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Permit Electrical 1996-11-5
225 FiFTH STREET" SPRI~GFIELD, OREGON INSPECTION REQUEST,: OFFICE: 726~3759 Author1z~Slgnature 97477 726-3769 ,'r ~CTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION , Ci ty Job NUJUber 9~/ ] 0 g 3. COMPLETE FEE SCHEDULE BELO~ 1. LOCATION OF INSTALLATION " t~L~3.' (1 ~ 1l?f I~':~ (\0 ) , LEGAL DESCRIPTION " '" ,/7/33 2- 5 ,2-/ /O/e-fJ , ,~:JOB DESCRIPTION . ,.Ji .. __ ""j ~'r.~.'.... ,,1000 sq. ft'. or iess: ~ ) OfQ.....h I f\.J(\,f' i\O '1 <l.lfl, (!]JflilJ..~"lH\IU\-J Eachadd.i tional.SOO , "0,"'", sq. ft or portIon , P~r~its ~re n9n-transferabl~ and eipire thereof, if ,work, is not s tartedwi thin:180 days: Each Manuf' d Home- or 'of issuan~e or if work .is suspended for Mod~larDwelling 180 days. Ser~ice or Fe~der 2. CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION ONty' ; , E~~ctrical ~ontrac-tor~/)~:fiU '-'- 'l~' ~ddress @. ().~. 14 g",,' , " City~ l\ :Uf;ill:h~_ilit, Ph;ne~:A ~U<> '~l " " Supervisor LIcepse Numbe~ '-1h Zt.:, s) , I,D - I ..>q l Constr CoiUr.Number D 3~4q q-f-C'I't Expiration Date ,'Expiration pate , ~re of Supervising Electrician ezJ~~ <<7:#4eA~ " ,Owners Name, mfiM,~ ~~(\L) Address 1'1_43,~rV\..\'!1~ 1 ~~lU'.L> ',City~rumi\.\\C\~rL'phone 14-1- bt.J4-C , ,. OVNER INS~.t LLA'fION .The installat{on is being made on property I own which is not intended for ',sale, , lease or rent. ' Owners Signature: ~~~::-:~~L-/~S:;;'8f-:-;:~,--C-----~- .RECEIVED BY: /;(~~ (' ~ l ,A.' New Residential-Single or Mui~i-Family pe~ dwelling unit. Service Included: B. 'Service~ or Feeders 'i Installation, AI'terations, or Relo'cation: 200 a,mps or less 201 amps to 400 amps 401 amps to 600 amps 601 amps 'to .1000 amp~ Over 1000 amps/volts Reconnect Only Items Cost Sum $ 85.'00 $-15.00 $ 40.00 . $ 50.00 $ 60.00 $100.00 $130.00 $'300.00 , ,$.40.00 C. Temporary Services or Feeders Installation, Altera~ion or Relocation ,,'200 amps',\'or ,le'ss 201 am~~ tQ 400 amps Over 401 to 600 amps 'Over600 amps or 1000'volts D. 'Branch Circuit~ , " $ 40.00 $ 55.00' $ 80.00 see ','B" above ,New, Alteration or Exteniion Per Panel $ 35.00 ~~.DO Miscellaneous (Service/feeder ,,-Each'installation ~u~p or irrigation~ Sign/Outline Lighting Limited Energy/Re~ Limited En~rgy/Comm One Circuit Each:Additionai Circu~t or with Service or'Feeder Permit . \ E. , /, 5. I SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE 5% S~ate Surcharge 3% Administrative Fee TOTAL $ 1..'00 2.00 .notinclurjed) $ 40.00 $ 40.00 - $ 20.'00 $ 36.00 " ;11. Db I, ~5 l. il ' ~1 q . " to