HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1989-2-10 II 1~.I"'J~',~;11 11.1 III .. ~;~~~~~~.. 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd" Ol>egon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 I 13( T 8 li'cac:pt ,~ ";' ob Location: /];}S /7 03 " . (2IyrlCl?f;:' l1t1te) /;J7tiYl~t'e-lcl oR. 17'17; ~5 u ~l 7':.x LoA!' IC3.0/ soesGor:: Map H ubdivision: r.mer: [j) 0vV / ci c;0-I cL ddreDs: J7(} S- (a y-ricrre ity: (<)tOytnJ:pJd Ii U v ~ 10 )-/0 rifoY) /!a{C!.- Phon:!: 7"1~ -fg /8 7 zi;): 17477 -l Kl -, I NI?LJ DesaPibc li()}'/(: Addition ~-ID s. r rf2, Remodel Nobile lIoma Date of Appliaation :on tl'ac tors / ~ ~ ro '- F'7 ;enel'a l 'lwnbing ,Zectl'ica l Uf/l./C /-L.C5l.JU f/l ',fechar.ic.:: l 70nstruction Lcndr!l' Value ~(), oM ~ , !' y", " rd. Q ~ ,~-~'o -~ AddpeS3 Ci..i- ~s b /IL.l 0 Sig~ed: Date: LiIJc.l! gXjJir'es Phone 't is the responsibility of the permit holder to see that an inopeations are mad" at the p~oper timF-, that ec:.ch ;;;1dresG is rea.:!ab:.:? 'rom the street, and that the pcrmi t card is located at the front of the property. Bui!ding Divicio~ approt-'ed Flan shell l'emabl on the Bu'~ldi~l~l site at all .times. ',70CEDURE FOR INSPECTION REQUEST:CALL 726-3769 (rccordel') state your City design'lted .ioe number, job ad6'css, type of ir.3pecticli equestcd and when you LJill be ready for inspcctiorl, Contractors or OlJners ru:me end [-hone number. Requests received before 7: 00 ~ ill be made the Same dey, requests mr.;de after 7:00 IX11 will be made the next :Jol'king daii. <gq oo&i!3 eauired InsDPctionR ] SITE INSPECTION: To be made excavation, but pmol' tc set f01'l1ls. ] after up of UNDERSMB PLUMBING. ELECTRIC/iL & MECHANIC/iL: .To be made before any lJOrk is covered. ' )(l FOOTING & FOUNDATION: To be made' ~ after trenches are excavated and forms are erected, but prior to pouring concrete. ] UNDSRGROUND PLUMBING, SEWF:R,w'1TER, D!?AINAGE: To be made prior to fil- lir.g trenches. ~ UNDERFLOOR PLUMBING &<J1ECHANIC/i9 To be made prior to inGt~on of 11001' insulation or decking. Cl FRN1INr:: Must be requested after ~ ,approval of rough plumbing, electri- cal. & mechanical; /i l! roofing bracing & chimneys, etc. m"~st be completed. tlo work is to be con- cea1.ed until this inspection has 'been made and approved. Your ci ty Designn. ted Job Nwnbcr Is: Irl INSUf,!i7'ION/V/iPOR B/iIlRIE'R I.'ISPE:C'fTON: ~ To be made after all insul.:i.t'i::m mu required vapor barriers are in pUwe' =:J Sanitm'y Se'.JCl' :::apped :::t propert)i lir.e but cefore, any La th, gypswn board .02' , .. lJQll,covel'i~g 1:~ applied, and belo}'>e ~ Septic tank p:,<-,?cd and filled with gra;;e~ any l..r!sulat'wn 1..0 concealed. ',-o-J Ail J!!}l!~/i!.'.f...l!lST'E!e'J'.!!!!!.: To be made iLl aftC/' aU drYLJall is in p1.ace, but prior to eny taping. location, bond or verticals in U.B.C. Section O M/iSONRY: Steel beaJ7lG; groutl;lg accordance LJith 241:5. WOODSTOVE: lifter installation is completed. o CURB ,P, /iPPRC/iCI! /iNION: lifter' forms (ll'e erected but Pl'ior to pouring .:!oncrel;e. o SIDF:f-//if,K ,P, DRIVI'Jv~:Y: For alL con- crete pavtng-witlzin street right- of-"~y, to be made after all exca- vating complete & form LJ02'k & sub- -base material' in :pla:Je. DEf./CLITION OR ,',JOVE,: BUILDI;:r;S I Pinal - mien abope {,te:ns are ccmDleted -.--J m;d when :1ernoUtion is com[- lete ~r st;',..:- ture moved and Pl'ernises cleaned up. Mob'i le lIemes ~ Blocking ,and Sat-~p ", \ ~ Plumbing connections scwer and'LJater' i' Electrical Connection - Blocking, set-u; ---1 and plwnbing com/ections rrr...st te appl'ove:: before request-:.ng electrical inspeatio:: .=J AC:Jesoor!j Build.-:.ng I, Pinal - After p::>rcl:es, skirting, decks, ,-.-J etc. ape comple~ed.' , D All pr'o,jer!t;. eond/:t1:ontJJ ::u.eh ail the .,'o.'l1:1f;(1/,lof;-:..on of ::Jf.;reet tl1ees, Llo.~plet;ivlI uf' t;.,c r'ef/uir'cd lmld:wr.ph':u, eLt!" mu::t be :'aUsftcd before the BUILDINC FINAL L'11>1 !Je r8r,uest~'J. ~ VI POST AND BEAM: To be made pr1:or to D ~ instaUation of floor insl.Zation or deckirlfi. (l Rouell nY:!fJI:iG-. ELECTR TC/iL ,~ MEClI- :J ANICAL: No work is to bc couered unti l these inspections h,lve bem.; made mld, approve::!. ] FIREPLACE: ?riO-I' to placir.g facing' . ',: ':.: materials and before fl'aming in spec- tiOr:. ] FIN/il, PWMBJflC ~ FINAL ME'::lIANIC/iJ, o FINAL ELECT.'lIC!.L ] D fENCE: ~'hen comp7;;te Provi(!e gates 01' movable sections through P.U.E. ill F.TN,4L BllIT,DINr:: 1'h(1 rinal BuHdin(J Inspec:l;ion mUGt be requeGteri ,;j"ter the Final Plwnbi~l:; Electrioal, and Mechar:ic,zl InspectiOlllJ have been made alld apprOVed, o ~Ar.r, M/iNlIOLES AND CI.F:/iNOllT:l Wl8T BE /iCCESSTBLF:; /iD.TUST!JENT TO BE g,1DE loT NO :~lS7' TO CITY P:z,:e of;; , ,- JOB I NO. fjCf rtJ(OPJ /,DrfL" t Zone: Lot Sq. Ftg. % af lot Cav~rag~ ,q of Stories Total Height -+-- I I sQ.F'rc I I Topography I I ITEN I ,IIair:/ \ Ccraae I Cal"DC1't I ilccessol'Z,' ~/ )'/~/Y I ;;?~& TOTAL VA WE' I S.D.C. (~'etue) 1. 5 x ' Building Permit State SUI'allX1'qe Total Ci0.~ge3 SOLAR ~CCESS HEQ.- '.' Occupancy C. LOT TYPE x Ft.'E I ITEN I Fixtures Residential (1 bath) Sanital'Y Sewel' I We:tel' Plumbing !'ep,,;": t State Surel:ar'ge Total Ch~l?g~ I NU. I Interior COl'ner Panhandle Cul-de-saa Va lue /~~ ....... , -, j SO.SO 1 5/. C':5, I ~'JI". S;J CHANGE CIIAH,;'j,: 111'1'.',11 Res. Sa. fta. N8W/Extend Circuits I Temporary Service I Ele~trical Permit State Suralmrqe Total Char(.es ITI~'N Fw'n::lce !!TU' S Exhal.ls t Hood I :YO. 1-'l'.H I 1:;;?4lr~e I NC. I PS[~' Vent Fan I I Waodsto:Je /6Y~~c7'~ Permit Iasw:mcz Meohanical Permi t /"77/')1'. State SurdU:l'ae Total Chnrqea I -- t,'NCRDACHNENT -- 15e~~l'i~y Deposit I Storage I Maintenanoe Pcrmi t Total cJzal'~es eurbcut sidewa Zk I Fr.m~e I Electrica l I Mobile llome I I l'rOTAL AMOUNT nilE: ~ Label '2::?-s-o 1 '22 _,5"'1t:) 1 /-/31 '2 ?~3' I ~ ClIARCiI' I I 6..--C> /5 ~ 1 _~l /575 I I I ~/29.~/ P. L. , NOl'th t:ast south ll,lcllt Tiipe/Cor.st: . , "I Setbacks I House CIll'age I Access. I I I I I I I I I Lot Faces - Fees Building Value L-COct~ Bedrooms: En2IY/U So,~rces Heat liatel' .'Ieatel' Ratlge F-i l'ep laee wood~tove Ti;pe & Permit This permit is granted on the express condition tl~t the said eonstl~ction shall, in all respecto, conform to the Ordinance :ldoptel flY the city of Spl'ingfield. hJCZuding the Zoning Ordinance, regulating the constructicn and l/oe of [JI.l,[.l.(l'ingll, and m::y be suspended or revoked. at er.y time upon vio- lation of any pl'Dv'iiJiorw of said Ordinances. /368-; 5~.33 Rec~ipt II: 1- ~... -. 8e::r, ' \sigr:ed: <:7-1. ( d~ I . -. Plumbing perrrdt Plan Check Fee: Cate Paid: No percon uhall conotruct, ,ins taU, atter or change any new cr existing plwnbing 01' dl'ainage syste:n in whole or in ,pal't, unless suciz pel'son is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except that a pe~son may do plwnbing work to [Jl'operty which is owned, leased or opel'ated by the appli- cant. I I ~ Electrical Perm it rnwre State {,QLl requ'il'es tr.at the electl'ical work be done by an Slectl'ical Contraatol',the eleatrical pOl'tion of this permit shall not be valid until the label has b~en signed by the Electrical :7ontractor. Mecha,nical PermH ~~~ 2-~~ 9 VaLe I l/,1VE CAREFU[,{,Y EXAMINED the completed application for permit, and do hereby certify that all ir:fo:,mation hereon is true and correct, and I further cel'tify that any ar.d all wOl'k perfol':ned 'shall be dO:1e in accol'- j dance :,lith the Ordin:lnces of the city of Spl'ingfidd, and th~ [,a:.)S of the ~ State of Oreg.?n pc/'taining to the work described hel'ein, end tl~t NO aCC!} Pf.NCY wi II be made of any structw',2 without permis;;ion of the Building Di vision. I flll,tlwr certify th:lt o:1ly contra:Jtors and employees who are in ao.-npZiance with (}J/S 701. 05:5 will be used on this pl'oject r idt iA ~?~ ~, ~-IO -Cj1 Date , '\