HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-2-14 .l....~~"':",:--"':;,..,.,:.~;,...,Ioi~.... "...~.;"'~~~j-:~~""~".. ....'''~,--.~.~'' o 0 RESIDE ~ T I A l . . APPLICATIC, /Ji,'RMI'l' 225 North 5th Street Springfield.. Ol>egon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 rob Loca.tion: / 7,[/'5 (2zYr/oe~ If/lite J ,)jJt/Ylfjle--l~ OJ( q7Lj7; Q 5 (Q ( 7'r;,:cLo t /I I (..'3.-0 I ISilCIWOr:: Map II /7 03 iubdivision: )uner: ~j)CLAJ,'d Iddy-ell:;: J7,() S- ;ity: Spy iYl?,('p)d LJ IJav, itS HrJ rVb '1 /ia(~. !'hon;J: 71f& -to /8' 7 zip: q7477 evnol Ul y- r- ;C(C{ e U -l Rl -I I DescI"'~be r,'ol'k: Np.~, .1ddi tien adA~11i1:J -to s, r: 12, lIemodel .'tobi le [loma 'lfO/()N) cD .-- Date of Applicatie'l ;ontl'actOI'S / - cYC-.:; - (/Cj Value ;tdcbleD3 r;enera l Plumbing F.tectrica l LI. Hie H._CXCfi..j l-1 f,fechnr:ic,1l Construction Lendcr t IJ' J , oj-' +-O,..<-S c:l i4A. 0 ,..',,_.~].~.---~ .~.,..._.--......-,-,;-._._~..~-. /-2) ( TB h'CCI::pt ,1/ " qO( Iii I I ~_.: 1 , "'(/j ') ~I ~~rl u Sigr:ed: Data: 1'1. w~~ '--:2... -~l () - 't;t:.1 Di3C.1I Expires Phon;: rt in ~he reaponsibility of the permit holder to see Llwt flU insl'cctiorw aI'e r.radr, at the pl'oper timF-. t.';at c;c:ch ~ddres:; is rea~aiJ:o! rrom the street, and that the permit aard is lDcated at the fl'ont of the property. 'Bui!ding Oivi::ior. approved plan :;lu;ZZ remain on tlz" !3uUdillU ::;itc at aZZ times. '.'IOCEDVf!E FOR INSPECTION H::QIIEST:CALL 726-3769 (I'ccoroderJ Ht'atc YOUI' City design.ted .ioe nw::ber. job a(!6'css, type of ir::;pec;icll 'equestcd a~d when you wit Z be peady fOI' inapcatiorl. Contractors 01' OlJners /lcme ~nd phone number'. Requests received cefel'e 7: 00 Ci ~ill be made the same d~y. I'equests made aft;:I' 7:00 /XI1 LJiUb:;: made the next :JOrkin{j day. gq 0008 All rn"o.Je(~/, f.!o,:d/:t":OIl:1, ::uc~.I; an the .tnn!;all.at;i{)1f of IJt",!et tl'ee:J, l..'a.""rl!.atiJPl uf t;re reqlJirerl ZWIIl:wr.ph:u, ct"., Imwt be Hal,i:;[l:cd b,?fore the 8UILDINC fINAL C.ClI! be r;Jquest~'d. ~~ IV\ PfN.1[' DlJnDTNC: 'rill! Filial Duitdinu !nDpef!/ion muat be requested ,:/ter' the Fin:ll Plwnbi'l:J J ~ Eleetl'icaZ. and Meclwdclll Il1I:pactiOlw !'avc been made aluJ arprov.",i. '\ ~(.f, U""~) ANI> "IRANm,," 1111."" Rf: ACC/:SO mu:. ANIIST!!.'::" TO BE !!,WC '- T 110 .-}5r TO C ro' y YOUI' Ci ty Dcaig':fl. ted Job Number Io: :eouired TnSDp.ct7:an,'l ] SITE INSPECTION: To be made after ~ IN5'UI;M'JON/VAP08 HJ1!/RJE'1I I.'ISE'!X'rTON: excavation. but priel' to se~ up of ~ To be made after aU insulation mxi forms. I'cquired vapor barriers (!1'C ill place' ] VNDERSDAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL ,~ but cefol'c allY lath. gypsum beaI'd 01' MC:CIf/!NICALo' To be made befol-e any LXIU .covel'r1.t.~g 1:~ applied~ ajnd befoI'c ,~ k' v d a any 1.rWU a "~/Jn 1.1) cOllcea ~el . wvr 1.S co ere . tr ' ~ Xl FOOTING.! FOVND,1TJON: To be made /h -;v] DIIl'fJAU INSrrX:'rI,()N: Te ba mad; \ ~ after trenches are excavated awl :/.!1J -;;jT;;,:-;;rl' dl'y;j-';Uil) in place. l \ fOI'm:; Q1'e erected. but prior to but prior to eny taping. , pouring cencret~. ] UNDSRGROVND PWM!UNG, SEIJF:!? W.1TF:!? 0 DRAINAGE: To be made prior to fil- lir.g trenche::. UlIDERFLOOII ['LlmBING &()1ECHANICA9 3 , 0 To be made prior to in:;tarTanon of /1001' inauletion 01' decking. ~ POST AND BEAM: To be made pl'1:or to ..- U installatien of floor insl;lation or decking. L-\ 'V ROUelf ['w.'mr:lfT. EDECTII!CAL,~ NECTf- 0 ANICAL: No work io to be eOt'/wed ' w:til these 1:llspectior:o hwe beer. made aruJ approve.:!. FI?EPLACE: Prior to pl~cir.g fecing m~tel'ials and befoI'e fr'aming inapee- tior.. ( A ,FIIN~INr.: Must be requented after \.V D approval of rough plwr.billg. electJ'i- cal & mechanical. AU roofing bI'acing & chimneY8. eta. nr~st be completed. No UXJrk ill to be con- ce~led until thia inspection has 'been made and appI'oved. ['ENe!':: lI'her. coml'lc:te -- Providp. gate:; 01' movable oectiono thl-Qugl: P.V.E. MASONRY: SteeT- beams, gl'au ~illg accordallce with 24115. location, bond or veI'tieels ill U.B.C. Sectioll ~ rJOODS'l'm' E.': cempletcd. After instalZat'ion is ~ cum] ,~ Af'PRCACl! Al'HON: After' forms are ;:~;;;;:;t'e:(l),,! "-pl-ior to pouring ~onlJrete. ~ SJvgrJ/i[,K ,~f)HIl'I,:rJ,~Y: For all COlI- el'ete Pr~;lng-1Jitlr{n stI'aet right- Of-L)(~!I. to be made after aZZ exca- vating oomplete & for.:! LXll'k & sub- bane material'in place. ] u o FIr/AI, PWMDwe PINAL NE~Ilr1NICt1l, FINAL ELl-:CTJ/ICt'.L DE/lOLITIO!! OR ;'.:OVE,: HUILDI;Jf;S :J Sani~Q1-y sC"Jel' :.lapped ::t p~op;;rt:; lir.e '., ~ Septi.:1 tank p:<',?.-:d and fi lled uith gra;;e l I Fi.nal - I,'lJen aboue ite:,~s m.e aer./Dletcd ~ m;d ullCn :1er.roUtior. is eomplete 01. st:.,,~- ture moved alid prc;mises cleaned up. Mob'i le /lemes ~ Blockina,~ncj ,set-~p =:J Plumbing connections -- s~eI' and'water' I Electrical Ccnr:ection - Blockin1. sat-u:: --.J (llId plumbing cam:ections nr..ot t~ aPPI'cn:e..: before request:lIg e!ec~ricaZ insi'ee~io"; ~ AccesGoI'Y Building I Fi'l:J.l - After p::J1'cr.es, sk:.I'tina, decks, ---l etc. lLre comple~~d. ' D I p:~~?" oj' ~ I I JOB I ,cone: L-COG~ \ No.2/1LY){nP) SOLAR ACCESS HEq,- /~~ OccuDancy Grm 'fiipe/COI::; t: Bedrooms: Lot Sq. Ptg. ~ ~f lot C~verag~ !/ of StorieiJ Total Height I Topography I I J'J'I-:M SQ. FTC I ,\Iairt I Gr..raae I r:aT'PCT't I I ,1cccssorll ~/7/~/Y' l-;z~& TOTAr, VAWf.' S.D.C. ( VcLuc) 1.5x Bui ldin!] Permi t Sta te Slll'c]I.11'ge Total C/1fI:'ge3 LOT TYPF. Interior COl'ner Panhalldle Cul-de-ilao x Value , n:E: C/lAHUl\' I J7'EM I NO. I fix tureil I IResidential (1 bath) I Sanit:lry Sewer I Water PlWT/lJi ng ! '(!1 'r.: 1: t State Surc/:a1'!le Total Cha..7':!~ /~~.--. &::5..5'0 7<~~ ~~. S;J lTI-;M I NO. i"I':I:' :...'J1;WG/': Ren. Sa. fto. I New/Extend Circuitn I Temporary Service ::<&)r~C I Eleotrical Permit st:;te Suro/lfIrqe Total r:harr;elJ 11T;':M I Pw'1l.:lCe ,'!TU' S Exhaust /lood Vent Fan " W::JOdnto:Je 16r7~:'~~CY'~~h~ Permi t 1:'iJ!WnC3 I NO. I PSg State Sur'c1uwnc Meohanic::1l Permi t /7///Y. Tota l Cllf1rQfw t:flCIIOACIIMt:N'f Se~Jrit~ D2Po3it I Storage Il.faintcnan~c Pcrmi t I Total Cllal'ges I Cu1' bcu t \ Sidewalk Pctl:!l? Eleotrioal Label I Mobi le lIome I I 'fOT AT, AMOIJ NT mil':: ~ "2:< -S"'e> ".c? L_,~O /-/3 ::2 ?~3' C!lARCh' b~ /5: ~ _ ---;;6" /57S ~ /29. cy/ I r,ot Faces - I Setbackn I P. I" /louse r:m'(l~/'! NO/'tll 1':<lS t SOl. th En a)',.,!, SO~HY!eS !lea t rraf;c/' .'Ica tm' Hangc I I F-i I'CP l"",? I I Wood;; toz;e I I fr;;r't:? I A<:ce:w. rie/lt -- Peen Building Value & Permit Thin permit ill granted on the expresiJ condition that the said constl"uction sllall, in 'all respectIJ, confon/l to the Ol'dinar.ce adopted liy the City of .';'I'l'inaf'-ield. irw!udi/l!7 the Zonillg Cl'dinunce, l'egulating the cClwtl'llct-ic:n and title oj' Imndin(/H, (HId m::!! be nuopcnded or' revoked at G.1:y time upor: vic- lation of any pl':.Ivi;;imw of lJaid Ol'dir:wwcn. / :J- /368i 5,;:}.33 Recdpt 1/: ./ . -~,.-&7 ISig::ed: c-1'1. ( 1 t~~ / Plumbing Perrriit Il'lml Che(:k Fee: I I-'a te Paid: No pel'COIl ohall COIlOtl'lICt, -i.nlJtaU, a!ter 01' change Gny neW Cl' e:::iiltino plwnbing 01' dl'ainaae syste:n in :Jhole or in part, ur.leils suc/, pel'lJOn iil the legal pOSiJessor of a valid plumber's license, except that a'pc:'non may do plw"bing wOJ'k to propel'ty which iIJ ol.med, leased or opel'ated by the appli- cant. Electrical Perrnit I{}wre state r,aL) rcquil.en that the elcctl'ical wOl'k be done by QlI Electl.ical Contractor, the elech'ical pOl'tiOlI of this permit IJhall r:ot be valid wltil the labe l han been oigned by the t:Ledl'ica 1 :;011 tractor. ( L, Mechanical PermLt r JJ 4~~--n 1l!r Ex(:mincr' ,,-- /" . 2-9~ 9 Va~e - I l/.1VE CAREFUl.J,Y l?XAMINIW the compLeted application for permit, and do hereby cel.tify that all i~fo:'mation hereon is true and correct, and I fUl'ther cel.tij'u that any ar,ll all I.lol'k perfol':/led shall be done in acoor- dance :.lith tfle Ordin::1neea oJ' the City of Springfield, and tit;; La:.:s of the State of ()l'e~pn p,~J'taining to the IJoJ'k c!eGcribed herein, and that NO DCC!:, PMICY wi Zl be made of any s tl'lIctUI'e lJi tho,:.! t permis;;ion of the Sui ldirzU Di vidon. I flll'thf:I' cer.tifij that; o~l!J contractOl'lJ and e:npl:Jyecs w}:o are in co;::pliance with ells 701.05[; will be uned on this Pl'ojsct ~-J 0 -7r1 Date :,