start-up, requiring a strategy for evaluating and selecting near-term project proposals and contributions to TRT reserves. Attachment 5 is included as a financial tool to assist Council in making the decision to authorize or not authorize the support of the Glenwood on the River Hotel and Conference Center development during the April 7th Joint Regular Session with the Lane County Board of Commissioners. Should Council determine to support the Conference Center project, during the initial development start-up time frame, Council might advise staff as to whether remaining available funds and reserves should be utilized for other community projects and asks or to build further TRT reserves. If Council is interested in funding other community events and projects, staff might MEMORANDUM 4/2/2014 Page 3 ATTACHEMENT 1, PAGE 3 OF 3 solicit community project proposals for an approved amount of TRT funds. This solicitation could require a formal application and evaluation process to help Council determine how to strategically spend the remaining funds available for TRT related community projects, not otherwise desired to be placed in TRT reserves. RECOMMENDED ACTION: At this time, staff asks Council to provide direction on two key Transient Room Tax related topics;  In light of the TRT analysis of projected revenues, expenses, and accumulated reserves (Attachment 5), would Council like Staff to solicit community project proposals for remaining available funds through a formal process, which would include Council review and selection, or continue making contributions to TRT reserves, or a combination of both?  $‐  $2 0 , 0 0 0  $4 0 , 0 0 0  $6 0 , 0 0 0  $8 0 , 0 0 0  $1 0 0 , 0 0 0  $1 2 0 , 0 0 0  $1 4 0 , 0 0 0 Ju l y A u g u s t S e p t e m b e r O c t o b e r N o v e m b e r D e c e m b e r J a n u a r y F e b r u a r y M a r c h A p r i l M a y J u n e Hi s t o r i c a l  Tr e n d s  in  Sp r i n g f i e l d  Tr a n s i e n t  Ro o m  Ta x  Fu n d s  Re c i e v e d FY 13/14 FY 12/13 FY 11/12 FY 10/11 FY 09/10 AT T A C H M E N T  2  Designated General Fund Supplement 16% Undesignated General Fund Contribution 55% Ongoing Tourism and Economic Development Program Expenses 17% Funds Contributed to Tourism Project Reserves and/or Spent on Community Tourism Programs and Events 12% Historical Utilization of Springfield Transient Room Tax Funds ATTACHMENT 3 ATTACHMENT 4, PAGE 1 OF 3 ATTACHMENT 4, PAGE 2 OF 3 ATTACHMENT 4, PAGE 3 OF 3   Cu r r e n t  Forecasted FY 1 1 FY 1 2 FY 1 3 FY 1 4 FY15FY16FY17 An n u a l  Re v e n u e  Re c e i v e d 77 7 , 0 8 0 $                                 90 1 , 6 5 9 $                                   97 3 , 8 2 5 $                                 1,059,944 $                                     1,187,978$            1,336,716$             1,533,306$             ‐  Ex p e n d i t u r e s Un d e s i g n a t e d  Ge n e r a l  Fu n d  Co n t r i b u t i o n   43 1 , 7 1 1 $                                 50 0 , 9 2 2 $                                   54 1 , 0 1 4 $                                 611,111 $                                           659,988$               742,620$                851,837$                 De s i g n a t e d  Ge n e r a l  Fu n d  Co n t r i b u t i o n 13 9 , 3 3 8 $                                 15 1 , 2 7 6 $                                   16 1 , 9 1 2 $                                 189,285 $                                           194,480$               202,259$                210,350$                 To t a l  Ro o m  Ta x  Pr o g r a m  an d  Pr o j e c t  Co m m i t m e n t s  Ma d e 16 4 , 6 1 4 $                                 19 6 , 3 6 7 $                                   21 6 , 4 9 6 $                                 171,164 $                                           339,028$               381,596$                395,286$                 Ec o n o m i c  De v e l o p m e n t  Mg r  & Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n 90 , 4 1 4 9 5 , 4 7 8 1 0 0 , 8 4 6 1 0 6 , 5 3 6 Ch a m b e r  of  Co m m e r c e 35 , 0 0 0 35,00035,00035,000 Sp r i n g f i e l d  Mu s e u m 45 , 0 0 0 45,00045,00045,000 Hi s t o r i c  Di s t r i c t  Si g n a g e 75 0 750750750 Gl e n w o o d  on  th e  Riv e r  Co n f e r e n c e  Ce n t e r  Pa y m e n t s N/A162,800 **200,000  **208,000  ** Av a i l a b l e  Fu n d s  fo r  No n  Co m m i t t e d  Pr o j e c t s  or  Co n t r i b u t i o n s  to   Re s e r v e s 41 , 4 1 7 $                                     53 , 0 9 4 $                                       54 , 4 0 3 $                                       88,384 $                                                   (5,518)$                   10,241$                   75,834$                   **  Ac c u m u l a t e d  Re s e r v e s  (i n  FY 1 5  th r o u g h  FY 1 7  to t a l s  do  no t   as s u m e  co n t r i b u t i o n  to  re s e r v e s ) 12 4 , 0 6 2 $                                 70 , 0 9 2 $                                       76 , 9 4 0 $                                       333,431 $                                             327,913$                327,913$                 327,913$                 * Fu t u r e  pr o j e c t i o n s  as s u m e    4%  in c r e a s e  in  TR T  fu n d s  re c e i v e d  an n u a l l y  wh i l e  al s o  es t i m a t i n g  ad d i t i o n  TR T  re v e n u e s  re c e i v e d  fr o m  ne w  facilities.   **  Ba s e d  on  ca s h ‐fl o w  an d  ti m i n g  of  pa y m e n t s ,  re s e r v e s  ma y  ne e d  to  be  ut i l i z e d  in  or d e r  to  ma k e  pa y m e n t s  re q u i r e d  pr i o r  to  re v e n u e s  re c e i v e d .   Hi s t o r i c a l Future Projections* AT T A C H M E N T 5