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Permit Building 2014-3-19
SPRINGFIELD - 225 Fifth St -.t CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Springfield,OR 97477 to Phone: 541-726-3753 OREGON Building / Residential Permit Inspection Phone: 541-726-3769 Fax: 541-726-3676 PERMIT NO: 811-SPR2014-00052 www.springfield-or.gov permitcenter @springfield-ar.gov PROJECT STATUS: Issued ISSUED: 03/19/2014 EXPIRES: 09/15/2014 STATUS DATE: 03/19/2014 APPLIED: 01/09/2014 SITE ADDRESS: 658 33RD ST,Springfield,OR 97478 SCOPE: Interior ASSESOR'S PARCEL NO: 1702312405300 TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Residential PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Remodel 1 bedroom Duplex unit OWNER: HOG!LEGACY PROPERTIES LLC Phone Number: ADDRESS: 743 ASCOT DR • EUGENE OR 97401 • CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Contractor Type Contractor Name Lic Type Lic No Lic Exp Phone Electrical Contractor EASTSIDE ELECTRIC INC • CCB 117770 . 10/04/2015 541-741-1499 Plumbing Contractor OZ CUSTOM INSTALLATIONS LLC CCB 162235 11/15/2014 541-913-1983 Mechanical Contractor DZ CUSTOM INSTALLATIONS LLC CCB 162235 11/15/2014 541-913-1983 General Contractor DZ CUSTOM INSTALLATIONS LLC CCB 162235 11/15/2014 ' 541-913-1983 . INSPECTIONS REQUIRED , Inspections 1260 Framing Framing Inspection: Prior to cover and after all rough in inspections have been • approved. 1410 Underfloor insulation 1420 lnsulatlion Vapor Barrier 1430 In�Li�iltIUlnl ,GS adopt/At-4 golnhlaw requireeadffalation: Prior to cover. 14401s1t �Qi 'nter. Thos O1e 9�iii{�6iflyulation: •Prior to cover. e rule3 Pro fey ll, 5` C31-60 lu through OAR 952-001- 1530 43�t�'dor�tlg�vv oi„ h� r-,..o u(ti le 1999 Ffjn( 000iil`l r the Ofet7onotieirhe^tele ding 9 cofter all required inspecti ��11ave been requested and approved and rnner for Iv U l��t: �e1u0r IS 1-800-332-2344), �OdfR� After trenches are PERMIT SHALL EXPIRE IF THE WORK 1110 Footing AUTHORIZED UNDER THIS PERMIT IS NOT By signature, I state and agree,that I have carefully examined the completed applicatiriri and ?,.4-sety'-cARifylthat DONED FOR information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work performed shall-berdgonerni accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the Laws of the State or Oregon pertaining to the workdescri5ed herein,and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any structure without permission of the Community Services Division, Building Safety. I further certify that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.005 will be used on this project. I further agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper time,that each address is readable from the street, that the permit card is located at the front of the property, and the approved set of plans will remain on the site at all times during construction. • 41IF -,21r 7/7// • Owner or Contr-cto r Signature _ Date • • • Springfield Building Permit 3/19/2014 3:59:12PM Page 1 of 1 • • r SPRINGFIELD CITY OF SPRINGFIELD 225 Fifth St 6v---a—s.a-r\ . ` tom TRANSACTION RECEIPT Sp ng eId,OR97477 OREGON 541-726-3753 811-SPR2014-00052 www.springfield-or.gov 658 33RD ST permitcenter©springfield-ar.gov RECEIPT NO: 2014000593 RECORD NO:811-SPR2014-00052 DATE:03/19/2014 o_42i. ;Jld[o] k _ "'trriAt I.- O' .ate '¶ . '-ACCOUNT CODE/TRANS CODE ke- 'cAMOUNT DUE c1, Planning -Major Review-City 100-00000-425002 1231 211.00 State of Oregon Surcharge(12%of applicable fees) 821-00000-215004 1099 34.38 Structural Building Permit Fee 224-00000-425602 1002 286.52 Technology fee(5%of permit total) 100-00000-425605 2099 14.33 TOTAL DUE: 546.23 TVAVIilar-01 P.AYOR criiirR�uRSNar 7 ZI MMENTS ■�s'' "ii .9MOUNTgPAID3 '" Credit Card DZ CUSTOM INSTALLATIONS LLC 546.23 00859C . TOTAL PAID: 546.23 • SPRINGFIELD CITY OF SPRINGFIELD TRANSACTION RECEIPT Springfield`OR 97477 541-726-3753 811-S P R2014-00052 www.springtield-or.gov 658 33RD ST permitcenter @springfietd-or.gav RECEIPT NO: 2014000045 RECORD NO:811-SPR2014-00052 DATE:01/09/2014 ~DESCRIPTION ` ACCOUNT CODE/TRANS CODE:- __— ; AMOUNT Structural Plan Review Fee Residential 224-00000-425602 1061 186.24 TOTAL DUE: 186.24 L PAYMENT TYPE , °PAYOR, CASHIER:CCARPENTER - ;COMMENTS :-.AMOUNT PAID Credit Card Donal Bragg 186.24 09722c TOTAL PAID: 186.24 Structural Permit Application SPRINGFIELD DEPARTMENT USE ONLY , , ' .� �. CITY OF.SPRINGFIELD OREGON t*x r y.f.N.i- Permit no.: S(L' —60052_ 225 Fifth Street•Springfield.OR 97477•PI I(541)72G 3753•FAX(54 oOREGON I Date: /(/ // Y This permit is issued under OAR 918-460-0030. Permits expire if work is not started within 180 days of isst tnce or if work is suspended for 180 days. LOCAL GOVERNMENT APPROVAL FEE SCHEDULE This project has final land-use approval. I. Valuation information Signature: Date: (a) t t4 / e_ / ,,- OJob description:Y10.Yf1f7C1 1 QXGI l./ This project has DEQ approval. Occupancy Signature: Date: Zoning approval verified: ❑ Yes ❑No Construction type: gliyiAdit 5 Property is within flood plain: ❑ Yes ❑No Square feet: d efQ�/ CATEGORY OF CONSTRUCTION Cost per square foot: d ye/ 63 IN Residential ' ❑Government ❑ Commercial Other information: . JOB SITE INFORMATION AND LOCATION Type of lleat: `f vMU e 0 Job site address: /6� /'S3 3, SF Energy Path: . City: ce r,'N.9 C�14/(� State:Or %II'4797k ❑new [gaheration ❑ addition Subdivision: ' Lot no.: /')O 3 j -9Q$3(m (b)Foundation-only permit? ❑ Yes [g No �' Z31 Zy p S3oa 2„Z Reference: Taxlot: Total valuation: $ PROPERTY OWNER 2. Building fees Name: ; Le rtcro Pnpihes (a) Permit fee(use valuation table): S 2S6 5r-2— Address:2 '3 Q'- d,- (b) Investigative fee(equal to 12a1): $ City:Cr ry State:Of_ I ZII'.CJ)yQ1 (c)'Rcinspection($ per hour): $ Phone: SUf jt/q_gd9 Fax: - - (number of hours x lee per hour) E-mail: (d)Enter 12%surcharge(.12 x 12ar2b-12e1): $ -77k (e) Subtotal of fees above(2a through 2d): S Building Owner or Owner's agent authorizing this application: 3. Plan review fees (a) Plan review(65%x permit fee Pal): $ I tic' 2Y Sign here:/// ��� (b)Fire and life safety(40%x permit (ec j2aj): $ ❑This in. allation is Bing made on residential or faun property owned by (c) Subtotal of fees above(3a and 3b): S me or a member of my immediate family.and is exempt from licensing 4.Miscellaneous fees requirements under ORS 701.010. (a) Seismic fee. 1%(.01 x permit fee Pal): $ CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION (b)Technology ice,5/a(.05 x permit fee 2a $ �� '�- O gy " (. p' j j): / / s3 Business name: D Z �S-1.vvJ•s c i'nj �` + TOTAL fees and surcharges(2e+3c+4a+46): S 1�-3) 2(7 Address: � 3s S City: (:�hyJ i�c�/?LA State: ©r_ I ZIP./-2 ')Y 1'honeLl�f,-/4E3 I� Fax: - - E-mail:Gil z2.yt,.e.c{yJ ®3k14&;1 • £cfl--s GCB license no.: /4 ga..3 5 Print name: ,g, , y Lee Signature: „� 7.-dA SUB-CONTRACTOR INFORMATION . Name CCB License# Phone Number Electrical asfSi kcttc. //7T )O si-v- z/ifi Plumbing 1)7_0.).546W1/5 /620,35 s1/s/3-03 Mechanical .22- Gt8 -•s 4,223S s'/3)3-Iri3 .